In need of buoyancy

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Finn Roberts »

Cirice made a quip about not hurting Derrick's feelings. Finn's jaw clenched.
"Believe it or not, Captain Vaisha, but he can look after himself." His words were strained, cut out in squares. He and Derrick did not disagree often, but when they did, it was serious. He did not expect Cirice to get it. What would she know of true brotherhood? To her, her First Mate was First Mate and her crew was her crew. She didn't grow up with her Quartermaster or most of the crew. Loyalty ran much deeper on the Queen. He loved his adopted brother. However, arguments now and again were just inevitable because of it.

They had passed the most dangerous pasts of the Narrows. Cirice's sailing did leave a few men heaving over the side, but she got them through mostly unscathed at least.
Molly!" he called to his navigator at Cirice's suggestion.
"Cap'n? he called.
"You can take over sailing for the last stretch. The worst is behind us."
"Aye, Cap'n." Molly obliged and jogged up to the helm.
When Cirice dared offer him his own whiskey, the corners of Finn's mouth twitched. She sure had balls.
"Only half a bottle? No wonder you sailed like your arse.." he quipped right back at her. "The other half would be mine, thank you very much. Lance!" he called at the end.
"Aye, Cap'n?" the man called from the quarterdeck rail.
"Tell Derrick to secure that whiskey!" Finn ordered with a smirk before turning back to Cirice. "Let's see you not hurt Derrick's feelings." he quipped.
It didn't take a minute before Derrick bellowed from below.
"I got it!"
Finn's grin was triumphant. "Well, Captain. If you wish to have a drink, please do come and have one with me and Derrick to celebrate your atrocious sailing." he said before descending the helm to his cabin.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice pretty much ignored him as she took his own bottle and headed downstairs. That was until she was cornered by Derrick. "Hey, wai-no! Derr-hey! For fuck's sake!" she shouted from below deck. A few moments later she emerged behind him and followed them to the captain's cabin with an annoyed frown. "Fine, I'll drink with you two bilge rats." she grumbled as she dropped into a seat at his desk.

Once she had a glass in front of her she raised it in the air. "To superior eyesight and steering." she toasted with a maniacal grin before she took a long sip of the drink. She sat back with her glass as her golden eyes drifted between the two men. For several moments she sat in silence until a smirk crossed her lips. "So Derrick, who was your last boyfriend?" she asked him casually, shooting a glance at him. "With how you were losing your shit over my steering, one would think you like being on the receiving end." she teased, brushing her leg against his. But that little banter quickly got bored for her as well as she shifted in her seat. The smirk was gone in moments and replaced with a deep frown as she grumbled to herself. "Okay fuck this, I'm bored."

She rose to her feet and downed the last few sips before she turned to leave. "I'm going to go pester your crew... or sleep. I'll see what I'm in the mood for." she spoke over her shoulder as she marched towards the exit. Thankfully she felt more like the latter and was soon passed out in her cabin. Unless bothered, she wouldn't stir until the morning bells rang.

Her eyes shot open as she dropped out of the hammock. Scramming to get dressed, she came running out of the cabin as she fastened her last boot and tied her weapon belt to her waist. She shoved a few sailors out of the way as she sprinted for the quarterdeck to get a view of the horizon. "Has anyone seen anything?!" she shouted at the sailors on deck with burning golden eyes.

@Finn Roberts
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Finn Roberts »

It was quite satisfactory that he had secured the rest of his whiskey from under her nose, so he was smirking as he headed down to his cabin. As everyone dropped into a chair, he poured them all a glass and slid each of the other's theirs.

And of course Cirice had to give a quip for a toast. He snorted.
"Imagine being superior." he quipped, raising his glass at her before taking a gulp.
He leaned back with a smirk and listened as Cirice poked fun at Derrick.
The Quartermaster, on the other hand, made a face.
"You steer like a Lumeacian Elf with her head stuck in her own ass. At least I am still able to receive something, unlike your sorry skeleton." he grumbled, the scowl thick in his voice.
Finn chuckled.
"You two need a room?" he teased before finishing the rest of his whiskey. Sleep was catching up with him some. He could still catch a nap before they reached their quarry. Luckily Cirice spouted some nonsense before leaving, hopefully to sleep.
Finn looked at Derrick.
"You going to get some more shut eye before daybreak?" he asked him.
"Nah, that harpy has me wide awake after her shit steering. I'll take the helm for a bit." Derrick answered, downing the last of his drink."You get some sleep. Hopefully everyone would be in a better mood once the sun breaks the water." he added with a smirk.
"Speak for yourself, son." Finn fired back with a smile before getting up from his chair.

He got a nap for a few hours, but was up before the bells were rung. He made his way to the helm to join Derrick as the day shift started to stir.
"See anything yet?" he asked him as he went to stand next to his friend.
"Not yet. It's all quiet." Derrick answered.
Finn frowned. "Charlie!" he called up at the nest to the night shift watchman.
"Cap'n?!" the Moor called down.
"Check for masts on the horizon until Logan takes over! If they're smart, they would have folded their sails to minimise visibility!" Finn told him.
"Aye, Cap'n!" Charlie called back just as the bells clanged through the morning.
Derrick looked at Finn. "You think they're that smart?" he asked him.
"Aye. They were able to best Cirice in battle. Don't underestimate them." Finn answered.
Just then, Cirice stumbled out from below deck and ended up on the rail, her anticipation palpable.
"Good afternoon, Captain!" Finn called to her. "There's nothing yet, but that doesn't mean they're not there."
"Masts!" Charlie called out.
Both Finn's and Derrick's heads snapped up.
"Bearing?!" Finn asked.
"West-north-west just over a league, Cap'n! They hiding behind the break!" came the answer.
Finn looked at Derrick.
"On it." came his Quartermaster's answer.
Finn looked over at Cirice. "You ready for this? he called to her as the rest of Finn's crew rushed up from below deck.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

"Afternoon? It's fucking morning. How much did you fucking drink?" she snapped with a cold tone without looking at him. "We have to find them, Roberts, otherwise it's-" she was interrupted when the call came from the crow's nest. Her head snapped up to look at him before she turned to look into the direction of his sighting.

Her gaze finally turned to Roberts. "We're gaining. We need to catch up wuth the fuckers before they can get away." she hissed as she looked at the sighting again.

She pushed herself off the railing and faced Roberts."I shall take the vanguard with my men. We have a score to settle. I'm going to get ready, I'll see you in a jiffy." she spoke before she marched off. Several minutes later she emerged with her full kit as well as a satchel that seemed very much out of place. She was accompanied by all her men on the main deck, several of them carrying satchels as well. She waved them off and rejoined Roberts. "We're ready. We have a little surprise for them to help us in this fight. All you need to do is get us on board. Their broadsides are quick and accurate. You're going to have to get on her arse otherwise you can kiss your waterline goodbye." she explained to him with a cold voice, her eyes burning with anticipation and anger.

She turned to face the main deck and looked at her troops who went to help out with other duties in the meantime. "My men and I don't care about our lives. All that matters is the money and revenge. You and your crew are a lot tighter. You are family. I hope you are ready for the souls this fight might claim from you." she spoke with calmness in her voice as she looked at the men doing their work. Her gaze turned to Roberts and Derrick. "We shall clear the main deck for you to cross safely. After that, we move down. If my own shots didn't destroy the holdout below deck, we can deal with that too. But no matter what happens, their captain is mine. If you reach him first, you will keep him alive. Those are my terms. I want that ship and that captain." she ordered. She knew he didn't like being ordered around on his own ship. But these terms were non-negotiable in her eyes.

She walked down the stairs to stand on the bow of the ship, staring into the direction of their target.

[user]Finn Roberts[/user]
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Finn Roberts »

She was demented. Talking to him as if he had never run down a ship before. He really did make a fucking mistake in letting her come along on this voyage.
"I'll remind you, Captain, that this is not our first hunt. No need to tell me we have to catch up with them. For now their sails are folded. We'll be on them before they can even gain speed. You underestimate me greatly." he told her coldly.
Derrick kept his eyes forward as he adjusted their course ever so slightly so as to not reveal their intentions just yet.

As Cirice told Finn that she and her crew would take the vanguard, the dayshift started filing onto the deck. He merely nodded at her before turning to his crew.
Logan, get up there! Charlie will give you the heading." he ordered his lookout.
"Aye, Cap'n!" he said before clambering up the rigging.
While Cirice was getting ready, Derrick looked at Finn.
"You don't seem too troubled that she's taking the vanguard with her crew?" he asked him.
"I'm not. If she wants to sacrifice her men for this, I'll gladly let her have it. I don't consider my men as expendable. So I won't fight her on that." Finn answered just before Cirice appeared on the deck again.

She gave a lengthy explanation of what would be done. Finn did not even bat an eye when Cirice asked him if he was ready to lose men.
"Captain, my men are more resilient than you think." he merely stated, in a cool tone. "As for your terms, I accept them. Have at it." he added.
He then turned back to face the entirety of the deck.
"All right, lads! I want to see some bustling. I want cannons at the ready and planks down at the hull for immediate patching when we get to it!" he ordered. He then turned to Derrick. "Keep a low profile, but get us on that bitch's ass. We need to be already there before they start noticing our course. The we shoot the shit out of her." he told his Quartermaster.
"Aye. She's still folded. We can catch her before she can do much." Derrick answered.
"Then make it so." Finn said, crossing his arms over his chest.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Finn was as cranky as ever, but she simply ignored him as she went to get ready. But as they stood on the quarter deck, waiting to get in range of their target, Cirice glanced over to him. "You can be as resilient as you want, a bolt to the head or blade through the throat will still kill any of us." she quipped calmly, looking back to their target.

Finn then decided to address his crew. Cirice calmly stood by and listened to what he had to say. When he was done, she moved to stand next to him, looking over the rest of the ship. "If we're not feeling adventurous today, we can throw up a merchant's flag. Should buy us more time... unless these fuckers know what your ship looks like." she suggested to him as her fingers traced over the edge of her tomahawk.

As they gained on their target, she left him to join up with her vanguard. "Alright, we're getting close. Once we're in range, we are all hopping onto their decks. You know what we are up against. Bombardiers, use your weapons. Clear the decks as good as you can. The rest of you, show no mercy. Don't stop killing until they are all dead or they surrender. Thw captain you leave alone. He is mine. Understand?" she explained coldly as she looked at each and every one of them. With a unanimous "Yes ma'am" they got ready for their fight whilce Cirice made her way to the bow of the ship.

She was growing impatient with how long this was taking. She wanted her prize, her revenge. This was simply taking too long.

Finn Roberts
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Finn Roberts »

They had gained reasonable speed.

The time had come for the hunt. They were about to rise over the break.
"Raise the t'gallants! I want to be on that bitch before she can limp away!" Finn ordered as he turned toward the wheel. Derrick took that as his cue to hand over steering and to make his way over to his usual spot on the bow.
The men scrambled to raise the final sails to catch the wind before they would become visible to their quarry.

Before long, the Queen lurched forward like a racehorse let loose. The iconic dual Pegasus figurehead soared just above the waterline as the Queen cut through the water like butter, breaching the break and racing over the open water.
"She's unfurling, Cap'n!"came Logan's cry from above.
"She's too late! We got her! Hoist the colours!" Finn smirked. "I want hands on the chasers! Load the dragon bombs! I want that broadside crippled!"

The hunter had just become the hunted.

The armoured ship was clearly hurt. Her beams were lagging as the sails unfurled and she seemed sluggish to move.
"You made a good dent in her, Captain Vaisha!" Finn called toward Cirice.
"Slant to port or we'll miss our mark!" Derrick called form the fore.
Finn adjusted course and the deckhands scrambled to the cannons.

The Queen was on her quarry just as the crippled ship started moving. Finn could see that she was attempting to bare her broadside, but it was slow going. Cirice had hit the rudder after all.
"We're in range!" came Derricks call.
"Fire chasers!" Finn ordered.
The fore cannons rocked as the fire bombs were launched from them towards the aft of the crippled hunter.
"Broads at the ready!" Finn ordered as he adjusted the Queen's course to meet the hunter with a full broadside.
"Fire all decks!" came the order while the Queen was still approaching the hunter at an angle.

It was devastating.

If the Queen was facing any other ship, it would have been floundering already. But the hunter's reinforced hull kept it above water. Yet, the Queen's cannons made their damage well known. Shrapnel bombs raked across deck, obliterating any unfortunate enough to not get out of the way and cracks appeared in the firm hull and the stern groaned in pain.

The last thing some of the enemy crew would see, was the duo of Pegasus bearing down upon them like Harpies out of the underworld as the Queen rammed into the hunter before she could fire a shot.
Finn, who was still at the helm, steered deftly to allow the Queen's broadside to hug the hunter's.
"Hooks ahoy!" he ordered, as Derrick stumbled back to the helm as the Queen rocked beneath them.
"She's all yours Captain!" Finn then called toward Cirice.
On the one side, he hoped there was still some opposition left for her to get revenge on. Finn winced ever so slightly.
"Scared you went a little overboard?" Derrick asked him as he took over the wheel.
"Just a little." Finn laughed as he drew his swords.

He was not going to let Cirice have all the fun.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Cirice Vaisha »


The Queen was racing towards their target with blistering speed. Standing upon the prow, Cirice watched with hawk eyes as her future ship was trying to get into some sort of advantageous position. She knew that if it did, the Queen would be in trouble. But Finn was right. She hurt it, and she hurt it good. The ship was far too slow to get into any sort of position.

She glared at the gun crews manning the chasers. It was necessary to soften them up... but still, it meant putting holes into her prize. She reassured herself that the Queen wouldn't be able to get through the hull. It put her mind at ease and bolstered her feeling of superiority over her fellow captain.

The cannons roared and fire soon engulfed the crew on the main deck. Her mood was growing stale. Not long after the gun decks joined in and showered the devils on the ship with shrapnel and solid shot. "Oi! Stop blowing holes into my ship!" she shouted at Finn over the roar of the guns. But then came her moment.

Jokes and frustration was cast overboard. Her golden eyes fixated on the captain still standing tall on the quarterdeck. With a roar she hurled herself over onto the other ship as the hulls impacted. She landed in a roll and drew her weapons. Tomahawk in one hand, sabre in the other. Blood soon spilled as she hacked and slashed away like a wild animal. Her crew joined in as well with a roar as the deck was overwhelmed.

Cirice clawed her way to the quarterdeck where the captain was waiting for her. He marched towards her with sword in hand. Murderous, sadistic joy was spread across his features. The tall, broad captain was clearly no pushover. He was seasoned, he was tough and he was... suddenly on the floor as shrapnel riddled his legs.

Cirice's hand was outstretched after throwing a bomb right at his feet. The man screamed in pain and anger as he rolled over and scrammed to retrieve his weapon. But Cirice was already on him.

His outstretched hand was relieved with a violent swing of Cirice's tomahawk. A sabre plunged through his rear and into the deck. He screamed in pain, but nobody heard him as the combined crews took control of the ship.

Cirice's face was splattered in droplets. Her clothing was in a far more bloodied state. A menacing grin stretched across her lips as she knelt over him and brought her face next to his. With a sickening chuckle she licked the blade of her tomahawk and brought it to his throat. "Do you know what a blood eagle is, Captain?" she asked him as he stared up into her golden eyes.

She didn't give him a chance to answer before she showed him and everyone else around them what it was. She was slow and methodical, stretching it out until he finally fell quiet on the floor of his deck.

Finally the elf rose and looked around to the crews. Her gaze then turned to Finn. She panted heavy breaths and wiped some droplets off from under her eyes. "Clear the lower decks. Bring up any survivors!" she barked at the men as she made her way over to Finn in her bloodied state. She was hardly in a mood to take prisoners... but there was a reason for her order.

Finn Roberts
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Finn Roberts »


Cirice was off the ship like an arrow from a bow.

Sighing, Finn nodded at Derrick before stepping onto the quarter rail. With an expert leap he was across, embedding his swords into the nape of the neck of an unsuspecting enemy crew member as he was engaging with one of Circe's vanguard.

Drawing his dual sabers immediately, he angled a slice at a charging huntsman's gut, de-boweling him instantly while still crouched over the first dead deckhand. Then he focused on the ladder leading to the lower decks. There was no fucking way that there was not some resistance left downstairs. Leaping up, he made his way below deck, beheading a fool that dared pop his head up to stop him from descending.

Within the dark bowels of the hunter, it was quiet. Finn knew Cirice was taking her time above deck looking for the captain - the blood thirsty Harpy. He knew better than to assume that there was no trap down here. The smell of sulfur cemented that notion.
"Shitfuck!" he growled, trying to pinpoint the source.

And his eyes made out the large silhouette at the end.

Right before the glint of a claymore swung at him.

His one sword was up out of reflex, but nearly got knocked out of his hand from sheer power. He was in a right bit of shit now. Thinking quickly, he slid forward, ducking low as the claymore swung harmlessly over his head once more. Angling his one saber, he aimed to slice through the big man's achilles, but instead he got a knee in the face.

Head snapping, he rolled back from the impact. Scrambling to his feet, he struggled to clear the haze from his vision as blood streamed from his nose in torrents.
"You pirate scum have taken one too many ships. Now you will die!" the deep, gruff voice spoke as the giant footsteps thundered toward Finn.
"In your fucking dreams, Walrus." Finn spat through the blood. With that, haze and all, he spun to the side and slightly around the big man, ducking low. Swift as a falcon, his one sword snaked out, slicing through the side of the big officer as he passed, before pulling back again.

Ending up behind the huntsman, Finn did not hesitate, but plunged both swords straight into the kidneys of the man and then through. The roar of pain was deafening. As the big man started buckling, Finn removed his swords and flung his arms wide before simultaneously bringing them together with a great heave of strength. The honed edges sliced clean through the thick neck before meeting in the middle. Blood splattered everywhere, the gore almost blinding Finn.

The Captain of the Phantom Queen did not hesitate, but rushed forward to find the sulfur. With the amount of blood still spilling from his nose, he could smell it anymore, but eventually he walked into some barrels. Feeling his way around, he could eventually feel the grains beneath his hands. He did not waste time to scatter it as much as possible. By this time, some of the vanguard had made their way down below deck.
"Get rid of this shit before we are all charcoal." Finn ordered before stumbling back above deck.

And just in time to witness Cirice's act of barbarism.

He was really not in the mood

He approached her just as she gave her order for the prisoners.
"You fucking done now?" he snapped at her while wiping his blades on a corpse.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: In need of buoyancy

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

With blood splattered across her face, body and weapons, she turned to Finn when she heard his voice. Her maniacal grin disappeared as she studied him from head to toe for a few seconds. "You look like shit." she remarked as her grin returned. "Come on, Finny! The ship is ours and all is right in the world again. Wipe that blood off your face and smile!" she called to him as she wiped her weapons clean and sheathed them.

What remained of the old crew were brought up and forced onto their knees. Cirice's vanguard kept watch over them, ready to act in case any of them tried to be a hero. She walked along the line of men as she looked them over. "If any of you wish to live, now is your chance. You can either join our crews... or I'll just slit your throats and be done with you." she spoke as she glared at them. The result was what she expected.


These crews were harsh, most likely very tyrannical... and they likely had more to worry about back home than death. There was an awkward silence for a moment where Cirice's gaze shifted between the prisoners, her crew, then finally Fin before she gave a shrug. "Alright, fuck 'em. To the depths." she mumbled as she turned on her heel. Behind her the prisoners were slaughtered and the bodies dumped overboard. "Alright, follow me." she quipped as she gave Finn a light tap on the shoulder and led him to the captain's cabin... or what was left of it.

The inside was shot to hell, courtesy of her own broadside during the first engagement. "Fuck me, I shot this place to hell and back." she commented as she looked around. Surprisingly, the drinks cabinet was still in one piece. "At least the important things survived." she remarked with a smirk as she nodded to the bed that managed to come out unscathed as well. She poured them both a glass of whiskey and handed it to him. "To revenge." she toasted as she raised her glass to him and downed it in a flash. "Thank you, Finn. For all this." she spoke up, likely the first time ever she was sincere with him. She set the glass down and made her way to the door. "I think I'm going to call her the Harpy. Now, let's go see what's in the hold." she called out as she walked back onto the main deck.

@Finn Roberts
Word count: 421
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