Into the Wild Pursuit

Harroc leads Mara and Loxiel in pursuit of the source of River Elk deep in the jungle.

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Re: Into the Wild Pursuit

Post by Mara Whitewood »

As was her ritual for as long as she could remember, Mara rose at dawn. Here in the depths of the jungle the light was nearly nonexistent at that hour and yet she sensed the time for morning prayers was nigh with a sensitivity cultivated over the years. This was to the good, since it allowed her to open her eyes without fear of literal blinding pain.

Mara tipped soundlessly out of her hammock and retrieved her staff from where it was propped against an exposed root nearby. Then she knelt on the ground facing east. Bowing her head, she pressed her brow against the smooth wood, shut her eyes, and silently ran through the Glories of the Dawn. From start to finish it took roughly ten minutes or so and was, in truth, more akin to a meditation than anything else.

With the observation of the sunrise complete, she stood and went back to the small pile of her belongings. Loxiel was already up and Harroc had just returned by then, shaking the vestiges of his animal form from his skin.

"Blessed morning, Loxiel. Harroc." She smiled at them both and there was a faintly dreamy quality to her, a kind of unfocused look to her pale eyes as if she wasn't quite here. "I will begin preparing our breakfast. It should be done by the time you finish scouting ahead."

Mara set aside her staff and bent to her bag. She withdrew a linen sack and her little jar of honey. Standing again, she shook the loose strands of her wheat-blonde hair from her face with a gentle toss of her head.

"Harroc? Might I trouble you to light another small fire?" she asked, her feet already carrying her towards the pit he had made the night before. "I have oats, honey and dried fruit. If that will be sufficient."

Both probably needed to consume far more than her in one form or another, but she would do her best to accommodate them. They both worked hard in their own respects to keep their party of three safe.
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Into the Wild Pursuit

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc nodded to Mara at her request for fire. It was a simple thing, and yet not something he often indulged in during his lonely ventures into the wilds. "That should keep us going well through the day. I'll be sure to grab us some meat and fresh water for lunch to add variety. If things go well, we could even bathe before we settle for the evening," he said as he moved some wood into the fire pit. He made a sharp snapping motion with his hand, and the wood caught. It quickly crackled to life, heating the remains of the prior fire as well.

As the fire settled into a useful shape, he looked to Mara and frowned slightly. "How does it feel, to spend so much time without being able to look on the light you follow?" he asked her, genuine concern on his face. "I can't imagine not being able to take in all of the creations of Ixaziel."
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Re: Into the Wild Pursuit

Post by Loxiel »

Loxiel listened carefully to Harrac's instructions, nodding and itching to get started. When Mara bids him good morning and promises food, he smiled. "I'm sure I'll be very much looking forward to breakfast when I have returned."

Without further ado, Loxiel's form shifted in a haze of mist until a fork-tailed hawk, let out a shrill keeing sound of pleasure, and then took to the skies. For a time he just enjoyed the wind through his feathers as he rode the currents, his sharp eyes scanning the canopy but really just having a good time. He had to remind himself that he had been given the role of 'scout' and that he wanted to prove himself worthy of the title.

So he circles around and began and pattern of back and forth movements, coming to hover whenever his eyes caught anything moving, then zipping off and doing the same in a different spot. He was trying to cover as much area around the route they were taking just as the route itself. Harrac had been right about the cats; there did seem to be more of them this far away from Ajteire than he had ever seen. They stalked amongst the trees, and without his hawk-vision, he would never have spotted them.

It didn't take long to get to the river, seeing the glittering blue as the sun hit the warm steady flow of water. He beat his wings a few times before letting himself sit in the currents, judging the scene below. He dropped closer, noticing that some areas were wider and more shallow than others, but still too deep to cross. He saw a wide variety of animals coming to drink, and this was especially true at a point where the trio would have the best chance of crossing.

Dipping his wings he dropped then turned, expertly catching the current as he rose up and headed back for camp.


The river is directly southeast, as you said, Master," He said, as he ate some of the delicious food Mara had prepared. "But crossing it ..; well it is a mile, maybe a little less, before the water is safe enough to cross. Even there, there are plenty of beasts who might not take kindly to us, though I am sure you both have some kind of magic that can help that!" He said, naively.

When they began to pack, Loxiel stepped closer to Mara, hoisting his bag on his shoulders. "Mistress Mara ... I wanted to ask a favour. While my Master is teaching me ways to honour Ixaziel, I feel like I would like to know more of Lord Ristgir ... I would like to pray to the lord of Light; to thank him for the gifts of healing." He gave her a shrug. "I don't know if dedicating oneself to two gods is allowed ... but I am very interested in your faith. I hope I haven't caused any offence."
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Re: Into the Wild Pursuit

Post by Mara Whitewood »

Mara smiled gratefully towards Harroc and paused to give him space with which to will the flames back into existence. While she waited for the druid to stoke the fire to his satisfaction, she bid Loxiel farewell and good luck, waving as he took to the air. It was nothing short of marvelous to watch and she was silently envious of such a pure example of complete and total freedom.

After Harroc was finished, Mara knelt beside the pit to see to breakfast's preparation, her body turned partially away from the crackling orange light emanating from within. Squinting down at her hands, she worked quickly, pouring water into the pot and setting it over the heat to boil. The little bag was opened and a helping of dried oats were poured roughly equal into three cups.

Mara cinched the bag of oats closed and looked up into Harroc's frowning face. The concern she read in the lines bracketing his features was a mild surprise but not unpleasantly so. The answer that initially sprang to mind was not suitable for one whom she was harboring a deepening respect; it was too banal, practically dismissive, and she pulled up sharply against the idea of insulting him with a cheap platitude. While it was true she had made peace with her condition a long time ago, it would have been stretching the truth to say she was completely sanguine about it.

A quiet moment stretched between them but it lacked the air of peacefulness she normally projected. Mara lifted her eyes, pale and narrowed in discomfort, towards the patchwork of green and ever lightening gray overhead.

"Truthfully, some days are easier than others. In my youth I pondered my lot quite often and I imagine, if my circumstances had been different, the bitterness might have consumed me."

The water began to boil in the pot, drawing her attention back to the earth. She pulled it from the fire and tipped the water into the cups of oats with no less care than she had last night's tea.

"My faith serves in place of my eyes now," she continued more cheerfully. "I do not need to see the sun to feel its warmth on my skin or reap the many benefits of its blessed light. During moments of darkness, I look to the spark inside myself and I must have faith the light will come again, just as it does every morning."

By the time Loxiel returned from his scouting expedition, the oatmeal was ready. Honey had been stirred throughout and dried fruits crumbled upon the surface like a garnish. The texture might have left somewhat to be desired, but it was warm and the sweetness would likely give them all a boost to their energy.

The sun's ascent had finally prompted Mara to don her visor once again. She was calm, content to listen to Loxiel's report while she worked her way through her modest breakfast one spoonful at a time. Later, after the various dishes had been washed and they were preparing to break camp, she cocked her head towards the young shifter to hear his request.

Mara's face, partly obscured, lit with unmitigated joy. She grinned, showing teeth, and shook her head. "How could I possibly take offense?" she asked, briskly dusting her hands off against the skirt of her robe.

She took a moment to compose herself as she slung her knapsack over her shoulder. Then she turned to face Loxiel straight on, appearing for the most part more her usual serene self. "It would be my privilege to share what I know. As long as you honor Ixaziel properly and with no ill-feeling in your heart, I cannot see how there will be jealous feelings between them."

"Come." Mara looped her arm loosely through Loxiel's, patting it with the hand of the other. "Let us receive our marching orders from Harroc and be off. We can talk along the way -- if we have breath enough for it." She grinned again, evidently in high spirits.
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: Into the Wild Pursuit

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc nodded, understanding some of what Mara said. His own faith came from deep within, a wellspring of strength the wilds replenished with his every step. He imagined it was much the same.

"My own faith is like a seed, deep in my chest. It writhes and grows, pushing me to seek the bounties of the land and their beauty," he said as he moved to work at taking down the remains of the sleeping spots. While he worked, he spoke over his shoulder to her, "I find your faith impressive, and its brilliance in you is undeniable. Though I would be intrigued to trace the pathways more closely if you'd allow some time. They're almost carved, not aligned where I expect, but powerful."

When the eyas returned, Harroc listened to the boy intently. "You've done well enough, we can handle the beasts simply I imagine. I'm glad they're present in fact, means whatever is keeping them away is night active."

When Mara offered the food, Harroc ate in appreciative silence. It was sweeter than he expected, and he felt a tinge of joy at each piece of fruit. Afterward, he finished cleaning up the remains of their camp, pushing the embers of the fire into the dirt with his boot as the others readied themselves.

He chuckled quietly at Loxiel's eagerness to absorb and employ knowledge. The boy would be a right terror one day if he didn't get himself killed. "Today, we're moving slower. There's less danger here near the waters, and if what is about moves in the night, I'd prefer we not be exhausted when it comes," Harroc said as he started towards the path Loxiel had indicated in his report.

The river was wide and flowed swiftly until it reached the small depression in the land that Loxiel had mentioned. There were animals aplenty partaking of the cool waters, and Harroc smiled at the sight. "I'm sure you can smell and hear the bounty of Ixaziel, faithful of the light," he said as he turned to his companions.

"Let's move down, they should leave us be as long as eyas doesn't get too excited. We can refresh our water, and see if there's any sign of the creatures we pursue," Harroc said as he carefully made his way in a zig-zag down the damp slope of the riverbed.
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