A Frostfire Fury

Divided by the Slyscera Mountains, the northern frostbitten territory of Khy'eras is where the Dwarven city Domrhask was founded. Naturally, this area is difficult to navigate to due to surrounding geographical obstacles and weather. Read more...
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

Aldri watched the exchange with the Druid and the cat, an openly amused grin plastered on his features. "Well then, seems you've got quite the tongue for cats. As for games, I do enjoy a bit of Pond from time to time. Are you familiar?" he asked as he removed a well worn stone box engraved with faintly glowing runes. The contents clinked faintly with the sound of metal as he lifted the lid. There was another soft clatter as a collection of stamped metal cards slid onto the table. He collected one and offered it to Velnise as he explained, "A regular deck of playing cards, despite the styling, and I'll explain the rules if you're not familiar."

She took it warily, flipping it over. “I’m not familiar with that game - and metal cards? That’s unusual.” Setting the card down gently, she looked up. “As a druid, I don’t use metal as a rule. The Disciples, ah, strongly encourage us to use natural materials - wood, stone, bone, mostly.”

"Ah but what is the difference between worked stone and worked metal? Neither grows again, and metals can be reforged far more than stone can be unshaped," Aldri countered with a nod. "Though I believe I've a more ragged set somewhere if these just will not do."

Velnise picked up the card again, running her finger along the edge. “I find them curious, but I don’t see a reason not to use them, I guess.” She looked up with a mischievous smile. “I’d like to see you explain your reasoning on metals to the instructors - though I somewhat doubt they’d listen.” Tossing the card to Aldri, she sat back. “So tell me about the game?”

"It is not terribly complex, moreso if you know trick-taking card games," he began, looking briefly to Velnise for agreement or confusion. Seeing she gave a nod, he continued. "First the goal is to collect tricks, but Pond has the added danger of poisons." He shuffled the cards and they emitted a faint clack as they were rapidly rearranged. "Your poison suit, and mine," he said, tapping each card as he dealt them face up.

"These will be worth a negative twenty-five when taken, and-" he collected her card and dealt another, reshuffling the deck after. "You cannot have spades as a poison," he explained. "Now this is your hand for both, five will remain hidden and the other eleven you can examine." He dealt them each sixteen cards. "You will choose your profit rank from the group of three: Ace to four, four to seven, and eight to ten. Once you've selected your ranking remove a relevant card and put it face down."

Aldri took a moment to examine his own cards and did so. "You cannot use a four to indicate a set though, as that would be unclear. When we score, any card in your profit rank is worth fifteen. A card that is both profitable and poisoned is sadly only poisoned. Faces are worth ten, extra numbers are worth five, and aces only one." He collected the remainder of his cards and waited for Velnise to select and do the same. "Face and eight up of spades are trump cards allowing you to take a trick. While the rest are counters that force the other player to take a trick."

"I will deal first, placing the first half of the bait, you will play the second. This is the start of what is called the pond. Whoever takes the trick will take the entire pond. We may also play another card each face down, but that is the leader's decision each time." He tapped his card and then indicated her poison. "I am openly poisoning this pond for you, so it is to your benefit to do the same to me if you can and then further strategy arises with the hidden cards."

Velnise frowned, considered her hand, and hesitantly chose a card to lay down. “And then - are you planning to play a hidden card?” She tapped the edge of a card absently.

"I am, though I promise I am not doing so simply to spite you," he replied with a wink, putting down a second card face down. "Now we play the rest just as a normal game of tricks. There will be four rounds, and a round lasts until we have less than three cards remaining. Let's begin, do not hesitate to ask questions," Aldri said with a grin.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

The game sounded deceptively simple - and like most games that involved an element of bluffing, she found the rounds ending in the dwarf’s favor. She started trying to rid her hand of the poison cards, but the strategy wasn’t successful enough to win the round. Then she attempted to actively poison him, but he simply forced her to take the trick.

Her third hand had a number of high-value cards, but they didn’t do her much good, even trying to capture more face cards for points. She tried a combination of all three of her previous attempts at strategy, but Aldri managed to get the better of her every trick. On her last round, she counted and found that she’d actually lost points instead of gained.

At the end of four rounds, Aldri had 135 points to her 30. “You’re a clever bastard, aren’t you,” she grumbled, having finished her rather deep mug of ale. “I’ve never been very good at tricking people, even in a game.” Stacking the cards and handing them over, she tried not to pout about her humiliating loss at his hands.

"Ah, that may be part of the rub. This is strategy more than deception," he answered with a nod as he collected the cards and returned them to their stone case. "Mitigating danger, establishing opportunity, and striking when most favorable are all core tenets of my particular form of battle. You did well though, for lacking in experience. A round on me, and we can settle into comfort?"

Velnise sighed and yawned. “I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on the next round. Maybe another time I’d take you up on it,” she remarked. She turned and saw the frame of the cot leaning against the wall. “Ah, wonderful. I can set up anywhere here, I’m guessing,” she commented, moving the cot closer to the fire before tugging her bedroll from her things. Spreading the bedroll out on top of the cot, she sat to kick off her boots.

“You want to leave before sunrise, yes?” Velnise peeled off damp socks and shoved them into her pack before replacing them with dry socks. She pulled the bedroll open and slid in. “I’ll tack up Aspen as soon as I’m up. I’d appreciate it if you could maybe get us a bit of food from Cadwin before we leave.” Curling on her side, she turned her back to the fire. “Good night, then, Aldri.”
Word count: 421
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Aldri Yosbin
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

"Aye, another time then, perhaps when this is done we can trade tales over a few mugs," Aldri answered with a soft chuckle, rubbing at his own eyes. When she asked about sleeping arrangements he simply shrugged. "Only you and me out here, unless the hunters come back tonight." He moved to roll out his own bedroll on the side beside hers.

"Aye, I'll be sure to collect some extra ration, and moving out before the dawn gives a nice little break to the drudgery of plowing through frozen wastes," he offered with a knowing chuckle. Settling into bed he lay flat, looking up at the distant ceiling. "Well night Velnise. May the stars bring you comfort for the coming battles." With that, he fell into a comfortable sleep.

Aldri was about and moving well before the needed time, keeping himself busy with the industry of packing and organizing his packs, pockets, and contraptions. Noticing Velnise beginning to stir, he offered a quiet greeting. "Apologies for waking you- it is well before time we depart. If you are interested though, I believe we could get a meal and collect our supplies as long as we left the coin behind for the boy."

Velnise yawned and swung her legs over the side of her cot. “No worries, I was about to get up anyway. Most likely he won’t mind our helping ourselves - I’ll go ahead and get Aspen ready. It’ll give her a chance to warm up before going out.” She shoved her feet into her boots and made sure her coat was closed before heading out to the stable.

Aldri gave her a nod and rose, returning his projectors to his coat. With soft humming he moved to the supply room, collecting a few extra packs of rations and feed before setting about collecting the things necessary for a hearty, but not overwhelming, breakfast. By the time Velnise had returned, there was a plate of sizzling trail sausage, some pickled eggs, and a bit of oatmeal with rehydrating fruits arranged on the counter.

“By Ixaziel’s bounty, that smells so good,” she sighed as she came in. Rolling her bedroll tightly, she crammed it into her pack and closed the bag snugly. “Oh - by the way, I can tie your pack to Aspen’s saddle. Just give it to me when we head out,” Velnise said, coming over to the counter. Her eyes were fixed on the food.

"I yield to your wisdom in such things, though it may need some rearranging so as not to discomfort your companion," Aldri explained, preparing a quick plate for Velnise and offering it. "For drink, we've not got too much, some water from the day prior and some weak ale."

“Water is fine. Aspen has a hide over her hindquarters for warmth, so unless you have some very pokey things in your pack, she’ll likely be fine.” She took the plate gratefully, gingerly picking up a bite of sausage and blowing on it before putting it in her mouth. Her eyes grew wide and she grabbed the nearest mug to take a deep drink.

"Mind you I make quite the surprising sausage, but usually doesn't make folks drink more right away," Aldri said with a hearty chuckle, taking a more deliberate approach to his own food.

Velnise stared at him for a long moment before snorting with laughter. “Oh, do you then? Should I worry about provisions tonight?”

"I don't believe I've ever given cause for concern, with my provisions or their packaging. If they become the topic of conversation in the evening, that's something to consider then," he returned with a wink.

Velnise raised an eyebrow, smirking, before turning to her plate. "If that's the topic of conversation, I'm better off trying to play cards against you, I think."

Aldri laughed and returned his focus to his own food. Before long he was finished, leaving only the faint remains of grease on his plate. "I've gotten some extra rations for us and your companion. We can get water at the spigot right before we leave. Anything else you can think of to face the mountain?" he asked as he moved to collect both the plates.

She shook her head slowly, thinking. "With the rations we should be fine. Ready then?"

"I am. Lead on, wayfinder."
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

Gathering her pack, Velnise stood and made for the door. She held it open for Aldri as he followed. “Let me get Aspen, get you mounted, and then we can be on our way.” She trudged off to the stables, moving as quickly as she could.

<<We have a new companion with us - a dwarf called Aldri,>> she told the mare. Aspen huffed and scratched her nose on her foreleg. Taking that as begrudging consent, Velnise led Aspen out, checking her tack as they moved through the stable. <<Be nice.>>

“Alright. I can take your pack and put it here,” Velnise said, patting the side back of the saddle. Rings sewn into the leather peeked out. “I’ll put mine on the other side.” She moved around the horse, checking the fit of several straps and buckles and adjusting a few. Giving Aspen a pat on the rump, Velnise attached her pack on Aspen’s right side.

Moving around to Aspen’s left, Velnise gave Aldri a smile that slowly slid into a frown. “Oh - I don’t think there’s a mounting block around here, and Aspen’s a bit tall. Would you like a leg up?”

He frowned for a moment and then nodded sharply. "I'd rather not put a hole in the roof to use the hooks, a hand will do," he said, sounding only mildly displeased.

Velnise nodded and threaded her fingers together, crouching a little. “Foot here, then on three.” Aldri complied, seeming more nimble than his frame might suggest. Once he was in the saddle, Velnise picked up his pack to tie it to the rings. “Aspen’s part draft horse, so she’s a little difficult to mount unless you’re used to her height.” Securing the pack, she headed back to the stirrup on the left to mount.

"Not the first time I've heard that-" Aldri said softly with a chuckle.

Velnise paused with one foot in the stirrup and shot him a look part censorious and part amused. “I could leave you to walk, you know.”

"Oh it was never a derisive point, but understood. I'll be quiet."

“That would be - a boring journey,” she replied, jumping onto the saddle and maneuvering herself into place. “It does make me question what goes on in places like Domrhask - and if metal is all you’re working with those Dwarven hammers.” She shot him a smirk over her shoulder as she gathered the reins.

"Need somethin' ta do when the day's done an tha ale 'as flowed-" he answered softly, a strong accent coming through with his amused chuckle.

“And you don’t get enough tinkering done at work?” she asked in Dwarvish, a saucy grin on her face. She clucked to Aspen, who began walking across the few buildings of the outpost.

"Always more time to tinker, so much to discover," he answered back deadpan, though if she caught his face he gave a wink.

Chuckling softly, Velnise gave Aspen a gentle nudge and a loose rein as they reached the path. "Many sights and sounds to discover, I am sure, and not just your little machines," she tossed over her shoulder with an impish expression.

"Aye- and they pack a punch that belies their size," Aldri agreed with a hearty laugh. Aldri fell quiet for a time after this, clearly focusing on the unfamiliar motion of riding a horse.
Word count: 580
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Aldri Yosbin
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

The hour of travel had passed quickly, and now they found themselves looking up at an ice coated waterfall that continued to rage despite winter's efforts. Freezing mist poured from the waters, coating the trail in thick sheets of impassibly slick terrain. Aldri looked up at the roiling mass of bitter cold and let out an annoyed grumble.

"Same as when I came the other day, falls are running fast and I ain't looking to bring down the whole mess of ice to swing across. Care to find us a way?" he asked to Velnise's back with a dismissive wave at the entire ordeal.

Frowning, Velnise studied the frigid waterfall. Although the disturbance of the earth was not quite as disruptive as the formations she’d passed yesterday, the waterfall made it clear that similar forces had likely been at work here as well. Aspen snorted and pawed at the ground, stamping her hoof onto a patch of ice.

Velnise rolled her eyes and leaned forward on Aspen’s neck. <<If you think you’re up to the trail, then I can do that,>> Velnise nickered in Aspen’s ear. Aspen tossed her head up. <<Fine. Impatient one.>> Velnise replied. Swinging her leg over Aspen’s withers with a touch of difficulty she slid off the saddle. “Give me a moment - I’ll have to put together a ritual,” she said to Aldri. Smoothing an area of ground with her boot, she took a small pouch from her belt and began to place stones and small bones as she inscribed a diagram on the frozen earth.

Aldri watched from his slightly precarious perch, clearly intrigued but not looking to jump down into the deep snow the Druid moved across without trouble. "Anything's better than freezing to death after taking a tumble down those falls. All I could do here is crack the ice and that'd likely do far more harm than good to the trail."

Velnise continued setting out her tools, a slight huff of breath the only sign she’d heard Aldri’s comment. She continued sketching and placing bits, standing at one point to encircle Aspen and Aldri in a point in her diagram. Moving to the far side, she drew another circle, smaller, that held a chunk of ice she’d broken off a nearby bush. Another few steps brought her to a point where she enclosed herself, connecting the circle to the rest of the rune layout.

"Beautiful-" Aldri said quietly, intently examining the markings in the snow and assessing their purpose.

Crouching low, she held her hands out and began chanting. “Byult Laptari, A micy ti uie, ol iry vni al bet o kattyr ar uieh lagnt.” Giving a soft yowl, she continued. “Tny amy al misd ord A olk uieh phitymtair, tnot cu jyyt by ol ltyodu ol uieh msiedsaky povl, tnot cu bidu by vohcyd ol uieh tnamk pyst vohcl uie, ord tnot A cou lnohy tnyly biirl vatn cu micporairl.” She closed her eyes, exhaling with a rumbling sound not unlike a cat’s purr. After a brief moment, she began to rise, but landed in the snow on her rump instead.

"You alright there lassie?" Aldri offered with clear concern, moving to dismount but delaying the movement briefly as he knew it would mean trouble getting back astride.

“Just - need a minute,” she panted. “Not used to - covering a Dwarf - uh, person - as well as Aspen.” She pulled herself up carefully and leaned against Aspen for a moment. Aspen curled her neck around Velnise, whickering softly. Velnise patted the mare and put her foot into the stirrup.

When she was settled again, Aldri offered a small silver flask around her side. "Ah, takes a lot to overcome the people o' stone," he said, nodding in understanding. "Well, this may help, pushes away the ache and lets the body recover. Tis not alcohol, but an elixir," he added the last hastily.

Velnise took the flask, but hesitated. “I’m wondering if we should save this for later. I’m a bit winded, nothing more.” She stared down at the silver container.

"You say that like I don't have more. Just a nip will be enough, and you shouldn't have more than three fingers a day, unless you want to poison yourself," he explained easily, apparently quite confident it would be no trouble.

Twisting open the top, she eyed it warily before taking a modest slug. “By the idols’ toenails, that’s foul,” she muttered, wiping her mouth. “I don’t know how anyone would want to have more than three fingers a day - mine or yours,” she said as she passed the flask back.

"Aye, can't get the taste more pleasant, but it'll open the channels of a caster right up, and it gives a touch of caution too. Used to be paranoia- that took a bit to fix." He said with a faint distraction before adding, "Make sure you're drinking water."

Velnise opened her canteen, the water sloshing as jitters ran down her arm. She shook her head and took a drink, swishing the water around her mouth before swallowing. Following another generous mouthful of water, she restoppered the canteen and tucked it back in its spot. "Makes me feel a touch - restless, I guess." Velnise wrinkled her nose, looking for the best description, before nudging Aspen forward. "Thanks," she added over her shoulder.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

Aspen forged through the mountain path, her hooves clicking against the hard ice with the occasional bobble when the frozen crust was less thick than expected. Velnise kept one hand’s fingertips trailing on the mare’s neck, ever ready to help. “We’re doing all right thus far, assuming I’ve followed the trail correctly,” Velnise said, glancing over her shoulder.

The trail turned sharply - a switchback - and a view of the waterfall greeted them. The ice along the lower banks of the river made a crystalline shield against the water, though nothing could have shielded against the thundering roar. Cascading over a cliff and numerous rocks, the water thrummed with the force of its current and downward motion.

Pausing, Aspen stopped for a moment and tossed her head. Velnise patted her absently, staring at the dangerous beauty ahead of them.

"The forces coming off that thing- could sheer steel if one could 'old it in place long 'nough," Aldri said with awe as he peered around Velnise's side to appreciate the falls during the respite.

“Strong enough to kill most anything that got in its way, too. But beautiful in its unbound power,” she commented, not moving her eyes from the water. Velnise closed her eyes, reaching out for a moment. “A number of fish and plants downriver - not much here near the pool.” Sighing, she straightened, opening her eyes and refocusing on the trail. “I suppose we should move on.”

Aspen snorted, pawing the ground, and Velnise nudged Aspen’s elbow with her toe. <<Go on, then, impatient little one,>> Velnise said, a faint chuckle to her words. Aspen bounded into her first step, quickly coming back to her old pace. Aldri let out only a small grunt of surprise and tightened his grip as he was caught by the unexpected bounce of movement.

They rode in relative silence for several minutes with the only sounds being the raging falls and crunch of Aspen's feet against the ice-covered trail. Soon enough, they were past the waterfall and entering a narrowing gulley. Aspen slowed, pausing at a section of loose dirt and pebbles. She stretched her head lower and began to very carefully place her hooves along what Velnise thought was the trail.

Velnise gave her free rein, letting the horse pick her path through the treacherous ground. Even with the magic protecting them, nothing could stop Aspen from slipping a bit, though she recovered her footing. Aldri let out a very small grumble of discontent as the even swaying ride became a series of short jerks and thudding steps.

Humming softly, Velnise did her best not to hinder her mare. She could dismount and walk - but Aspen was likely more sure-footed. Aspen also didn’t have pants to get soggy and stick to her legs either, Velnise thought, with a slight smirk at the idea of a horse in pants.

"Glad I asked fer help. Doubt I'd have enjoyed clambering down this even if I had gotten past the falls. Is the area usually so- broken up?" Aldri asked once he had finally adjusted to the constant shifting and jerking.

“I haven’t been in this area for several seasons, but I don’t recall the paths being this bad.” She closed her eyes, feeling the life around them. “This - it’s part of the disturbance. Something it did caused the land to shift and change.” Aspen snorted, as if punctuating Velnise’s statement.

"Ah, fair 'nough. Follows with all the rumbling and cracking ye could hear," Aldri mused, preemptively shifting to lessen Aspen's next thudding step. "That sense of the land you have tell you much about the center point, or do I need to get out my tools at the next clear spot?"

Velnise raised her eyebrow and looked back. “I’ve got a feel for what’s ahead, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to see your creations at work. Just let me know if they’re going to be loud so I can warn Aspen.”

"Shouldn't be too bothersome. Mostly needs be I've got my feet planted well and truly. Helps if I can sight the sky clear enough too," Aldri explained, giving a small point upward with his hand around her waist.

Velnise nodded, suppressing a shiver at the tickle of Aldri’s hand moving. “There should be a clear area ahead. We can take a break and maybe eat a bit before you bring out your - tools,” she said with a little smirk. “Can’t say I’ve seen many Dwarven tools in action.”

"Then yer in for a treat, I've got a fine kit and some rarer gear you won't see anywhere else. A stretch of the legs sounds good too and might need the energy to really work things to satisfaction," Aldri affirmed with a hearty chuckle.

Velnise tried and failed to suppress a snort of laughter. “Rare gear, you say? Don't wear yourself out just to show me all of your kit - we've still got a long ride ahead."

"Worry not, Dwarves are well suited for endurance," Aldri countered deadpan.

Velnise chuckled to herself. "We should get there in a moment or two - if you need to prepare yourself," she said, grinning. She nudged Aspen forward lightly, the clearing beginning to appear ahead.
Word count: 900
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Aldri Yosbin
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

Aldri slid down carefully from Aspen's back, grunting faintly as he landed on the mostly flat stone and packed dirt of the clearing. "This'll do nicely I think," he said as he tried to reach for the pack on the saddle so he could set to unlatching it. "I'll need an area about a meter across, and you'll want to be anywhere but the northside, unless you enjoy seeing stars at nose distance."

Unable to actually reach the pack he frowned and looked to Velnise. "A bit of help here?" he asked with a glare for the offending pack.

Reaching back, Velnise pulled the leather strips apart to free Aldri's pack. Once she'd ensured the Dwarf had his belongings, she turned and unfastened her own before dismounting from Aspen. She set the pack down and loosened Aspen's girth to let the mare relax a bit while they stopped.

Velnise fished in her pack and pulled out a few strips of jerky with a hard biscuit-like lump. Aspen nipped the lump from Velnise's hand, crunching and slobbering with enthusiasm. Velnise frowned at the mare and wiped her beslobbered hand on the horse's neck.

Aldri chuckled from nearby where he was stretching his back extensively. He let out a satisfied groan as something popped into place, and then set to opening the pack and removing a series of metal tubes and large roughly cut gems. He checked each as he removed them, placing them onto a bit of softened leather rather than the stone directly. When he was finished, he had five pipes, four gems, and something that appeared to be a spyglass.

Watching with interest, Velnise chewed on one of the jerky strips. The metal gleamed in the sun, showing careful maintenance. "Could you tell me about what all this does as you set it up?" Velnise asked, gesturing to the assorted items. "Oh - jerky?" She held out a strip to Aldri.

"Certainly, let me know if I'm getting too- theoretical," he said with a nod. "Appreciate the offer, but I'll need to wait until this is running, or I'm liable to miss a part," he added, waving off the jerky for the moment. "So, at the high level I'm looking to isolate local disturbances in the flow of energy. In this case, local means something inside of maybe ten miles." He moved his hand in a broad circle to indicate the area.

"Each of these," he collected one of the tubes, moving his fingers over the etching before placing it onto the ground in a particular orientation, "acts as a sort of lens. They direct the energy flow through the gems, which are attuned to different sorts of energy themselves. All together, they make a sort of projection. Then I can use this spyglass, which is attuned to the resonances, and look over the details past the generally blinding light."

Focusing on Aldri's explanation, Velnise stopped chewing and bit her lip. "Okay - so the tubes direct the energy through the gems, and the gems make a display, which you look at through that spyglass? What do you look for, exactly?"

"The gems are more like the filter, the display just happens because of the arrangement of everything. Why it's important," he adjusted two tubes minutely and then nodded, "that they all be in the right place." He looked over the collection for a brief silent moment with intense scrutiny. "I'm looking for eddies, like the river. There's always natural lines to power, places in the land, big beasties, things that radiate or drink up more energy than usual."

"Mostly useless near any large gathering of folk, given their penchant for mucking with the natural order as often as they can. The sinkhole of power is what led me this far, it's pretty plainly visible, which is why I'm worried it'll draw bigger more dangerous sorts. Now then-" he placed a final gem into the arrangement and nodded as a faint hum began. "I'll take that jerky if you please. This will take a few."

Handing over the strip of meat, Velnise sat on the ground an arm's length away from the array. "It sounds similar to how I perceive the land. Feeling for life forces, picking apart the different - hm, flavors, if you will - of all the living things, sensing their comfort or distress..." she trailed off as the hum began to grow louder. She eyed it warily but the thrum of energy stayed fairly quiet.

"Trying to feel the land itself is much like what trying to listen to whispers next to this would be," Velnise said, waving her hand. "Quiet. Often it's quicker to study the creatures and plants in an area, what they've felt and done." She tucked her hands under her chin, propping her elbows on her thighs as she studied the collection of alchemical bits and bobs on the ground.

"Aye, but have to work with what I know," he answered with a small shrug, turning his attention to her instead as he bit into the jerky quietly. It was clear he was considering something as he ate.

"Anything wrong?" she asked quietly, lifting her head to look at the Dwarf. Velnise glanced over her shoulder. Aspen stood off to the side, one hoof cocked as she dozed.

"Appreciating your consideration for my craft. Not often one gets the chance to do so," he answered blandly.

"I did say I hadn't seen much of its like before," she replied. "There's always more to learn." Velnise studied the spyglass. "If I looked through that spyglass, would I be able to see what you see, or would I have to be attuned to it in some way?"

"Once it has stabilized, you would see the same as I could. It should last near an hour if we don't disturb it, so you're welcome to have a look," Aldri answered, smiling broadly. "I would be happy to explain what you come across."

Velnise stretched her arms above her head carefully. "I’d like to look after you’re finished with what you need to do. Will it take long until it’s ready?"

"Another few minutes," Aldri said idly, openly looking her over as he too enjoyed a few brief stretches. "You spend a good amount of time moving about the wilds?" he asked.

"Most of my time, really," she replied. "I travel where I'm needed to inspect any issues. If I haven't been sent somewhere specific, I can go wherever and keep an eye on things. I try to meet up with my druid circle when I can."

"You seem quite well equipped for such rigors, does being away from others for so long not cause you worry?" Aldri explained his line of thought.

Velnise shot him a confused look. "Worry? Why? Aspen travels with me, the land surrounds me - I could no more get away from others than I could fly to the moon." Studying him, she tilted her head to the side. "Do you worry about being a - doombreaker, I think you said? Isn't it risky?"

"Oh, I suppose it is. I find myself being asked such things often enough I suppose," he mused, rubbing at his chin in clear thought. "As for worries, Dwarves are seen as a close-knit people and one who dabbles in replacing the arcane, isn't always taken in by his fellows. My worries tend to be more for how I can ensure I leave this world a better place before an untimely end." He gave her a grin and a wink, sweeping his arms out to their surroundings.

"Fair enough," she said with a short laugh. "Many of those who don't fit in seem to want to fix the world. I take it your contraptions are too close to magic for most Dwarves' comfort?"

"Aye, suspicion seems to be a cultural pastime, but I make do," Aldri cracked his neck briefly and then nodded to the glowing aura around the array of tubes and gems. "Seems it's time to see the veil a bit. Should only take a minute and then I'll hand it over for you to be dazzled." He lifted the spyglass and grunted at what was revealed to him.

"Clear enough then-" he muttered before dropping the glass and coming over to sit beside Velnise, offering it to her. "Easier to explain if I am at the same angle to start," he explained with a nod towards the aura.

She took the spyglass from his hands carefully, squeezing one eye shut as she lifted it. The array of colors revealed through the glass's eyepiece dazzled her. They shifted and undulated as though blown about by an unseen wind. "Beautiful - the colors, they're dancing but to music I know nothing of," she murmured, staring fixedly through the spyglass.

"I have heard it compared to the ocean splayed across the sky," Aldri said through a broad smile. "What is most prominent is likely the local fields springing from deep within the mountains. You should see what can best be called as eddies to our east, with the hint of purples."
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

Focusing intently, Velnise peered through the spyglass again while trying to concentrate on the ebb and flow of life around them. "Ah - so that over there-" She turned slightly toward the path they’d taken. "That’s the river there. The darkness that’s ahead must be the disturbance."

Frowning, she lowered the spyglass. The colors had seemed almost as if they’d been drawn in, much like a whirlpool could pull water and anything floating in it down to the bottom of a river. Whatever was at the center of the darker purple she’d seen was greedily taking in energy - or prey - to cause the mayhem in the area.

"You have the sense of it, yes," Aldri agreed. "It will take a bit before it is safe for me to collect the components. Feel free to look through the glass some more until then?"

Velnise held it out, hesitantly. "Are you sure you don’t want to study the, uh, display more? To some extent, I’m just enjoying the pretty colors," she said with a self-deprecating laugh. Aspen snorted behind her, waking briefly only to doze again.

"Nothing wrong with appreciating beauty," he countered with a chuckle openly staring at her. "Besides, perhaps you'll see something further and at the worst you can take some enjoyment from it."

Sighing, she set the spyglass down gingerly. "The darkness - those purples and dark blues - worry me. There’s something drawing things - energy, prey, or whatever - down like a vortex." She chewed on her lip, attempting to recall what could cause such an effect.

"And it's why I am here. Distantly it appears as the faintest wisp of disruption, but here it is plainly damaging the area. Something that hungry, it is never good."

"But what is it? A Great Beast, corrupted? A plague affecting the area? A pocket of undeath?" She grimaced at the last. "A dark ritual gone rogue?" Velnise rested her chin on her fist, propping her elbow on her knee. "It doesn’t feel natural."

"Don't have that sort of insight, or I'd likely have more specific tools," Aldri offered with a hearty laugh. "And I don't feel half as bad for having to bring my varied kit."

"Why, because your Wayfinder is in the dark as well?" She pressed her lips together. "I wish I had some nifty little gadget that could tell me more of what that is."

"If time was not a concern, I could make you all sorts of useful gadgets. A bit more now, and it'll be ready to collect by the way; if you wanted to give a last look," Aldri said with a wave of his hand about the open sky.

"If you’re sure you don’t need to look-" She picked up the spyglass and turned her head further than before. A vaguely horse-shaped greenish blob appeared, blocking most of her view. "Aspen!" Velnise laughed and shooed the mare from in front of her.
Word count: 504
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

"Eager to be the one getting the attention, or eager to get back on the trail?" Aldri asked with a hearty chuckle.

"Probably both, honestly. She's a little spoiled - aren't you Aspen?" Velnise smiled, turning to look at the mare. "It's my fault - I hand raised her when her mother rejected her, so she's used to having almost all of my attention."

Looking through the spyglass again, she put her own hand up before swinging the tool in his direction. "Apparently we're very colorful in the spyglass," she said, laughing. Taking a final look around, she lowered the instrument reluctantly and held it out to Aldri.

"I have heard. Always interesting to see how folks look to the eyes of the land," Aldri said with a nod, collecting the spyglass and then setting about collecting up there rest of his tools. Soon enough, he had everything packed away again. "Ready when you are, Velnise."

The Druid stood up, shaking her legs and arms out. "Let me get Aspen ready and then I'll get you situated." She whistled and the mare wandered over. With a tug, Velnise tightened the girth before checking a few straps. She looked around the clearing, searching for a stone or outcropping Aldri could use as a mounting block.

"I can get up well enough if you'll come over near the wall," he said, removing some sort of handle with a coil of rope coming from the end. "Enough space here to not worry overmuch," he added as he adjusted something before raising the handle towards the wall and activating the device.

A hook with a small bulb at the front flew out, slamming into the stone 20ft up with a clear shattering of glass and sizzle of stone. Aldri waited a few moments and then gave the hook a tug. "There we go, got a few minutes before the rope comes back down."

"By Ixaziel - what is that?" Velnise stared up at the rope in a manner both intrigued and horrified. "I hope that didn't hurt the wall - the last thing i need is further destruction to worry about." She shook her head and led Aspen over to the dwarf.

The mare snorted and danced as she walked, but stood quietly at a sharp word from Velnise. Her ears still flicked quickly as she tried to make sense of the situation, as it clearly was unnerving to her Druid. "Once you're up, I'll reattach your saddlebag," Velnise said, her forehead wrinkled in concern.

"An anchor with just a touch of reduced acids at the tip. It'll have made a hole no more than a finger width across and the metal should decay as usual soon enough as far as the rock is concerned. If that was enough to bring down the cliff wall then our passage would have likely ended us already," Aldri explained with a shrug, climbing up the stone enough to settle onto Aspen's back when the mount was ready.

"You shouldn't make holes in the rocks simply to spare your ego at being given a leg up!" Velnise yanked the saddlebag from the ground and began fastening it to the saddle in short jerky motions. "Not to mention the waste of resources, it's disrespectful to Ixaziel's creations." She huffed and flung herself into the saddle once she finished with the saddlebag.

"Needed to check the mixture works in this cold against that stone. Rather do it now than when I actually need it," Aldri countered defensively, his eyes narrowing a fraction. "Besides, it's hardly a waste of materials that weren't already in use. The metal came from scrap and the acid is a left over from more useful processes." He made sure he was properly settled before faintly adding, "Are you of the mind to apologize for each chipped stone Aspen's shoes leave behind as well then?"

"What makes you think I don't?" Velnise gathered the reins and gave a soft click to Aspen, whose ears twitched at the command as she stepped forward. "Druids are responsible for the land - and although we may coax it to our will for our purposes, we never want it to become wasteland. Or to be perverted like it was at Bhelest's hands."

She nudged Aspen forward over a small rise in the path. "Also there are plenty of rock chips you could've tested before damaging a wall - and no guarantees that when you 'need' that acid that the rock will be the same composition." Clenching her jaw, Velnise broke off the tirade she could feel herself starting.

Aldri sighed and scrubbed at his beard. "It's not actually the composition of the rock that matters, but the kind of environment it sits in," he finally offered with a small shrug. "My profession is designed to replicate or replace magic, natural or otherwise. The acid works similar to some sort of spell work you might perform," Aldri answered, his voice even and measured.

"If it were within my power to move through and work with the world around me as easily as a Druid, I can promise you I would. Unfortunately, I don't have such luxuries, and those I hunt don't often offer to sit around until I can find a nice easy trail." He turned his attention to the rope that suddenly fell from the hook with a faint sizzle.

As he set about recoiling it for storage, he continued to explain, "After a few far more damaging efforts, this was the least intrusive way to handle a dynamic interaction with a sheer cliff face I could manage. I'll be sure to make an offering for the stone should I not end up needing to use the hook further though."

"I rather get the feeling you're mocking me," she said, not turning back. "Being a druid isn't just me waving my hands and making pretty pictures on the ground - and as for any offering, I'll add it to mine, don't you worry." She rubbed her shoulder absently.

"And being an alchemist isn't just blowing things up to get a rumble in my nethers," he retorted, and it was clear it was a sore point for the Dwarf. "I've a great respect for your folk and the good you do, but I need to be certain. Imagine if your spells, the ones you depend on in the heat of deadly odds, could fail because you were just a touch too close to some rain clouds."

He scrubbed at his side, removing a small crystal and rolling it in his palm. "I'd be happy to accept your insight into the offerings, but I'm not going to be passing them off. I pay my debts, even to the rock."

"I'm sure you can find far better ways to create 'a rumble in your nethers' as you put it. My point was that in dealing with a major disturbance, I don't want to alter anything unless absolutely necessary," she replied, her voice stilted. "Spells - I think you expect them to be much more precise than they are. My - er, let's say that what power I have is not entirely my own."

"Aspen's not really my type," Aldri said back through a sudden grin. "And I'll run anything else by you then. Not that there's really much else unless we get into a scuffle and at that point it's more about living than being kind typically."

Velnise suppressed a laugh. "Oh, she'll grow on you. And yes, battles aren't really the time to argue about the sustainability of one's attacks." She glanced back. "I do find your gadgets interesting - and I may have responded more forcefully than I should've from my lack of familiarity." Shifting her torso, she turned further, just enough to be able to catch Aldri's eye. "Okay?"

"It would've been wise of me to ask you beforehand, given I'm paying you to work as a wayfinder and all," he conceded. "You've lovely eyes, by the way," he added, opening his palm to reveal a blue-green stone. "Indicolite tourmaline, it reacts well to things like lightning," he explained.

Velnise blinked twice, caught off-guard. "I - it reacts well? Maybe I better not touch it then - though that is beautiful. One of the stones you had in your array?" She tried not to blush at the compliment.

He offered it forward, "Nothing dangerous about it by itself, and this is one that goes in the lightning thrower. Works like a focus as well, gems tend to be good at scattering or focusing. Though they crack faster than I'd like still I've plenty in reserve."
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

Velnise took the gemstone from Aldri's hand gingerly, not quite believing that it wasn't dangerous. "A lightning thrower - much like a spell to call lightning, I'm guessing, that lets you target a spot."

She held the gem up to catch the light, turning it a bit. "It is a very pretty color, though I don't think I could claim my eyes look the same." Turning back, she held the gem for Aldri to retrieve.

"Keep it, I've plenty more," he declined with another grin and shake of his head. "Do you think we'll reach our destination before nightfall?" he asked suddenly, clearly looking to distract her.

"I - um, probably, barring any issues along the way," she replied, stumbling over her words a little. Her face and ears were red and she fumbled with the pouch at her belt. The gemstone was small and she wanted to tuck it away before it was lost.

Velnise closed her eyes, feeling the air currents and swirls of power around them. "We're getting close to the source of all this-" she gestured broadly at the disturbed terrain. "If your gadgets need preparing, you might want to start working on what you can."

Aspen huffed at Velnise, flicking her ears back. Velnise patted the mare's neck, adjusting her seat in case Aspen had to move quickly.

"Been ready to go for hours, or as ready as is safe on hooves so far off the ground. No offense to Aspen, mind, but the jostling can lead to things setting off that are best kept inert," Aldri said with a point to his chest harness and its various gadgets and pouches. "Honestly done a sight better than I imagine I could have even without carrying folks."

"She does her best," Velnise replied with a smile and a pat of Aspen's neck. Catching a sense of tension, she sobered quickly. "We're getting close. Not much longer, I think." She fingered the toggle holding her belt pouch closed.
Word count: 331
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