In the dead of night

Tviyr was the first boundary to be created when Fellsgard was freed from Bhelest. There is a diverse magnitude of adventurers that trek through this countryside. Decorated with grassland, coastline, forest, and jungle, it's quite the vision. Read more...
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Dimitri Voltura
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In the dead of night

Post by Dimitri Voltura »





Lightning flashed outside and rain pelted against the stained glass windows.

Dimitri was sitting in his study, a fire raging in the hearth and a glass of wine on his desk. A direwolf was lying on the rug in front of the hearth, it's large head resting on it's paws, eyes closed. Dimitri was rifling through some old scrolls, looking for a specific one on the blood ritual of Victoria.

He was almost feverish. It had been more than a day since he had last fed. The wine helped to ease most of the hunger pains. He hated feeding. It felt so invasive.

The direwolf's ears perked up and he lifted his head. his yellow eyes looking at the study door.
"What is it, Savante?" Dimitri asked without looking up from the scrolls.
Just then, a knock came from the other side of the door.
Enter." the Korcai merely stated.
The door eased open and Raul, his lanky butler, inched into the room. "I apologise for the intrusion, my lord." he said in his deep baritone.
"Not at all. What seems to be amiss?" Dimitri said, finally looking up from his scrolls, face almost gaunt from lack of sufficient nourishment.
Raul frowned at him. "My lord, forgive me, but when last have you eaten?" he asked.
Dimitri waved him away. "I'm in perfect health, Raul. You need not worry." he said. "Now, what brings you here at this hour?" he then asked.
Raul bowed. "There seems to be someone at the gate, my lord. They are probably seeking shelter from the storm. Would you prefer me to show them away?" he asked.
No, let them in. It's horrible out there. Prepare them a chamber if you will, please Raul. Show them here first. It's warm here. Let them dry themselves at the fire." Dimitri told him.
"My lord, you think it is wise to let someone into the manor in your current...condition?" Raul asked hesitantly.
Dimitri's eyes burned. "I told you, there is nothing wrong. Now do as I bade." he said coolly.
Raul bowed and headed out of the study in silence. Savante's head was still looking at the door. Clearly something intrigued the direwolf.

@Eenia Vahn
Word count: 382
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Re: In the dead of night

Post by Eenia Vahn »


It had become downright dangerous to be outside. The storm had started as most do; a warning, one that had been ignored due to the fact that at the time? It was merely rumbles in the sky and a light pattering of rain here and there. Unfortunately by nightfall, the journeying had become impossible. For something so routine, a basic trip out to get plants and herbs that were needed, it had gone horribly awry. Not only had Eenia been thrown from her mount due to the thunder that ripped through the night air, but with it had gone her supplies and her lanterns. Luckily she had already been wearing a thick cloak but even that had become soaked through with time.

Nia had pressed on, fighting her way through and attempting to stay on the road as best as possible. Unfortunately after a time of mucking about in the wet and the mud, she discovered it was the wrong road. A path that led directly to someone's home - someone's very large home, and one that did not seem all that welcoming.

Despite that fact, the blonde knew she needed to get out of the weather, otherwise it may end up killing her before the night was out.

She had approached the large doors and stared at them in debate for some time, but eventually the cold, the wet, and the hunger won out. How long had it been since she had eaten anything? Eenia honestly couldn't recall. So she moved a hand out from beneath her cloak and began to pound the side of her fist against the door. She had no idea if anyone would answer, and if not? Well she would find another way in if it came to that...All she wanted to do was get dry at this point, even if it caused a little breaking and entering.


@Dimitri Voltura
Word count: 317
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