Greetings and Salutations

Feeling new and lost in the woods? Stop by and post a topic introducing yourself! How did you get to Khy'eras? What's your favorite song, movie, food, drink, etc.? How long have you been roleplaying? Write as little or as much as you want.
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Greetings and Salutations

Post by Memoria »

Helllloooo everyone! My name is Memoria (admin/creator) of this RPG, but my real name is Adria (ay-dree-uh). I have been roleplaying since 2001 back on WebTV days, which is where I got my start in all this craziness. I started off chat roleplaying on IRC severs like TalkCity and ChatFirst, but then moved onto forum roleplaying. I love the idea of collaborative writing, whether its in chat or through forum posts, so I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

Outside of this, as an occupation I am a front-end web developer and I'm excited that I can utilize my talents in this area to add features to Khy'eras.

And now, 10 random or generic facts about myself:
  1. My favorite band is Delain and my favorite composer is Hans Zimmer. As far as genres, I tend to like video game / instrumental / scores, symphonic metal, musical theater, and 90s rock. My tastes are a bit varied.
  2. I enjoy baking - cheesecakes, cakes, cookies. Here's my imgur gallery of food:
  3. My favorite beverage is probably coffee, though I didn't start drinking it until maybe nine years ago. I also like cider (alcoholic), tea, and water.
  4. Despite my favorite fictional genre being fantasy, my most adored book is "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer.
  5. My favorite TV shows include Pushing Daisies, Home Movies, and Futurama.
  6. My favorite movies are Big Fish, Howl's Moving Castle, Up, How to Train Your Dragon, and Princess Bride. It's really difficult to pick just one!
  7. I have been married since 2013. No kids, but we have two dogs - Nico (female German Shepherd mix) and Sam (male Chocolate Lab mix) - and one cat - Rook (male, black, short haired). Occasionally, we also foster dogs.
  8. My husband and I play a lot of board games and we have a substantial collection. My top picks are probably Scythe, Pandemic, and Eldritch Horror.
  9. My favorite color is brown, followed by blue and then probably black.
  10. I have a degree in Communication (Writing Arts), but I don't really use it at all. Coding all day, everyday!
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