Hello I'm Me

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Hello I'm Me

Post by Mahkasad »

Salutations and Celebrations! ^_^
I'm Mahkasad, a writer and aspiring world-builder for RPGs.
I've been going by Mahkasad for so long that I'll respond to it more promptly than my real name, so I've decided to avoid that confusion.

I started roleplaying in 1997 with ADnD and have tried as many tabletop systems as I could get my hand on since. I've also done a good deal of LARP as an 'environmental narrative element' (basically I participate but don't tend to be a single person or thing, representing groups/npcs/hostile folks/etc), but am not currently active.

On the writing side I've pursued creative writing since my early days and even taken a few courses when time permitted. I'm always looking to expand and stretch my abilities and know they're quite rusty nowadays. You'll likely find a lot of simple exercises and prompts shared by me as ways to encourage myself and others.

In the Outer Side I'm a software engineer, currently working on things I can't talk about but are enjoyable and challenging. The nature of my work means I'm likely entirely unavailable during the day, so don't be surprised if you hear nothing and then see a deluge of me chatting and typing.

Now to steal from Memoria - 10 random or generic facts about myself:
  1. I don't really have a favorite when it comes to music, but as long as it isn't mumble rap or really hard metal/screamo I've likely enjoyed it.
  2. I'm a massive fan of turn-based and grand strategy games, spending a couple thousands of hours across the genre and even playing in a competitive capacity in my early college years. My favorite is likely Crusader Kings II or the Civilization games (4 & 5 in particular)
  3. My favorite beverage are tied at tea and water. For tea, Baihao Yinzhen is the top, but any herbal or green is solid too. Water, a crisp minerally tap is still unbeatable.
  4. My favorite book lately is Swing Shift by William D. Arand, but anything in the found family genre is my jam. I've mainly been listening rather than reading the past 4 years. Audible is a managed obsession.
  5. I don't tend to watch a lot of tv, preferring let's plays and competitive game streams instead, but I can't recommend enough the Avatar: The Last Airbender series.
  6. My favorite movies are Treasure Planet, How to Train Your Dragon, and Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
  7. I have been married since 2016. No plans for kids, but we have 3 long hair cats - Ernest (7, tuxie colony rescue boy), Algernon (6, black rescue derp boy), and Khala (3, calico girl).
  8. My wife and I play a lot of board games and we have a substantial collection. My personal favorites are Carcassonne, Honshu, and Ticket to Ride.
  9. My favorite color is midnight blue, followed by all the other blues, greens, and purples.
  10. I have a Bachelor's in Game Development, but avoided the gaming industry because of the brutal grind and low pay.
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Re: Hello I'm Me

Post by Hedger »

Hi there! I'm super excited to get to play with you! It's a pity about game development, I considered pursuing working as a concept artist for a while for games but sort of got discouraged, reasonably.

Also as far as audio books go you can totally use a library card to get audio books through an app called Libby, I think? It's cheap and there's a good selection though you may have to buy some more specific books. You ought to give it a whack sometime!
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Re: Hello I'm Me

Post by Memoria »

Hi @Mahkasad! Glad to have you aboard!

How to Train Your Dragon is one of my favorite movies as well. I'm fairly certain I happy/sad cried like four times during the last movie, but that's just me.

My husband and I have a big board game collection too. We play pretty often with friends. We like Scythe, Eldritch Horror, and Lords of Waterdeep. I've played Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride, but not Honshu.
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