[Open] A Task of Great Rewards

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[Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by NPC »

(OOC Note: Written for @Dovetail, but anyone may join in.)

Verdant Row was not usually the place for suits. It was known for vagabonds, thieves, and all types of ill-mannered folk. Despite that the town was established to give people rest, due to its lack of laws, it was also famously known for its independence and freedom, that which shady people took advantage of. However, every so often, a person of wealth roamed through Verdant Row for one reason or another and it just so happened that several feet outside the Heartbroken Socks Inn, a well-dressed Lumeacian man paced back and forth, grumbling in anger.

The upper-class were typically ignored when in Verdant Row unless there was gambling, theft, or opportunities that allowed a person to snatch wealth with little to no effort. But if the upper-class had a real job to be completed, it was difficult to find takers as most people entered and exited the town in less than three days. The Lumeacian man had been stuck in Verdant Row for longer than that; for two weeks to the day all because he could not find any "capable" folks for the job. Even posting bulletins all over town did little to help and on the occasion, he even found that his notices were removed from where they had been pinned.

As the Heartbroken Socks Inn was close to the perimeter of town, new people were bound to walk by him. Maybe he could solicit as people entered. Fresh meat might be easier to come by and these people may not see his desperation to get this whole debacle over with. Squaring his shoulders and smoothing back his long, platinum hair, the Lumeacian let out a belated sigh which was replaced with a charming smile. There was saying: you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. An angry Lumeacia was difficult to approach, where one that looked absent-minded, carefree, and naive might be easier to tempt others with.

And so, when the next person passed him, he lifted a hand and called out, "You there! I was wondering if you might be in the market for work? I have a simple task and upon completion of said task, you shall be greatly rewarded!"
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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice didn't have much opinion on the town. Every now and then there was some sort of business that carried her and her crew there. On this occasion it was a lack of jobs, need to restock and a desire to relax for a day or two. The Hellion was anchored a ways up the river just outside the town, and the rowboats were tied down wherever there was room. After disembarking, Cirice pulled her black cloak tighter around her and made sure her hood covered her face. She was a pirate, after all. The last thing she wanted was for someone to actually recognise her when she was trying not to stir trouble.

She glanced at the nearby in and through for a few moments what to do. "You lot, go take care of the ship's stuff. I'm gonna look for some work for us." she calmly ordered her crew before wandering over to the inn. Though what she got by the entrance wasn't what she expected at all...

As she entered, she was set upon by an elf. She recoiled somewhat as she glared at him. "Fuck off, you moon-haired vulture!" she shouted at him as she kept walking, holding up a V-shape with her fingers at his face. "Jeez, hanging by the door like you're looking for a snack or something." she continued on as she walked to the bar counter, ordering a pint of ale. With a deep breath she tried to relax and took a long swig of her ale. She turned her head slightly to glance at the elf again. He was one of those ones, that was enough for her to not listen to him. But then again, she was looking for work. With ale in hand, she decided to drink on her dilemma and figure out whether she should give him the time of day or not.

Then again, if she didn't decide quickly she could lose out on this opportunity...

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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by Finn Roberts »

With a belly full of goods, the Phantom Queen dropped anchor just before the river started narrowing. The rowboats were loaded up and lowered and Finn and his crew headed for Verdant Row to fence their haul. Before long, they docked and everything was offloaded at the harbourmaster.
"Derrick, see what you can barter for us." he asked his long time friend and quartermaster.
"Do you have a specific price in mind?" Derrick asked.
"As much as you can get us. I'm going to see if I can maybe get us a job." Finn replied before heading for the inn. They needed something extra than just the occasional merchant's haul.

As he approached the tavern, he noticed a silver-haired elf asking another elf who seemed familiar, something. The woman seemed to brush him off. and headed to the bar. Finn frowned and approached the fair-haired elf.
"Problems, friend? She seemed intent on biting your head off?" Finn asked asked the man with a smirk as he motioned to the woman's back. He looked back at the man. The elf seemed a bit out of place between the other vagabonds around them.
"What is someone like you doing here, in any case? You are not exactly dressed for a place like this." Finn remarked, studying the man in front of him. Verdant was not really the place for the high and mighty to hang around in. There has to be more to this elf than just hanging around and flagging down a woman.

@NPC @Cirice Vaisha
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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by Nedira Kir »

Nedira came downstairs after spending a night in the strangest inn ever. The drinking crowd was light at this hour. However, she did notice the swaying walk of a sailor. It probably wasn't that strange in Verdant row. What really caught her attention was the attractive female elf making those steps worth watching. Not an ounce of wasted fat in that one. Her chest was even a compact gift, Nedira was envious since her own sizeable endowments had to be secured
to wear her armor. This caused her to hum a lovers song from her lost tribe as she walked past headed for the door. She needed to start making a name for herself after all.

She noticed two handsome men talking as she exited. One was a human sailor the other an elf that had a different look than the one inside. Her first thought was a question. Was there a ship full of beautiful people docked nearby? If so maybe she should learn how to sail. Her next thought was more serious. The elf was wearing good quality clothes and seemed desperate so she approached.

"Exscuse me gents, but I couldn't help overhearing your last words. Though if it was private might I suggest you move away from the main street. If you want to keep this public please continue. However, as a member of the fairer sex I can honestly say you two are far to handsome to worry. She'll come around eventually. If you need any other help I'm Nedira Kir warrior bard extraordinaire, at your service." She gave a flourishing bow and came up smiling. What would come of this fateful encounter, she wondered?
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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by NPC »

Although the Lumeacian man showed tenacity and motivation to recruit folks for his job, he did expect opposition. However, he wasn't entirely prepared for backlash from the Kerasoka woman (Cirice). It was true that there was bad blood between the Kerasoka and Lumeacia, still even so in recent times, but to tell him to "fuck off" and then call him a "moon-haired vulture"? The man lifted a hand to the middle of his upper chest and his lips parted to let out a gasp.

"Madam! How dare...!"

But she was off into the nearest tavern before he could exclaim another word. The Lumeacian's lips pressed hard into a thin line, his fine brows furrowed in agitation. Just when he was thinking that it would take him ages to become calm again - to appear approachable - a human man stepped towards him and stopped a few feet away. Quicker than expected, his frown turned and shaped into a pleasant smile.

Humans were easier to sway. He might be able to con this one (Finn) into accepting the task at hand.

"Ah, yes! I merely offered the promise of a very rewarding job and it seems that certain folk are so miserable in their own lives, that they can easily pass aside promising opportunities!" the Lumeacian said. "As for myself..."

He was about the explain further when yet another Human woman entered onto the scene. Just his luck. Not one, but two Humans! If it was possible for his smile to widen, it did. The woman (Nedira) was right that if he was to proceed with divulging out the details if his plan, it would need to be done so in a more secluded area. Now was the time to plant the seed of curiosity.

"You are most correct, Lady Nedira! I have been waiting outside this tavern all day for people who might be interested in taking up a job I need completed. The payment shall be admirable. If either of you two would like to learn more, please, join me at a table inside the tavern. I shall go procure seating."

With that, the Lumeacian stepped inside the nearest tavern and instructed the waitress to find him a table in the corner. Once seated, he folded his hands over his lap and waited to see if the two Humans would follow. His smile never faltered the whole time, even after ordering a drink. But if he was to be alone and start all over again, his grin and patience would surely waver and fall.
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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

As Cirice drank her ale and thought of her options, she heard the elf enter the tavern along with someone very familiar. Her eyes went wide as she slowly turned to look at Finn and the girl joining the elf. The fact that he was now involved was enough of a push to get her to move.

She downed her ale in a few gulps, marched over towards their table, and dropped into a seat across from Finn. "Fuck you, Finn Roberts, you're not costing me money again." she spoke harshly with a deep scowl before turning the scowl onto the elf. "Alright fucker, let's hear it. What's this "simple task" and "great reward" you've been preaching to everyone?" she spoke to him with a tone that suggested she wasn't leaving the table for even a second.

She finally took the time to relax with a heavy breath and looked at the other person by the table. Arguably the only one that hasn't given her a reason to snap at them. So far that was a good enough reason to like her. "Darling, please tell me you're not here accompanying either of them. You can definitely do a lot better for yourself." she quipped with a wink before looking back to Finn and the elf. "And drop the smile, it looks as fake as your personality. Cut to the chase, bleach-skin." she demanded flatly, one hand resting on the table and the other on the head of her axe. This day was just piling on one bad thing after the other. Between Finn and the Lumaecia she was ready to blow. she could only hope the girl was better company than the other two...

@NPC, @Finn Roberts, @Nedira Kir
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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by Finn Roberts »

Another woman approached them with a smile and a flourish. Finn cocked an eyebrow at her swooping bow. "Bow any lower, darling, and you'll be kissing my boots." he quipped. "Finn Roberts, if any of you lanlubbers want to know," he continued.
The elf seemed ready to jump from his skin from excitement. Won't be surprised if he had been drinking seawater Finn thought. Yet he still followed the elf inside and took a seat to the Lumaecian's right. He had just ordered a rum when everything went belly up. When the curse at him came from across the table, Finn groaned inwardly.
"Well well. If it isn't the captain of the Cannonfodder." he quipped without looking at Cirice. "It's your own fault you keep getting robbed from your money. It's not me who is sleeping on the job." he continued, finally glaring at her with his ice blue eyes.

Of course she had to sit down as well. This was evolving into a shitstorm. He just had to leave Derrick at the docks, didn't he - the one damn person that could diffuse this situation. He sighed, upended his tankard into his throat and then looked at the fair-haired elf.
"You might want to start explaining, friend. She can get quite ornery if she doesn't get what she wants." he said, his mood spoiled by the waterspout that was Cirice Vaisha.
He then looked at the poor girl that had caught Cirice's attention. "Sweetheart, if you listen to that thing, your ears will rot off." he said before taking another large gulp of rum. The Lumaecian had better start explaining fast what this job would be, or Finn was going to gut the disturbance that was Cirice Vaisha.

@NPC @Cirice Vaisha @Nedira Kir
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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by Nedira Kir »

Nedira gave a little chuckle at the human man's joke. "Believe me the price of that type of service is more than you probably deserve. That is unless you wanted a shave so close your life is forfeit." Here tribe were once slaves to a demonic tyrant so she lost her temper for a moment. However, like a cold wind on a warm day it was gone and her smile returned. "Nice to meet you Finn after you." She let both men head into the tavern while she acted as rear guard.

This was because she heard a familiar voice nearby. A quick glance around confirmed what her ears told her. The six toughs from last night had been waiting for an opportunity to relieve the rich elf of his valuables. Nedira locked eyes with the leader and grinned as he turned paler. She patted her sword casually and watched the lot flee for good measure.

She strolled inside with a little extra energy and took a seat at the table. In response to the female elves words she winked in a flirtatious manner then spoke. "No Captain, neither of them has earned that prize. Though I'm always ready to see how worthy anyone is." Reguardless of your gender Nedira could find anyone appealing. "So sir, please tell us what you need."
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Re: [Open] A Task of Great Rewards

Post by NPC »

The Lumeacian man ordered a drink waiting as Finn entered into the tavern followed by Nedira. His persistence seemed worth the effort; finally, his plan would be put into motion. In the time his drink was delivered by the waitress, to his surprise, the angry elf woman from earlier had also joined the table, sliding into a chair across from Finn with a knowing scowl meant only for the Human. There was a bit of banter between the three at the table and the Lumeacian waited for Cirice to get out all her insults (for the time being) before speaking.

"Finn, Nedira, Cirice," the man said clearing his throat to ensure he had their attention. "What a lovely and confident group. I have no doubt that the lot of you are a cut above the rest than anyone else in Verdant Row."

The waitress dropped off additional drinks to the table. After she left, the Lumeacian took a swig of his own beverage - a deep, red hued wine - and then continued. "20 miles northwest of Verdant Row there is a secluded house - something of a mansion - in the woods. This is home to a wealthy Lumeacian elf by the name of Llerian Von Surryx."

Another taste of wine was consumed and the elf peered about the table to make sure that Finn, Nedira, and Cirice were all paying attention still.

"I am Dorian Von Surryx. Llerian is... my brother... and I need an item retrieved from his residence." Dorian rubbed his chin briefly and thoughtfully, then dropped his hand to his lap. "After our mother died, he inherited nearly all of her wealth, but she left me one particular treasure - a painting of Farinyir's Basin. It is dear to me as it was painted by our late father. However, Llerian snatched it for himself and left me with nothing but memories."

Dorian tapped on his temple as if remembering certain past events and then let out sigh. "His place is well protected and as I am not a fighter of any sort, I cannot go get it myself. Hence, I need to hire folk with sneakier and more daring qualities. Should you accept this task - to bring me back the painting - I will award each of you one gold."
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