It was the first Eidolon, Ixaziel, who gave Khy'eras the concept of life which in turn created breath-taking landscapes, nature, and races. At the start, there were Dragons, Fae, Elves, and Humans. As Bhelest gained control, the flow of rampant magic bore unfamiliar races. Beings evolved on their own, pressured by the need to survive and adapt in periods of chaos.
There is a diverse variety of races (divided into seven species) that a person might see while traveling through Khy'eras. Reading the below library of articles on these societies would be beneficial. The content contains details such as physical appearances, abilities, history, and so much more. This should help the cautious adventurer by knowing who may prove to be a useful ally and who may not.
Animalistic or wild in nature, Beast races are viewed as untamable and exotic, often acting with unexpected results. Nevertheless, these creatures can be intelligent and teach themselves to adapt to public or uncommon environments as needed.
Dragons, elder beasts created by Ixaziel, gained their tainted reputation through a fated battle with Nihegora and Bhelest. Summoned to fight alongside the Eidolons, after fourteen days of tiresome combat and near extinction, the Dragons decided to flee the ongoing attack thereby leaving the Eidolons to their doom and preserving their own race. Because of this, many people have blamed history's wrong-doings on Dragons. Though these creatures have chosen to remain hidden, they have learned to speak and have brought in Ue'drahc and Human scholars to instruct them on subjects such as reading, recent news, and whatever concepts they are interested in. Read more...
Throughout the ages, Dragons worked alongside Human scholars to receive news and knowledge about the world they had abandoned. This partnership was reliable, but as Dragons watched their Human friends, a select group of the winged beasts yearned to go outside and explore just as freely. Through the science of "Hybridization", a blood union of Dragon-Human called the "Ue'drahc" was designed and birthed. Able to adventure, the Ue'drahc still choses to cloak its unique appearance as they often frighten Khy'eras folk. Read more...
There are select folk who do not prefer their organic, birthright physiques. This racial category has abilities to change into alternate appearances not of their own, which may or may not be helpful to the rest of society.
An essential life lesson Ixaziel wanted to teach Humans was that there should be balance; wildlife should not be hunted with reckless abandonment. From the Eidolon, a select group of Humans where blessed as "Empaths", those who could feel animalistic emotion. When Bhelest died, shifting abilities were altered. The chosen were able to transform to almost any creature by studying the subjects they wished to change to. Several used this upgraded talent for misfortune, however, the remainder exercised their abilities in contradictory manners and illustrated to the rest of the world that Shifters could be trustworthy. This group helped Shapeshifters to not become the hunted and to be recognized as their own race. Read more...
Although Ixaziel originally created the Elves as a single union, due to circumstances in time, the race became divided. At present, there are two different tribes: one that is devoted to magic and another that is without the ability to use magic.
Once part of a larger population of Elves, the Kerasoka broke away and formed their own tribe when an agreement regarding magic and Bhelest's wars could not be reached. As the Kerasoka continued to disobey and retaliate against Bhelest, the tyrannical scholar stripped them of their magic, an ability which never returned. This proved to be an obstacle; the loss of magic provided zero time to learn new combat skills and lives were lost. Eventually, the Fae sent word of an alliance, which the Kerasoka Elves accepted as it gave them a home in Ajteire and an environment where they could thrive. Read more...
As with the Kerasoka Elves, the Lumeacia were founded when Bhelest threatened the world. They broke from their argumentative sisters and brothers to form their own union. As the Lumeacia departed from Tviyr, presumably to the Northeast, they shied from the rest of the world and continued to study all subjects and practice magic. The Lumeacia are typically referred to as selfish, arrogant, or strange in appearance as their focus on magic and knowledge has transformed them in many ways. Read more...
The Mortal races seem present only to remind us of the flow of time and that death is inevitable. It is important to recognize that these races base their lives on survival and every waking moment. Therefore, they can be a challenge when threatened.
As Humans were Ixaziel's concluding gift to Khy'eras, countless denizens questioned why they were even placed onto the realm. In contrast to the remaining races and in examining all of Khy'eras' expansive threats to mortal beings, Humans are assumed to be disposable and weak. However, this group has successfully convinced much of the folk on Khy'eras that they are not to be wiped from the world without difficulty. Quietly stirring inside each individual is motivation that drives them to survive, explore, and conform to the changing world. On the Khy'eras timeline, Humans have made eventful marks - notably in the genesis of Ue'drahc, Bhelest's takeover, and Cecilia as the savoir of the realm. Read more...
Those who absorb magic with ease and take its effects into the blood are Mystics. Magic is part of their daily routine and is second nature to breathing. With the below races, a person need not use magic; there are certainly many who have deviated and carved out unique paths.
A mysterious and young race, the Elementals surfaced from Ninraih after the death of Bhelest. They are beings made from Force and Aura, a combination they claim to be the same as the Eidolons. As such, many Elementals can be very arrogant and believe their lineage allows them to inherit rule over Khy'eras. Force-based Elementals have a true form that resembles a selected magical essence. Elementals with resolute Auras are partial to the physical world and take on less chaotic appearances. Although Elementals may be prideful, as a person gets to know one, the race's link with magic proves they are either exemplary allies or fatal enemies. Read more...
In a time come and gone, the Fae originated from Ixaziel's visions of fascinating, dream-like birds. But, the Eidolon of all things nature brought them to the earth where they transformed into shorter-sized Humans with gossamer wings. When Bhelest reigned over Khy'eras and gave magic to the realm, the Fae adapted to the energy source naturally. With their newfound talents, they were viewed as a menace - Khy'eras denizens that would fight against Bhelest. Thus, they headed to Ninraih's jungles and created the city of Ajteire. Read more...
Referred to as "beings that came from the earth", Terra races originate from Khy'eras' primitive sources such as rock, soil, or trees. Two of the known Terra races were, consequently, evolved from the expired golem race, Irenohl.
The cessation of Domrhask's Irenohl brought forth the Dwarves who detached from the inside of the rock golems. With a firmer grasp on situational reality and a range of identifiable emotions, the Dwarves formulated an agenda to reform their beloved city and make it an impenetrable force. After all, with Bhelest's enslavement no longer obstacle, the race was liberated and they desired to become a proud, determined, and unquestionable presence in Khy'eras. No longer did Dwarves permit themselves to become push-overs as the Irenohl had. Read more...
Small and spiteful versions of transformed Dwarves which were banished from Domrhask due to their dominating and hateful character and attempt over-mine Thraora.
Stone golems birthed from the Slyscera Mountains that founded and built Domrhask and its six towers. They are an extinct race.
Brutish and violent versions of transformed Dwarves which were banished from Domrhask due to their dominating and hateful character and attempt over-mine Thraora.
To be considered a race in the realm, a body does not need to be alive. There is a substantially sized group across Khy'eras that are Undead; they do not breath or eat and reproduce through other methods (meaning those not characteristic of mammals). This community, though touched by death, are no less strong than unlike races.
The existence of the Ghost race is due to the unfortunate result of a murder plot set in motion by a vengeful and greedy man who poisoned patrons in a Verdant Row tavern. His crime did not go unnoticed as a handful of the men awoken as specters to hunt him down. The rest of the people caught in the cross-fire - able to process emotion and recognize that their lives were extinguished way too soon - remained on Khy'eras to finish tasks that bound them to the realm of the living. This event, not commonplace at first, became a routine occurrence throughout the land where the recently deceased could choose a secondary path. Read more...
The rise of the Korcai was not brought about by magical means. The race was the result an experiment by Bhelest where he conned a woman named Victoria Erair into drinking vial of virus-laced blood. This transformed Victoria into the undead, but with heightened reflexes and fortitude. In her desire for revenge, Victoria stalked a constantly vanishing Bhelest, producing copies of her own being by spreading the Korcai virus to others. She sent these "children" to hunt for Bhelest, but when Victoria concluded that the mage was slain by Cecilia and that her search was prematurely over, she disappeared into the North, abandoning her kin to their own devices. Read more...