Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Kelwin goes on a quest to save a lumber town. The problem is he may already be too late.

Tviyr was the first boundary to be created when Fellsgard was freed from Bhelest. There is a diverse magnitude of adventurers that trek through this countryside. Decorated with grassland, coastline, forest, and jungle, it's quite the vision. Read more...
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Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Post by Kelwin »

Kelwin listened to her response and nodded his head no. "I did, but you make a good point. We don't need to bother her when other options are before us. I think I've already met at least one of the militia. The one that told me about Wold's troubles in Fellsguard mentioned house Arcaod wouldn't help with out more proof. So no soldiers unless it's a nobles private forces." He went back to eating while thinking about Lechies insight into the problem.

Once they both finished their food the Lumeacian decided to share a few details that could be important. "We're not in Fellsguard, so I can tell you magic is something I use. If that bothers you I will strive not to use it around you. Also, when a Lumeacian leaves the homeland our memories of it are removed to protect it. At least that is why I think my memory has so many gaping holes." He watched his female companion for a few moments expecting disgust, but hoping for something more positive. Then he continued speaking to make things clearer. "I have come to believe what I have lost may be more through than normal." His expression touched on sadness as he spoke.

"I apologize if anything I have said is offensive to you. If you have any questions or concerns I am prepared to hear them." Kelwin's face returned to a neutral state as he waited for what Lechies had to say.
Word count: 245
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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Lechies Degrantine
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Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Post by Lechies Degrantine »

That House Arcaod wouldn't yet pledge soldiers was disappointing, but Lechies could hardly fault the city for wanting justification. At any rate, Kelwin and Lechies's quest remained the same: either they secured the needed proof, or they solved Wold's problem in the process of trying to obtain said proof.

Lechies quietly hoped the latter was true. While they could ferry evidence back to Fellsgard, that would leave a span of several days where further tragedy might visit Wold before help arrived. Better for everyone if she and Kelwin could settle the matter on their own.

Her resolve and her expectations now tempered, Lechies gladly returned to her meal. Afterwards, Kelwin mentioned what Lechies had already suspected, but hadn't been sure how to confirm without seeming impolite. All sorts of stories floated around when it came to Lumeacians, and Lechies had no desire to contribute to the well of gossip. That Kelwin trusted her enough to share in this knowledge was both a relief and an honor.

She smiled kindly over the rim of her cup. "No offense taken at all. I'd wondered if you were learned in magic, actually, since your people are rather famous for it.

"It won't bother me. I should mention that I'm trained in the arcane, as well. Mainly as a cleric, but I know some wizardry as well."
Lechies tilted her head at her ash staff against the table. "I hope we won't have to risk upsetting any of the townsfolk with feats of the arcane, but should whatever we face come to violence, it would be prudent to know what all cards we hold in our hands."
Word count: 273
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Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Post by Kelwin »

Kelwin let a breath out he didn't know he was holding. "Glad to know you're okay with the mystic arts Lechies. I have a feeling we may need all we have at our disposal. He listened to her words about laying out what they could do. "In the spirit of helping I command fire. Though I believe I know more I just can't remember at the moment. Also when I dream, sometimes what I see was once real. I have not yet figured out how to control this ability." Then he paused as he took a breath. Finally, in battle I need no weapons to defeat opponents. Since at some point I learned to fight with my body."

Given what he knew about Lechies now he felt he needed to check something. "Tell me if you see a thin layer of darkness surrounding anyone here? You need to look with your other sight." A man had just entered the Rusty Saw with that telling mark and the sorcerer wanted to know if it was just him. That dark sickness worried him greatly.
Word count: 182
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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Lechies Degrantine
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Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Post by Lechies Degrantine »

Mention of dream magic lifted Lechies's spirits for a moment—one of Uncle Nolan's acquaintances had specialized in the field, and assisted local law enforcement with great success—but if Kelwin couldn't control it, then it was unlikely to be useful for their own investigation. Still, as before, Lechies filed this crumb of knowledge away for safekeeping. Perhaps Kaxitaki would deign to throw a bit of luck their way where Kelwin's dreams were concerned.

"As warrior monks do, yes?" Indeed, there was a subtle grace and strength in how Kelwin carried himself, confident in the power that ran through his very body.

Speaking of power, when Kelwin asked his question, Lechies only narrowly stopped herself from casting a suspicious look around the entire room. Instead, she drew closer to her mug, forcing her gaze to the table as her consciousness slid to the realm of the unseen. She hummed in thought.

Whenever Lechies saw to a patient, standard procedure called for her to first measure their health through magical means—assuming the local culture didn't denounce mages, of course. In matters requiring arcane analysis, Lechies was well versed, though she was admittedly a better hand at it when she was right next to the person of interest, rather than seated yards away.

Still, there was a hint of malaise somewhere in the room, just a light nudge against her mind that conveyed a sort of wrongness. That she felt it even from this far away was troubling.

"Yes... That man who just came in, with the blue tunic." Lechies's eyes flicked in his direction, tracking the man's approach to the bar, before her attention resettled on Kelwin. Her face was pinched with worry. "Should we try to speak with him?"
Word count: 290
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Re: Shadows in the Wood(Open)

Post by Kelwin »

"Thanks for proving to me that magic can perseve this strange malady. I think in this case we should try talking, but be prepared if things get dangerous." Kelwin stood and headed to the bar cautiously. He managed to catch the end of a conversation with the bartender.

"Glad you're still around buddy. We were beginning to fear you had become one of the disappeared. You haven't been seen in three days. What have you been up to?"

Before the newcomer replied he turned to face the elf. The man seemed to smell the air and grinned. "Master said to blend in and act normal. I can't though your scent reeks of power. I must devour you to take it." Suddenly, the man that once stood there disappeared with a sickening pop of bone and flesh. Now he was an eight foot tall cougar that stood on two legs. His mouth was dripping saliva as he slashed with a massive claw.

The monk narrowly dodged the creature's attack and backed up a step to get solid footing. Then he took up a defensive stance drawing in a deep breath. It was fast so he crossed both his arms in front of him as a mighty fist was driven into his gut. Toned muscles hardened by training took the brunt of the force. People screamed and patrons fled as the savage creature began attacking again.
Word count: 234
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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