The Sweetest Things Take Time

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

"Oh? Put them on the table for now," Colle mumbled, raising their head off the pillow. Their hair stuck out crazily from being smashed against the pillow. Colle yawned and turned back to the bed.
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc came through the back door with a loud thump of wood. In his hand he held a long branch, leaves still on it, that looked to be very oddly shaped. "I do not know how tall you are for the support, so I will need you to hold it while I adjust," he declared as he moved over to the pair, plainly eyeing them, though he lingered on Colle longer than was necessary.

"Right." They stayed nearby to stabilize Chloe if she swayed while Harroc adjusted - whatever that was.

Chloe looked at the wood and laughed. "You tore a branch off a tree to make some kind of crutch."

Harroc nodded and moved over, carefully placing the branch beside her and moving it into place. "I did not tear anything, I asked and the tree provided. It is something I can do to help you, so you do not always need to rely on others in your fight. I know it would drive me to madness," he explained, lining the bark up to her shoulder before putting a hand to her chest and pushing a bit of essence into her.

"Focus on the branch, I will guide the shift through you and then teach you how it is done when we have found the right shape and size," he said, not looking up from the wood at her side.

Colle glared at Harroc. "Sweetheart, would you mind moving your hand so you’re not grabbing Chloe’s breasts?" Chloe hissed softly, clearly under the effects of the essence spike.

Harroc looked up in clear confusion and frowned before his eyes widened and he removed his hand as though it burned. "I am very sorry, Chloe, Honey," he said, holding his hand out awkwardly for a moment before placing it to Chloe's side instead. "I wanted to help, and forgot myself in seeing a solution. A mistake for children."

"I am pretty sure my nipples could cut through the wall- if anyone wondered about that," Chloe said faintly, her voice clearly gaining strength before she reached out to cuff Harroc on the head and then place her hand against the wood. "You're an idiot," she admonished him with a roll of her eyes.

"I don’t doubt it," Colle said with a sigh. "I know it’ll take time, but try to consider that kind of thing, Harroc. I’m not mad."

Harroc nodded, lowering his head before lifting it again. "I understand Mate. I will make it up to you. Chloe, please focus on the branch, you must ask it to bend as though you are placing rocks into a stream. The wood will flow where it is able," he explained evenly, clearly focusing on the magic shifting about in the branch and Shifter.

Chloe screwed up her face as she concentrated. "I- can see what you mean but how do I-" there was a snap and groan of wood as the branch suddenly shifted to begin curling its way around her leg. "Oh shit-"

Harroc nodded and squeezed Chloe's side, clearly shifting the flow of essence. "You must be slower, do not throw rocks into the path unless you are looking for violent speed." Chloe took a few short breaths and the wood began to shift again, much more slowly this time, and shaped itself to line up with her arm and where her hand fell at her side.

"Well done, perhaps you absorbed something from the text you did not realize," Harroc said proudly and rose to full height. "I am sorry for grabbing you."

"Just - don’t do it again, unless you’re prepared to make your Honey there-" she gestured to Colle. "Very unhappy." She looked down at the branch, now formed to make an excellent crutch. "Maybe I did remember something, but holy shit, that book was dry as fuck. Colle said something about you teaching someone?" She exhaled slowly before looking up with a wry grin. "So tonight’s been wild- carried off like a prize, got wet in someone else’s house, then a guy came in, grabbed my tits, and made me hold his thick wood. Ah, no harm meant Colle, but it was too good not to mention."

Colle snickered, smirking as they moved closer to Harroc. "Sounds like my younger days. Minus the fact that I don’t have tits."

Chloe gave an exploratory hobble away from the pair and winked. "I can loan you mine, they'd look great on you," she called as she awkwardly adjusted her stride to the new tool. "Wow- with this I can at least get far enough to toss myself down the stairs," she laughed as she performed a mostly stable turn around. "Means a lot- thanks Instructor."

"We can help you practice on the stairs if you want, you know." Colle watched her learning her stride with the support.

"Oh, I'll definitely need it, but I'm exhausted now- so move over and I'm heading right for the bed," she answered, thumping the wood gently. Colle moved out of her way, staying close so they could help if she stumbled. Chloe made a quick thumping move towards the bed, stopping just short and half tossing herself down on her good side.

"Good- now- if you could help arrange me, I would like to be very lazy for a moment while I try and unharden my idols-taken nipples." She grabbed her chest, attempting to warm and squeeze her chest in the same moment. "Feel free to help-"

"Would you rather we just went out back for a little while?" Colle said, fighting off a grin as they gently lifted Chloe’s bad leg onto the bed. "Give you some quality alone time?"

"I am way too tired to do anything but make a huge mess. Just get over here and warm me up and I'm going to pass out. You don't even have to kiss me goodnight."

Chuckling, Colle pulled the blanket up over her legs and chest. "I still want to talk to Harroc after you’re done using him as a heater." Chloe lazily waved her arm and nodded before returning it to her chest and shivering. Colle turned to look at Harroc, tilting their head.

Harroc looked between the two of them a few times, then grinned and moved over, to climb onto the bed. In a few moments he had wrapped himself around Chloe and pulled her to his chest. Chloe sighed softly, and relaxed completely, mumbling a thanks.
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Colle rolled their eyes with a wry smile and went back to the bathroom. Despite trying to be careful, the floor usually ended up with puddles after Chloe bathed. They mopped up the water with their towel, hanging it to dry before throwing it into the laundry.

That chore done, they headed into the main area. Taking a careful seat at the table, they considered what needed to be done the next day. Pastries, tea, whatever magic practice Harroc decided they needed- They stretched their arms above their head with a small yawn. Harroc's hand appeared on their shoulder and slid across their chest suddenly as he leaned in and kissed their neck.
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

As the dawn’s light slid through the curtains and onto Colle’s face, they groaned softly and squeezed the warm body beneath them. "Sun’s up. Time to wake up, Harroc." There was a mumble, distinctly feminine, and the warmth shifted to settle back in.

Colle blinked and opened their eyes. The body beneath them was very distinctly not Harroc, unless Harroc had decided to take Chloe's appearance. "Ah - sorry," they mumbled and disentangled themself from the blankets, trying not to rouse the sleeping shifter. Chloe hardly seemed to notice, curling herself back into the warmth of the bed immediately. The faint thump of feet on wood echoed from the back porch in quick patterns.

Colle trudged over to the back door and stuck their head out. "Muffins in a bit?" they asked.

Harroc finished a quick rolling dive, coming to his feet and looking over to Colle as he wiped at his brow. He was soaked with sweat and very unclothed. "I would enjoy that. Did you sleep well Honey?" he asked through a broad grin, striding over to pull them into a quick and passionate kiss.

"Well enough that you didn't wake me when you got up, apparently," Colle answered when they could breathe again. "Giving the jungle and possibly my neighbors a show?" They grinned up at him, carefully not looking at his groin.

"Ixaziel gives the jungle and all its bounty as gifts to be treasured. If there are others watching they should know well that I am yours," he answered with a grin. "I will wash and then hold you as I eat. Is Chloe awake? I wanted to ensure she was recovering before I departed." Despite his words his attention did not waver from Colle and faint gleaming began in his eyes.

"She was asleep a minute ago when I hugged her thinking she was you. And so yes, you are giving the neighbors a demonstration of Ixaziel's bounty. As long as sharing is limited to looking and not touching, I don't really have much of an objection." They winked at him and held the door open for him to come inside. "You get cleaned up, I'll start muffins, and hopefully they'll be done not long after you're dressed to go."

He rumbled in agreement and slid past the Fae to duck into the bathroom. He started the water and stepped in immediately, hissing softly at the cold before setting to work lathering himself with diligence.

Colle chuckled as they saw Harroc climb into the cold water. "You could've waited for it to warm, you know," they said before closing the door and heading to the kitchen. They threw together a quick muffin batter, enough for about a dozen. Searching the kitchen, they tossed in berries and nuts they found. Neither was in large amounts, and Colle frowned slightly, realizing they'd need to restock the kitchen.

Chloe lifted herself up and yawned loudly. "Morning- what're you making today?" she asked as she rubbed her eyes and began to slowly shift herself around to the edge of the bed.

"Morning. Muffins with nuts and berries. I'm running low on a lot of fresh food." Colle slid the muffin tin into the oven they'd been heating. "Harroc's cleaning up before hunting, and I've got pastry to bake, although I may have to run out for more eggs or butter."

"Oh, sounds good. I could go out if I can just shift, shouldn't be too bad," Chloe said and she used the crutch to pull herself up and head over towards the bathroom door. She tapped her knuckles on the door and leaned near it. "Harroc, finish up, need to use the room," she said a touch loud.

The water stopped and Harroc emerged rubbing a towel into his hair. "I am finished, how is your leg doing?" he asked, his words muffled as he stepped past her and towards the kitchen.

Chloe reached out and smacked his ass as he went by her, "Feeling better enough, and that's for grabbing my chest last night. You should really be wearing clothes you idiot," she said with a roll of her eyes before she thumped her way into the bathroom and firmly shut the door.

Colle shook their head. "Guess it's tough seeing Ixaziel's glory and not being able to partake," they said with a grin and gestured at Harroc's cock. "Muffins will take a little bit, since I just put them in. Get dressed and then I'll sit with you until they're ready." They made shooing motions away from the kitchen.

Harroc grinned broadly, flexing faintly beneath the towel as he finished drying before moving to collect his clothing and armor. "If I was not pressed for time, I would earn those muffins while they cooked," he offered before quietly finishing his efforts.

Chuckling, Colle watched him as they washed dishes. "I know you would, and I would let you." They dried their hands on a towel, stretching. "Any area in particular you're going to, or do the Rangers just send you where you're needed?"

"I will be positioned along one of the routes that is nearer to the outskirts of the city. Others will drive the herds towards my location as they are encouraged to move away. I will cull them as I can while ensuring they do not turn towards the city," he explained as he finished cinching a strap and moved over to press his hips to Colle's front and kiss them again.

"I see," Colle said, looking up at Harroc. "Well, I hope it's not too tiring." They hopped up, expecting Harroc to catch them. Harroc did so easily, pulling them into his chest and curling his arm around them.

"I will always have more energy with which to appreciate you, my Lover. And I will have worked up quite the appetite to claim you following all the hunting. It will be nice to bring back something my mate asks of me and be rewarded," he spoke softly into the hollow of Colle's neck, nibbling lightly before falling quiet.

Chloe emerged from the bathroom, the thump of her crutch wildly inconsistent. "Do I have to pick you up and nuzzle you to get muffins too, or can I just pay?" She asked with a shake of her head as she went over and half-fell into a chair. "Also, Instructor, think I'm okay to shift today?"

"Affection for pastry is a lovers-only deal. I do accept barter, obviously," Colle replied without leaving Harroc's grasp. "If you're up to it, I still need to blend a batch of tea and I can use another pair of hands."

"If you wish to shift, we can do so now out front. I will be ready if you need aid," Harroc said before carefully setting Colle down. "Do you wish me to carry you?"

"Muffins will be done in a little. Please be careful," Colle said, with a glance at Chloe's stone-riddled shin. They took a step back and bit their lip, worried, but said nothing further.

"I can hobble out fine on my own, and stop worrying." Chloe shot Colle a look. "Do you really think he'd let me shift if it'd hurt me?" she forced herself upward, getting the crutch under her after a few awkward moments and then starting towards the door. "Think I should go for bird or cougar first?"

Harroc followed after Chloe, clearly holding himself back from coddling her and feeling regret at each thump of the crutch. As they passed outside he considered his answer carefully. "I am far more familiar with the cougar form than anything winged," he decided.

"You sure you don't just want to look at my ass again?" she offered with a short laugh as she came to a stop. "Sorry- just- okay- cougar, think I'm ready," she apologized and stretched her shoulders back briefly before looking to Harroc. "Can you help me down, I don't want to fall after shifting," she added, indicating her leg with her free hand.

"Of course," Harroc said instantly, moving over to offer his arm, taking the crutch away and lowering her towards the porch. "When you are ready, I am here," he said softly and prepared a bit of essence to infuse if injury arose.

Chloe sighed deeply and tensed her body then leaned forward and called forth her innate power to shift her form. Usually, her shifted form flowed out of her, like water from a flask - but the essence stone was clearly impeding her. Her shape stretched, bent, and at one point she could've sworn she heard something break. Chloe gritted her teeth and pushed toward her cougar-form.

Slowly, like molasses in winter, her cougar-form began to coalesce. Paws. Ears. Tail. The features of her cat-self formed slowly, moving into her usual form. Finally, the shift finished, leaving Chloe as her cougar form. She took a few steps forward, stumbling on her stone-riddled back leg as she tried to put weight on it. Snarling, she flicked a glance back at the limb; it still had little flecks that ghosted under her fur. She looked over at Harroc, limping over to him before sitting sloppily on her good hind leg and hindquarter.

"You did well to control the shift disruption," he said immediately, kneeling beside her and extending his hand to examine her hindleg. "How does it affect your control and capability?" he added, his eyes roving over her with intense investigation.

"<Shift difficult. Had to - move? - around stone,>" she growled. Her feline features wrinkled in an all-too-human expression of disgust as she tried to explain how she had to compensate for the essence shards.

Harroc nodded in understanding and ran his hand carefully along her shoulders and neck, scratching deeply but with care. "I am impressed with your abilities. Perhaps it is better to use the crutch for now and have care. I will fill you with enough essence to last the day," he smiled faintly.

Chloe rumbled loudly, pressing into his hand and leaning into his chest in enjoyment. Her tail curled around his leg and she flicked her ears. "<You give me more when home>," she declared weakly as he pushed a great deal of power into her.

Harroc gave her a few more scritches before rising and offering his arms for her. Chloe complained briefly before half-hopping up against his arms and shifting herself back. Harroc lifted her as the shift happened, ensuring she wouldn't land on her injured leg. When her shift finished he gently placed her down and handed her the crutch. "I will go now, after I give my Lover a goodbye. Be careful Chloe, and do not rush or I will be forced to heal you instead of offering you comfort."

"Yeah- yeah, go on then, maul your Fae and get going. You'll miss the Rangers if you keep waiting. And- don't- don't mention what just happened," Chloe said with a soft thump of her palm against Harroc's chest before she settled herself on the crutch.
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Colle watched the two shifters through the window, grimacing as they saw the difficulty Chloe was experiencing. Seeing her limping still in her cougar form, they sighed, shaking their head in a bit of disappointment. They knew that shifting likely wouldn't fix the essence stone embedded in Chloe's leg. Honestly they'd hoped that she would be able to cope in a shifted form so that she would be able to get around easier, but that didn't appear to be the case.

Chloe twined herself around Harroc's legs and Colle raised an eyebrow. 'Oh, is this the game we're playing then?' they thought. As the two made their way back inside, Colle turned to the oven and pulled out the muffin tin crowded with speckled golden domes. "Good timing," they said, trying to strike the balance between sympathetic and cloyingly bracing. "These just finished."

Chloe hobbled over to a chair and sat heavily. "Ugh, that was the most disorganized shift I've ever felt. It was like trying to untangle a rope knotted around rocks, but the rocks and the rope were both me." She snagged three muffins, blowing on her fingers as she felt the heat.

Colle watched her in amusement. "I told you I just pulled those out of the oven." They leaned against the counter with their arms over their chest. "Be sure to leave some for Harroc."

As his name was said, Harroc came in through the door, moving over to stop near Colle and give them a broad grin. "I must leave very soon, so I have come for my last collection of warmth before I go," he said, remaining just apart from them, unsure if they were done with their baking.

Colle gave Harroc a wicked grin before jumping onto him. They let their wings flap, giving them more propulsion than usual. Gripping tightly to his shoulders, Colle kissed the side of Harroc's neck gently before sinking their teeth in as they worked to give him the largest, deepest marks they could.

Harroc happily wrapped his arms around his Fae, pulling them close to his chest and rumbling in contentment. When Colle marked him, his rumble became a loud appreciative moan and he squeezed their hips. "Lover- I am going to be late if you continue," he managed through clenched teeth as he exposed more of his neck.

"Well, can't have that," Colle said, pulling back from their work with a mischievous smile. "Incentive to be efficient, then. For both of us." They smirked, leaning in to embrace him. "Grab some muffins to eat on the way, sweetheart."

Harroc shivered and let his hands roam along them, clearly trying to contain the sudden rush of need he felt. "Of course- and I will return to you with great bounty and we will celebrate," he murmured into their hair before leaning them back and taking a fierce kiss. After several long moments, he placed Colle down and moved to collect a pair of muffins, placing them in a small pouch at his side. "I go now, be well," he declared and then moved out the front door without another word.

Harroc's Hunting Escapade

Colle grinned to themself. The apron they wore wasn’t exactly hiding their own arousal, and they suspected Harroc was testing the limits of his new pants’ seams. Since they weren’t baking for the cafe, they wanted to try something a bit different.

"You two are a menace," Chloe declared through the final remains of her muffin. "If these weren't so delicious I might have more to say but- damn- I can see how you hooked the food demon with them."

Shrugging, Colle began to look through the cupboards. "You know what they say, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach." They frowned, glaring at the lack of ingredients. "I’m going to have to go shopping. I wanted to put some chocolate in the pastries I’m making, and I’m low on fruit, milk, and eggs anyway."

"How much of that is in one place? I can get things, just won't be the quickest," Chloe said as she carefully hoisted herself up and steadied her footing with the crutch. "Figure I can make good enough time once I'm past the stairs."

Colle thought for a moment. "I think most of it is close together. Milk and eggs, fruit, and then dry goods. Should all be near each other on the market street. I just need to figure out what to trade for all that. Dairy and fruit are usually fine with bread; it’s the dry goods store that tends to be pickier."

"You got enough goodwill I could trade on a promise? I'm used to running stuff through trading simple things, furs and leather, but I figure I'm cute, clearly injured, and they might give me a bit of a stretch." Chloe shrugged and motioned to herself. "Or I could hit the other two and you could go for the dried goods then we meet in the middle?"

"Leave the dry goods to me, yeah. Don’t we still have that undergarment of yours around here somewhere? It’d help play up your- assets," Colle commented with a grin. "Most of the shops know me already. Tell them you’re helping me out. For a bottle or two of milk and two dozen eggs, two loaves of bread or eight pastries, or some combination of those. You can throw in an extra pastry if they’re being really stubborn, but do not promise tea. You don’t know about the tea. You’ve never heard anything about the tea. Understand?" They gave her a wink. "While you two were out, the tea nearly caused a riot in the cafe. We do not talk about the tea."

"Right, so jiggle my tits, milk and eggs, bread up to two. Pastries in eights or an extra. Do not spill the tea," Chloe ticked off her answer on her fingers and shook her head in amusement. "I wonder if I can convince any of them to feed me something more immediate without paying extra. Might be a good way to work out some of this- everything you two are causing."

"I mean, as long as I get the supplies I need, I don’t care if you’re looking for a snack," Colle said, laughing. "If you end up coming back, I may get you to help me blend the tea orders I need to get out. If not, try to give me an idea of where you are in case Harroc needs to get you."

"Honestly- probably wouldn't be up for too much today- but future promises maybe. Besides- got to learn your secret blending techniques if I'm going to figure out a way to stay useful."
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Colle snorted. "Oh yes, very secret. You want to know how I blend the tea? I take those two bowls-" They pointed to two large metal bowls on the counter, stacked together. "Put the tea and herbs in, then shake to a count of thirty. Done."

Chloe narrowed her eyes and tapped her chin. "I've seen what those hips can do, there's definitely a secret in there," she countered, gyrating her own hips for emphasis.

Laughing loudly, Colle started untying their apron. "Maybe that’s where my magic was hiding all along. I’m going to get dressed real quick and then we can head out once we won’t shock the neighbors."

"Maybe the mixing rod-" Chloe chuckled softly, openly eyeing Colle.

Turning away, Colle shrugged. "Not in the kitchen. Out of the kitchen though, I haven’t had many complaints." They tossed the apron on a hook by the edge of the counter as they headed to find clothes. Pulling a plain shirt out of their chest of drawers, they slid it on, fidgeting as they worked their wings through the back. They grabbed a loose skirt and tugged it on before putting on a pair of flat, comfortable sandals.

Chloe's eyes were distant, her face locked in a small frown with faint twitches. She seemed to be focusing intently inward. "Chloe? Are you going to get dressed and ready to go?" Colle asked with clear amusement followed by slowly growing concern.

Chloe blinked rapidly and shook her head, the frown deepening. "Oh fuck- right- sorry. Was poking at the- yeah," she said and swept her arm down to indicate her leg before hobbling her way over and collecting her dress. She got it pulled on and looked to Colle. "Make sure my ass isn't out?" she asked with faint annoyance as her injury again interrupted the simplest of things.

Moving behind her, Colle tugged just a bit at the hem. "You’re good. Although considering how you were discussing bartering earlier, are you sure you don’t want it out?"

"I've got some shame, probably, I'm just wound up to the Veil and back-" Chloe complained, shifting how the dress lay across her chest. "All right, I guess lead on to get us close, oh maker of the delicious."

"Alright. I’ll take the outside of the stairs and we’ll go slow. Once we’re past that it’s not terribly far - maybe a little further than the cafe." Colle opened the door and held it while Chloe made her way out. Chloe thumped her way over and towards the edge of the stairs, seeming to slowly get a handle on the movement required.

After many thumps and a few curses, Chloe and Colle made their way to the correct level, which was one story down from the one they took to the cafe. Colle turned to the right, leading Chloe down a different path. They headed east for a bit before turning north and eventually coming to a semicircular plaza built around a grouping of trees.

Colle gestured to a stall nearby. "There’s the dairy farmers. That’s the shadier side of the market, so it stays a little cooler. The fruit is two down, I think. Start with the dairy; if you get done with them quickly, then try for oranges or strawberries with the fruit orchards. Apples are okay, but I have them at the cafe so often it gets a little boring." They turned to Chloe, making sure she heard everything. "And if you get tired or can’t carry it all, grab one of the benches and I’ll be over as soon as I manage to get what I need."

"Got it, think I can manage that, and if I really need the help there's enough stronger looking ones. I imagine I can get handled," she answered absently as she looked around, clearly assessing the way she'd need to travel with her crutch.

"Fine by me, but any ‘favors’ you trade for are yours and yours only," they said with a laugh. "I’m a taken Fae." Heading for the far side, they wove through the thin morning crowd to their usual supplier of dry goods. "Morning, Arum," they said as they approached the stall.

"Well, well, haven’t seen you in a while, Colle," a male Fae said. "Heard you started a riot and then nearly died in your cafe." He winked at the other Fae. Turning, he began to gather flour and sugar on the counter next to him.

"Good news travels fast, I see," Colle replied, rolling their eyes. Their wings had begun to extend slightly, but pulled themselves back, looking offended. "One, the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. Two, there was just some excitement over new offerings," they explained.

Setting a second bag of flour by the other paper sacks, Arum snorted. "Sure, but in every rumor is a seed of truth. You alright, then?" He grouped the dry goods together.

"Could I get another of the flour, please?" Colle asked, eyeing the pile. "I’m fine. Just overdid it." They calculated roughly what Arum might want in trade.

Arum raised an eyebrow as he set more flour on the counter. "Working on a new recipe?" Colle hummed noncommittally in reply, tilting their head as they studied the goods and the other Fae. "Hm, three sacks of flour, two of sugar, a half sack each of pecans, almonds, and hazelnuts, and a half sack of salt. What are you offering?"

"I could do a dozen and a half pastries-"

"Too many. They’d go stale. Plus you always start with pastries," Arum replied. "Got anything better, different?"

"Uh - bread? Some kind of filled pie?" Colle watched Arum’s face for any sign of interest. "Oh - what about elk meat?"

Arum leaned forward. "Elk meat? I know you’re not hunting those. How would you-"

"I have my ways." Colle gave him a mysterious smile.

"Which means you’ve taken up with one of the Rangers then, I’m guessing." Arum rubbed his hands together. "A shoulder and a rump, plus two loaves of bread?"

"How about just the rump and the bread. The elk are very large," returned Colle.

"If it’s very large, then you can spare more, right?" said Arum with a grin.

"Seriously, Arum, if I gave you both, it’d go bad before you could eat it, unless you’ve got a debt to the city," Colle countered. Arum gave them a flat look. "Fine. Rump and half the shoulder. One loaf."

"Done." Arum put the packages in a crate behind the counter and passed it to Colle. "You can just bring it here, whenever you’ve got it."

"Will do - probably later today, I think." Colle hefted the crate in their arms. "Thanks Arum."

"Yeah, sure. See you later." Arum waved before turning to rearrange something behind the counter as Colle began walking toward the dairy and fruit stalls. There was a faint clatter and several concerned exclamations from about where they expected Chloe to be. They grimaced and started running.
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

‘Did she try to smack someone with her crutch? Did someone try to hurt her? More fool them if they did,’ Colle thought as the crate bobbed in their grip with their movement. Skidding to a halt near the dairy stall, they surveyed the scene. There was a scattering of baskets, bottles, and thick walled clay vessels settling into place in a large scattered ring. In the middle of them, looking very annoyed but no worse for wear, was Chloe and a younger Kerasokan girl.

"Colle- help me get back- Idols, this is going to take forever," she groused and sounded far more like her usual self to Colle's brief encounters.

"I'm so sorry, I just wanted-" the girl said half frantic as she both tried to carefully collect items and get up in the same motion.

Colle blinked and set the crate down carefully. "Should I ask what happened?" they said as they held a hand out to Chloe for her to get up. "Do you know where your crutch is?"

"No idea- milk maiden or I must've knocked it around somewhere- shouldn't have gotten far- I'll-" Chloe started, working to leverage herself up before a rolling bottle bumped her leg. "FUCK-" she managed through a choked hiss of pain before slumping back down and whimpering weakly. The Kerasokan girl yelped at the sound and several clay pots clattered together as she warred between fussing over them and helping Chloe without getting near her out of concern.

Sighing, Colle stepped back and pushed the crate behind Chloe’s back. "Just sit. I’ll find your crutch; you rest and smack anyone who tries to take the crate here." They moved and picked the bottle off the floor, standing it upright away from her, before beginning to pick up things nearby that might roll into the shifter.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I saw you were starting to fall and- I'm too clumsy for this-" the girl lamented through rapidly forming tears of defeat. Chloe waved her arm limply and grunted breathlessly.

Colle stood, looking up at the girl with a small smile. "Things happen. If you can get the things together, I’ll help Chloe there." Moving closer, they turned to face Chloe. "Is the good leg injured, or just the bad leg’s been irritated? Do you think you can stand if I help you?"

"No idea, everything's on fire and there's no big wolf to lay on. Think I didn't really hurt much- maybe some light bleeding around the chunks," Chloe assessed as she got herself against the box without her legs, using an impressive display of torso and hip shifting. "Least you've got nice tits, milkmaiden. Get you someone who likes those and thinks the klutz is endearing and you'll be fine. Don't trust any bakers though, I've learned they're dastardly."

The girl squeaked and set about organizing her things with practiced efficacy and blazing cheeks. Rolling their eyes, Colle snorted. "I’m not sure whether to be more amused at your relationship advice or your attempting to smear my profession." They looked around for the long shape of the crutch in the jumble of things still around them. A bystander, moving over to help, held it out after examining it for a moment.

"Thanks," Colle offered as they took the aid from the bystander. Settling it next to Chloe, they crouched down next to her. "Other than your pride, do you think anything’s really hurt or are you a little knocked about? I think there’s an urgent care stall somewhere nearish if you need them, but I’ll have to look." They looked down at her legs, checking for any bleeding.

Chloe shook her head slowly and reached for the crutch, examining it and the ground beside her intently. "Think I'll live, no worse than a few days ago. Can feel a bit of blood though, but just some oozing. I'm going to need a hand up, but don't pull alright? I need to control the pace cause my balance is shot."

"I’ll try. Easiest is probably me under your armpit so I can take more of your weight. Is that alright?" Colle’s wings had extended slightly and flapped softly. "And I’ll try not to let those hit you. Can’t promise though."

"Get a good squat, give me your hands, both around my forearm as an anchor. Then you stand and lean back, like you're going to fall onto a bed. I'll work on pulling me up. You probably don't weigh quite enough so don't be afraid to use your wings but be consistent," Chloe explained, clearly imparting some sort of exercise she'd been forced to learn the mechanics of.

Colle nodded and faced her as they lowered themself, holding their hands out for her forearm. They wrapped their hands around the arm she offered. "Ready, one, two, three," Colle counted, rising on the last. They thought about Harroc’s likely reaction to this situation and gulped a bit as their wings began to beat behind them.

Chloe used the crutch and her good leg to pivot up, planting the wooden staff forward to halt her momentum as she reached upright. "Alright, calm down, I'm up and alright- ish," she admonished, giving Colle's arm a squeeze to get them to focus on her. "Anything we need to pay for-" she asked, getting the crutch settled and making a slow turn.

"I’ll ask. Did you make it all the way to the dairy before you fell?" Colle turned toward the stalls. "And I really hope Harroc isn’t pissed that I brought you out only to fall and hurt yourself again."

Chloe shook her head and nodded to the platform. "Didn't fall- at least not at the start, hit the surface a little odd there and got wobbly, then I got some well-meaning help and-" she shrugged carefully placing her bad leg down and wincing. "Should be alright after the shock passes. And he tries to give you any trouble on it, I'll shove this stick right up his ass."

"I almost think - nevermind." Colle shook their head. "Watch the crate for me? I’ll go talk to them."

"On it, I'm pretty good at standing around- most of the time," Chloe chuckled and finally settled herself with only a mild lean to favor her good side.

Colle headed over to the dairy counter with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about the commotion from my friend, there. Was anything broken?"

The girl, still rather flustered, was finishing arranging her no-longer-scattered inventory and jumped at Colle's voice. "No- Ma'am, nothing broken, a few scuffs but I'll take the blame- is she okay? I'm so sorry-"

"She’s mostly just shaken up," Colle replied. "I do need some milk and eggs, which is why she was helping me out by coming over here. I’m fine taking the scuffed-up bottles, by the way."

"Oh, okay. How much do you need? We've got a bit of extra today, since the storm ruined a lot of plans I think," the girl explained, vaguely indicating the slightly overfilled stall space.

Considering, Colle studied the wares behind the girl. "Two bottles of milk, two dozen eggs - and do you have any cream or soft cheeses?"

"We've got some cream, no soft today though, there was a mob of folks after that," she explained and moved two of the faintly mussed clay pots forward before looking through her collection and placing a vine weave basket out to load eggs into.

"A bottle of cream then. Now, in exchange - pastries, bread, what would you like?" They gave the girl a wry smile. "As you might have guessed, I’m a baker."

The girl placed a smaller container of a different color on the counter beside the two for milk and then stared intently at Chloe for several quiet moments before shaking her head. "Oh- something not sweet, good with mild cheese? Father likes that and my brother too. I've got plenty of sweets I think."

Colle nodded. "I’ve got a recipe I think will fit that nicely. Two loaves enough, do you think? They’re usually pretty big." They held up their hands to indicate the size of the loafs of the rustic bread they made sometimes.

"That should be plenty if you bring the containers back when you need more," the girl said after a few bounces of thought. "Do you need help getting them back? My brother should be by soon so one of us can-"

"That’s very kind of you. I have a crate besides this-" they waved at the milk and eggs. "And I need to get some fruit as well, but I think I can fit most of that into the crate. Would it be alright if I come back after a bit and see if you or your brother are available?"

"Of course- I'm so sorry for causing so much trouble," she said immediately, nodding excessively.

"Please don’t worry about it too much. Chloe’s had some trouble with her balance since she injured her leg a little while ago - accidents happen. I hope you’re alright too." Colle gave the girl a smile as they collected the egg basket and the bottles. "Thank you for the dairy," they said over their shoulder as they moved toward Chloe.
Last edited by Colle Mellifera on December 22nd, 2020, 8:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Chloe chuckled a bit and stopped the meager stretching she'd been doing. "I’m starting to suspect career and figure are things the Idols enjoy toying with," she offered before planting herself and looking around. "Milk maiden chests, baker buns, when does it end. Where's the next disaster?"

Colle snorted and laughed as they set the basket next to the crate. Shifting the packages, they found room for the milk and cream bottles. "I need fruit, and then shopping’s done. By the way, milk maiden has a brother who might be pressed into helping us carry stuff back. Should I keep my fingers crossed for you?"

"I mean, I'm not turning down butter-churner chest, have you seen what that does to pecs?" she answered with an appreciative nod. "Hopefully he's a bit older than his sister," she chuckled.

"Mm, I have, but it was a while ago." Colle grinned mischievously. "Something about grass fed dairy does amazing things for muscles." They looked over at the fruit stall. "I’ll be back in a few. If you can stay put a little longer, I can deal with them and then hopefully you can stare at muscles while you limp home."

"I mean I can stand around, maybe- ah I'll sit there," Chloe decided, indicating towards a nearby branch that worked as a table and bench all together.

"As long as you can smack someone trying to take the stuff with your crutch, fine by me," Colle said with a shrug.

"I've got plenty of bark before my bite," Chloe assured them as she thumped over to settle in. Seeing the goods guarded, Colle walked quickly to the fruit stall, looking over the produce as they approached.

They picked up a basket of strawberries, but oranges appeared to have gone out of season - or had all been purchased before they got there. Grabbing a few lemons, they headed to the counter of the stall. Raspberries sat on the edge of the counter, and after a moment’s hesitation Colle slid a basket over toward their other fruit.

"Good morning," they greeted the shopkeeper.

"That it is, been a bit of a run on fruit today. Looking for anything in particular?" the older Fae behind the half-raided piles inquired with a kind smile.

"Found the berries, but I was wondering if you had any citrus? Other than the lemons, of course," Colle replied. They nudged a lemon toward the baskets before it rolled onto the floor.

"Sadly, not any I'd be willing to sell. The storm battered a chunk of the inventory and the rest went around sunrise," the seller said with a shake of his head.

"Ah, a shame. Looks like everyone got up early today," Colle said with a chuckle. "Now - for this, what would you want to trade? I bake bread and pastries, mostly." They waved toward the pile of fruit on the counter.

"You make pastry dough? Could use a batch of those for the fruit that isn't worth selling whole."

Colle raised an eyebrow with a smile. "I could, and if you’d like, I could take some of the damaged fruit and return with a bunch of danish or popovers. Might be able to do something with the zest, too, potentially."

He nodded without hesitation, "That would be lovely, if you could get us at least six, that would be plenty."

"I can do that, easily. I’ll try to have them by later today, or tomorrow at the latest." They eyed the fruit on the counter. "I don’t suppose you might have a sack or a basket I can use for the damaged fruit? I’ll return it with the pastries."

"Saves me having to bring this one back," he said, placing a well-worn woven basket on the counter with a collection of bruised and misshapen fruits. "Just bring it back if you would."

Colle nodded and took the basket, scooping their purchases in with the rest of the fruit. "I’ll see you soon," they said, carrying the fruit out and over to Chloe’s spot. Setting the basket down, they eyed the pile. "That’s everything we needed. I hope the dairy siblings are able to help - I didn’t consider how I’d get everything back. I don’t normally buy quite so much at one time."

Chloe looked to the collection, chuckling softly and shrugging as she turned her attention to her leg. "You sure do collect a mountain of stuff. You usually go more often I'm guessing?" she offered distractedly as she clearly turned her focus back inward. Her face turned into a frown and she sighed, blinking several times as she came back to the present.

"Maybe I could help? My sister told me what happened and I hope I can make it up to you," an approaching Kerasokan man offered and Chloe let out a soft gasp of surprise. He was massive, tall even by the tree's standards, and the shifter suddenly remembered that Harroc, despite all his size, was only impressive for a shifter. His skin was a pale white, freckled like the night sky, and his eyes were storm clouds resting beneath a shock of deep emerald hair that belied the warmth in his rich timbre voice.

"Ixaiel did a number on you-" Chloe offered back faintly, the exhaustion of the day and her own surprise giving voice to her immediate appraisal before any sort of polite greeting.

Colle bit back a snort at Chloe’s interjection. "Hey, I’d appreciate it. Your sister has been very kind, but yes, we’re in a bit of difficulty, considering. Chloe here-" They nodded in her direction. "Can only handle herself and maybe a basket, and well - the rest of this is more than I can carry." They smiled up at the Kerasokan. "I’m Colle, by the way."

"Braldil," the man offered back with a smile and a wink for Chloe. "I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, but glad to know I can help." He looked over the collection of boxes and bags and nodded after a moment. "Let me grab some rope and then I can give you a shoulder and get these easily enough if I tie them right," he said with confidence before turning to jog over to the dairy stand with easy loping strides.
Word count: 1067
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Chloe looked to Colle and batted at their shoulder gently. "Why in the Idols is he so fucking big and adorable at the same time," she hissed in dismay.

"Do I really look like the best person to ask that question?" they laughed. "You’ve heard enough to know I think the two coincide often." Grinning, they rubbed the side of their neck, fingertips ghosting over the newest marks Harroc had added. "Enjoy the ride?" they added with a saucy grin.

"If Harroc's back I'm getting him to pump me full of essence and I'm going to climb Braldil like a birch tree if he seems interested," she said decisively as she stared at said pale Kerasokan loping back towards them with a few coils of vinerope.

"Good luck with that. I don’t think he’d mind the essence, but he does have a protective streak," Colle murmured as they watched Braldil begin to gather and tie the pile of things together. They winked at Chloe. "Just be careful. You know what I mean. You don’t need cubs on top of the leg," they continued in the same quiet tone.

"Not stupid," Chloe countered equally softly before giving Braldil a radiant smile. For his part, Braldil had lifted the collection of baskets, leaving a box for Colle, and then extended an arm out towards Chloe. "Thank you so much for the help, I hate to lean all over you," she said, thumping over with her crutch and doing exactly that as she settled along his side. "I barely come up to your chest," she laughed, wrapping an arm around him.

Colle shook their head with a smile and hefted the box up as Braldil slid an arm around her. They strode in front of the two to lead the way back - and hide their amusement. The walk was uneventful, discounting the near constant flirting between the pair behind them, and Colle soon approached the top of the stairs to their home.

There was a pile of gear by the doorway, making it plain Harroc had returned from his morning's duties. “Looks like Harroc made it home first," Colle commented, pushing open the door with their box. They were almost tossed to the ground by the force of the Druid taking them up in his arms.

"My Honey, I am hungry," Harroc declared with an appreciative growl as he spun Colle slowly, pressing them against his entirely naked and recently showered form.

“I can help with that if you’ll give me time to bake - did the hunt go well, sweetheart?" Colle nudged the box to the side with their foot, as they’d had to almost drop it when Harroc pounced. “Oh - Chloe fell while we were out, got some help to bring her and our shopping back.” They nuzzled into the side of Harroc’s neck.

"Very well, needed help to bring all the prey back," Harroc answered, kissing briefly but firmly into the hollow of Colle's shoulder before finally releasing them. "I will get the other things," he declared, and then he moved past his lover to step out the door and help.

“Harroc - you may want pants-" Colle yelped as Harroc brushed by them. “Who am I kidding?” They rolled their eyes and turned back to take some of the purchases inside.

Harroc emerged onto the porch to see Chloe watching Braldil deposit his collection of containers carefully. "Chloe, you are not hurt? I heard you-" he started.

"Harroc- go back inside. We don't need your help right now. I'll- let's go- I can tell you about it inside, with pants on," Chloe managed to get out through clenched teeth as she pushed at the much larger Shifter with her free hand.

Colle picked up the box they’d set down and shook their head at Chloe. “You know as well as I do that getting him to wear pants is a losing battle." They pushed through the door and set the box on the counter.

Chloe let out an exasperated sigh as Harroc became compliant while giving her a very confused expression. "Be right back, Braldil, just need to deal with- my wool-headed instructor," she added over her shoulder, trying to obscure Harroc from view.

Chloe continued to shove Harroc right towards the back door where she practically pinned him against the door. "I'm fine- thanks," she started, taking a moment to calm herself. "And I need you to pump me full of essence so I can go work off several years of stress and maybe get some real sleep."

Harroc balked, frowning and shaking his head. "You are not my honey, I cannot-" he began to explain before Chloe cut him off again.

"Not with your cock, Idols, Harroc. With your hands, like normal," she said prodding his chest firmly with an accusatory finger.

"Oh. Of course. You are sure you are okay?" he said, immediately returning to concern for her wellbeing. He reached out a hand and placed it to her shoulder, holding her and ensuring good contact for the transfer at the same time.

“She’s okay enough. The fall shook her up a bit - and now she wants to shake him up a bit,” said Colle with a mischievous grin. Coming closer to Harroc, they stood on their tiptoes to murmur, “Much like I’d like to do to you, after the baking’s done.” They lowered themself and gently squeezed Harroc’s rump before moving back to the kitchen. Harroc rumbled, tracking Colle with his eyes intently for several seconds.

"Hey, you were helping me out," Chloe said with a wave of her hand in front of his eyes. Harroc blinked and then grinned, flexing his power and then guiding it into Chloe's eager channels. The shifter whimpered and moaned, her body violently shivering before she was able to regain her composure

"Ixaziel's bounty- how much did you-" she groaned softly through short panting breaths.

"Not more than usual, you have become adept at manipulation and your body is eager for the healing and power," Harroc answered, ensuring he was keeping her from collapsing with a hand to her side as well as the one on her shoulder. "You will be careful, yes?" he asked her, worry lining his brow.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm not looking to get any more broken. Thanks, Harroc. I'm going to head out now, but you should stay here- out of view- until we're gone," Chloe reassured him before reiterating her desire for the unclothed man to not be causing trouble.

“I can get the rest of the shopping in - do you need any skins?” Colle gave her a grin. “I should have some in the dresser somewhere.” They stepped outside and took one of the containers from Braldil’s piles. “Chloe will be back out in a bit, but I think I can get the rest inside without an issue,” they said to the tall Kerasokan standing next to the assorted foodstuffs.

Braldil nodded and smiled, clearly a bit unsure of what exactly was going on, but also content to simply wait and see. "Glad I could help," he offered. Colle smiled and walked back into the house with a large sack of fruit.

Chloe was waiting inside, almost bouncing on her good foot, and she stood aside just long enough for Colle to pass through the doorway before thumping her way out the door. "I can't just let you go without thanking you properly-" the shifter started as she moved over to Braldil with a brilliant smile.

Colle chuckled quietly as they closed the door behind her. "I'll give her and Braldil a minute to leave before we grab the rest of the shopping." Walking over to Harroc, they traced a line down the center of his chest. "Then I get the baking done while you keep me company," they said, a flirtatious grin on their face.

Harroc reacted with all the speed and grace he could muster, one long arm snaking around Colle's middle, his hand reaching down to knead at his lover's back, while his other arm pulled them close so he could hungrily devour their lips through a growl of need. Colle wrapped their arms around Harroc’s neck, leaning into him.

With a groan, Colle pulled away after a few minutes, lips reddened. “I do have to bake,” they sighed.

Harroc gently stroked their face, grinning before stealing another quick kiss. "You have impressed upon me the importance of properly warming for the most satisfying results," he countered in a faint sing-song before releasing them with a parting kiss.

“Mm, so I did,” they mumbled. Grabbing Harroc’s hand, Colle dragged him toward the kitchen. They peered out the small window next to the door, checking for any sign of Chloe or Braldil. Seeing neither, they sighed. “Last of the shopping to get in. Baking. Idols, I wish I could skip the baking and go right to dessert,” they said, leaning against Harroc.

"I will help, so that my Honey is not too tired," Harroc answered with a decisive nod, rubbing up and down Colle's side as he shared his warmth. "Is there any part you need before you begin, or is all of it necessary?"

Colle shivered at Harroc’s touch. “Eggs. In the basket there. And milk. Uh - that may be in the crate, did I bring it in?” They twisted, looking about for the crate. “I did. Good. I’ll get started measuring - bread needs to rise, so that first-” Colle trailed off, trying to come up with an order for all of the breads and pastries they needed.
Word count: 1621
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc managed to sneak in a final brush of his palm down Colle's wing joint before striding outside to collect the various boxes, baskets, and bags collected from the market. He brought them all in before bothering Colle for where they belonged.

"Milk, eggs, and berries to the cold storage. Flour, leave on the table. Everything else should go in that cupboard there," they directed, pointing. Harroc dutifully stored the goods, arranging them how he recalled Colle had done so before here and in the cafe. When he was finished, he wandered over and stood just behind them, putting a hand right below their stomach and rumbling softly.

"I swear by the Idols, Harroc-" Colle gave a soft moan, pausing with their hands halfway through measuring flour. "Baking. First."

They finished measuring the flour, pulling away from Harroc for other ingredients. "I need the milk and one egg. Oh, and one of the lemons." Pulling various sizes of spoons from a drawer, they began scooping spoonfuls from various containers. Harroc moved about, gathering the ingredients and providing them, watching his lover intently at every opportunity.

Colle mixed the dough in a large bowl before wetting a towel to wring out and cover the bowl. "One down. Meat pies and turnovers. Where's the elk meat, sweetheart?" They turned to look at Harroc. Harroc grinned and moved to the cold storage, collecting a slab of meat only as big as his chest wrapped in long leaves.

"I can cook the remainder for us if you do not need it now," he said as he presented proof of his hunt.

"For the meat pies, I'll need some. Could you cut me about two good handfuls of bite sized pieces?" Colle eyed the meat appraisingly. "By any chance is there more meat?"

"Another three portions of similar size here. I did not bring the bulk of my share here, as I believed it would be easier to direct others to the supply master instead," Harroc said as he looked about and collected a knife.

"Ah- good. I may have promised meat in exchange for the flour and whatnot," Colle replied, almost sheepish in their demeanor. "How much meat is in a side of rump and half a shoulder?"

"At least five of this portion, perhaps more depending on the health of the beast felled," Harroc said, indicating the bit he was slicing away at. "There is a good deal to feast upon at the outskirts of where most reside."

Colle's eyes widened. "Well - then I'm definitely going to need help delivering the meat. I may have to renegotiate, considering I didn't know how much meat that actually was."

"You did not seem the sort to underestimate meat, my love," Harroc quipped, turning to give Colle an indulgent once over. After a grin, he turned his attention back to his slicing.

Snorting with laughter, Colle shook their head and threw together pastry dough, making a quadruple batch for the meat pies and turnovers. They pulled out two pots from a cabinet under the counter. "I'll need to brown the meat and cook the fruit a bit. Can you either deal with the meat or help chop fruit?"

"I am familiar with either, which do you enjoy less?" Harroc asked, finishing his slicing and moving to clean his knife. As he ran the water over the blade he hummed to himself in thought before adding, "I will continue working with the knife. I enjoy watching your work with flame."

Colle raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You're not just buttering me up in hopes of cat paws, hmm?" With a grin, they took a bottle of oil and poured a bit into one of the pots. Setting the pot on a burner on top of the oven, Colle began to scoop the chopped meat onto a plate.

Harroc set to work on the fruit, taking every opportunity to watch Colle, grinning broadly any time he caught their attention. Colle quickly browned the meat before filling pie crusts and topping them with a layer of dough. They slid the meat pies into the oven.

Tossing the pot they'd used for meat into the sink, Colle dumped some of the cut fruit into the other pot, sprinkling the pieces with sugar and flour. They tapped their foot on the floor, ready to be done baking. As soon as they reasonably could, they portioned out the fruit filling onto the turnover dough and swapping the pies for the pastries.

"Put the rest of the fruit into cold storage, sweetheart. Once these are out of the oven, we're done baking." Rubbing their forehead, Colle groaned as they realized they'd smeared fruit juice across their face.

Harroc did as asked, quickly storing the ingredients before returning and putting an arm around Colle's waist. Then he leaned down and licked their head with exaggerated care. "You are very sweet. Perhaps I should taste more of you," he purred as he lazily pulled them into his bare chest.

"Oh, do you?" Colle pushed Harroc toward the table. "I have several ideas on that," they said, stalking forward in an effort to bend the shifter back onto the tabletop. Their wings flapped forcefully behind them, trying to add whatever leverage they might get.

Harroc's eyes began to swirl rapidly as they fixed on Colle's wings. He rumbled softly and ceded ground until he was leaning against the table's edge. He curled his fingers into Colle's side, sliding his thumb up and down distractedly.

Giving their lover a fierce grin, Colle slid their hand behind Harroc’s back, encouraging him to turn around. Their wings trembled, relaxing from their outstretched form. Harroc turned slowly, reluctantly letting his hand fall from Colle. "You want to claim your mate, Honey?" he hummed, pressing his hips back.

"Idols, yes," hissed Colle, pushing their hips against his. They began a trail of nips and nibbles across his lower back. "As soon as this damn pastry is done - I intend to fuck you."

Harroc moaned softly, arching his back into Colle's mouth. "You will show me your strength then, fill me with your desire?" he teased, his hands on the table curling and uncurling.

"I've wanted to for a while - but since you returned, we haven't been alone," Colle replied, licking the skin they'd been nibbling. They peeled themselves off Harroc and sniffed. "Finally."

Pulling the tray out of the oven, they slung it onto the counter. "Bed. Now." They fumbled with their clothes, pulling them off as they reached for Harroc. Harroc grinned and scooped them up, pulling the last scrap of their clothing away as he took long strides to the bed where he promptly fell atop them in a controlled but crushing embrace.

Squirming their way up Harroc's bulk, Colle sank their teeth into the curve of Harroc's neck and shoulder. They moaned softly into his ear, eager to get Harroc on his back. "Idols - I've been - looking forward to this." Harroc shivered and moaned, tugging Colle's mouth closer before shimmying his way further onto the bed and flopping beside them.
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Sliding their hand over Harroc's chest, they squeezed him lightly. "Love," they murmured. "I'd almost forgotten how amazing that feels."

Harroc returned Colle's squeeze before running his palm along their side. "You should have told me you desired it sooner, Honey," he said through a contented grin. "I would not mind you doing so more often."

"Mm, I don't really like having an audience," they said, mumbling a little. "Although - your cougar hopefully will be out until tomorrow." They smirked and glanced up at Harroc.

He leaned in, kissing at their neck slowly several times before settling back in against them. "You will need to show me more then, once we have washed and eaten. I am hungry for you," he murmured into their hair.

Colle tucked their head under Harroc’s chin. "Mm, sure, go clean up, eat food and then again, yes. Although we’re just going to get sweaty some more." They covered their mouth with a hand belatedly as they yawned.
Last edited by Harroc Crownegrove on December 9th, 2021, 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 1353
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