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Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

As you may have noticed, the header on Khy'eras' theme randomly chooses and displays a quote from lore. Eventually, I'd like these to be replaced by what people are writing. If you've read an interesting story (or believe that you've composed something awesome), feel free to post here with the following information:

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(Under 330 characters if possible, though it can shortened.)
Note: Should you discover a quote of yours has been submitted and you really don't want it featured, feel free to respond here or shoot me a PM.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

Character: Toa
Topic Link: The Preamble

Quote: Someone had once called Toa impulsive and while she had responded to this by slapping them in the face in retrospect they may have had a point.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

i cat. i do the stalk. The birds no fly so soft I walk.
i am a wolf. I do not bork. i hunt and eat and then I hork
Harroc a la Curious Zelda - Mahkasad's Wife
After learning that Harroc will be incorporating animal movements into his regular interactions.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Loxiel
Topic Link: Building or Burning Bridges - A Slip and a Snap!


When the smoke vanished from the falling entity, a cat had taken the place of the hawk. Silvery coat, with black spots and large, tufted ears; Loxiel’s cat form was the only chance he had at surviving this fall. A cat always landed on its feet … right?
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

Character: Cassian Thander
Topic Link: Birds of a Feather

Quote: "I... uh. I guess you saw that." Cass began nervously, offering the other a sheepish smile. "You're shorter than I thought."

Cass's first reaction to meeting Artemis on a roof, is to call him short.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

Character: Harroc Crownegrove
Topic Link: Into the Wild Pursuit

Quote: With a shake of his now massive head, Harrroc planted his paws firmly and let loose a bone-rattling howl. The mournful wail seemed to pierce through the jungle and leave silence behind. After several moments of silence, far off replies could be heard. They wove together and became uncountable before finally fading away.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Val Bellamy
Topic Link: Lilian's Herbal Shop [open]


"Well, can't pretend I ever knew Lilian all that well, but I dare to say you're far more of a looker than she ever was; if you're still needing comfort in the dead of night, I've received splendid reviews about my bedside~" Was it inappropriate? Maybe. Would Katarya disapprove of Val leaning over the counter with far more spirit than before and eyeing her black outfit up and down? Almost certainly, but try explaining good manners and empathy to a bard.

(That probably needs to be shortened, but god damn @Noire. lol)
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Roan Mohan
Topic Link: Two Bards Run Amok


"If you're so berry talented, then lettuce hear you sweeten your tune to plumb the depths of our hearts as well as our coin purses, hmm? Give it another try, darling, and this time try to make it a-peel-ing instead of appalling." There was a lilt to his accent, an obvious blending of vowels and lingering on certain consonants that marked him just as much from Ninraih as his stature and his wings, as his color and flair marked him as a glorious jungle flower far from home.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Mara Whitewood
Topic Link: Into the Wild Pursuit


"Did you know," Mara began, abruptly breaking the silence, "there is a love story about Ristgir and Ny'tha? It was said that Ixaziel did tell them to rule the heavens equally, instructing them to march across the sky in an endless parade of day into night, night into day. They follow after one another, always just out of reach."
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Ksenia
Topic Link: A Life Worth Living


“Did he draw you in with some tale about his ‘dear old nan’ or was he just pathetic?” She opened her eyes wide, innocently. “Artemis can be rather manipulative, so I do hope you’re staying on your toes.”
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