Outer demons

Halloween challenge nuff said.

Divided by the Slyscera Mountains, the northern frostbitten territory of Khy'eras is where the Dwarven city Domrhask was founded. Naturally, this area is difficult to navigate to due to surrounding geographical obstacles and weather. Read more...
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Angus Ogille
Guardian of the riverlands
24 / 24 HP
20 / 20 MP
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Race: Human
Class: Druid
Posts: 7
Joined: January 20th, 2020, 12:37 am
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Outer demons

Post by Angus Ogille »

Sunset was fast approaching as Angus observed his surroundings. The Irutuen Reaches was colder than he expected. Sure he was decked out in the best furs he could aford in that small village he came across yesterday. However, being a druid on a pilgrimage was'nt something you did for the money. To get away from Fellsguard he had two real choices north or south. Something pulled to the frozen mountains. As an ordained champion of Phress he had learned to trust his instincts.

Dren blissfully marched at his favorite human's side. The frost in the air was pleasing to the badger. As a furry creature he was better suited to cold over heat. He seemed nervous for some reason, maybe the full red moon was just strange. A sudden strong wind blew thru his humans new fur. It was bone chilling causing the druid to shutter uncontrollably. This caused concern in the animal

Finally the pair reached a cave at the foot of a mountain. "Thank the Eidolons we found shelter before the light fully departed." Snow began to fall steadily, yet somehow the unnerving moon was still clearly visible. "After sundown, things were going to get a whole lot worse." Thankfully the pair had found a place to settle in for the storm. That it was common in the north he felt was safe to guess.

Inside the place was a ring of stones designed to hold a fire. In a corner about fifty feet in he found a stack of firewood kept for visitors to this cave. Was someone living here? The skilled nature guardian searched about the place for proof of habitation. The room went back about two-hundred feet all togeter. It was of natural stone with no indication of work beyond the ring of stones. While he was searching his companion was digging up a portion of the dirt floor. Bones of varied sizes were uncovered. Angus was no expert on such things, but he had cleansed a few gravesites during his priest studies. Far as he could tell the pieces were humanoid.

While he pondered this development he heard shuffling near the entrance. It had gotten pretty dark, but the red light reflecting off the snow outside outlined a bipedal shape. "Who goes there, is this place yours?"

Some more shuffling was heard as the unmistakable sound of wood hitting wood followed. Then the firepit sprang to life revealing a tall middle-aged man with pale skin and black hair. "My place huh, not exactly. More like a temporary hide out if you will. Come closer to the fire young man, you must be cold."

Dren did not like what he smelled from the new human. It was like a fresh kill had stood up and started talking. What did that even mean? The fear the badger felt was oppressive and passed mentally to his master.

Angus could have sworn a towering shadow had touched him when the flames sprung up. This coupled with Dren getting more nervous, caused him to take up a defensive stance. The newcomer was perhaps thirty feet away from him at this point. Come to think of it how did the older man stack the materials so quickly? "Whoever you are, I must warn you my power comes from the great spirit Phress. I'm not pray you'll find easy to defeat." His grip grew tighter as large pointed spears of water circled around the visitor in a half-moon formation. It was positioned between the fire and Angus.

"Really a great spirit you say, aren't you an arrogant mortal. I have destroyed entire dimensions with my power." A pair of long jagged daggers appeared in his hands from nowhere. He threw them with startling speed and accuracy. A wall of water rose up in front of his target catching the blades. Suddenly, the liquid weapons thrust at him while the wall disappeared. The daggers fell to the floor with a clang. Then they flew back to his hands and were caught perfectly while he dodged. "I'll admit that was an impressive display. You lucky I just had a meal recently. Catch me if you dare." Then surprising speed was shown as the two daggers were gone from sight. A pair of horns grew from his head suddenly. One was long and sharp while the other ended a few inches above his scalp. Black bat like wings sprung from his back instantly when he reached the cave entrance. Then he took off in the air growing in size as he did blocking the moonlight for a moment as he left.

Angus had given chase with Dren right behind him. It was likely foolish to try, but common sense wasn't always right. The winged person was to fast for him to catch as he raced along the snow. Then he tripped over something solid. He lost sight of his target as he hit the snow hard. When he looked around he found five orc corpses covered in deep gashes. The real shock was they were completely bloodless. Like something had sucked the live giving fluid from them. Khy'eras is a scary place.
Word count: 858
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