[Closed] The Memories That Make Us

An assortment of her recent memories. Drabbles.

Tviyr was the first boundary to be created when Fellsgard was freed from Bhelest. There is a diverse magnitude of adventurers that trek through this countryside. Decorated with grassland, coastline, forest, and jungle, it's quite the vision. Read more...
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[Closed] The Memories That Make Us

Post by Daniela »

14th day. 6th month. 285 AoN.
Fugletoft Village.

Service was always a warm affair at Fugletoft's church, despite being held at night. Perhaps it was the sconces dotting the walls, or the candles flickering in a line, or the church's most impressive feature: the grand fireplace. Really, the church was quite the fire hazard.

"These lights"—the priestess gestured, voice booming—"serve a greater purpose, illuminating the good folk of Fugletoft; banishing shadow from our holy building, much like Cecilia did the land."

Cedrick knocked his knee against hers and leaned over. "And the even greater purpose," he whispered, "to sweat us to death."

Daniela choked down a laugh, elbowing him in the ribs. She held a finger to her grinning lips and shushed him.

"Much like Her beacons of light, we must strive to always brighten the world around us." The priestess picked up a burning torch and held it high. "But be not be satisfied with just passive light!" She turned to the fireplace. "We must strive to be ever brighter, to actively rid the world of its darkness!" She threw the torch into the fireplace with a sweeping flourish.

The fire devoured the torch with a roar.

"Rise," the priestess commanded. "Let us bask in the Light!"

One by one, people left the pews, walking in single-file towards the fireplace. Each person held a thin twig, usually clasped between both hands in front of their chest. Once it was their turn to stand before the fireplace, they'd touch their twig to the flame. Holding the burning twig, they'd then offer a short prayer. As thanks, they'd then toss the twig into the flames.

Each time, without fail, the priestess uttered a soft, "May your soul burn ever bright."

Eternities passed before it was finally Daniela's turn. She stepped up to the fireplace.

"Ma'am." She quirked her brows and smiled, giving a slight nod.

"Daniela. Good to see you at sermon." The priestess smiled back, overly pleasant. "For once."

She lit her twig. "Always glad to be here when I am, Ma'am." She grinned and pulled back her twig, admiring the flickering flames topping it.

The priestess quirked her brows, pointedly directing her gaze from Daniela to the boy behind her. "I'm sure you are."

Heat crept along the back of her neck and the tips of her ears. Damn fires. She cleared her throat. "Gotta pray."

"Of course."

She closed her eyes. She'd never been good with praying to the idols, always uncertain what thoughts to offer to them. 'Well,' she started, 'Cecilia. Faunir. Whichever one I'm supposed to be talkin' to right now.' Her brow furrowed. 'Thank you for your lights. I guess.' There. That's good enough, right? She looked to the priestess.

"You may offer your flame, now."

"Oh." She grinned. "Right." She let the flames lick her fingertips, then tossed the stick.

The priestess' eyes crinkled. "May your soul burn ever bright, Daniela."
Word count: 491
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