- Afhenalt - pronunciation: ahf-en-alt / place, exploration
- A four story stone building located in the Varorthe Barrens that serves as Domrhask's prison. It is managed by The Shield.
- Ahm'kela - pronunciation: ahm-kell-ahh / character, idol
- Idol of travel, earth, and cartography.
- Alchemist - pronunciation: al-kuh-mist / class, supportive
- Supportive class that concocts bombs, contraptions, and potions. May occasionally capture magic to mix into experiments.
- Arcaod - pronunciation: ar-kay-odd / leadership, house
- Manages military and defensive stances as part of Fellsgard's The Lineage.
- Armory, The - pronunciation: thuh ar-muh-ree / leadership, organization
- System of leadership in Domrhask, broken up into five parts: The Sword, The Hammer, The Shield, The Staff, and The Coin.
- Ajteire - pronunciation: ahj-ter / place, city
- City in Ninraih founded by the Fae who share a livelihood with the Kerasoka. Protected from surrounding jungle.
- Agnosticism - pronunciation: ag-nos-tuh-siz-uhm / category, religion
- Religious concept permitting a person to keep an open mind. One is "on the fence" when it comes to believing in Eidolons or Idols.
- Animation - pronunciation: an-uh-may-shun / magic, invocation
- Magic that brings life to everyday objects and can be used for levitation.
- Archaicism - pronunciation: ar-kay-iz-uhm / category, religion
- Religious practice that involves praying or offering tribute to Eidolons. Teachings focus on tactile symbolism.
- Aquamancy - pronunciation: ah-kwah-man-see / magic, primal
- Water magic allowing an individual to cleanse toxic waters, create bubble shields, etc.
- Atheism - pronunciation: ay-thee-iz-uhm / category, religion
- Religious concept for not believing in Eidolons, Idols, or any version of afterlife.