A Frostfire Fury

Divided by the Slyscera Mountains, the northern frostbitten territory of Khy'eras is where the Dwarven city Domrhask was founded. Naturally, this area is difficult to navigate to due to surrounding geographical obstacles and weather. Read more...
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A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

Traveling along the mountains is a dangerous and difficult affair no matter the season, but as the pall of winter's breath tumbles down from the high reaches the bite of bitter wind and brutal cold show the mountains' teeth. Aldri knew well the challenge of his route and had prepared himself to face the challenge. Despite his heavy furs and extra rations, he found his journey running up against an impenetrable wall.

Coated in a sheet of ice thicker than a brown bear, the frozen waterfall was always going to be troublesome, and yet he'd not been ready for this particular bit of spiteful nature. He frowned down at his collection of climbing gear and back up at where there was supposed to be a difficult, but passable, cliff face. Instead, he found a jagged mess of razor ice shards, rock, and snow drifts being rapidly coated in a cloud of freezing mists.

"Damnable rockslides- this pushes up the timeline," he grumbled through his already drenched furs. Even his best efforts to wax his coat had been quickly defeated by the seeping deluge of freezing water filling the air. Aldri scrubbed his hand through his hair, pushing the dripping chill back from his eyes and flicking his glove off to the side. "Need another route. Will need a guide," he decided as the effort did all of nothing to push back the growing cold he felt along his cheeks.

With a final ignoble grunt for the tumbling falls, Aldri carefully turned back and shuffled his way to broader ground. The crunch of his boots mixed with the soft push of his armor as he bulled his way through chest high snow drifts that had partly refilled even in his short delay. The trudge back to the waystation was silent beyond his muted passage, not even the brave wildlife of the Reaches daring to face the dawn light this morning.

He just resisted the urge to increase his pace as he came to the well-packed snow trail that led back into Dhornboram. The town, if one was being generous, was only four buildings and each had clearly seen better days. Windswept roof thatching, pitch coating cracked and broken, did little to ward away the unending torrent of snowstorms. Only the roaring flame of fires, maintained just as much by travelers as townsfolk, managed to make the waystation a habitable place of rest.

Moving towards the largest building, a longhouse sunk into a natural depression in the rock, Aldri stopped by a fire to ineffectually batter the snow and frost from his heavy coat and hair. Finding it did little, he grumbled again and moved inside, trudging his way to one of the many blade-scarred tables to rest. Putting up a request for a guide would come in time, first a bit of warmth and food to nurse his wounded pride.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

As her mare crunched along the trail, Velnise swept her gaze around the valley. Even through the thick blanket snow, the disruption to the nearby landscape was obvious. The upheaval was no less than she had expected when the Disciples of Balance had called her. She sighed, a puff of steam rising from her scarf wrapped over her mouth.

Aspen snorted, as if in reply, and shook her head. Velnise felt the mare shiver even through the saddle’s leather and immediately leaned forward to recast the spell to insulate her from the cold around them. Placing her hands on either side of Aspen’s withers, Velnise murmured the spell.

Her hands came away damp; trudging through the snow was more work than many realized. Glancing over her shoulder, Velnise checked that the hide protecting Aspen’s rump was still in place. The druid squinted at the sun, which had passed its zenith some time ago.

Even with a shaggy coat and the protection of Velnise’s spells, Aspen needed rest and warmth. Though she would not admit it, Velnise too craved the comfort of a fire and a bed off the ground. She pulled a tattered map from a pouch resting against her hip. An outpost labeled ‘Dhornboram’ appeared to be the nearest source of any shelter.

Tucking the map back into the pouch, she turned Aspen toward the outpost. Even if it was only a building or two, with any luck there’d be a stable. Sleeping on hay was still better than curling up on a hide next to Aspen on the ground, she thought. Aspen’s thickly furred ears flicked back to Velnise before turning front again. “Tonight, we’ll rest, sweet girl,” Velnise said softly and patted the mare’s neck as they made their way toward the outpost.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

The warmth came without effort, the roaring fire in the center of the hall pushing back the crawling tendrils of bitter cold. However, the food and drink failed to appear before the last clinging bits of ice turned to slush and fell to the dense wood shavings coating the unworked stone floor. Aldri rose from the table with a low grunt of effort. Seeing none of the limited townsfolk about, he made his way to the broad bar and storeroom behind.

Peering past the ajar doorway, Aldri heard the faint murmuring of sweet nothings. The Dwarf cleared his throat loudly as he realized he was already interrupting whatever tryst was occurring. There was a yelp of a young man, a hiss, and then a clatter of boxes toppling. A flash of coal black fur darted from the room and disappeared into the darkness of the longhouse. Moments later, Cadwin the stableboy emerged nursing a scratched arm and looking morose.

"'pologies, needed some drink an' food. Thought y're about a different sort a cat," Aldri offered, chuckling and giving the young man's shoulder a squeeze. "She'll come round a bet, give 'er time."

Cadwin's face turned crimson, and he blinked severely with his mouth gaping open for several beats before coughing with embarrassment. "Sir- stew's run low. Waiting on the hunter to bring back meat so I was-" he started to explain before shaking his head realizing it was futile. "We've some bread and elk ration but nuthin' fresh, I'll get some and pull a mug."

Aldri agreed and handed over the coppers necessary, suppressing a frown at the lightness of his coin purse as he stowed it. He returned to his chosen bench as Cadwin set to work collecting food and drink. He looked around, the oppressive chill finally gone from his thoughts and the promise of mead and meat spurring his mind. There weren't any folks here, all the adventurers that had been about the past day now having moved on, or already out on some journey.

The Dwarf sighed immensely, knowing he'd need to work his way around the falls now, and that the shifting mountains had likely ruined more paths than they'd opened. Without a wayfinder or guide he'd likely only be able to apprehend the source of the disruption once the work was already finished.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

Velnise spotted the plume of wood smoke rising from the weathered longhouse before she saw the building itself. Allowing herself a small smile at the prospect of warmth, she guided Aspen into the small group of buildings. She followed the smoke to the largest structure and stopped beside the front door.

As she toed out of the stirrups to dismount, a streak of black fur blurred past Aspen’s hooves. The mare snorted in surprise and began to dance away from the creature. Velnise hopped off, landing in a crouch. <<What’s wrong, cousin?>> she asked the furry lump of clearly distressed cat.

<<Scared. Strange noise. Warm. Kind hands there,>> the cat replied, trying to groom his whiskers nonchalantly, though his tail stayed puffy. <<If strange noise leave, I go back.>>

Velnise nodded. <<A person surprised, maybe. I go in. If bad noises, I come out, tell you?>> she offered. The wind was brisk, and with the sun slipping further away, the cold of the Reaches would not be kind tonight. Purring, the cat agreed, coming closer to Aspen curiously. Aspen snorted and lowered her head gingerly to sniff.

Patting the mare’s shoulder, Velnise moved to the door and tugged fruitlessly. Ice caked the bottom and the heavy wood had swollen to fill the frame. With effort, she wrenched it open and felt the warmth of a fire curl around her, drawing her in. She heard movement in the back, behind a bar - probably someone retrieving food or drink. A single person sat at a bench not far from the fire, their feet barely brushing the floor. Giving them a bare glance, Velnise walked quietly to the bar.

“Hello? I’m in need of stabling and maybe a bed for myself,” she called out, listening for the sound of footsteps. Someone was working here, she could tell, but she didn’t see them yet.

“Just a bit!” a voice called from the back, followed shortly by the appearance of a young man holding a large mug and a bowl. His limbs still showed some of the gangliness of youth as he crossed the floor to the other person - a Dwarf, she realized. Interesting to see a Dwarf so far south of Domrhask, she thought, and turned back to catch the young man.

“You said stabling? How many?” the young man asked. “We’re fair empty right now, so beds are open.” He moved stiffly behind the bar counter, dropping his eyes to the scarred wood of the countertop.

“Just one, my mare,” Velnise replied. “And I suppose a bed for me, and food for both of us.” She studied the bar area as the young man counted up her total. Fishing out the coin he requested, Velnise turned to fetch Aspen. “Oh, by the way, do you have a cat? I saw a scared cat outside,” she commented in an offhand manner.

“Well - I was trying to make friends-” The young man replied, rubbing the back of his neck. “Cadwin, miss, and the cat don’t have a name.”

“Velnise, and I’ll coax him in when I get my horse,” she said with a smile. She hoped that Cadwin would have some meat scraps for the cat; beneath the fur he had been a bit thin. Cadwin nodded and directed her to the stable door at the side. Pausing on her way to the stable, Velnise told the cat, <<No bad noise. Go in.>> With a flick of his tail, the cat trotted around the back - presumably to another door.

Once Aspen had been settled with fresh hay and an admonishment not to stuff herself, Velnise re-entered the building. She sat as close to the fire as she could, tugging her gloves off to hold her hands in the heat. After thawing enough to feel comfortable again, she turned in the direction of the Dwarf. “So what brings you here, so far south?” she asked.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

The aforementioned dwarf had done his best to ignore the abrupt entrance of the lone woman. 'No sense in shoving a pick in another's business, least of all someone able to travel these mountains,' he assessed, turning his head surreptitiously to watch her move towards the bar and the stableboy preparing his meal. She was tall enough, though certainly far from the jungle elves. 'Perhaps a human-' he thought as he let his gaze linger on her features before turning his focus to thanking Cadwin and accepting his meal.

Aldri set to consuming the ale, broth, and warmed rations with quiet industry, using it as a balm for his wounded pride. Despite the focus of his fingers, his ears remained keen for the conversation around him. He had been alone in the wilds long enough and was enjoying the warm tones of Velnise the traveler. He had near finished his food when she returned and settled near the fire. Content to leave her to rest before he made any inquiries, Aldri was surprised when she questioned him without preamble.

He took a moment to collect his thoughts, using the last bit of broth as a pretense for his momentary silence. "Work to do- here to find the evils causing the rockslides," he offered, deciding that being at least somewhat direct was perhaps his best bet. "Trails are shot though, damaged enough I can't get through in the frost." He turned his gaze back to Velnise, openly assessing her against his own experience. "Waiting on a wayfinder to come around. You wouldn't happen to know of one, would you?" he asked with a wisp of a smile.

Cadwin chose this moment to come over and deposit another meal and mug, near immediately running off towards the back again with a bounce in his step. "You convince the cat to come back?" Aldri added with a touch of surprise, though his gaze shifted for only an instant.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

The cadence of the man's Dwarvish-flavored speech brought a small smile to Velnise's face. A long time had passed since she'd heard a native Dwarvish speaker. "The evil causing the rockslides-" she murmured. "I saw the disruption of nature on my way here. It felt - wrong," she said, remembering the scene.

The Dwarf asked about a way finder, and Velnise wrinkled her brow. "Well, I-" she began, but left off as Cadwin brought her food. Accepting it gratefully, she took an enormous bite of the dried meat and chewed vigorously.

"You convince the cat to come back?" asked the Dwarf, glancing back to where Cadwin had disappeared before refocusing on her.

Blinking, Velnise frowned slightly and did her best to swallow her food. "Well - he was just a little scared, a sudden noise or something," she mumbled, mouth still partly full of jerky. "Looked safe enough here. If I hadn't thought so, I wouldn't put me or Aspen in danger either." She took a deep drink from the mug Cadwin had brought. "Besides, he told me Cadwin had kind hands. Can't fake that easily."

Picking up the bowl of broth, she tipped it to her lips and drank greedily. “I could make a path, seeing as we’re both unable to investigate the disturbances otherwise," Velnise said with a small sigh. Setting the bowl down with a muffled thunk, she studied the Dwarf. "What gives you reason to believe the landslides are caused by evil?" She paused, curiosity plain on her face.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

He chuckled in understanding as Velnise interrupted her response to indulge in a replenishing meal, well familiar with the urge to sate hunger so strongly. "Glad to hear I don't need to wait around a week with my thumbs up my arse, and as to my beliefs-" he offered, scratching at his cheek gently in silent thought for a moment. "None of the other signs of the mountain's usual anger. No unusual amounts of rain, no molten rock, just relentless thunderstorms and landslides," he explained with a small shrug.

"I hunt vile things. It is my purpose-" Aldri continued, pulling back his heavy outer coat to reveal a small badge of bronze on his inner armor. Though it was small the details were clear; a stylized blazing eye pierced by a sword that was clearly worn by many touches of the hand. "-and this reeks of a creature unshackled by morals using a power it cannot control to devious ends." He let his coat fall away and took a drink of his ale.

"If you also seek the source of the trouble then we are on the same path and I would ask that we set out before dawn. I fear the trail, and the disruptions causing it, will only become more difficult as time goes on," Aldri suggested grimly before he blinked suddenly in surprise. "But where are my manners, I am Aldri Yosbin, Doombreaker, Alchemist, and Tinkerer extraordinaire, and it is a pleasure to have your company." The words carried a warmth entirely at odds with the gravity of his declaration a moment prior. He extended his broad palm and gave her a brilliant smile.
Last edited by Aldri Yosbin on January 8th, 2021, 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

Velnise listened to his explanation; it tallied with what information she’d received from the Disciples of Balance when they had sent her here. He flashed a badge at her, well-worn but prized. He’d spoken of the need for haste, and as a reasonable request for aid, she couldn’t turn him down. She took the offered hand. “Well met, then, Aldri. Velnise, a druid of the Disciples of Balance,” she replied with a small smile.

“My order has sent me out here, probably for a similar purpose as yours. I agree that whatever is causing the disturbance, it’s upsetting the balance of nature - strongly.” Leaning back, Velnise picked up her mug to drink. She studied Aldri, gaze flicking head to toe.

“Forgive me if I’m being rude - but will you be alright around magic? I know some people find it uncomfortable at best,” she asked, biting her lip. “Particularly men of stone.”

She paused for a moment. “I hope you’re okay with horses. My Aspen - you’ll meet her tomorrow. She’s been with me since she was born. I hand raised her and she’s stayed by my side since.” Taking another drink, she watched the Dwarf. “We’ll have to ride double. Sorry about that, but if we’re to move swiftly, Aspen is faster than either of us.”

Velnise cleared her throat. “Well - is there anything else I should know? Any other objectives than finding the root of the upheaval? If I’m heading out again before dawn, I’d like to enjoy the comfort of an actual bed first.”
Word count: 272
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Aldri Yosbin
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Aldri Yosbin »

"Alright around magic? I've yet to see an arcana that can truly get the job done in a long while, though I keep an open mind," Aldri answered with a hearty chuckle. "Folks tend to think what I can do is magic after all; until it actually works. Though I find those that look to the power of the land tend to have a bit more to their claims," he added, giving Velnise a quick wink.

"As for horses, I've not ridden one before, though I imagine they can't be worse than a warmoose. Besides, I hear having a good teacher makes for a more pleasant ride." He took another drink and then set about removing a series of contraptions from his coat, revealing along the way that it contained many hidden pockets and holders. "I'll explain a bit about these, so they're not catching you unawares in the midst of danger."

When he had finished there were three roughly spherical shapes, each with a different array of lumps and protrusions, alongside two devices with clear handles that could have been wands. All of the devices were heavily etched with runes and emitted a faint glow and aura of energy. Aldri took a moment to rearrange them all when he was finished, straightening them to the table edge and each other deftly before finally tapping one of the 'wands'.

"These are projection devices, not entirely unlike a staff or wand you may be more familiar with," the Alchemist began, lifting the item to show Velnise more closely. His voice had changed dramatically, taking on the tones of an instructor with a deep dedication and love for his craft. "These runes focus and concentrate the power passed through them, directing it outward in a bolt of energy." He flicked a pair of latches on the projector, revealing an inner chamber along the body.

"These-" he collected one of the misshapen spheres and immediately it began to glow brighter, nearly pulsing with energy, as it was brought closer to the opened projector. "-are the source of power. Each of them is attuned to a unique mix of elements and other effects." He released the sphere and chuckled faintly as it leapt into place, snapping faintly into the chamber as though it wished to be home.

"Effects you should be aware of are a lightning net that I can use twice an engagement and a bright burst of light for blinding enemies that can be used at will and avoided by shielding the eyes." He mimed shielding his face into the crook of his elbow briefly. "Also the projector is- loud- not unlike thunder at a near distance, but its strength is equally great" he added, deftly removing the sphere with a sharp tug.

He began to collect the pieces, returning them to his coat with care and familiarity. "I have other tools available, but you needn't worry. I will be sure to bring them to bear if they become relevant." He completed his collecting and settled his coat back into place. "As for bed, I've no complaints, though I simply use a bedroll near the fire."
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Re: A Frostfire Fury

Post by Velnise »

Velnise frowned as Aldri dismissed the powers of magic; even his small concession to Druids seemed but damning with faint praise. ‘I wonder why he looked for a wayfinder, then, if he has so little faith in it,’ she mused. He added he’d not ridden horseback - but mooseback - and she had no frame of reference there.

Before she could remark on that, he began to remove a number of odd devices from the numerous pockets of his coat. Three studded globes and two wand-like objects sat on the table, covered with runes. Aldri began to explain what the objects did. Listening, she studied them. “So they’re sort of like magical foci - many use a wand or a staff. I haven’t seen your creations before.”

As he put the objects back in their places, he remarked that he had more than what she’d seen. Velnise raised an eyebrow in mild interest but he showed her nothing else. She decided to ignore any double entendre that might accompany his comment about sleeping arrangements. “It’s not that I mind a bedroll - simply that it’d be nice to sleep off the ground and not next to my horse for once.” Sighing, she stretched her arms above her head.

“Maybe I’ll ask if there’s a cot or something back there. I might have to get the cat’s attention first, though,” she said with a laugh. Glancing over to the counter and finding it vacant, she gave a low whistle, her eyes glowing faintly as she did.

The black cat came trotting out, Cadwin close behind. <<Trouble? Why call?>> he asked, his tail twitching lightly in annoyance. Cadwin watched, his eyes flicking from Velnise to the cat.

<<You look at mare in barn? Tell me if she comfortable. I find food for you if do,>> she asked, an exchange largely soundless. The cat purred in agreement, rubbing his back against her shin before darting toward the back. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back,” Velnise said, amused, as Cadwin watched the cat leave.

“Would you happen to have a cot? Or something where I don’t have to lay on the ground for one night?” Velnise asked, trying not to sound pleading. Cadwin thought for a moment before the cat streaked back in.

<<She sleep. Food?>> The cat pawed at her foot. Velnise had another bite of meat still, so she held it out to the cat. He took it gently in his teeth and began gnawing at it.

“Uh, let me get one for you, they’re in the back,” Cadwin replied. He disappeared into the storeroom, though not without a glance back at the cat. Velnise grinned.

“Well, that’s one problem solved. I’m not so tired that I’m going to fall asleep just yet - do you have any games you enjoy playing?” she asked Aldri. “Dice or cards, something like that?”
Word count: 506
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