Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

(A Creeping Shadow Achievement. ) Teowolf travels with his animal companion seeking a name for himself. As he approaches Ajteire, something doesn't feel right.

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Teowolf »

Teowolf found himself in the direction of Ajteire, the Arbor of FireFlies. A location that was north of his village. He decided that this would be his first stop on his journey away from home. Right of Teowolf, was a black wolf, walking silently with each step. The wolf walked with a sense of purpose. Protection. It was only five years ago since Teowolf saved this black wolf from a pack of hunters. But ever since then, the wolf had stayed close to Hawk. Over the course of the five years, Teowolf and the wolf bonded very closely. They went everywhere together. The wolf soon became very attached and protective over Teowolf. Looking down, Teowolf smiled as he eyed his animal companion. The night air was crisp and silent. Teowolf looked to the right and then to the left. He paused and stopped walking. As he stopped, Teowolf's animal companion quickly followed suit and began sniffing around the forest that would soon lead them toward Ajteire.

"Hawk, you sense it too? It's strange that a night like tonight... it's silent." Teowolf spoke calmly as he raised his guard internally. Hawk circled around Teowolf and stood by his right side as his body lowered while his claws ripped into the ground. Hawk was scanning the area with his eyes, ready to lunge at anything that would deem a threat. Teowolf lowered himself and placed his left hand firmly on the ground. He released his magic through his body toward the ground. The essence of magic burst through his body as it connected to the ground. It looked for something...or someone. Teowolf closed his eyes. It was as if he was in the ground following the roots. Searching for something...anything alive around him. The roots guided him toward a vibration echoing deeper within the woods. The pulse that he felt, was different. It was dread and decay. Then shortly, the roots bolted backward toward another pulse. A similar feeling. A magical essence. As those pulses zoomed into Teowolfs body, he slowly opened his eyes. "Thank you my friends....Hawk, it seems we have something of undead ahead of us. Someone is approaching from behind. We should do everything in our power to protect them from what lies ahead in the shadows."

As Soon as Teowolf mentioned undead, Hawk growled under his breath and slowly began to move forward. Prowling as if he was beginning to hunt for his prey. Teowolf grabbed his staff from his back to prepare himself for battle. In his free hand, Teowolf began focusing as he lifted his index finger toward his lips. Energies began to swirl around Teowolf's finger. The aura of orange and brown mixtures swirled around his body. "My friend, help us. Protect us!" He spoke as he took his finger and slammed the ground with his open palm. A surge of magic energies boomed into the ground in front of him. The ground began to burst with rocks and plants. Rocks began to float into the air forming a medium figure, while the roots from plants began to connect the rocks into a body. Teowolf had summoned an earth elemental. As they formed together, the body landed on the ground and gave Teowolf a nod. In respect, Teowolf nodded back. Teowolf slowly fell behind Hawk and his summoned ally. He was ready for anything but he wasn't sure who was behind him. Teowolf decided to stay in his aura form. He didn't want to frighten anyone with his force forms. If he truly needed his force form, he will use it as a last resource. For now, he would have faith in his friends and his training as a druid to help him defend off what lurked in the shadow.
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Re: Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Vent »

After a long few days including an airship trip to Verdant Row. Then a train to the City of Fireflies, Vent finally reached his destination. His reasons for taking a vacation in the opposite climate he was use to were simple. That run in with the Undine Mizua made him strongly desire to be far from her underground river. The other side of the continent seemed like a good place to start. After seeing the towering spires of Domrhask for so long he felt distinctly out of place. So he followed his usual habit when he felt nervous. The elemental ran out into the woods, to find space away from the eyes of others. "A little peace of heaven, aye Trevor."

The dragon turtle nodded his head in agreement. Letting a relieved sound out from his master's shoulder. The creature breathed a little bit of steam out affectionately. Knowing his master was immune to the superheated air.

"Seems nature is always the best escape. No matter what part of Khy'eras we find ourselves in." The ranger gave his companion a loving scratch in return then paused. "Did you feel that Trevor?"

The minature amphibian shook his head in the negative. Though he did noticed something his friend seemed to have missed. The animals had grown silent so he projected fear thru the bond they shared.

"Don't worry so much I've no doubt we can handle it." Vent tried to calm his buddy thru their connection. Though he guessed that power that crept thru the earth was not felt by the dragon turtle. Then the wind shifted as a foul smell seemed to be coming from behind. He knew unatural decay well and drew his short swords.

Deciding on backing up to find something to guard his rear he tripped over a root and found himself facing a taller man. He felt a connection to the younger looking person that he couldn't identify. Reguardless, one thing was certain, this fellow was alive. Which in his opinion was the best he could hope for at the moment.

He spoke with confidence to the stranger as he stood. "Greetings sorry to stumble in, but there is something coming after me that forgot it wasn't alive. Don't worry though I'll protect you I swear." Then he turned his back to the man holding his weaponry at the ready. He hoped the guy didn't have a sensitive stomach. Trevor stood on his shoulder as scorching steam gathered around his mouth preparing a breath attack.
Word count: 419
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Re: Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Teowolf »

Teowolf turned around, nearly slicing the man's face off with the bottom of his staff. A sharp, curved, metal blade was attached to his staff, like a scythe. Startled at first, Teowolf glanced at the man with a tilt of his head. The man before him had stumbled over a thick root that was sprouted from the ground. The pure confidence this man had caused Teowolf to chuckle softly. Looking at the man with his emerald green eyes, Teowolf offered his hand. "It seems like you need more protection from yourself." A smile shifted upon Teowolf's face. His eyes lingered at the red-headed man, who had red hair that came down to his neck, alongside a well-trimmed red beard. There was something about this man..a connection that he has felt before. A loud growl appeared from his animal companion ahead of him, which caused Teowolf to snap out of his trance. Soon he could feel and smell the foul dead creatures. He didn't smell them before but now he did. It had seemed they had surrounded them. "Well it seems like the dead have surrounded us. I only had felt you and the ones that were ahead of me. I must have missed the ones that were behind you and those that are coming for our sides. I'll focus on this side... Oh and try not to trip on the roots on the ground. They don't like it when they get tripped on." Teowolf smirked with a smile. He was eager to have a conversation with this man but first, he needed to rid this darkness around him. The trees, roots, and plants were calling for help. They cried in pain as the dead had suffocated them.

As he turned around to face his front, he almost did a double-take. Was that a small turtle? He thought to himself. More questions for after the battle. "May Ixaziel guide you back to where you once came." Gripping his staff in his right hand, Teowolf used his off hand to concentrate his magic. Swirls of energy pulse from inside of him. A gust of wind poured out of Teowolf's off-hand as it twirled around his arm and then wrapped around his entire body. The vibrations of the wind collided with his body like a bubble of wind that began to blur himself, making it harder for him to see. Hawk leaped forward as the first wave of undead creatures slowly made their attack. A snarl of violent thrashing could be heard from Hawk as pieces of rotten flesh spewed out toward the clearing of the jungle. The earth elemental charged forward and slammed its giant rock fists into the ground causing plumes of shattered earth and rocks to erupt. The speed the plumes came fast, as the rocks began piecing undead in a straight line for several feet. As soon as Teowolf created a shield of wind around him, his body acted on its own as he stepped forward nearly missing an attack from an ugly-looking creature that moaned and screamed uncontrollably. With a quick slash from his staff, the blade connected with its neck. As the blade stabbed the creature's neck, Teowolf used his strength to push the creature off balance and onto the ground. As soon as the body hit the ground, tendrils of roots swarmed the body. The entrapment of the roots squeezed the dead creature until it couldn't move any longer.
Last edited by Teowolf on August 15th, 2021, 11:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Vent »

Vent chuckled quietly at the man's words. "No worries happens all the time, though thanks for the concern. I'd say it was on purpose, but such things aren't worth misleading people." He took the hand thankfully as he got to his feet. Something definitely felt familar at the contact. However, he had little time to ponder it as an undead horde descended on them.

"Well the names Vent." Then he gestured at his friend on his shoulder. "Trevor here will turn up the heat in a moment so mind the steam. It could sting badly if you touch it."

As if the minature dragon turtle was following a silent command he unleashed his breath. Three moaning lifeless corpses flesh began to bubble. The temperature difference was so intense they fell apart. Trevor let out a pleased sigh then narrowly dodged a meaty fist that passed over his head.

Meanwhile, the ranger was cutting anything that came in range. The earth elemental was an unexpected aid to the quad of defenders. "Glad to see I'm not alone against this horde. You and your friends are capable." The wolf and man made a good pair from what he could tell.

One creature took advantage of the elemental's distracted attention. A slam with both arms hit the smaller man's armor. It cried out in pain as the flesh cracked and blackened from touching the hot metal. A quick thrust from each of Vent's short swords put it down for good.

Two more soon fell to his fury of steel. His glance moved to his allies for a moment as he created some breathing room. They seemed okay for the time being at least. So he turned back to the fray hoping together they could succeed. Such was the life of an adventurer he supposed.
Last edited by Vent on August 16th, 2021, 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 301
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Re: Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Teowolf »

Teowolf didn't think to introduce himself. He could hear his own mother yelling at him for not having kind manners. Smiling, he ducked a blow from a small foul creature that screamed with furry. "My apologies Vent. I didn't introduce myself earlier. My mother taught me better. My name is Teowolf Boreus..." He spoke as he swirled his staff toward the brute that just tried to slash at him. With his off-hand, he sent his palm toward the creature. A gust of strong wind released from Teowolf's palms and sent the creature back into a tree. The creature missed a branch that would have impaled it. Teowolf tilted his head and scrunched his nose in discouragement. "My aim was a little off...Nice to meet you, Trevor. The black wolf in front of me is my animal companion named Hawk.. Teowolf continued to move his body like the wind in an almost dance-like fashion as he dodged the strikes and blows from the undead horde. As he danced, his staff managed to slice pieces of dead-like flesh from the bodies. Hawk and the earth elemental were handling a lot of enemies on their own. One bite or slash from Hawk and the creatures would fall to the ground. The earth elemental began twirling around like a twister sending large chunks of rock at any of the waves of enemies approaching. Teowolf turned his head to see Vent and Trevor. He smirked as he watched Vent use his swords to slice the creatures with ease. Teowolf could feel the heat from Trevor. Vent wasn't wrong about the heat with the steam.

Time drifted slowly and it seems the horde of enemies just continued to come. "They just keep coming...there is no end to them...there must be a source..." The moment the words slipped from Teowolf's lips, he heard a loud boom. The ground shook around them. Then another and another. The ground beneath them began to shake with each rumble. Then Teowolf saw it. His eyes matched with what looked like a giant. A huge creature whose flesh was rotted to the core. It carried a giant ax, moving slowly toward them. Hawk was in the zone of thrashing on its enemies but it was right inside the range of the giant beast. With a swing of its ax, it slowly it's way to Hawk. The motivation to annihilate Hawk in one swoop. Without thinking, Teowolf darted a few inches forward and released his hands. Rocks and plants began sprouting out from the ground around Hawk as it created a dome of protection. The giant swung its ax with great strength but it was slow. The strike landed on the fortified dome and a loud crack filled the air. Rocks smashed and flew from the dome. The earth elemental continued to do its thing as it helped with the ongoing horde of creatures coming out from the forest.

Teowolf looked over at Vent with a half-hearted, "Do you mind keeping the big guy busy for a moment. I have an idea but I will need some time to draw some magic. I'll create another elemental behind me to help keep the horde from approaching me." Without stopping to pause, Teowolf spoke a quick incantation then slammed his hand on the ground. The ground burst open as two medium-size creatures appeared from the ground. Both forms had a bear-like shape but on the outside of the figure were different pieces of rock and rumble mixed together with roots and bark. "Go my friends. Protect the forest. Free these beasts and put an end to them." With the command released, Teowolf turned to the giant monstrosity. He took a deep breath and began gathering magic from within himself.
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Re: Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Vent »

"Wonderful, now if some of us die the grave will be labeled properly." As he spoke his breathing room was gone. He was surrounded on four sides so he became a whirlwind steel out of necessity. One opponent became unable to get ahead as his neck parted in a spray of congealed blood. The disembodied skull rolled a few feet from him. Another fell to his other blade as half what it use to be. The two sections of the body landed near each other.

The two remaining walking corpses showed limited tactical knowledge. One slammed its arms into Vent's unguarded face causing crimson to splash as his targets jaw cracked loudly. Meanwhile, the other tackled the elemental to the ground.

Trevor hit the ground hard as he ducked into his shell. The impact was minimal as he skipped along the ground. He was angry now that his buddy was in a rough spot. He let out a below of rage that sounded like a squirrel coughing. Then his body began to glow and doubled in size. The minature dragon turtle was now a small angry amphibian. With a swift movement he shot out his beak and bit the offending monster in half.

Vent was shocked for a moment. "Trevor when did you? Nevermind, thanks you show off!" He got to his feet as the huge axe wielding beast struck at Hawk. He was about to charge to the wolf's aid, but found it was unnecessary.

He heard his humanoid companions plea for a distraction and threw caution to the wind. "Gotcha Teowolf, time to turn up the heat on my end. I can't have Trevor get away with one upping me." Soon his swords clattered to the ground and his armor disappeared in a cloud of steam. The elemental's dwarven form distorted as he grew in size.

He was fully embracing his heritage as he moved surprisingly fast. The steam cloud surrounded the giant undead thing. It bellowed painfully as its flesh bubbled. Unfortunately, it seemed to be regenerating the damage as quickly as it was being dealt. So Vent changed strategies and focused his power on one arm. With a loud thump the massive metal axe hit the ground. The arm clutching it exploded in blackened flesh. If the ranger had a face right now he would smile. He began circling the enemy as it swatted at the steam with its remaining arm.
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Re: Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Teowolf »

Teowolf's elementals were doing their job and keep the onslaught of the undead at bay. He trusted in his faith that this wouldn't be the end. Listening to his newfound friend, Teowolf smirked with a smile. He knew right away that Vent was someone he would have a good time hanging out with. Especially listening to both Vent and Trevor banter between each other. It almost reminded him of back home with his friends. Teowolf had a competitive spirit. Breathing in slowly, Teowolf focused on the magic within himself and the flow of magic around him. Seconds passed as his form began to shift forms. His humanoid appearance soon changed as his skin turned a light shade of grey and blue with strange markings throughout his body. His hair swiftly grew several inches and changed to a darker blue. His body began to shimmer as mist seemed to be producing off his skin.

Teowolf stood tall and lifted himself off the ground and raised his hands to the sky. The energy around surged through him like fireworks bursting into the night sky. Electricity sparked throughout his body while the mist continued to pour out of his skin. The clouds began to form around them as thunder could be heard from a distance. Teowolf drew his power from within himself. He tugged at the thread of magical energy in the clouds above and he pulled. He pulled and pulled on the thread. Releasing as much power as he could release to bear down on his foes. Purple streaks of lightning rain down on the horde of enemies around them. Twisting his hands, Teowolf began to form a ball of wind and sent it toward the giant undead creature. As the ball was sent flying, it grew in size and created a tornado in form. The winds swirled and raged at the creature and with shere force, it lifted the giant up as several purple streaks of lightning pierced the giant's arms.

The winds grew rapidly around them as the aerial strike continued to rage against the horde. Teowolf hoped that it was enough to give Vent enough time to make a finishing blow on this creature. [color=808000]"Thank you my friend. Now's your chance. He should be weak."[/color] Teowolf shouted. Teowolf fell down to the ground to try to catch his breath from the major use of his magic.
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Re: Something that lurks in the shadows...(Open/Vent)

Post by Vent »

Having never been in his steam elemental form during high winds Vent panicked a little. Then he remembered he wasn't a mindless product of nature. The cloud began to solidify by his will which increased his overall temperature output. The monstrosity bellowed in agony as it's flesh began to melt more rapidly. Having not seen his father since he was three in the dormant volcano where the older man lived. The half-fire elemental never realized he could create such heat. It was disorienting, but he never felt closer to the being that supplied half of his lineage. He would feel bad about it honestly if this giant wasn't already an unnatural thing.

Trevor backed up from the intense power. He was innately resistant to fiery attacks. However, he wasn't immune. The dragon turtle could feel it in his body that he couldn't handle what his buddy was doing. Several trees ignited as what moisture they had evaporated like smoke.

Eventually, the one armed undead exploded into ash and chared flesh. This left a crater about its size where it once stood. Several smaller lifeless creatures became nothing, but dust on the wind. Vent lost himself for a short time as the immense power touched him.

Suddenly, he realized the nature of what he was doing. A forest fire had started because of him. Displaying his resolve his form altered as cloud became misty warm rain. Which was quite common in jungle climates. Unfortunately, he had already used much of his energy. He became a dwarf once again. He turned to Teowolf as several trees still burned. "Please, help me stop this. I didn't mean to. I didn't even know I could do that." He looked around at the carnage he caused and stood breathing heavily. More undead remained and he had fire to fight as well. Decisions needed to be made and he was not sure what was the priority. If he died he couldn't help the trees. So he picked up one of his swords and turned his free arm into a water spout. He guessed doing both was his best option. "Alright, I've had enough of this zombie dance party! Allow me to stop the music!" He charged a cluster of the beast that were near the biggest tree he could see on fire.
Word count: 386
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