There is an abundance of things in Khy'eras that are both alluring and destructive. High on that list is magic. In the distant past, it was perceived as a substance so influential that the Eidolons sealed magic away until Bhelest unleashed its effects to the world. Afterwards, magic shaped the realm by altering races, initiating wars, and creating beastly and horrific monsters. One would imagine that following Bhelest's much-needed passing, magic would have been better off buried and never practiced again.
But, as magic was introduced to the masses, several races like the Fae, Elementals, and Lumeacia took to the previously foreign energy naturally as if it were an extension of their body. Fundamental elements are frequently manipulated with magic, but there are ample types that an adventurer should be wary of or learn themselves.
Note: The list below is not inclusive as a character might wield other spells not explained. This is usually permitted as Khy'eras is a vast place with much uncharted phenomenon to be had. If there are any questions or uncertainties, please contact staff.
Abilities that permit a caster to call on beings - whimsical, unconscious, or living - belong to the Invocation branch. Some of these magical effects can last longer than others, but typically, the invoked presence is short-lived.
Those practicing Animation enliven insentient objects (tables, brooms, mugs of ales, etc.) into moving forms. People have even energized weapons such as swords and axes to battle for them. However, Animation is not merely for giving a bit of activity to things. It can be used to levitate or control a person as if through puppeteering. It is worth mentioning that Animation does not (unlike Necromancy) rouse the undead.
Magic of the obscured is similar to Summoning because it can be wielded to draw forth beings that obey the caster. The contrast is that an illusion is momentary and fleeting. Illusions can attack, but once it strikes or absorbs damage from a physical or magical advance, the Illusion disappears. Illusionary mages are not all about phantasms; they perform mind tricks and make folk believe the unseen.
The art of Summoning has a limited, but commanding range of spells that revolve around conjuring images of beasts which appear and feel as lifelike any creature. The scope of what can be called is wide; from the average house cat to medium-sized Dragons. Few Summoning mages can evoke bodies resembling Elementals or lesser, miniature versions of Eidolons. Though a summon's time on Khy'eras is brief, they are strategically chosen for a variety of reasons such as stealth or combat. This magic may also make it possible to communicate with animals.
When one alters the state of the mind or body, this is Manipulation. This magic type is regarded as controversial, because while it can be used for good, it frequently is not.
Sleep can be defined as a period of rest and recuperation, but if a person angers a mage practiced in Dream magic, they may discover themselves waking from nightmares so terrifying and believable, that they go crazy, claiming the world is against them. Fortunately, it's not all about nightmares. Dream magic is capable of pleasant visions that inspire and instill bravery in souls that are otherwise cowardly. Those who familiarize with the domain of Dreams can enter a subject's sleep, altering the current state of musing or implanting ideas to change the outcome of events in the waking realm. Folk can be freed from nightmares that attempt to trap a target in a never-ending, fretful sleep.
A rather minor branch of magic, but by no means less effective, Glamour mages change appearances. However, these alterations are based on the current body and make the target look more attractive to folk. Think alterations in height, hair color/length, or complexion, ultimately enabling the magic user to get their way through allure and charisma. Glamour is not the same as Transfiguration; it merely alters the chosen physique.
There is a consistent debate between the effects of "brains" versus "brawn" and a person cheering for the "brains" side, might observe a winning argument in Metal magic. A secure link with the mind enables a person to cast spells like telekinesis, awful headaches aimed at a victim, emotional manipulation, or telepathy. Truth-seeking is catalogued here as well, where mages concentrate enough to discern if their mark is being honest or lying.
Magic that modifies one's own form into an animal or another Khy'eras race is known as Transfiguration. Popular opinion states that Shapeshifters use Transfiguration magic, but that is far from the truth. Where a Shapeshifter's abilities are innate and allow them to sustain anatomies for longer durations, Transfiguration forms require a great deal of concentration and are fleeting. Transformations are limited to creatures that are native and real to Khy'eras. An abstract, made-up being (like a unicorn with three heads, fire for hair, and sparkly hooves) couldn't be changed into. When Transfiguration is used, it is done so by Druids or extremely perceptive Dragons with magical talents.
The focus of Polarity revolves around contrasting magic - light versus dark, healing versus death, etc. Any conflicting energies could be organized into this category and in most cases, there is always one version that balances another.
The opposite of Shadow, this magic uses heated beams of color and light - as if drawing energy from the sun - to take down enemies. There several abilities that cross-over between Luminosity and Shadow, but do so in contrasting ways. A foe can be blinded with radiant light or the undead can be sealed away through rituals. These mages of light are able to set up efficient shields to protect themselves and their allies.
While Necromancy could be considered a branch of Shadow magic, it's primarily fixated on the undead. Think abilities to resurrect the deceased to do a person's bidding, seal away souls, or with enough study, exile a Ghost. A Necromancer speaks to zombies, wraiths, or spirits; a task implausible for "normal" folk. Though not his sole choice of magic, Bhelest was a practitioner of Necromancy and utilized it extensively to conquer Khy'eras.
Typically, a person who is well-versed in Luminosity magic can heal as well. Restorative magic involves mending deep or infected wounds, curing poisons and venoms, and resurrecting fallen allies if a substantial amount of time has not transpired. Expert healers still need to be cautious. Rejuvenating a being usually involves a tremendous deal of energy and when proper concentration is not achieved, life energies are exchanged; a portion of the mage's life is replaced with the victims.
Not to be confused with Necromancy, Shadow magic involves removing light from places to blind enemies, forging pacts with otherworldly demons, trapping people in inescapable dimensions, casting curses, and unnervingly enough, death spells.
Unrefined, organic magic that surfaces from Khy'eras and natural elements are Primal. Spells that utilize fire, water, ice, earth, or celestial bodies are all defined into this type. Mages ordinarily start their education with Primal energies and once they have a handle on it, they might explore alternative magical avenues.
The source of life, water can be utilized in various ways. Casters can invoke immense waves to take down multiple foes or turn poisoned water into a drinkable, nourishing liquid. Further, transforming water into bubble shields allows a person to travel slight distances underwater.
Incantations derived from cosmic magic contain ancient and powerful energies. Conjured attacks might consist of rays of blazing starlight or cannon-ball sized meteors, both falling from the sky to crash into victims. In pitch black hallways, glowing stars no bigger than a copper piece can be cast to brighten the way ahead. Adventurers with a handle on Cosmic magic rarely get lost as they use stars to tell where they are going.
Invigorated attacks are made by shaping raging flames into balls, spirals, or columns. Fire magic can build up pools of lava and is convenient for illuminating darkness and starting campfires. Because let's face it, after a tiresome day of adventuring, there's nothing quite like the warm, comforting glow of a fire.
One who employs an understanding with nature can use roots as shields, hurl heavy rocks with ease through levitation, or temporarily awaken trees to fight alongside them. In addition, terrestrial mages can often communicate with plants to navigate through woods effortlessly (like the jungles of Ninraih).
The strength of air does not come from breathing on a person after waking up. This invisible element can be applied to call forth tornadoes, lightning, and ferocious gusts. With constant practice, mages can mold air in such a way that it surrounds an enemy and suffocates them. Or, in more fatal cases, air can be sucked from a being's lungs.
Other Magic
Not all spellcasting can be thrown into the above categories. Several magic types are exclusive and are represented by their own rare essences.
A basic, yet life-saving magic where a practitioner invokes spells for protection to keep themselves and allies alive. To name a few incantations, there is: binding (containing an enemy), cancellation of incoming or projected spells, disarmament, or enchanting wards and charms to banish evil and curses. Any successful mage keeps an arsenal - no matter how small - of Defensive spells at their disposal.