Sleepless beast

Halloween challenge

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Joined: January 31st, 2020, 5:24 pm

Sleepless beast

Post by Zaur »

Another downpour began as Zaur traveled the jungle. This time was odd as a thicker than normal mist was forming. He couldn't shake the feeling that something seemed out of place. He decided to find a place to rest for the coming night. The mist began moving closer to him. The warmage created a strong wind to push it back. However, somehow the mist didn't budge and grew thicker when he applied magic.

This isn't good he thought to himself. After sundown, things were going to get a whole lot worse. He began to cast something more powerful. Unfortunately he lost concentration as he tripped over a hole while backing up without realizing it. Then the mist was upon him in seconds as if it sensed the exploitable weakness.

Zaur's first thought was the air was far to cold for the tropical environment. The next was he could swear something was approaching slowly. He began another spell and found he was incapable of speech. His magic required verbal components so he was without the use of it.

As he realized this his own voice came from everywhere within the mist. "Your a traitor to your own kind. You once terrorized all of Khy'eras as the pinacle of all beast. Now your a pathetic creature that serves the lesser races. You shall be consumed like the weakling you are." The visibility was nonexistent now as shape formed.

A dragon of fog took shape before the Ue'drahc's eyes. The pressure he felt was immense as powerful jaws attempted to crush him to death. He managed to grab the top and bottom of the mouth as he felt his hands icing over from contact. The enemy howled in pain as more power than it thought possible was brought to bear. It retreated a few feet and reformed itself. Then an icy cone was expelled on the smaller being. Zaur managed to dodge most of the danger, but his lower left leg was frozen by the blast. However, he managed to draw his pair of axes just in time to meet the next attack. Something unexpected happened as he stood in front of the charge coming his way. One axe was glowing like the sun and the other was covered in a deep blackness. The foe was cut in half and the fog dissipated leaving him alone once more. His weapons looked normal now as he put them up. What was that?


"Welcome one and all to another one of Hawthorne's Histories. Tonight I shall tell you the tale of the Ghost mist that only appears on the solstice. The veil is thinest on those nights as twilight comes. Never go out into the jungle on those nights because it will come and use fear to consume you. You shall find yourself without your own voice as it uses it against you. Your only hope is to stand your ground and face the terror it brings. So there have been many stories about it. Some say Cecilia faced it once before she became the hero she was meant to be. Without further ado I shall begin my tale." The fae bard loved to tell these stories on each solstice. No one had faced the mist in over a century. She was positive it was out there somwhere waiting to strike however.
Word count: 557
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