The Adventures of Ardum Kethos

A place where I will share posts from Ardum Kethos, my Brass Dragonborn Paladin

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The Adventures of Ardum Kethos

Post by Mahkasad »

The server has the concept of 'Working Days' where you can perform your profession and make an appropriate roll to earn income.
Ardum is an Acolyte of Bahamut and LLiira, the dragon god of good and minor human god of Joy and Festivals respectively.

Ardum Kethos - Brass Dragonborn Paladin

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Ardum nodded decisively as the final set of ceremonial banners settled into their box. The week following the Grand Revel was always a time of frantic work. Many regular duties fell to the wayside during the preparations and ensuing cleanup, leaving the acolytes to bear the brunt of the necessary extra work.

He didn’t mind though, the satisfaction of a storeroom where each item was accounted and properly kept was worth the many days of labor. Though, he did silently regret how much it cut into his time of study. Content with the state of the storeroom, Ardum closed the heavy oaken door, locking it tight with the worn key before placing it back into his hidden pocket.

When he returned to the small temple room he found a pair of young people looking around nervously. Ardum put his best smile on, making sure not to reveal too many teeth, and walked over to them with his arms held wide.

“How can this hall of Joy inspire you today?” he asked, returning the bow they offered him stiffly.

“We- uhm- we,” the man to the left started in a deep and somewhat scratchy voice. He was short for a human, but broad chested, and had skin with a deep russet tan beneath ash brown hair loosely tied. It was clear he was very nervous.

“We wanted rings, but couldn’t get away from work for the festival,” his companion said, holding out several shards. The second man was perhaps the opposite of the first, lean and lanky with pale skin and fine platinum blonde hair worn in an undercut. He seemed to stand behind rather than beside his partner.
Ardum nodded, familiar with the request, and accepted the donation with a small bow. It was not uncommon for people to come seeking to form a less binding union after the completion of the Revel. “Please, follow me to the altar and allow me to fetch the rings. Then we will complete the rites.”

He stepped around the thin wooden altar towards the back of the room. With practiced care, he opened a small box and removed a pair of etched silver rings before placing the coins into a slot set into the bottom lining. The muted clink of shards indicating the day had been a busy one.

With the slow pace of rite and ritual he placed a ring in each palm and looked to the two men. “Do you understand and accept these rings in the eyes of Our Lady of Joy that they might inspire you to hold your chosen in your heart with all the love and joy they deserve?”

Both men nodded vigorously, sneaking glances at each other while trying to keep their attention forward. “Then take a ring, and place it upon your chosen’s finger that they might have a token to know your devotion,” Ardum said, doing his best to keep his smile restrained.

The men each took a ring, the blonde blushing fiercely before turning to his partner and holding his finger out. Ardum watched and spoke the words of blessing. “Lady Lliira, we ask your sight fall upon these two and find the joy they carry in their hearts. We ask you to bless them, showing your approval for the bond they now seek.”

Ardum felt the gentle warmth of blessing and saw the rings glow, the tiny chips of ruby and sapphires in the top sparkling brilliantly for but a moment. The two men both blushed fiercely before looking to Ardum.

“It is done, you may celebrate however you wish. Remember to always keep the joy and love in your heart and share that joy with others,” he said, letting his smile open fully when the men embraced and began to whisper sweet nothings between several quick and fierce kisses.

“Is there anything else you require?” he asked politely when they seemed to have worked themselves to a small pause.

“Ah- no,” the broader man said, his blush darkening as he immediately stepped away from his partner. The blonde took his hand, stepping back in close and laying his head on his chosen’s shoulder.

“Thank you,” the blonde said softly, before tugging gently at his chosen’s hand and leading him out of the temple. Ardum watched them go, pleased he had been able to call upon the blessing with so little preparation. Perhaps the Lady was eager to grace those so honest with their joy so close to the grand celebration.
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Nodding as silence returned to the small temple, the acolyte returned to his duties, walking around the enclosed space and checking each statue and tapestry for wear and damage. Finding them all in good repair, he moved to the censers and found all but one sufficiently filled.

He moved to a small unassuming decorative box in the corner and removed a fresh incense stick. Taking it to the offending censer, he held it up and froze. With a careful glance around, he ensured there was no one present. Confident he was alone, he took a deep breath and opened his mouth a fraction, willing his fire to leak out.

The strong scent of char filled the air immediately, and Ardum coughed as he crushed the flaming stick of incense with his palm before holding the ash covered hand out. He frowned, snapping the remains of the destroyed stick and dropping them before he wiped the ash on the underside of his vestments.

“Of course I get eager and ruin it,” he grumble, berating himself for failing such a simple task. Without another word he moved to the back room and collected a small broom and pan from beside the door. Hopefully the lingering smell would fade before the next acolyte arrived.
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Re: The Adventures of Ardum Kethos

Post by Mahkasad »

Ardum felt a barely suppressed grin curl his thin lips as he stepped out into the brisk afternoon wind. The air moved like a rampant beast, twisting and twining through the many raised walkways with a faint whistle as it snapped and clawed at banners and chimes.

The sound of shifting metal and cloth added a new layer of music to the already vibrant Trades Ward and he felt inspired and invigorated by the song of happenstance. All around him folks walked with energy, speaking louder and more passionately if only to be heard over the din.

He was heading out in an official capacity and so wore the vestments of Lliira today. The bright colored cloth, laden by the sparkle of ruby interspersed with sapphire, blended well with the garish signs and egregious dress of the hawkers that peddled their wares to the densely packed streets.

Ardum nodded and waved often, his size and manner attracting attention as he travelled. People always seemed to notice the faithful following a large festival, and so he found he was hearing more than the usual share of cheers of delight and intrigued laughter.

He fielded them all equally, offering an energetic wave and careful grin as was his duty to the Lady of Joy. It always offered him a measure of amusement that there was so much more work for the goddess than there was for his chosen lord Bahamut.

Despite this, the Platinum Dragon still remained, and had even offered inspiration in the glow of predawn sparkling off the misted sea. The shine of purest platinum had buoyed Ardum's spirit through even the boring drudgery of an uneventful morning's duties recleaning an already immaculate temple.

And so the song of wind and laughter carried him to the steps of the Monastery of the Sun. He was to sing in a vibrant choir, offering praise to Selûne and Sune, bringing the joy of Lliira even in the celebration of the higher goddesses.

His arrival was, as always, marked by a murmur of intrigued acolytes. Despite his energetic presence and dutiful attendance, there always seemed to be a handful who wondered at what voice a Dragonborn could have.

He broadened his grin, revealing the points of several teeth, as he returned the bow of greeting from the Choir Master. The murmurs grew into whispers and discrete pointing before they finally drew the Master's ire and he silenced them with a stern gaze.

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A silent cue was given and everyone moved about with the quiet whisper of fabric and creak of soft leathers upon wood as they took their places upon the risers. Below, the ceremony was already underway, and only a thin velvet curtain separated the chorus from the large congregation of faithful being led in praise by the Cantor.

The velvet curtain slid back and silence fell over the massive crowd far below. Ardum felt his chest tighten faintly as he mentally reviewed the music for the day. He forced his body to loosen and relax instead, depending on his training as he readied for the moment to come.

The Choir Master raised a hand to begin and Ardum felt a moment of pure elation in the instant of silence before he sang. The reverent quiet of the Monastery of the Sun was shattered as the seven countertenors voices spilled forth, filling the vaulted hall with the lilting phrases of the third Canticle of the Sun and Moon.

Ardum's voice led his section, the morning's inspiration driving him to sing with more power and control in an effort to share the joy he felt with the faithful below.

There was some pointing and near silent gasps of surprise as the Dragonborn's voice carried his fellows while the remainder of the choir joined, lifting the song up so that even the gods and goddesses might hear it and feel the elation of the gathered faithful.

The Choir Master offered Ardum a faint grin and nod as the Canticle rose to its full and glorious crescendo. Ardum responded to the lavish praise with even more focus and passion, letting the final note hang in the air for a moment as his fellows' voices faded away.

The resounding silence that followed was a testament to the skill of the choir, and the shift into the fifth Canticle at the perfect moment spoke to the experience of the Choir Master.

When it was all done and the velvet curtain again hid them, Ardum felt a burning pride in his chest as his fellows turned and whispered excitedly to their neighbors. It had been a resounding success, and the feeling of Divine blessing lingered in the air as the Cantor guided the congregation in closing prayer.
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Re: The Adventures of Ardum Kethos

Post by Mahkasad »

Ardum felt rather than heard the approach of the higher priest. The man was massive and every step he took resounded with the surety of a man whose faith was as implacable as his demeanor. When the man finally strode into the small temple Ardum had been expecting him for several long seconds. He held his bow for a moment, acting as though he'd not been on edge for the priest's arrival. When Ardum raised his head, the other man held out a hand in supplication.

"Acolyte," the priest began. He called them all that, no preference or familiarity, each treated with the same respect and consideration. "There is a small contingent of young people wandering the floors in search of you," the priest said as though he were discussing dusting the walls. "Go now to the temple of Lliira and perform what duties are required of you. Know that I do not ask this lightly."

The higher priest stood there after his command, the faintest hint of a smile crinkling the around his eyes. Ardum felt confused, and perhaps even a bit shocked, but he acted on his training. With a quick breath, he stilled his thoughts and began making his way out of the temple of Bahamut.
The travel down several flights of stairs gave Ardum plenty of time to think. He decided to limit his wandering thoughts to waiting and seeing just before he reached the floor that contained the temple of Lliira. He found a collection of younger men and women all milling about looking somewhat anxious.

None of them seemed to react to his presence beyond nervous glances until the blonde man from the other day noticed him. "There he is. Like I said," he indicated Ardum and smiled broadly. The atmosphere of the room shifted wildly, suddenly everyone was talking quietly but fervently.

"How can I assist you? Was there some problem?" Ardum asked with a practiced look of concern.

The man shook his head and his smile broadened. "The opposite, a friend wants to get joined and we're all here for them."

Ardum blinked for a second and then opened his arms out in welcome. "Then come forward, and I will collect the rings," he said, feeling a tinge of actual joy leading into his voice. There was something about the honesty with which the blonde man spoke that warmed Ardum's heart.
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Re: The Adventures of Ardum Kethos

Post by Mahkasad »

Visiting a decadently rich gambling house! Some random street RP.

Sunille Brightwood
Sunille walks down the streets of the north ward, gazing around at the snow dusted buildings in awe. She’s never seen a city this large before. It’s a little overwhelming. She spots a decadent looking building and decides to go check it out. She walks towards the place called The Gentle Mermaid.

Ardum Kethos
Ardum had been sent to the North Ward to perform a small private performance with several other choristers. What had supposed to last the evening instead ended after two songs when the proprietor broke into deep wracking sobs. So now he was without duties, without direction, and found himself standing outside a very fancy looking place.

The bright warmth of the sun glinted off the snow dotting the roof of the building, creating a platinum sparkle that Ardum would see as a portent even in the most interesting of times. And so, the paladin stood staring blankly at the building for several silent moments.

Sunille Brightwood
Sunille approaches the man and looked at him with her wide golden eyes.
“Are you going in?” She questions sweetly, a small smile on her ghost white face.

Ardum Kethos
Ardum started, mentally chastising himself for blocking the way like a lummox. "Ah, apologies. I caught myself enjoying the glint of the snowfall. I-" he stopped mid word, his mind churning as he realized he might as well experience a high class establishment someday. "I believe I am," he said, letting just the barest edge of his teeth show through a smile. "But please, after you." he stepped towards the front door of the Mermaid, opening the door and holding it wide for the Aasimar.

Sunille Brightwood
“Oh, thank you!” She giggled and walked through the door. men in this town are so polite she thought to herself.

Ardum Kethos
Ardum nodded reflexively, finding the woman's manner odd. Perhaps she was there to attract gamblers into the place. Or perhaps he was off kilter from his most recent interaction with nobility. "It is no trouble, and pardon my rudeness, but you are an Aasimar correct?" he asked, his natural curiosity overriding his usually reserved nature before his politeness could stop him. He followed her inside, taking care not to loom, he had always loomed as a boy.

Sunille Brightwood
Sunille spun around, her scarlet ringlets nearly brushing against his nose.

“Why yes I am. Is this your first time?” She parted her lips and smiled, her teeth the same shade glowing white as her skin.

Ardum Kethos
Closing the door from #the-streets, Ardum titled his head back and forth as if considering for a moment. The woman was certainly a force of personality and beauty, intentional or no. “It is, I do not find myself in the North Ward without duties often. Joy should always be in the heart though, and one should not deny themselves the experiences through which they might gain it.” His tone wasn’t quite a recital of scripture, but the edge of oft-repeated knowledge was certainly there.

“Are you familiar with this place? Perhaps you might guide me?” he asked, though the lack of change in his expression hid how he felt about the idea. Ardum’s expressiveness had always been reserved, even for a Dragonborn.

Sunille Brightwood
Sunille giggled. “Did you think I meant your first time here? Well, anyway, I just arrived in the city a few days ago, so I’ve never been here either. By the way, my name is Sunille.” Although she had just met the man, Sunille was in a mischievous mood, so she decided to push a little.

“I would’ve thought a gentleman like yourself would’ve introduced yourself before the lady, but I guess you’re not that type of man..?”

Ardum Kethos
Ardum didn’t quite open his mouth all the way before closing it, terribly uncertain what she’d meant. He found he was suddenly in a war against his own thoughts. Part of him wanted to slam down the wall of distant professionalism, shielding him from the world. Another cried out that this was what he had sought, to experience a world away from the cloister.

“I am Ardum,” he managed before a faint twitch of his ridges indicated he was beginning to blush. “Forgive my rudeness, it has been an arduous day and I was simply hoping to find a distraction.” He distinctly looked away from her, glancing around the area they stood in with its thickly piled carpet and decadent wallpapers. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Sunille.”

Sunille Brightwood
“Haha, I was just teasing you, it’s okay!” She gently swatted his shoulder in a playful way. “So hey, wanna tell me about your day over a drink?”

Ardum Kethos
He felt the constant urge to push down his walls, to retreat into some form of recitation or even mumble a parable. Instead he leaned on his training, grinning broadly and letting his teeth show almost completely.

“Ah, yes, that does sound very nice. You seem the sort that knows how to have an interesting time. I am worried I will bore you with my stories, but if that is what the lady wishes.” He winked, holding out an arm towards the hostess waiting nearby politely.

Inside, Ardum felt like he was going to have to have a very long chat with himself later, about decorum and whatever the hell he was about to be doing with his hard-earned coin.

Sunille Brightwood
“Nah, a guy like you? I don’t buy that you’re stories are boring.”
She paid 1 gp to the hostess and waited for Ardum to do the same.

Ardum Kethos
Ardum felt a tightness in his gut, but removed a dragon from his pouch and carefully placed it on the hostess' palm. "You have a way about you, it is intriguing and I doubt I am the first to say so," he countered, finding the words were coming more easily as he felt into the practiced rhythm. He'd had years now of practiced conversation. The priestesses of Sune were always happy to help the poor acolytes of Lliira with social graces.

The hostess nodded, and without saying a word to interrupt them, she turned and moved them towards a table. Ardum, now actually paying attention, offered Sunille a chair first before seating himself.

Sunille Brightwood
“Why thank you.” Sunille sat down.
“And for the record, no one has told me that before. So, tell me about your crazy day.”

Ardum Kethos
Ardum blinked, feeling like he'd missed a step in sort of social dance. He quickly righted himself, his paladin training refusing to allow his mind to halt for more than an instant despite his social ineptitude. "Then I have the honor of being a first," he winked and settled into his chair.

"I am a chorister, and a proven one at that. So I get asked to perform, spreading the joy of life and music through my voice," he tapped at his throat softly, just keeping himself from singing a few notes as he realized how - muted - the room was.

"Today I was here, in the North Ward, to offer music to a well off family with several others. We got only two songs in, they were having some sort of indoor garden party, and then a man broke into tears." He shrugged, tilting his head at the memory. "It was the proprietor, and so we were sent away. I like to hope they were tears of joy, but that is likely fanciful folly."

He motioned across to her. "What brings you to this corner of the city then? You said you were new to Waterdeep?"
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Re: The Adventures of Ardum Kethos

Post by Mahkasad »

Sunille Brightwood
“Well, I grew up in a small village a while away from Waterdeep. I always wanted to travel here, so when I turned 60, I decided, ‘what am I waiting for?’ So I decided to move here and join the waterdeep branch of the priestesses of Sune. Oh, I was raised as a priestess of Sune, by the way.”

She said all of this very casually, but something about the memory seemed to have made her frown.

Ardum Kethos
Ardum felt the moment his mind caught up to exactly what Sunille had said. He didn’t quite choke, but he did feel his frills twitch in surprise. He should have recognized the signs - the manner, the hair even - he felt like a fool but quashed the feeling aggressively. “Then hold me even more honored to have taken a first from you,” he said, leaning on a joke the priestesses had made at his, and many other acolytes, expense during his ‘training’.

“Have you found the city offers the beauty you craved? I grew up here, and find myself constantly uncovering new and fascinating sources of excitement.” Ardum tried to get himself back on balance, to ensure he wasn’t just reacting to the priestess. Being on the back foot with the faithful of the Lady Firehair was a dangerous game.

Sunille Brightwood
“Oh well it’s very pretty. But there’s still so much I haven’t seen yet. For example, on the road here I heard of the most spectacular thing. Apparently, there’s a place in this city that turns into a magical dance floor on nights with a full moon. Can you believe it? At first I thought the man was just pulling my leg, but he insisted it was true. If it is, dancing there is definitely on my bucket list. It sounds like just the perfect place to be swept off my feet by some dreamy nobleman...” she swooned a little to herself.

Ardum Kethos
Ardum raised his brows, letting his smile grow ever-slightly wider. “I believe that will perhaps be the least impossible thing you encounter. It is not a lie that you are in the City of Splendors.” He paused for a moment as a server stopped to deposit a pair of drinks on the table.

“You chance a common dream, though I feel I must warn you, the city is not all its splendors, and there are many who would claim to be your strong and reliable nobleman with nothing to their name but a dagger, stolen clothes, and wicked intent.” He chuckled softly, taking his glass up with care.

“To the pursuit of beauty and joy. May you find only the splendors and none of the rest,” he said with a small lift of his glass towards her.

Sunille Brightwood
“Hmmm...aren’t you forgetting something? Beauty, joy...and love! When you’re in love, all rules fly out the window. Maybe he’s not the nobleman he claimed to be...but if our eyes lock on the dance floor, anything is possible don’t you think?” Sunille let her words sit for a moment before she started to giggle.
“Nah, I’m just kidding. If he’s got no money than I wouldn’t waste my time on him.”

Ardum Kethos
Ardum nodded his head several times, as if holding back another small chuckle. "I would never presume to tell a faithful of love. It is a fickle beast, or so I am told often enough. The most recent festival seems to draw out all of the good and bad of- love." Ardum felt his thoughts flicker over of all the rings he'd blessed, a slight turn of his mouth as the memories faded with the thought of the rings soon returned as well.
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Re: The Adventures of Ardum Kethos

Post by Mahkasad »

Sunille Brightwood
“The bad of love? No way—there’s no such thing. I think even getting your heart broken is a beautiful thing. After all, it is better to have loved and lost, than to be a lonely loser for your whole life.”

Ardum Kethos
Ardum felt the bite of the words, perhaps not meant directly for him, but still hitting the mark. He shook them off without moving, a minor cut to be brushed aside.

"Perhaps for the heart, but the damage done to others, the cost to those around you, I have seen terribly unfortunate situations." He shook his head slightly, the frown becoming more than a shadow. "The goddess of Joy does not find the returning of a shattered ring of faithfulness to be a pleasing moment."

Sunille Brightwood
“I guess...but the goddess of joy? Does that mean you’re a priest too? How lovely! Tell me all about what you do.”

She leaned forward, looking genuinely happy to hear what he had to say. It seemed as though her demeanor had changed, and something about her words suggested embarrassment. Perhaps she felt as though she pushed too far?

Ardum Kethos
Ardum tilted his head, finding her sudden shift surprising, but not entirely unexpected. Some of the other priestesses of Sune had been like flighty birds with their jumps of subject and interest.

"I am surprised you do not recognize the trapping of an acolyte of Lliira. Though perhaps the exarch of Sune is less known where you hail from. Here in the city, she is critical to the festivals and celebrations that run throughout the year. As for me-" He took a small sip of his drink, enjoying the soft tingle of flavor as he thought.

"Many of my duties involve presiding over blessings, maintaining the temple in the Plinth, and taking rounds to spread the word of Our Lady of Joy."
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