Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

May be open in future if we both agree

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"The chant allows me to fortify my bodies natural healing. Then I use magic to transfer excess power to the injury. It has a bit of a kickback on the caster." He lifted his pants leg showing Tika the results. His ankle was scarred in a similar way to hers, but looked easily a month older. He did forget that higher up near his knee the edge of a sizable bite mark could be seen. A gift from his first encounter with Subik. He put his pant leg down without remembering the jagged scar.

"I guess it is sympathetic, though I never thought of it that way. You are very insightful Tika. How about you tell me about yourself?" He hoped he wasn't prying too much. Since he had no idea what was taboo to speak of with the small woman. Sedric tried not to distract her further as he just listened. Her frequency of losing her footing worried him. So he grabbed a sturdy looking branch as they walked about her size and offered it to her wordlessly.
Word count: 179
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika did notice the scar and her eyes widened. She was sorry that the sympathetic magic had caused himto have yet another mark. She doubted he'd earned such a thing. She was grateful for the help, but she didn't want him to be hurt because of her. The larger scar looked worse and her brows furrowed. Where could he have gotten such an awful bite? She was terribly curious, but was also afraid asking was rude. She'd been accused of rudeness often enough that she was wary of what she said. At least most of the time.

Tika accepted the stick and smiled as Sedric asked about her. She was much better at talking about herself. She had very little natural shyness and could prattle on for hours about home and her work. She told him of her home in the City of the Fireflies. She went on about her family, telling the story of her being born without wings, disowned, and then adopted.

"So you see, that's why I'm so small," she said cheerfully. Shed been sensitive about her size when she was younger. Children could be cruel. But she'd grown into her life and found her size was not nearly the detriment she had thought in her younger years.

"What about you? Do you live near here?" She asked the questions lightly, not intending to pry but still curious. She'd never met anyone like him before.
Word count: 238
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"I envy you size honestly. Growing up I was extremely clumsy since I got bigger surprisingly fast. Eventually, I grew in to my large frame by training in the spear fighting arts. However, I have always admired creatures and people born small. Being big and muscular is over done, the small are blessed in many ways." He usually didn't talk about his younger troubles, but Tika made it easier some how.

"Where I live now is anywhere in the jungle I feel safe laying my head. When I was a decade more youthful my parents raised me in a small hut big enough for the three of us far from the city. At least until my arcane gifts showed themselves." Sedric looked apprehensive before continuing speaking. "It was a new moon as I found a small injured adult owl. Without realizing it I began glowing as if bathed in moonlight. The creature was healed as I passed out with a broken arm. My parents found me and dubbed me with my second name Moonwhisper. The task of learning magic was left to me as they had no talent for it." The memories passed thru him as he spoke reminding him of what he had to do to earn his mystic talents.

"Sorry I droned on a bit there. What would you like to talk about now Tika?" The shapeshifter waited for her to direct the conversation.
Word count: 236
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika listened to Sedric relate his experiences growing up. It seemed he'd had problems too, deciding where he'd fit into the world. She envied him his magic a little. She'd always felt a little left out because she lacked it. Still, she knew enough about the rest of Khyeras to know that magic was rare enough and somewhat frowned upon elsewhere. So maybe it was just as well she didn't have any. Her lineage definitely showed though in her coloring and larger eyes. She wondered if people outside would be wary of her because of it.

"I never really considered my size to be a boon when i was younger either. Always too small for games, especially if they involved chases. But now i can fit almost anywhere! It comes in handy with fixing mechanics. I'm an alchemist officially, but mechanics is my passion. That's why i was going for the downed flyer. Not that i have much experience mind you. There's magic in the forest and very little technology. What I'd give to fly in an airship! Or ride in a train! I'd probably never come back. I don't particularly want to leave home. I just know there's so much more out there." She stopped to take a breath. She felt like she was being flighty, but she didn't know how else to be, so she plodded on.

"Do you think i could make it outside Ajtiere? I worry sometimes that my appearance would make people fear or hate me. I just want to adventure!"

Their walking seemingly randomly through the jungle had led them to the edge of her home. She lit up and danced ahead.

"Welcome to the City of Fireflies!" She piped in her high voice. "My home is at ground level. You're welcome to stay, but it's a bit of a mess at the moment. We also have an inn if you'd rather. It's small. We don't get a lot of visitors, mostly traders. It's a nice place. Cozy. What do you think?" She asked, waving at the village in the trees. "Pretty neat huh?"
Word count: 350
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"I've no doubt you would excel in adventureing. Magic is what people fear. I doubt outside Ajteire has too many that judge on appearance alone. However, the jungles have been my home for my whole life so I can't say for certain." The shapeshifter shrugged his shoulders along with his words.

Then they reached her home that seemed to spring from ground. "Your house looks great to me. If your willing I'll stay with you. Space won't be a problem I can take on my monkey form. I want to learn more about machines from you."

He looked around to see what stuck out to him to do in trade for a place to stay. He was at a loss to find something. "Tika what would you like me to do in trade for a nights rest?"
Word count: 137
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "It hadn't even occurred to me to ask for any kind of payment. You're a friend!" Tika had to think for a few moments.

"Hmm, well there's always the matter of food. I have some basics, but if you want to gather some fresh stuff to go with it that would be very nice."

With that she showed him around her little home. It really wasn't very big, but then it didn't have to be to fit her. There were several tables taking up space, one for mechanics, one for chemicals, and one seemingly to eat at. That said the hobbies/work seemed to bleed into one another a little. Even small gadgets were on the eating table. In one corner was a chest for clothing and a hammock strung between the posts. A sink and small water closet was on the other side, as well as a fireplace.

Slightly bothered by her own mess Tika cleared a chair of a cluster of wiring and offered it to Sedric.

"Please, sit! I'll get the fire going and start dinner. I hope you like spiced beans. They're quite good, if i do say so."
Word count: 196
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"Okay, I can bring you fresh fruit in the morning. I saw some good options on the way here." He put his spear by the door for easy access in case of trouble then moved to the offered chair. "Your den suits you from what I have learned Tika. I have never had beans so I have no point of reference. However, I must say the sheer variety of option in Ajteire is always pleasantly surprising. In the jungle I usually eat fruit,nuts, and occasionally meat I hunt myself."

The summoner looked around the small building with open interest. The woman certainly kept busy. The monkey inside wanted to play with all the shiny metal and liquids just to see what would happen. The rational mind of his human self clamped down on the mischievous thought before it went too far. If he didn't at best the alchemist would have a mess. Worst case scenario something would explode or cause toxic fumes. Sleeping as his smaller self now concerned him a little.

Suddenly, he felt a need to stop thinking and start talking. "May I help with the food preparation somehow?" He stood from the seat rather quickly as idleness could lead down a bad road.
Word count: 207
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