[CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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[CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Edward Sterling »


"Yes, Nina"?

"When is Mommy coming back"?

"Your Mother is downstairs resting dear, remember? She's got a nasty cold and we wouldn't want you catching that".

"No Daddy, I mean the real Mommy. Is she ever coming back"?

". . . Go some rest, Pumpkin; you tend to talk too much when you're sleepy".


[12:00AM] - MIDNIGHT | After The Preamble

The night, despite the time, was still as effervescent as ever. The child as . . . unnecessarily snoopy as she was, was put to bed sometime ago; now, it was time for the grown folks to play. The scenery beyond the broom closet door was styled to perfection. No stone was unturned and every speck of dust had been wiped of the face of existence. Truly, Edward couldn't have asked for a better scenario.

As he made his way upstairs, Anna would emerge from the door in an ensemble fitting of tonight's events. A long white silken sundress hugged her figure tightly as the bottom swayed while she walked. The kitchen- while simple in design, was illuminated via varying light displays hung about the walls of the vicinity. Candles surrounded a red vase filled with roses upon the center of a spherical oak table in the middle of the kitchen. As Anna's fingers slid gently across the table, she would bring them up and squint to ensure she'd not left anything behind.

"Everything is perfect! I couldn't ask for a better night."

As she clapped her hands together, she would pull the chair positioned north to her back and sit in a way that would allow her to see the door. She needed to see him approach, she needed to visually confirm his dedication. Of course, all she could do now was wait; whenever her guest would arrive? He was sure to be given a treat beyond his wildest dreams. . . If he was brave enough.

@Janos Killington
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Janos Killington »

There was nothing like walking yourself into the lion's den knowing the lion is hungry. With a smile upon his thick lips, the chocolate man blended with the darkness eyeing the house with ease from the tree line. Nothing smelled out of place, the only thing that smelled was that of Anna, a little girl and lastly a man. A man...? This Anna seemed adroit to playing more than one role. Stepping forward he came into view slowly, like a large shadow looming to devour anything in his path. His backpack had been left somewhere safe and out of reach; thus freeing up his mind and body to act and react as needs be during this encounter.

"Would you enter my web said the spider to the fly." Janos chuckled at the comparison to the situation while gazing over the home before him once more. The first rule he did not touch the handles, instead, he ushered magic forth turning the handle the door opened before him. Janos had placed himself far enough back to react but not enough to portray fear but only caution. "Well, aren't we just two peas in a pod during the witching hours." Stepping into the building he gestured with his left hand having the door close slowly.

@Edward Sterling
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Edward Sterling »

Wretched curiosity; how little you care for humanity. Through no means would you satiate your desire for the sake of others. No empathy, no pain, no sorrow-- no fucks given. To gorge endlessly upon a never-ending feast of knowledge; that was the beast that drove the wickedness of The Watcher, Edward Sterling. To the thirty year old Shapeshifter, knowledge was the ultimate nourishment - with it, every aspect of existence became expendable. If only Anna could've seen that then in the way she sees it now. Why couldn't she have just--

Click click! Fwoosh!

The door swung open yet hadn't made a sound as the heavy-footed merchant she'd met prior stepped into the entryway; the door closing and locking swiftly behind him. The candles placed along various furniture and windows on either side of the vintage-styled hallways illuminated his frame as to give Anna the best possible look at him she could...And wasn't he just stunning? Sharing in an apathetic nature, the stoic faced man opened with a line that was immediately responded to with a soft giggle; so he'd actually come? He truly was different from the rest. She would do well to entertain him this evening to ensure he stuck around for dinner and who knows? If he played his cards right, maybe a little dessert.

"Merchant", her eyes narrowed as her lips pursed into the cutest smile she could muster, "I was worried you wouldn't show! I'm so glad you've decided to join me"! Having readjusted herself within the seat, she scooted forward and sat her elbows atop the table as a headrest; tilting the aforementioned ever so slightly. "No need to take off your shoes or jacket, we won't be here for long. And I hope you haven't eaten yet because I've got an amazing meal planned for us tonight--", as thoughts of the events to come rushed through her mind, she nearly lost her composure at the thought; narrowing her eyes to mask sickening intentions, "It'll have you killing for seconds". Motioning him to take a seat at the chair north to her, she simply smiled and awaited his response.

"Hurry hurry, the foods going to get cold".

@Janos Killington
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Janos Killington »

What a curious being to encounter no? Aside from her drunken friend from earlier in the Preamble; Anna had shown a wholely different experience. Hairs stood on end as her eyes observed him, nerves tingled giving faint shouts to escape. Fighting down the urges slowly Janos steeled himself and strolled forward and casually placed himself within the chair. Clasping both hands together over his abdomen, a toothed smile gleamed in the candlelight.

"Such an ambient setting to start the night. I fear I am somewhat underdressed for the occasion do forgive me." Observing the plain tabletop Janos could not help but chuckle. Her underline tones carried an unknown sensation creeping through his veins. What was she planning for killing? Was she bloodthirsty as he might have anticipated before? Or was she just that involved with the art itself nothing would get in her way to do so? If the latter were the case was he to be a sacrifice on the way? Was Anna really just Anna; or was Anna the person before him a shadow. A mask behind a mask that hid a monster like himself?

Quirking one brow he knew that tonight would be long nonetheless. Rolling both shoulders slowly, Janos now leaned forward keeping both elbows along the edge of the table. In case the food should suddenly appear he would not be in the way of placement. "A killing time you say? Allow me to be quite frank." Janos's plain expression turned devilish as the shadows of his hood turned his eyes into illuminated shapes. "If you desire power I have plenty of tomes, however, I sense you seek higher ranges of magic. If you intend to kill me you will find your skills heavily tested.. If you seek a partner in crime for study, I would be happy to help.. Under a sole condition.. Honesty is the utmost important thing." Growling deeply his voice vibrated the table even as he leaned back.

"Though I do seriously look forward to this killer meal."

@Edward Sterling
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Edward Sterling »

As the moonlight descended upon the fairly lit vicinity, two historians sat under it's warm; locked in the heat of battle. From the moment The Merchant entered Anna's abode, every word, every body motion, every fraction of aura she'd given off; all of it was to lure him in. Akin to a siren and seafarers, her soothing dialect would act as a catalyst to further her goals. She didn't need him to be scared - in fact, it was quite the opposite. Running him off would mean he failed-- and she despises failure. Instead, she only sought to warm him up and keep him happy but he had other plans. As it were, The Merchant felt like a mouse in a lion's den. She was dangerous - that he knew, and he knew that she could attack him at any moment. So what did he do in response? Well, ask her directly of course.

"A killing time you say? Allow me to be quite frank."

His interrupt welcomed a bewildered expression, the aforementioned quickly adopting to a more serious tone as he continued to speak.

"If you desire power I have plenty of tomes, however, I sense you seek higher ranges of magic. If you intend to kill me you will find your skills heavily tested.. If you seek a partner in crime for study, I would be happy to help.. Under a sole condition.. Honesty is the utmost important thing."


For a moment, Anna remained silent. Gazing at the empty table as the aroma of a well spiced turkey, freshly baked bread, and glazed vegetables began to fill the room. The Merchant was direct. She couldn't say she didn't like that in a man but, it's misguided if anything. Had the home been so unpleasant to him that he felt troubled to this extent? If so, she'd have to put more effort into cleaning up. That being said, she couldn't leave him hanging for ever. Giving The Merchant her full attention, she began to respond in kind.

"Sir, with all due respect", returning to her warm visage, Anna continued, "Aren't threats a bit...child's play? That being said", she titled her head slightly, "what gave you the impression I was going to kill you?", as the conversation progressed, her being seemed to light up with excitement as if the climax were rapidly approaching, "If anything, I want you alive more than anyone; you're important to me. I'll tell you why I've asked you here, but first, let me ask you a question".

Anna could only hope that would start to set his mind at ease, seeking to further it by standing up and proceeding to set the table. As her marble-like sundress swayed with each step, the dressed seemed ill fitted for a figure such as hers; it was clear she wanted watchers or at least, someone's attention. But who?

"To collectors like us, knowledge is sacred. How much of it we possess is what sets us apart from those in our profession. We're historians; adventures of a different breed who seek to preserve history as opposed to destroying it". By this point, their plates had been set up as Anna leaned ever closer to pour him a glass of wine. "But haven't you ever noticed there's limitations to that?", pouring her own glass, Anna withdrew to her seat as she returned to her headrest position; watching his every motion.

"I'll give you hints for both of them. One is a temple, the other is the father of all things. Both can be solved with change but neither may be solved forever. So, what do you think? Give up already"?
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Janos Killington »

Hunger betrayed him as glazed veggies and delicious turkey came into place. Even as she spoke his eyes remained ever aware while both hands moved swiftly. Gathering a decent amount of food his hesitation had fallen away. She was right after all threats were not going to help one progress. "Hunger for power is the drive for people like us. It is always safe to plan for the worst and hope for the best." Janos answered the question without pause; his taste buds watered at the delicious taste of Anna's cooking. "No matter how homely a place may feel, anything could be a downfall no.." There was no need for her to respond to him, instead, she had his full attention.

"Of course there are limitations, without them, we would have no reason to risk so much." Taking up the glass he drank the wine down slowly savoring the flavor. "The Temple and the All-Father you say? Change the temple..? The temple can be anything, for magic the temple is ourselves honestly. To change the temple itself would be best described by shapeshifting. As for the All-Father, I suspect that you refer to the gods above no?" Doing his best to keep the topic in place, these points were open-ended remarks with many answers.

Finishing his plate and drink the man cleaned his face with a napkin. Leaning back in satisfaction Janos thanked her for the delicious food. "Not able to be changed forever, possibly the need to revert back to the roots. The starting point where all spells and magic is born no?" The wheels turned and many answers rattled in his brain. "Or are your answers more selective..?" Quirking his brow lightly his head once more rested upon folded hands.

@Edward Sterling
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Edward Sterling »

Upon hearing The Merchant's response, Anna was both delighted and perplexed.

While he had a simple understanding on the bigger picture, he'd lacked a complex understanding on the core limitations of Collectors. She felt delighted, oh so delighted; hearing him speak. How long had it been since she had a conversation? Not one fabricated by millions of commands and prompts but genuine discussion about the quest for knowledge? Ahh . . . he could bathe in this moment, truly . . . but this was but a fraction of what was to come. The Merchant was close to understanding but not fully there, he needed a nudge - not a push; just something to open his mind.-- But first, a reward.


"Bravo, tiger! You're on a roll!"

As Anna congratulated him, she began to consume the food on her plate; stopping after swallowing her first mouth full to visibly express her satisfaction with it's taste. "Mmm mm mm!~ Anna Sterling you have done it again!", she placed her knife and fork down prior to returning her gaze "You nailed the first hint, just like I thought you would - but, I think you've got a couple things wrong with the second one". Taking another mouthful of her food, she wiped her mouth with the napkin before sliding the plate to the side and grasping the wine; swirling it about with her right hand.

"Gods aren't a threat to collectors, at least not now. No, what limits us as historians is the one driving force behind our existence and the purpose of said existence. The Father of all things is a concept that even Gods are at the mercy of!", covering her mouth following a light gasp, she opened it slightly as if caught red handed "I've said too much, you must've figured it out now, right?"
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Janos Killington »

Something that also bound the gods as it bound mortals.. So, no All-Father not even the boundaries of equal exchange. What in the world could she possibly mean? Chewing on the side of his cheek Janos let the wheels of his mind spin slowly over every scrap of information.

"So, even the gods are bound to it as we are..? A puzzling thing, one might almost call it fatality. The unstoppable conclusion to all of existence. Like the lack of ability to create a soul but merely bind it to existence. I admit I am alas stumped, please teach me some more." Janos shrugged slowly with a subtle shake of the head. Leaning forward now his mind was fully engaged in what was going to be shared next. This being had discovered something he had not yet considered in his travels.

Allowing his senses to travel out as he waited, there were a few things his nose picked up. First was the smell of blood however old, it was still very much there. The next was a child's smell, there was another one here perhaps? He would not actively seek out the answer, in due time he may learn of all things within. For now, this was Anna's domain and he'd best keep on topic. It was rude to change the subject during a very important lesson.

@Edward Sterling
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Edward Sterling »

Sigh. No matter what hints she gave him, he still didn't get the bigger picture. As much as she had to keep a straight face, she couldn't help but yearn to frown at this disappointment.-- Oh well, he'd understand perfectly soon enough. Following his admittance of failing to understand her riddle, Anna's smile shined brighter as she leaned forward from her seat, holding her fingers up to represent a two.

"Oh tiger, I expected more from you - well, perhaps my riddle was too complicated. That's okay", standing up, Anna waltzed to a nearby grandfather clock that stood next to a raggedy closet door; caressing the clock's glass while staring directly into the merchant's being. "The Father of all things is time, Merchant; time is an undeniable force that vexes all...", her voice hushed as her tone deepened "Or so I thought; you'll burst a lung when I tell you the solution, it's hilarious". She couldn't wait another second! Her body burned as hot as magma with each moment she stood close to the door! "I assume you're finished with your food?", she walked to the table to begin picking up the food "If so, we can move on to dessert; it's waiting downstairs".

Oh how he wanted him to see it; oh how he yearned for acceptance and understanding. Was grasping the concept of a man like him so difficult a task?-- Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't anymore. He couldn't lose his one chance at a partner in learning! He was going to understand, right?! .. No. The Merchant had to understand! After all . . . he couldn't just let him walk away after tonight; that wouldn't do.

"I'd love to explain my reasonings here and now but, I think I'll be able to explain things a bit clearer when we're somewhere more comfortable.~",
she put all available plates in the sink before steadily pacing toward the door without making herself too obvious. "Surely you can understand that, right Tiger"?
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Re: [CLOSED] The Masked Man w/Janos

Post by Janos Killington »

As the answer was given, more shadows crowded the Merchants face. "Am I... An idiot..?" He thought, heat flushed through the skin but melanin kept the secret well hidden. Trembling the shame became more obvious by the second, his brain wheeled trying to regain confidence. Turning his attention back to Anna, there was now a mild shock hidden beneath the shadows of the hood. "Is that, even possible..?" Janoes questioned with disbelief rising from his chair swiftly. "Hilarious you say yes? I may indeed laugh at the answer, perhaps it is as simple as stealing life force to sustain one's own... Multiple hearts in one chest even? I am all set with my food, please show me the way." Janos watched Anna as she moved away from the grandfather clock to clean up the table.

It wasn't long before she doubled back retracing her steps slowly, Janos understood well enough to follow in her wake. Shadows now played tricks across his face with the help of candlelight. This location had to be in the basement a place locked away from youthful eyes. There were no doubts that the child remained upstairs asleep in the witching hours of the night. Energy coursed through his veins fueled by a desire to learn more. Janos found himself watching Anna as they moved, newfound awe in the being before him. No matter who they were, he had found someone to study with.

Adventures were calling their names, and with boundless energy, he knew they would accept.

@Edward Sterling
Word count: 254
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