For this event, your character may submit one of three proses: a poem, recipe, or letter. Any of these types must be themed around love - whether that love is for a partner, a companion, or familial.
- Your story submission should be a single post.
- Minimum word count is 200 words, but you can go above that if you would like.
- Feel free to start a new thread in whichever Khy'eras forum you want.
- Your submission must be in the form of a poem, recipe, or letter. You can write additional text or story around this, but it must contain one of those types. The recipe would be something a character made from the heart to another person, maybe for a special evening.
- The poem, recipe, or letter must be themed around the ideologies of Faryv.
- You may submit one entry per character.
- On your writer account, reply to this topic with a link to your character entry. If you do not have such an account, please PM me your entry. Your reply may contain multiple character entries or you can reply for each entry.
- Submission due date is by the end of March 14, 2020.
- First place: 100 experience, 50 copper, and a special rank.
- Second place: 80 experience, 40 copper.
- Third place: 65 experience and 30 copper.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please post them here!