- Type:
- Region
- Region:
- Khy'eras mainland
- General Location:
- North Khy'eras
- Approximate Size:
- 267.5 miles longitudinally and 190 miles latitudinally
Freed from Bhelest's nightmares and undead legions, the realm of Khy'eras - called "The Neverend" - unveiled vast reaches perfect for exploration. Create a character, craft unlimited adventures, and unlock the land's secrets. Read more...
The current year is 289 AoN and the season is spring. Check here for Khy'eras' timeline.
Rumor has it that the Irtuen Reaches, land of ominous mountains and continual snowfall, is the place to encounter Khy'era's craziest and most durable denizens. Those that grow up in the Reaches are subjected to harsh situations and folk are willing to do what they can to survive, whether it is by honing one's skills, stealing, or even murder. Suffice to say, the "roads" and passes through Slyscera Mountains, which border a substantial portion of the Irtuen Reaches, are plagued by bandits that seek easy targets. If a person makes it through the mountains, they can find shelter in the scattered forests or distant city of Domrhask.
However, the intense cold of the Reaches make dealing with vagabonds seem like a walk in the park. While at times the snow slows or even stops (chiefly in the summer months), it frequently falls from the sky in thick flakes paired with numbing winds. There is no question that a person needs to dress very warmly while preparing to navigate through Irtuen Reaches.
When passing through Irtuen Reaches, even a tiny bit of knowledge on the area will assist a person as they step foot onto the land. After all, unfamiliarity with one's whereabouts may prove troublesome.
City or town. The location tends to be a meeting place for civilization.
Exploration point. These places will typically contain less folk, but are worth exploring for capable wanderers.
The northernmost city of eight towers, Domrhask, is situated in the snow filled Irtuen Reaches. It was established by the ancient Irenohl and Bhelest took notice of the previously hidden gem and its ample resources that could be used during the war effort. Bhelest's army journeyed to Domrhask and imprisoned the city. Once Bhelest was defeated, the army deserted the city and the golems transformed into Dwarves who presently run Domrhask. The Dwarves are more self-aware than Irenohl; they do not easily invite adventurers inside the city or approve of magic in its various forms. Read more...
A vast and deep lake located in Irtuen Reaches, Farinyir's Basin is nestled against the eastern side of Slyscera Mountains. The lake brims with healthy and clear water, fenced on select sides by waterfalls. It was titles after painter Farinyir, who during the war, attended the lake for inspiration and solitude, but ultimately vanished into its waters trying to escape violence. Read more...
As Khy'eras' central river, the Ordinuad runs through and branches off into various zones of the realm. It is a choice way of navigation, though it is not always the safest due to natural hazards like rapids and swampy currents. Read more...
The mist covered oceans that encompass Khy'eras' outer reaches were dubbed the Res'lora Azure by the Eidolon Pheriss. The waters are an expansive place, predominantly for the fact that the fog infers that their reaches are indeed endless. But that does not mean the ocean is impossible to explore. Sailors and fisherman take advantage of the bountiful resources the Res'lora Azure provides while keeping a considerable distance from the mist. Read more...
The Slyscera Mountain chain extends from the northern to southern tip of the Khy'eras continent. Especially in Irtuen Reaches, the mountains are treacherous, laden with snow, and rarely traveled. Mountain passes are uncommon and even so, folk prefer to trek around the mountains, rather than through them. Read more...
Known for being the most miserable and frigid place on Khy'eras, the Varorthe Barrens are frozen islands lacking any flora, fauna, or sane beings. The Dwarves of Domrhask use the Barrens as their prison and because fortunately, no person in their logical mind wants to visit the islands, criminal activity in Domrhask is always at a lower rate than other cities. Read more...