I'l Fana Kelbé -The White Hart (Tavern/Organisation)

Information about the Elven run I'l Fana Kelbé {Translation 'The White Hart'} A place run by Elves for Elves. They also issue contracts to those seeking coin and adventure, so pop along if you would like your character to earn some coin and prestige!

Do you have a story in mind that makes you rub your hands together in nefarious glee, but sadly no one to play it with? Post your plots here (evilness not required) and see who might be interested! Or, if you have a check list of adventurous tasks, tracking topics are welcome as well.
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I'l Fana Kelbé -The White Hart (Tavern/Organisation)

Post by Alexander »

I'l Fana Kelbé - The White Hart

Before the tavern that currently stands on the borders of the Slums and the West District, The White Hart, (or I'l Fana Kelbé in Kerasoka Elvish) was as a modest place named I’ Doron’ - The Oaktree, that was simply a regular drinking establishment and eatery. After it was destroyed through arson (though no one was ever charged at the time), Aurae, a Kerasoka Elf of some renown, took over the place, rebuilding it and giving it its current name: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart)

Rather than just a place to give out drinks, the White Hart became a place that worked at helping the often marginalised Elves in the city of Fellsguard, providing help and healing, for a small fee, and giving out contracts to would be Adventurers.

The focus on on their Elven clientele means that Elves get preferential treatment (rooms to stay in for those passing through, or for whom may need short term alternative housing). Despite this, the Cáno, Aurae, would sometimes give her permission for non-Elves to be given work - though the rewards for such were often a lot lower than those given to Elves (known as the Salquë until they complete their first contract then may move up to a more trusted rank such as Lassë).

The highest rank a non-Elf can achieve is normally Lassë, unless they become particularly valued and trusted by the heads of the tavern, and may be granted the rank of Nuinë.

Custom came almost exclusively from Elven patrons, and some have questioned where the money came to maintain and run the place with such little coin, but the Cáno Aurae and the Quimellë dismiss whatever questions are asked.

It served wines, ales and spirits preferred by the Elves, mostly sweet things and fruit drinks. The food is modest, but nurturing. It is pretty clear that this was a front for the real purpose of the tavern, but for some reasons, the city guard left them in peace


- Cáno {kay-no} (Leader) - The Head of the Organisation, is the only person who can promote or elevate another person in The White Hart
- Quimellë {Kim-a-lay} (Lady), Índor {Eye-n-door} (Lord) - Second in command to the Cáno, in charge of giving out and accepting contracts. Default managers of the tavern and kitchen.
- Síra {Sigh-ra} (River) - Senior members of the White Hart, e.g head cook, head housemaid, personal servants to the Cáno and Quimellë
- Nuinë {New-in-ey} (Stream) - Regular, established members of the Hart Personnel
- Olbá - {Ol-bay} An affiliate of the White Hart. These usually pay a small monthly price for the use of the tavern and better contracts.
- Almá {Al-may} (Flower) - White Hart Staff; servers, bar-staff, waiters.
- Lassë {lass-ey} (Leaf) - Associates, contractees, other people working with the Hart but not officially a member of the staff.
- Salquë {Sal-kay} (Other) - Non-elves who are not part of the staff or officially affiliated with the Hart but known to them


Cáno (Leader) - Aurae
Quimellë (Lady) - Élara. Indor (Lord) - none as of yet ...
Síra (River) - Cithrel
Nuinë (Stream) - Dáire
Olbé (Branch) - Kaatarya Frost
Almá (Flower) - Raen Silver, Raya,
Lassë (Leaf) - Artemis Black
Salquë (Other) - Mila Glade, Ksenia
Last edited by Alexander on October 29th, 2019, 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé -The White Hart (Tavern/Organisation)

Post by Alexander »

Useful words/phrases

Suil - Greetings
Namárië - Farewell
Sut naa idë?- How are you?
Uma lle quena falathren? - Do you speak common?
Amin uma il- quena Kerasoka - I do not speak Kerasoka
Amin naa nairë - I’m sorry
Soa - Fool/idiot
Nambá! - Damn!
Peredhel - Half-Elf
Arpo - Thief
Tinwë - Spark/star
Anar/Úri - Sun
Maiwë - Hawk
Hanno - Brother
Nésa - Sister
Láta - Reveal
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