
Exploration Point
Tviyr and Ninraih
General Location:
Southeast of Tviyr and west of Ninraih
Approximate Size:
82.5 miles longitudinally and 85 miles latitudinally


During the Age of Valor, when Bhelest was at the height of his dominion, the Undead Army he commanded not only murdered citizens in its wake, but planned an ultimate goal of ruin and decay across the nation wherever they marched. This process did expedite the turning of Irtuen Reaches into a frozen territory, yet Tviyr and Ninraih did not suffer the similar fates. Certain protections were put in place to prevent unnatural transitions.

For starters, it was the paramount efforts of Khy'eras' denizens that kept the remaining world afloat. While Cecilia and company sought a permanent cure, others took matters and ideas into their own hands. One such endeavor was the construction of the Elasokir Reservoir. To ensure that there continued to be a pure source of water, all manner of Khy'eras races gathered and started to dig the man-made lake. What began as a meager pool of water eventually turned into a grand stretch of refreshing beryl life - a picturesque body of liquid that Pheriss would have been proud of. Although only a single mouth of the Ordinuad River deposits here, the fresh water of the reservoir acted as a vessel to keep the Ordinuad and outside connecting water sources clean until the conclusion of the war.

While there is not a necessity to keep the reservoir heavily guarded these days, the majestic lake still provides travelers with fresh water and fish that do not have habitats in the adjacent seas. In addition, it is rumored that liquid from the reservoir can produce unique and astonishing outcomes when brewed into an Alchemist's potions.