Jungle mysteries (Open)

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Jungle mysteries (Open)

Post by Zaur »

Zaur woke up in a dark space. The first thing he noticed was his air supply tasted stale. He felt a great pressure on all sides. So he pushed and felt a lightening of the weight above him. Immediately, as the stone lid hit the ground fresh air rushed in and he heard a muted crash. The area he was in became much wider.

A trickle of light was kissing the edge of the casket he was apparently sleeping in. He saw a carved sun on the wall above the lights orgin point. "Ristigir." The word felt a little strange in his mouth that felt like it was full of cotton. When he looked behind him a carved moon rested just above the coffin. "Ny'tha." This word was easier to speak since his throat was clerer now.

He streched his wings and felt something cold and metallic touching his hands. He picked up a pair of well made hatchets. They were larger than the norm and felt right in his fists. Also a book rested in his lap that said simply Ventimancy in draconic. Zaur let out a roar of freedom that echoed in the cave. The noises outside died for a few minutes as the creatures noticed the announcement of a predator.

The warmage set his feet on the ground and paged thru the tome briefly. As he did his past study of the book resurfaced in his memories. He walked towards the light after that and found stone debris were blocking most of the exit. He created a small tornado which directed the fallen stones outward. An unexpectedly loud avalanche followed informing him that he was on a cliffside. At that point every creature nearby ran for cover at the dangerous sound.

The light was much brighter outside as Zaur noticed a thick jungle canopy covering all the land below him. His massive wings extended and he did a few practice flaps. Then he glided downward into the waiting darkness. He tried to avoid damaging the trees, but failed partially. So he started walking hoping he would find signs of civilization. He wondered where he was and how long he rested.

The last thing he remembered there was snow on the ground. The trees were also different he had somehow come from a forest of evergreen to a more tropical location. As the warrior walked on he puled his pair of hatchets from where they rested on his hips. He had to cut a path thru the overgrown plants. However, one of his targets took offense to the path he blazed. The vines moved as if alive striking him and wrapping around his form. In response he channeled lightning thru his body causing the living plant to lose it's grip as the pain was too much. The creature recoiled and did not try again. "Sorry about that protector of these wilds, but I'm not food." The Ue'drahc continued on now more wary of what he cuts.
Word count: 498
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Re: Jungle mysteries (Open)

Post by NPC »

"Everything is food little one." Came the deep, rumbling voice from nowhere, and everywhere. It spoke with such force that the ground shook. "The only reason you are not food for the bugs in the earth is because I have deemed you worthy of a mission.".

Here the voice paused almost as if it were making sure he was listening. When the voice was ready, it went on.

"You are to be my instrument. These wilds need a strong protector. As you can see, the one here now is reaching its end. It has served me well, but now it must become food for the earth again."

Before Zaur could say whether or not he would accept the position, the area around him stopped vibrating, as though the voice left.
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Re: Jungle mysteries (Open)

Post by Zaur »

"True enough earth spirit. However, I already protect the land I walk upon. So I shall restore your guardian with life itself." After his words he used one of his hatchets to open up the soft palm of his hand. As blood dripped from the deep wound he covered the charred plant in the fluid. He began chanting a spell of healing in draconic. "May what power is given me by the sun and moon give you more time" The ritual went on for sometime finishing as Zaur became light headed and fell to his knees.

Suddenly the air was thick with an other worldly roar. The living plant was the source as it gained new life. It now generated a electrical current all its own. It seemed the warmage had created a unique species of living plant to defend the jungle. The Ue'drahc slowly walked away, finally falling over after another hour of travel. He was breathing heavy and having difficulty staying awake. He needed food badly, but alas the jungle had other plans.

While he rested he heard a sudden disturbance of nearby plants. Also, the nearby small creatures stopped making noise. He had probably been stalked for most of the last hour. Fresh blood did tend to attract predators, but it was necessary at the time. He knew no other way to heal that he could remember anyhow. So he stood and extended his wings as far as possible in the confined space surrounded by trees. This was a common tactic to make yourself look bigger in the hope of detering dangerous creatures. "Come out, I know your there we can do this the easy way or the hard way you choose." The warrior waited not really knowing who or what was out there.
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Re: Jungle mysteries (Open)

Post by Zaur »

The response was immediate as a frog as big as an average sized human landed right in front of Zaur. The orange skin tone indicated a likely poisonous creature. Then in response to the Ue'drach's attempt at visual intimidation was to expand its' own body to twice the orginal size it wore.

"Now no need to get rough I don't want to fight." The words were delivered with an honest well meaning tone. Then he folded his wings back in to a comfortable position.

The frog creature tilted its' head slightly at the tone then released the breath it was holding. This reduced the beings size back to normal. Then an orange mist encompassed the creature. After a few seconds a small elderly human looking woman emerged from the cloud. She was wearing a comfortable looking green dress. Her gray hair was in a bun using a bone needle to keep it in place. "Well why didnt you say so Worzaurak, sorry I mean Zaur. I have been the guardian of you resting place for more than half my life so I wasn't expecting you to wake up in my lifetime." She bowed slightly as her bones popped noisily. She returned to her proper height with a small pained gasp. It's an honor to be present when you awoke. Our circle has been watching over your rest for several lifetimes. Now that you have awoken we shall guard the temple in your stead."

Zaur was speechless as the woman transformed. Then the respect she showed him was unexpected. "No need to bow to me elder one I am no different than you in standing. Though you speak as if I have slept a long time. The name you used before has no meaning to me Zaur is all I have by way of names what is yours?"

I am Freda of the Cycle of Time druid circle. We see Ristgir and Ny'tha as the patrons of our beliefs." She hid her shock of him lacking knowledge of his past. Perhaps this was for the best so that he might help others without the shame of his past.

"This circle sounds dedicated so I'm sure the Temple of Day and Night is in good hands. Might I inquire how to reach a populated region where I can find task to do for the good of others?" His eyes showed nothing, but purity and genuine desire to help.

"Sure Zaur I would be happy to. Follow me the great city of Ajteire is only a few days away." The smile she gave him was warm as she led him to the Arbor of Fireflies.
Word count: 442
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Re: Jungle mysteries (Open)

Post by Zaur »

Freda stopped just before a screen of trees. Loud voices could be heard nearby that seemed happy. "Just beyond lyes the Preamble, it often welcomes visitors to Ajteire. I shall stop here, because I sense something needing my attention soon." She gave a slight bow of her head like she would an equal remembering what the Ue'drach said earlier. "Ny'tha will be showing its face soon so I leave the rest to your desire." Before a response could be given she was surrounded in orange mist and became an owl. All Zaur did then was wave goodbye.

Feeling a little worried the war mage entered the City of Fireflies carefully. To his surprise the voices all stopped and the patrons focused their attention on a smiling fae woman. So he decided to sit in the grass just past the screen of trees. He was curious what was about to happen.

The fae woman bowed to the crowd then spoke with a musical lilt. "Welcome one and all to this evenings Hawthorne's Histories. For my first tale tonight I have a special treat for you all. This is the first known story of Arn Farwon and the title is one of the few without his name in it. It's called Nilbein's Goblin." The crowd clapped excitedly at her announcement.

Zaur was intrigued to walk in on a bard's performance. He had never heard of Arn, but joined in the clapping as well. Total quiet soon followed as a cool breeze was created by Hawthorne. Not serious ventimancy just enough to give the crowd a chill. The Ue'drach appreciated the atmosphere it created.

The fae started speaking lowly with a sinister tone. "It was said he came down from the Irutuen Reaches wielding a sword made of dragon bone. Bulger was his name and he claimed to be a champion of Nilbein. Death he would say is the only true freedom. The goblin warrior gladly brought it to many. His rein of terror lasted until the day a stranger came from parts unknown to duel him."

Suddenly, the bards tone lightened and sounded cheerful. She moved her arm as if swinging a weapon. The sound of metal kissing metal followed the gesture. The crowd was mesmerized by the spell of her words. Zaur enjoyed the skilled use of magic to add weight.

She continued after a short pause. "He was a tall man with hair of fire. A strange green sword was sheathed across his back. His shield and armor had a silvery shine. He challenged the goblin to an honorable duel.

Bulger being confident in his power accepted the stranger's proposal. To his surprise the human did not fall easily. Curious the creature asked a question of as the two warriors parted from their latest exchange. "Who be you human?"

Some of the crowd shouted the name they all knew. Zaur smiled himself at the joy flowing all around. He could grow to like bards' tales.

Hawthorne waited for the crowd to become silent once more. "That's right folks I suppose your voices have said that line better than me perhaps. So moving past the introductions the battle continues. Many minutes passed as the skilled fighters traded blows. However, the tide turned as the dragonbone sword shattered from the force of Arn's latest attack. Bulger screamed as his wrist broke along with his weapon.

"Wait Bulger surrender, no hurt anymore!" The goblin begged as tears of pain flowed down his cheeks.

Arn being the honorable man he is ceased fighting. "I accept your surrender, now I must get the proper authorities." Esyrax's paladin turned his back on his foe and walked away seeking aid in capturing Bulger. Suddenly, a eagle's cry rung in the air. Arn turned to look as two throwing daggers narrowly missed his back. The warrior was ten feet away from the one that tried a cowardly attack. He shook his head sadly and threw his green blade at Bulger which buried itself in the goblin's chest up to the hilt. The villan parished instantly. Arn Farwon reclaimed his weapon and left to cheers as he headed on to his next adventure.

As the story finished everyone stood and clapped. Zaur joined in and found he felt proud of this small woman's ability. Hawthorne bowed and smiled as her fans showed how they felt.
Word count: 726
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