The Sweetest Things Take Time

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Noticing the other mages muttering amongst themselves, Colle glanced at Harroc and Chloe. The younger shifter was still pale and clearly strained from the essence manipulation. Harroc frowned still, his face turned toward the door. “Um, Harroc?” Colle asked quietly.

“Yes, my Honey?” he asked, his eyes flicking to them immediately and shimmering faintly.

“If Chloe doesn’t need you - or the mages don’t - um, the Summoner wanted to talk to you? About me, or well, the effect your essence has had on me?” Their voice was halting and tense as they spoke, barely audible against the mages’ mumbling.

Harroc rose, moving over and lifting Colle into his arms easily. “Show me,” he said as he carried them to the door. Chloe remained where she lay, recovering quickly enough but still flushed.

“Down the hall - that way,” they said, pointing. “I- she gave me a crystal and - I don’t know what I did-” They gulped harshly, pulling their arms against them. “It changed, she said maybe your essence had something to do with what I did,” Colle said, their words becoming jumbled a bit as they spoke.

Harroc squeezed them gently, stroking with his far arm as he used little effort to keep them aloft. “Interesting, I am excited to see what you have done. Why are you afraid?”

“I - I have no idea what I did, and she’s going to ask me to do it again, and I can’t if I don’t know-” they sputtered. “What if it’s a fluke? What if I messed up her crystal and she can’t use it again? I probably did it wrong anyway-” Harroc lifted Colle up and kissed them forcefully, stopping any further complaints and holding them close to his chest as he continued to move.

They whimpered slightly and made a move as though to push Harroc back, but there was no real impetus in their gesture. “Please don’t - don’t get me in more trouble-” they whispered, pulling slightly away from Harroc’s kisses. “We’re in the Mages’ hall and we need to figure out how to fix the magical poisoning thing, not get kicked out!”

He pulled back, but did not pull them away. “I wanted you to stop trying to explain how you were wrong. If you have stopped I can stop taking your breath,” he said with a soft rumble, giving them another squeeze. “This door?” he asked, nodding his head forward.

Colle nodded, slowly. “I can’t explain what I did. But experience says whatever I did was probably wrong.” They held an arm out to push the door open. “Sorry for the delay, ma’am. This is Harroc, the elemental shapeshifter I spoke of.” Their voice was clearly audible, but leaden in its intonation.

“Hello, I have been told my Honey raised questions, I am here to answer them,” Harroc said confidently, striding into the room without concern.

“Oh- hello, you’re more humanoid than I expected. Welcome, come have a seat please,” the summoner said with a smile and shake of her head. Harroc took the seat Colle had sat on earlier, balancing the Fae on his leg.

Colle studied the desk top, not meeting the summoner’s eyes. The little crystal fox scampered toward them, tail aloft in greeting. They gathered their hands in their lap, almost shrinking from it. Harroc chuckled and leaned over, twisting his body to not drop Colle as his face came down to examine the creature.

“What is this? It is- crystal? Did you make this?” he asked with a clear touch of wonder to his question.

“I didn’t make the crystal, no. I just - I don’t know.” They leaned back from the desk. “It’s the Summoner’s crystal. I did something to it somehow.”

“You invoked the Arcanum of Animation, a simple but important spell for practice. You did it- quite beyond where your level should be and given what you’ve said about the elemental influence,” the summoner explained with a knowing smile. “Do not devalue your accomplishment, but do not overstate it either. It simply is.”

Harroc nodded emphatically, the words clearly resonating with him on a deeper level. “Then you can begin training? Is there anything I can teach them?”

“Sorry - how was I supposed to invoke the - Arcanum of Animation?” Colle asked quietly, flicking the barest glance to the crystalline fox. “I’ll try- to learn how to do it correctly.”

“First, dismiss the animation- this is where things become unique to your experience. You must will the spirit to retire or retreat or rest, it varies from summoner to summoner. Thankfully, the idea remains the same always. You must have the spirit release the crystal.”

“What am I supposed to say? Am I supposed to make a particular gesture?” they asked, holding their hands under their chin, as though the crystal would burn them. “I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten most spellcasting, it’s been a long time since I was in school.”

“I can’t know until you do. Concentrate on the spirit, it is there, you can feel it. Then- negotiate,” the summoner urged.

“Isn’t there a ‘right way’ to do it? Like most of the spells they teach in school? Not that I’m good at magic, but - well, I should learn how to do this properly,” said Colle. They bit their lip, glancing up at the summoner. “Look, I’ve never had a shred of magical aptitude. I almost failed every single class on magic I’ve ever taken. I - I don’t know if I can do this.” They looked down at the little crystal fox, sitting on the desktop. It looked at them, head tilted, but didn’t move.

“There is, and you will only know it after you have uncovered it. As I said, it varies from summoner to summoner. I can no more tell you how it is done than you can tell me how I have done it.”

‘Fuck, that almost guarantees I’m going to fuck this up,’ thought Colle. “Um - Dimisit?” they said, waving their hand at the fox. It tilted its head the opposite direction, sitting firmly on the desk. Exite?” The fox scratched behind an ear.

They took a deep breath, on the verge of frustration. ‘I wish I could just tell it ‘time to go’ like it’s a cafe patron,’ they thought, half panic-laughing at the idea. Their hand had moved unconsciously, palm up as they usually did when shooing the last few customers out at night. The little fox stood, bowed its head, and jumped up. It reformed into the crystal the summoner had handed them when they’d first come in, clattering on the table top as it settled.

‘Did that actually - did that fucking work?!’ they thought incredulously.
Word count: 1160
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Harroc laughed excitedly and reached out to touch the small crystal delicately. “It is rife with magic, a kind I do not understand. It is also very open to my essence, but not as much as my own stone.”

“What - what kind of stone is it? Wait, what kind of stone is yours?” Colle asked, switching their attention from Summoner to Harroc.

“This is a quartz crystal, found in many places easily enough, but it is always receptive to magic. My stone- I do not know its name, but it is certainly not quartz,” Harroc explained, reaching a hand to touch the aforementioned stone.

Colle gulped. “What now? What am I supposed to do?” They turned to the Summoner. “Am I supposed to bring the fox back or find something else or-?”

“Bringing the spirit back is a good start. You will do this hundreds if not thousands of times,” the summoner began to explain, reaching into a fold of her robe to remove a similar but far more complex stone. She placed it on the table and it became a brilliant sparkling eagle of onyx. “It will become as breathing, something done simply to idle away the spare moments. As you learn and refine, you will grow stronger and more precise, you will need less effort and time.”

“Okay,” they said, exhaling. “And you don’t want me to change the stone - or do you?” They glanced over at the crystal that Harroc was gently examining.

“Change it how?” she asked, her voice leading, encouraging consideration.

“You don’t want me to shape it into a fox again, right? You just want me to draw a spirit or something out of it?” Colle looked at her, trying to figure out exactly what she wanted of them. “I - I can try that, I guess.”

“The shape it forms is at your beckoning, it matters little. What matters is you call the spirit, bind it to this vessel,” she said, nodding at Colle’s understanding. “You will find you settle on many forms in your learnings. Some never settle at all.”

“So is it the same spirit, but I can tell it to look different?” Colle’s brow furrowed. “And the crystal is just - holding it, like crust holding a pie filling?” She chuckled and nodded, Harroc rumbled in anticipation, the mention of food catching his interest again.

Staring at the crystal again, Colle spotted the little wisp trapped inside. It moved slightly as they focused. This time, they tried to imagine pulling the wisp up and out of the crystal to coalesce into a different form. Holding their breath, they tugged upward to release the spirit, trying to form it to the idea in their head.

A mist rose, forming a tail and four paws. This time, the tail was not full and bushy, but slender. Darkening, the mist collapsed in on itself, describing the form of a large cat-like creature. It prowled slowly before stopping and looking at Colle.

“Interesting- that should not normally be possible-” the summoner said, leaning forward to inspect the small creature. “Ah- there-” she continued as the spirit flickered and then fled back into the crystal, reshaping it to the same form as if nothing was amiss.

“The essence feeds it, allows it to move free of its tether to a limited degree?” Harroc asked with the same level of intense focus.

“That I believe is correct, though perhaps another test. Could you feed essence into the crystal as the summoner maintains the form?” she asked, the faint edge of excitement in her voice. Harroc simply nodded, reaching out a finger and directing the smallest thread of essence into the crystal.

Instantly, the spirit sprang forth, prowling about the table only to flop. It wriggled around on its back, as though scratching an itch, and stretched. Rolling over, the spirit raked its claws against the table and opened its mouth to roar. Colle smiled softly. The spirit’s form bore a certain resemblance to a frequent visitor of the cafe.

“Such detail, how does it know the shape to take?” Harroc asked with clear confusion.

“I think I told it to?” Colle said, a look of surprise spreading across their face. “I mean, I was thinking about - a black jaguar, and-”

Harroc stared more intently, a grin forming on his face. “Oh, you were thinking of me then,” he declared, not looking away from the spirit, though his hand reached out to take Colle’s in his own, squeezing them gently.

“Um - well, yes,” Colle admitted, blushing faintly. “Although I doubt the spirit will shift and ask for pastry.” They looked over at the teapot the summoner had mentioned when they’d first come in. “Would you mind if I poured myself a cup of tea?” they asked the summoner with a somewhat shy smile.

“Oh- oh of course- forgive me,” she said with a shake of her head before quickly moving to fill three cups with still steaming tea. The scent of mint filled the room quickly. “Getting distracted and all,” she added with a chuckle.

Colle took a sip of tea - a straightforward mint with little else. “If you like trying new teas, whenever I come back to be taught, I could bring you some of my blends. The cafe serves them sometimes,” they offered. They readjusted their position on Harroc’s leg, turning to face the table a little more.

“Oh, that sounds lovely. They give us little in the way of variety and each group is to itself alone,” she said with a small smile as she drank tea of her own, the spirit cat on the table amusing itself chasing nothing in particular.
Word count: 961
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

“So, um, it seems like summoning is - very different from the usual basic wizard or sorcerer spells that are common in Fae schools,” Colle commented. They poked the spirit cat gently, playing with it absently. “Does being more attuned to summoning cause someone to be, uh, less able to pick up other forms of magic?”

“Yes, it is strange you were not offered the courses or testing at a younger age, but not entirely uncommon. The calling of spirits requires a stronger pool of magic to even begin. If your pool was strengthened only recently-” the summoner said after a moment’s consideration. “It is not the showiest magic in the beginning, but it is powerful and cannot truly be mastered in even a Fae’s lifetime.”

“Maybe that’s why I did so badly at magic when I was young,” Colle muttered, mostly to themself. “And Harroc has only been close by me for - maybe a few weeks?”

“How did he fill you with such magic in so short a time? Natural absorption is a slow process and would primarily be spent with bleeding off towards your flight and other simple processes,” the summoner asked with clear surprise.

Colle turned several shades of bright red in succession, opening their mouth to say something before closing it again. “Well - um, he’s my boyfriend?” they replied in a very small voice. “And he’s able to transfer his essence magic easily through touch - as well as um, other methods,” they continued, trailing off at the end and looking away.

“My Honey enjoys it greatly when I fill them with my essence. They make many sounds that drive me to fill them more,” Harroc said with a broad grin.

“Sweetheart, please don’t say any more about that,” Colle whispered frantically.

“Oh- goodness. I had heard of this before but never- hmm- and how does it- work?” the summoner asked, clear interest and amusement in her voice.

“Usually he can transfer essence through touch - the transfer itself is a bit unnerving at first, since it generally has the side effect of heightening the senses,” Colle answered, doing their best to redirect the conversation. “Harroc, would you mind demonstrating if the Summoner is willing? Very little though, no need to overwhelm her.”

Harroc looked plainly confused. “My Honey does not share-” he said with a tilt of his head.

“Not like that!” Colle squeaked. “Just - you remember what you did when you gave me a boost? Or how you’ve given essence to Chloe? That’s what I meant, sweetheart.”

“Oh. The effect is the same, and you spoke of how I fill you-”

“Yes - but we’re around other people, that wouldn’t be appropriate at the Mages’ hall, and I wouldn’t ask you to do something that, um, intimate, with someone else,” Colle tried to explain, their face reddening even more intensely than before. Their wings were pressed against their back, but the very tips twitched frantically.

“You are excited. Will we be finished if I show the summoner? I wish to have you,” Harroc said confidently, nodding with understanding. He reached out a hand, placing it on the table palm up. “When you are ready,” he directed to the summoner.

She placed her hand against his and Harroc flexed his fingers faintly, sending a thread of essence into her palm. She flinched but did not move away until he nodded. “It is done, concentrate it like a bead and you may use it quickly before it is consumed.”

Still bright red, Colle turned to Harroc. “What about Chloe? Don’t the mages have more questions to ask her or you?”

“Likely, but this will not be solved now, they can wait. Chloe will understand.”

Sighing, Colle turned to the summoner. “I guess if you have questions, either now or whenever you’d like me to come back for training. Is there anyone else I should talk to about that? Like an assistant?”

“There are many you will work with, but for now come back in a few days. I must prepare a curriculum for your particular level of advancement and the fact that you are able to utilize what is clearly a- welling resource of power outside yourself.”

“Alright. How about four days from now? If frustration gives magical power a boost, I’ll likely be in top form then,” Colle remarked with a slight grimace. “Family dinner,” they replied to the summoner’s questioning look.

She nodded. “I do understand. However, if that causes distraction, that may hinder rather than help your progress, so do take that into consideration.”

“I will ensure my Honey is ready, I have many years of training in as many methods to prepare and focus the mind,” Harroc added, pleased to be helpful in this potential future.

Colle flicked a glance of surprise to Harroc, but didn’t ask further. “I guess I’ll see you then - um, sorry, I forgot - who should I ask for, when I come back? I’m Colle, by the way,” they admitted sheepishly.

“Ah- forgive me, I am Vernalis and yes, that was my father’s before me. It seemed appropriate given he is the one who taught me all I know and I carry his summons to this day,” she said, offering out her hand with a shake of her head at the blunder.

Shaking her hand, Colle smiled. “Until then, Mage Vernalis,” they said. Looking at Harroc, they continued, “Let’s get Chloe so she can go rest at the cafe and we can head home.” Harroc rose, lifting Colle with him and grinning excitedly.

The two went down the hall toward the room where Chloe had been resting. The room was terribly quiet as Harroc pushed past the door with barely contained energy. Inside, the mages had retreated to the far side of the room, leaving an irate looking Chloe to lounge alone.

“Making friends?” Colle asked, smirking at Chloe. Chloe rolled her eyes with all the force of the recent thunderstorms.

“Sure- you two done then? I’d rather be anywhere else except here or stuck beside the moaning,” she said with a sigh of frustration.

“I’ll have to come back in a few days to meet with the summoners again, but yeah, I’m done for now. Harroc, is there anything left you wanted to talk to the mages about?” Colle turned slightly to look at the man carrying them.

“No- I wish to go. Soon,” he said squeezing them gently.

“Well, you’ll need to carry Chloe. I can walk until we get outside. Then - cafe?” Colle said with a grin.

Harroc said nothing further before he placed Colle down and moved over to pick up Chloe instead. He then looked to the Fae and grinned back. “Lead on, my Honey.”
Last edited by Colle Mellifera on October 25th, 2020, 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Colle opened the door and ushered them through. They zipped past Harroc and came to the stairs. With a look back, they flew down the stairs, landing in the lobby. Once they saw Harroc coming down, they moved outside. When Harroc got outside he shifted Chloe to his back and transformed into his large wolf form again. Colle picked themself up and hovered in the air just high enough to reach Harroc’s back.

Harroc started a slow loping walk towards heading to the cafe, his tongue lolling out in excitement as he went, pushing essence through them both in a slow but steady stream. He rumbled as they reached the cafe, striding up the stairs and peering inside led by an inquisitive nose.

Sliding down, Colle offered a hand to Chloe. She took their hand with a grumble and allowed them to help her into the cafe.

“You! Go home!” Poppy yelled at Colle as they came in. She put her hands on her hips and glared until she caught sight of Chloe. Her face crinkled in confusion.

“I will, promise, but Chloe here needs to get out of the house-”

“Away from all their fucking, more like-” Chloe countered.

“And anything she wants is on my share. She can’t really walk so she might need some help with books and things.” Colle looked around the cafe for an empty table. Amusingly, Harroc’s usual spot was free. “Over there okay?”

“Yeah, fine.” Chloe hobbled across the floor with Colle’s help. Once she had sat down, Colle jogged over to the bookshelf that held some of the books on magic. They scanned the titles until they found the book Harroc had discussed with Rory.

Handing it to Chloe, they remarked, “Harroc was studying this for ways to control his essence. I don’t know if it’ll be helpful, but it might not hurt.”

“Thanks.” Chloe took the book and set it on the table. “Looks - dense. Don’t leave me here all night, even if this puts me to sleep.”

“I wouldn’t. We’ll be back in a little while.” Colle turned and all but skipped out of the cafe. “Okay, sweetheart, let’s go home,” they said to the wolf waiting on the platform.

Harroc whimpered softly and nosed towards the display case, his tail wagging faintly. “Still hungry? Glutton,” they teased. “Pops, can I get some paws or whatever you’ve got some of?”

“I’m actually surprised you’re not making dozens of these at home, despite me kicking you out,” Poppy said as she grabbed two paws and stuck them in a bowl before dumping glaze on them. “They’re not quite as good as yours, but they’re still tasty.”

“Thanks, Poppy,” they said, taking the bowl. “I might make some tomorrow. Depends on what I feel like. I owe some pastries around town.”

“You also owe some tea, but I’ve told people you’re on leave for your health.”

“Ah, shit. I keep forgetting. Can you look for more of those little bags and set them aside for when we come back for Chloe?” They sighed.

“Yeah, but what’s the deal there? I thought you hated her for trying to steal Harroc?” Poppy raised an eyebrow.

“That’s - a bit of a long story. I’ll tell you later, but right now, I need to head home.” Smiling sheepishly, as Harroc rumbled loudly in clear excitement, they slipped out of the cafe.

“Yes, we have sweets, no, you can’t have them until we get to the house,” Colle said in response to Harroc’s stare. He made a very convincing sad sound and then began to pad towards home. “Oh come on, the quicker you get home, the quicker you get your sweets - and your Honey,” Colle cajoled.

Harroc's tail collided with them smartly as it wagged out of his control. He started to move quicker, getting into a slow loping jog. When he crested the stairs he almost tried to dive through the door as he would so much undergrowth. Thankfully, he stopped himself and skidded a bit instead, his paws sliding along the ground in a frantic replacement as he slowed and turned sideways.

Colle chuckled as they hopped off. “You okay sweetheart? I know you’re excited, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” They unlatched the door and opened it, waiting for Harroc to shift. He did so, catching them mid-stride and carrying them into the room, turning to quickly pull the door closed and locked.

“I am fine, I was simply thinking to dive through the undergrowth. There are few doors in the wilds,” he explained before leaning in to kiss Colle’s neck intensely.

"Doors? Oh - right, the wolf-spirit took over a bit," Colle said with a look of understanding. They sighed happily in Harroc's embrace. "And now, would you rather sweets, or your Honey?" Holding out the bowl, they gave Harroc a mischievous grin.

“Just much experience- but he calls out now," he said, taking the bowl and setting it aside, leaning in to bite Colle's neck fiercely. “"He says to claim you, until you cannot think of another. Then feast and claim you again."

“I’m with you on this plan,” Colle said, backing toward the bed. “The first part might take a while though - or at least I intend that it will - but I think you’re fine with that.” Harroc did not answer with words, only more biting and quick practiced pawing at Colle’s clothes.
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Taking his actions as answer enough, they reached forward and tried to unbutton Harroc’s pants while being distracted. Managing to undo all the buttons they could reach, they started on their dress buttons as Harroc moved them further back. They fell on the bed, the frame whacking into the back of their legs as they stumbled.

Harroc rumbled, almost going to tear his pants but stopping and swiftly finishing the buttons and yanking them off instead. “Going to devour my Honey. Eat and eat until there is nothing left,” he growled excitedly, throwing his shirt aside as well and looking down at them, eyes dancing with emotions.
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With ragged breaths, he slid into the bed, shifting Colle like putty to lay against his chest as he rumbled in complete satisfaction. He curled around them, pulling them close to stroke and caress between loving squeezes.
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

Slowly, Colle’s eyes focused on Harroc’s face and their mouth stretched into a small smile. “I think - you’ve done - what you said - you would,” they said, speaking softly with each exhalation. “Might’ve - forgotten - my own name - for a bit.” They raised a hand languidly and placed it on Harroc’s chest. He rumbled in response, pulling them closer and continuing to stroke their skin and curl his fingers into their muscles.

"Doubt I'm going to be moving for a while," Colle said with a soft chuckle. "Guess we may as well talk." They sank into Harroc's caresses and flicked a glance up at his face. "Would you tell me about your training? You said something to the mage about it," they reminded him.

“The focusing techniques- they will require you to be more- together,” he said with a chuckle, running his fingers along their cheek. “Wait- you called me something new- what was it, my Honey?”

“Hm? What did I - oh. That. Uh,” Colle stammered. Their face would have blushed if they weren’t already so red in the face. “It’s - well, a term of endearment, I guess? Although I maybe shouldn’t have said that-”

They coughed. “So - yeah, your training, we don’t have to talk about techniques and things, but I want to know - what was it like?”

“Difficult, brutal, and designed to harden and hone. What sort of endearment?” he answered quickly and plainly before turning back to his interest.

“Come on, you have to give me more details than that,” Colle said. “Did you have any friends? Were any of your instructors particularly good or frustrating? What made it brutal?” They asked several questions in hope of distracting him and gleaning more information.

“I had no friends, friendship would have taken time I needed to rest and recover, time needed to train and prepare. All of the instructors were different, but each had something to teach. And it was brutal because it was needed to teach us to survive. To make our way in the deadly places we were truly needed.”

“You never had anyone just to talk to until after your training? They’d just send you out into deadly places alone?” Colle asked, looking slightly horrified.

“It- was not meant to be comforting or kind. It was meant to harden us, to hone us to deal with the dangers we would face. It was not my choice, but I do not regret it,” he said with a small shrug.

“How did you end up there if you didn’t choose it?” They stroked his cheek gently. “That sounds difficult even if you wanted to be there.”

“My mother, she is of the Order, and placed me into the training well before many join. Without Father it was the best way to ensure I survived and had a chance to thrive in the wilds.”

“Your mother - tell me about her. Clearly, she’s not like my mom at all. My mom argued with me for a solid year about me moving out on my own, and even then she wanted to help as much as I’d let her. That’s why I have this enormous bed.” Colle looked up at Harroc, watching the swirling green of his eyes. “She insisted I needed a proper bed, not a hammock.”

“I like your mother-”

“Even though you haven’t met her yet?” Colle chuckled. “To her credit, by the time I moved out, I’d already brought home several Kerasoka boyfriends and girlfriends. I’m pretty sure she thought I’d get squished if I tried to share a hammock with any of them,” they commented with a wry smile.

“If she is so concerned for my Honey, then why would I not like her? I do not think we would fit in a hammock either. What was that endearment, what does it mean?” he asked, clearly his predator need to continue pursuit not letting this go in the slightest.

Colle bit their lip and sighed. "Well - what I said was 'lover'. I - maybe shouldn't have called you that so soon?" They glanced away from Harroc. "Based on what you've said before, I'm the first person you've ever had a sexual or romantic relationship with - so I'm not sure 'love' is something that you have any experience with?" Grimacing, they shifted toward Harroc and rested their forehead against his chest. "Maybe you should just forget I said it."

“What does romantic mean?” he asked immediately, tilting his head suddenly in a very wolf-like manner of confusion. Lover? he said, clearly testing out the word and nodding shortly after.

Colle groaned. “I’ve just made things more confusing, haven’t I. I’ll try to explain, but ‘love’ and ‘romantic’ or ‘romance’ aren’t the easiest ideas to capture in words.” They rolled back a bit, so that they could see Harroc’s face.

“First - ‘love’ is - well. Um, wolves live in packs right? And they do that because they form bonds with each other?” Without waiting for a response, they continued. “There’s different kinds of bonds - a mother and her pups, a younger wolf to their elders, littermates, the bond between mates. Those bonds are kind of like different types of love.”

“So, my mom loves me, sort of like a mother wolf cares for her pups. She wants me to be happy, to be healthy and able to take care of myself. Poppy and I are friends, which is more like a bond between hunting partners or littermates. And you - well, I - I’m starting to love you as a mate, as we form that kind of bond. Is this making sense?” Colle focused on Harroc, trying to gauge his understanding.

“Love is how you describe bond links? Why?” he asked, clearly not understanding the need.

“Love isn’t just a bond link though,” Colle said. “It’s - like a bond, but also actively caring about the other person’s well-being and working to strengthen the relationship, to be able to depend on each other.” They sighed. “Like I said, it’s not easy to explain.”

“Either I have wildly misunderstood pack bonds, or you know nothing about them,” he said, reaching out to stroke Colle’s side and arms gently. “I think I have your meaning. Why would you not want to call me Lover then?”

“It’s probably that I don’t know much about pack bonds,” Colle said ruefully. “I was trying to come up with something that might compare. As for why not - people tend to feel that calling their relationship ‘love’ early is putting pressure on the other person to feel the same way - if they don’t - or that the bond hasn’t really matured enough to be called ‘love’, even between themselves.”

“So- when I want to have you again and again, what is that called to you?” he asked, grinning and leaning in for a slow and satisfying kiss.

“Hmm,” Colle replied, enjoying the kiss. “The wanting, that’s sexual attraction. It’s the snuggling after, making sure I’m okay, talking like this - that’s what makes it more than sex.” They shifted on the bed. “Helping me, taking care of me even when I’m being difficult about it, finding ways to make me happy - those are things you do for someone you love.”

“Sex can be with a mate or with someone else just for fun. Doing things to make someone want to have sex with you, doing that in a way that shows you care about them - that’s romance.” Sighing, they leaned into Harroc. “I hope this sort of makes sense. I’m not sure how else to explain all this.”

“This seems like a lot of extra work to say I want to continue filling you to collapse and caring for you after,” he said, clearly unconvinced. “Does that mean I love you then, can I call Colle my Lover?”

“I- um. Maybe?” Colle stammered. “I mean, I’d care for you even if we didn’t have sex. I really enjoy having sex with you, but that’s not the only reason I care about you.”

“I did not say it was the only reason I cared for you, Lover. I simply said I wanted to do it again and again. I am glad to know I love you. Does- this change what I may do to you?”
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

“What do you want to do to me that you haven’t done already? And - I love you, too, sweetheart,” Colle said, their voice a bit shaky. They caressed Harroc’s cheek gently, tracing his lips with their thumb.

“I do not know, I assume there are many more- secret things to learn. There were always more secrets to learn in the Order. Are there new ways to make you happy? New places to make you moan?”

Colle opened their eyes wide. “There are other things we can do while having sex, if you want to try them. Not everyone likes everything, so we can try different things to find out what you like. I think you’ve found most of the spots on me that are sensitive, since Poppy told you far too much,” they said with a chuckle.

“You have not been-” he started, moving his hand towards their wrists, tightening his grip around them.

“Not been what?” they asked, not moving their wrists from his grasp.

“Held- down?” he offered, pulling back slowly and moving his teeth to their neck, biting just as slowly.

“Mm, no,” they mumbled, a pleasurable shiver tracing up their back. “You don’t have to do the holding even - I’ve got ropes and things.”

“I am good with ropes-” he murmured, leaning in to press his chest against them. “But are you sure you can take me again now, Lover?”

Sighing grumpily, Colle slumped against Harroc. “No. I should probably rest a little longer.” They broke into a grin suddenly. “We still have cat’s paws to eat though.”

“We do, I like how you tense and fight when I hold you like this,” he said, kissing their neck and releasing them. “I will need to hold you down next time- perhaps I-” he chuckled, clearly getting lost in a thought.

Smiling, Colle nodded. “After we eat, then I’ll go get the ropes. You still have that sharp knife on you - the one I used to cut Chloe’s pants off? Just to be safe,” they hurried to explain. “In case I panic or start going numb somewhere.”

“I do- but is it a good idea to begin before your family? I will leave marks yes? As I learn.”

“We won’t see my family for three days?” Colle said. “Usually rope marks go away in a day or two unless they’re bruised or there’s rope burn.”

“Oh- but Chloe?”

“What about Chloe? If she sees rope marks on me, it’s not going to bother me,” Colle said. They propped themself up on an elbow and started looking for the bowl of glazed pastries.

“Good, then I will bind my Lover, and make them happy.”

Grinning, Colle reached up and kissed Harroc on the cheek. “I look forward to it. Realize you may have to pick up Chloe from the cafe by yourself if you take me hard enough.”

“I will have to pick up Chloe from the cafe. Do you want me to bring back anything? Poppy?”

Laughing, Colle rolled over and started to pull themself out of bed. “Not Poppy, but she’ll have some bags I need for the tea. I did the orders like you suggested, and it’s been far too popular.”

"You do not want to gloat? I enjoy when you speak to my bringing you satisfaction, my Honey," he rumbled, grinning into their neck again before letting them from his grip.

“If that’s what you want, then tell Poppy why I’m not there. She’ll figure it out. Don’t be surprised if she teases you about it,” Colle said, swinging their legs over the edge.

“I am sorry, Colle is tied up and moaning at the moment,” he said, nodding to himself before flopping onto the sheets and spreading out to encompass most of the bed.

“Exactly,” they chuckled, stumbling over to the bowl on the floor. “For now, pastry. I wonder who she pressed into doing the baking?” They brought the bowl back to the bed. Harroc welcomed them with a grin and grabbing hands, pulling them carefully atop him.

Colle ripped a bite off one of the pastries and popped it in their mouth, chewing carefully. “Hmm. Pretty good. There’s something I can’t quite figure out that’s different from mine.” They tore another bite off and dipped it into the glaze in the bowl before holding it out to Harroc.

Harroc’s mouth engulfed all of Colle’s fingers in addition to the morsel. He moaned softly, rolling his tongue to taste more of the glaze. They tugged their fingers, hoping to reclaim them from Harroc. He sucked harder once, then released them with a pop, grinning broadly.

Leaning in, Colle kissed Harroc deeply. They grunted slightly as they leaned back. "Well, shit. Might be too sore to go again today," they grumbled sadly. "And I was really looking forward to seeing your skills with ropes."

Harroc grinned, shaking his head. “Should take you to the training grounds when you are well, get you some practice in endurance my Honey.” He took another kiss before rising carefully. “Rest then, and I will get Chloe and we can sleep. Still need to recover.”
Word count: 883
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Colle Mellifera
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Colle Mellifera »

"Oh yeah, I did ask for your help with that, didn't I? Don't go yet-" they said as Harroc stood up from the bed. "Chloe is probably enjoying being out of the house - and you haven't told me anything about your mother or how you ended up with the druid circle early. You've met my sister and my best friend - who have and will tell you too much - but I don't know much about what your life has been like before you started showing up at the cafe." Colle crossed their legs to sit up on the bed. "Please," they said, with a pleading expression.

He stopped, instead returning to sit beside them. "There- is not as much as you expect I think. I was raised by my mother in the wilds. When I came of- no, before I was of age- I entered training with the Order of Balance who honed my skills with brutal challenge and contest. What do you want to know?"

"Why'd you say your mother is not safe? This morning, when Jasmine barged in, you held me like you expected her to try to kill me. Is that - well, something your mother would have tried to do to you?" Colle took one of his hands in both of theirs.

"Mom and Dad and Jasmine - we argue sometimes and Jas and I used to fight when we were younger - but I've never been worried they'd actually try to hurt me." They rubbed their thumbs over his knuckles.

Harroc thought silently for several long moments before answering. “My mother- is a force of nature, not unlike my father. She could be sudden and brutal as a lightning strike, or as serene as a cool lake. She never hurt me, but the idea that she is safe is a dangerous one,” he explained carefully.

Colle chewed on Harroc’s answer. “So - it’s not that she did hurt you, but that she could, that you being hurt wouldn’t stop her from doing - whatever. The Order was brutal, you said, and it didn’t sound like anyone there gave much thought to caring about other people.” They studied his hand carefully. “Then when did you learn? How to interact with people at all and form any kind of bond?”

He looked at Colle for a moment and then quirked his brow. “When I observed the animals, hunting and growing, and thriving.”

“That explains - well. A lot, honestly. What’s been something that’s very different around people than animals?” They coughed, a bit self-consciously. “And I’m wondering what you expect of me, as a mate, since the common ‘people’ definition seems like it’s not at all the same.”

“There is less- openness. Everyone one pretends different things and will not be plain until pressed. Animals can be coy or defensive, but their intentions are plain.”

“I could see that. People generally aren’t the best about being plain, especially with words,” Colle commented, looking up at Harroc. They watched the swirling color in his eyes for a moment.

“As for you- I expect you to aid me in finding shelter, food, and in return we both help one another thrive and grow stronger.”

Colle snorted. “Shelter and food-” they waved a hand around them lazily. “We’ve got that worked out. I’m not sure how I could help you get stronger. You’ve seen I can barely keep up with you in bed, much less in any kind of fight.”

“Strength comes in many forms, magic, might, emotion, speed, mating-” he numbered off on his hand, grinning broadly as he stared intently at them. Colle rolled their eyes at him and clambered into his lap.

“And you don’t think you’re strong as it is?” they said with a wry twist to their mouth. They tugged Harroc’s hand down to wrap his arm over them. “I could see where I need your help - especially with the summoning thing, I’m still terribly clueless about that - but I suspect the only thing you need my help with is making pastries for you.”

“Knowledge is also a form of strength, and having another to care for you can allow growth beyond one's means with less danger.”

“Mm, yes, my rare and dangerous knowledge of how to create puff pastry dough,” Colle said in a deadpan voice. “You know how to survive in the wilds and all your druid rituals. I can bake pastries and sometimes get people to do what I need them to do for the cafe. Oh, and I have extensive knowledge of - should I call them faery tales?” They pointed to their bookshelf which was rather full, but very few books looked of a serious stamp.

"I guess you could say I know a lot of things, but I doubt most of them are actually useful." Colle leaned into Harroc's chest. "Not like you."

“I know only things to survive. Nothing of being- comfortable or among others. I will offer a trade. I will continue to devour you and help you grow stronger, and you feed me and show me how to be among the Fae.”

Colle leaned back and eyed Harroc speculatively. "I'd feed you anyway - your enjoyment flatters my baking. I do need to get in shape and learn about this whole magic summoning thing." They sat up straight, an idea popping into their mind. "If I can train to the point where I'm not dead weight, does that offer to take me into the wilds and fuck in beautiful scenery still stand?"

“Always, as long as I think you can be safe I will gladly take you in many places, my Lover,” he answered immediately, with more intensity than he intended.

"Well, then I guess we'll need to focus on training me so I can be safe almost anywhere," they said with a grin. "Maybe if I figure out the summoning thing we can have a spirit be a lookout or something." They curled back into his chest with a sigh of contentment.
Word count: 1027
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

"I've asked you plenty of questions, now. Anything you want to ask about my family? Or Fae? Anything?" Colle said, tilting their head up slightly. After waiting a long moment with only a shrug as response from Harroc, they sighed. "Well - I guess, I'll tell you some about my family and you ask any questions you think of, okay?" They settled back against him.

"My sister, Jasmine, she's about ten years older than me. She's always been more in touch with magic than me, and when she finished school, she went on to study alchemy and enchantments. Now she makes soap and salves and things from plants and herbs, and she enchants them to have a short term effect. A lot of her stuff is like a balm for relaxation, or energizing soap, or shampoo to make your hair more glossy."

They looked up at Harroc briefly. "Then there's my mom and dad. My dad - his name is Abelmoschus, but he goes by Abel - he's a wood-shaper in southeast Ajteire. He's part of the crews that go around figuring out how to make the buildings and platforms work with the trees, looking for new areas that can support more buildings."

"He and Mom were born not long after the Fall of Bhelest, so they can be a little hesitant about things that look dangerous. Thankfully, they're very welcoming - partly due to the Kerasoka coming in and Ajteire making rules about who does what and how." Colle shifted and snuggled into Harroc more.

"Mom’s like me - or how I was - no magic really, so she usually handles the volunteers and coordinates the projects in the southeast area. She’s good at making sure there’s enough people where they need, and figuring out where any spare hands can go. Her name’s Erica, by the way." They sighed. "So that’s the Mellifera family. My Aunt Diocia - Aunt Dee - is my mom’s mother’s sister, and she’s much less welcoming. She thinks I should act like ‘a proper Fae man’ and settle down with a Fae woman to have children." Grimacing, they huffed and looked up at Harroc.

"Your family sounds complicated. I- will try to ensure I do not cause you trouble, but I can make few promises if you are threatened," he said, giving Colle a gentle squeeze. "You are certainly very good at mating- both having and giving. Is that not something a proper Fae should be skilled at?"

Colle sighed. "Not in public, sweetheart. Talking about sex or mating in front of my family - or most people - it's uncomfortable, even if you're complimenting me. That’s something kept between lovers." They looked up, offering a strained smile. "Aunt Dee is the only one likely to cause any problems. She’s very closed-minded - uh, traditional, I guess I should say. Oh, my family likes to hug, so be prepared for that." Turning, they twined their arms around Harroc's neck and drew themself up. They kissed him lightly.

"Is it wrong for me to pick them up briefly? I enjoy lifting Fae, you are all so light and it causes your wings to drift and dance," he explained, giving them a more lasting kiss in return.

"Hmm. I’d ask first, generally speaking. Jas probably won’t mind, but it might take Mom and Dad off guard. Don’t try it with Aunt Dee."

"Why, would she not be flustered and this would be amusing?"

"It’d be amusing for half a minute, and then I’d have to hear a lecture for the next thirty minutes. As much as I’d like to see her knocked off balance, it’s probably best not to deliberately annoy her." Colle chewed their lip. "Damn if it wouldn’t be fun for that half minute though."

"I could distract her incessantly. I am after all a savage Druid who knows nothing of the wonders of this great city, and who has only arrived recently to explore and learn," he countered over brightly, sounding very much like an eager young ranger recruit looking to prove himself.

Colle squeezed their eyes shut. "You’re tempting me. Look, I’m going to try to be polite, but honestly, after Aunt Dee insults me three times, I’m leaving." They looked at Harroc with resignation. "I’ll be lucky if we make it past appetizers."

"So- I should not scruff them and pee upon them to establish dominance as though they were an unruly packmate?" he asked, his broad grin making it clear he knew this would be amusing in idea. "Because if we were jaguars-" he nipped Colle's neck and growled lovingly.

Sighing, Colle tilted their head away from Harroc. "Oh, how I wish. But no. If I was a jaguar - well, what I wear wouldn’t be an issue." They shivered lightly at the press of his teeth on their skin.

"I will shield you, and be blunt but caring then. You are my mate, and to defend you is my pleasure the same as having you is. I am excited to know those who have made such a wonderful offspring, and to taste new foods." He continued to give them soft nibbles and slow strokes of his broad palms.

"Alright. I’ll try to make sure we get some food before we leave. I’ll probably make some pastries or a pie to take. I have to bake tomorrow while you hunt anyway - I owe quite a few around town. Vera, the meat skewer cook, probably someone else I’ve forgotten-" Colle mumbled as Harroc’s touch relaxed them further.

"Lover, you will rest as well, and practice your summoning skill. You have been filled and drained of magic roughly more times than is truly safe. Your body will need time to heal properly." He shifted to embrace them more completely and simply sat silently following his command.

Colle snuggled into Harroc’s warmth. "Can’t practice. Don’t have a crystal thingy. The mage said she’d have some things in a few days. Maybe you can teach me that mend spell though." They yawned and quickly covered it with their hand.

"Perhaps, if you rest well," he murmured, kissing them again before carefully setting them aside. "I should go collect Chloe, before the sun falls too low," he explained. "And then I will keep you warm all evening, and if you are particularly good, I will warm you in the morning as well."

"Mmkay. Ask Poppy for the bags for tea, tell her you wore me out." Colle grabbed a pillow and curled up with it. "I’m going to take a nap until you get back."
Word count: 1133
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Harroc Crownegrove
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Re: The Sweetest Things Take Time

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc dressed himself quickly, only struggling briefly with his new buttoned pants. Then he moved with purpose down the steps in his two-legged form, choosing not to shift in an effort to begin becoming more comfortable with the stairs to his Lover's home. He made a quick pace to the cafe without needing to worry for others, though he had to halt several times to reorient his perspective given the height change. When he arrived, he moved to the kitchen door rather than the front entrance and knocked carefully.

"Papavea," he called out neutrally and waited.

Poppy stuck her head out the back door, her red curls tumbling down. “Oh, it’s you. Thought you were Semolina or an inspector or something, no one calls me Popavea unless I’m in trouble.”

"I apologize, Poppy. I am here to collect Chloe, and report that my Honey has been fucked to exhaustion," he answered confidently and put his fist to his chest in salute. His voice was all formality, as though he were speaking to a Ranger captain.

Poppy stared at him for a second before shaking her head and laughing. “Lucky Colle then. I take it that’s why I don’t see them. Chloe’s in the front still, in the same spot. Catch me before you leave, I have the bags Colle wanted earlier.” She held the door open for him to pass through the kitchen.

"Thank you, I have been told such information is not to be spread to others needlessly, but you seemed to know much about my Honey that is secret. So I believed it was best to tell you here. Colle may attempt to sneak away from me in the coming few days, simply tell them to return home or I will come collect them, without pants again," he answered with a broad grin and strode through the door and made his way out into the cafe.

Poppy snorted behind him. “True threats there. I think my best friend has taken on more than they expected in you.” She grinned brightly and turned to check the oven. “And yes, I know more than they wish I did!”

Harroc moved across the cafe comfortably, pleased to see a few people enjoying the place's comforts again following the storm. He moved near silently up to Chloe, his bare feet making no sound on the patterned wood. When he got close, he placed a hand lightly on her shoulder. "Can I carry you back, Chloe?" he asked softly.

Chloe yelped in surprise. “Fuck, I didn’t see you come in. I was trying to read this book Colle suggested, but it’s really dry and technical.” She held up the book he had read and discussed with Rory.

"Yes, I came through the kitchen, and I did not want you to be disturbed before it was necessary. I can explain the concepts of the book with practical demonstration if you would like. Some of it still escapes me, but I understand the core of it well enough. May I carry you like this?" he asked again, his features largely neutral, though it was clear he was far from his usual energy.

“Yeah, I guess. You alright? Where’s Colle?” Chloe set the book down on the table, sweeping the few crumbs off the tabletop. “I had a turnover and some quiche, and plenty of tea. The red-head - Poppy? - was really good about keeping an eye on me.”

"Colle is resting, and I feel deep regret for the pain I have caused you. I feel that I can never truly repay you for saving my life. I would have died there, poisoned and wounded beyond repair," he answered matter-of-factly and knelt down to help lift her up into his arms.

“Didn’t we talk about this already? We would both have died there. My leg was fucked up and I couldn’t walk, and I could at least fix the poisoning enough to get us back. I am going to get this stone shit out of my leg, you’re going to help me, and then once I’m back to normal, you’re going to get me back into the Rangers,” Chloe said, with the tone of one explaining a well-known theory.

"We did speak, and that is our plan. It remains heavy upon my heart that I failed you, and I will do all I can to ensure you return to the strength you deserve. Thank you for trusting in me, I will try harder to focus my emotions to your recovery instead," he answered with a bow of his head and then began to carefully lift her into his arms, very differently from how he carried the smaller Fae.

Chloe shifted in his grasp. “Just - do me a favor and don’t try to jiggle me too much. I, uh, drank a lot of tea.”

"Do you wish to stop in the kitchen first, we will need to collect some things from Poppy as we depart," he asked softly, speaking into her hair.

“No, I think I can make it back okay enough. It’s just - trying to maneuver my leg in a public bathroom with no crutch or anything, and it’s probably set up for fae - yeah, I’d rather just wait.” Chloe said, blushing slightly. “We just have to grab something before we leave, right? It’ll be quick,” she said, soothing herself.

"I will be quick then, and can keep you steady," he said, nodding with understanding and crossing the cafe in a few long even strides. "Poppy, we will take the bags, and have left a book at the table but must move quickly," he offered without further explanation, though the calm in his voice made it clear there were no concerns.

“Alright then,” Poppy said, shrugging. She handed the bags to Chloe to hold. “It’s just the bags for the tea Colle wanted. Tell them we don’t have many more, but I’ll talk to Juncea. See you around, Chloe, Harroc,” Poppy said, waving. Harroc nodded his silent thanks and then quickly departed through the cafe's entrance, his strides growing longer but remaining even as he went.

"Perhaps now that I care for more than myself I should seek out my own bonded companion," Harroc said without prompting as he moved along the broad walkways. "It is common for most guardians of nature to seek an ally to balance them, shore their weaknesses and sharpen their strengths. I have never sought one, perhaps because-" he frowned and shook his head, the movement tossing his shaggy hair back and forth.

“I’m guessing like an animal companion? Because I’m pretty sure Colle’s not going to want to share otherwise,” Chloe said, trying to be interested to take her mind off her own issues. “Would you want something like a hawk or a wolf or something?”

"I do not know- a wolf would be troublesome to keep from being jealous and I believe a hawk might also cause concerns. I will have to see what is available here perhaps," he offered, his frown becoming more thoughtful.

“Ha - maybe a firefly then!” Chloe said gleefully. “You’ve seen how popular they are here. You could just snag one from the outside edge, or find out where they breed them or something.” She laughed to herself. “I’m sure there’s something around here that would work. Maybe you could talk to some of the Rangers since so many of them have animal companions.”

"Perhaps I will just keep you," he said with a forced wink and shifted his hold of her as they neared the many stairs that would take them upwards.

Chloe snorted. “Yeah, pretty sure your Honey is going to have words to say about that. Not pleasant ones either.” She frowned slightly. “Shame. The two of you might be fun to share, but I don’t know how that would work out.”

"Perhaps if you persist Colle will be swayed by your kind words, helpfulness, and attractive form," he offered with a chuckle and moved onto the stairs, doing his best to keep Chloe steady as he took the rises two at a time.

Frowning, Chloe looked off to the side. “Maybe, but I’m not going to hold my breath for it. And, uh, not gonna tell you to run, but hurry would be good.” She pressed her thighs together in his grip.

"If you scent me, I will tease you, but only a little for I understand your worries," he offered as he sped up significantly, practically leaping from step to step and absorbing the impact with his knees. Chloe glared at him, somewhat embarrassed as she hung on to his chest. Harroc hit the landing and moved without halting through the front door, carrying his passenger to the bathroom and halting. "How- do you- hmm."

“Just get me close to the toilet and close the damn door,” Chloe hissed. She fidgeted, trying to get out of his hold. Harroc nodded, placing her down very carefully and then moving to shut the door.

"Call if you need help, do not be embarrassed to require aid, my student," he said through the door, his voice carrying the comfortable tone of an instructor very familiar with students doing exactly the opposite of what he had requested.

“Shut it,” Chloe mumbled, finally able to stretch out her injured leg while using the toilet. She sighed in relief.

"I already did," he answered with a smirk and looked to Colle who appeared to be waking up from their nap. "Honey, I have your bags," he said but made no move to leave the doorside.
Word count: 1633
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