
Do you have a story in mind that makes you rub your hands together in nefarious glee, but sadly no one to play it with? Post your plots here (evilness not required) and see who might be interested! Or, if you have a check list of adventurous tasks, tracking topics are welcome as well.
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Post by Keai »


Ke'ai - The Young Monk

Short Background:
Ke'ai grew up in a small village along the Ordinuad River, a village which nestled itself against a monastery meant to train monks and care for orphans throughout the Ninraih region. The son of a pair of former Kerasoka adventurers turned river fishers he was sent to the monastery from the moment he could walk, his parents believing both the philosophy and martial skills would be valuable.

Neutral Good - A boy who took strong the teachings of the monastery Ke'ai actively tries to help everyone he can, even if it is only in small ways. It isn't uncommon to see him working fields, teaching younger children or encouraging others. A skilled martial artist Ke'ai isn't afraid to stand up for those who need it, and while he never seeks out a fight he will not hold back when one breaks out. He is not a naive idealist, and while he would likely deeply mourn anyone he had to kill he is not so foolish as to believe he can sway the hearts of the villainous. At his core Ke'ai is a strong, kind boy with a soothing, gentle presence which encourages and inspires those around him.

None; Ka'ai is a true monk, and has no earthly attachments to success or material gain. He has taken a vow of pilgrimage and as such it could be said his goal is to travel and see the world.

Plot Hooks:
  • Ke'ai will help anyone with almost anything, requiring no compensation in return. From odd jobs to out right battle Ke'ai could be the perfect hand to grasp when it is needed.
  • A true monk on a spiritual growth pilgrimage he cannot sleep indoors unless invited and carries no money, relying on the kindness of others and his own skills to feed him. Perhaps offer him a helping hand?
  • Martial arts is both a passion and a way of life for Ke'ai, and he is never going to miss a chance to learn new techniques or fight in friendly matches. Impart your wisdom on the youth, or challenge him to a duel!
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