Way Back Home

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

She watched him as he spoke. He didn't seem disgusted which was good... and she cared about that which was bad. Regardless, she let him speak and took in every word. She stood by what she said. He wasn't long for this world. She wouldn't underestimate him in a fight, he had the posture of a warrior. But he clearly had an issue with taking another's life and that was what set them apart. The childish girl in her told her that they could look past their differences, but the realist in her was telling her that it was a mistake. Either she would be the death of him and kill the innocence she admired so much... or he would be the death of her in some pursuit to change her like these kind souls try to do.

Yet she kept thinking about how to make it work. How they could put their differences aside to simply enjoy each other's company.

"Your people don't sound so bad..." she muttered. She gave a nod at his question and fastened her belt around her waist. "I have time, yes." she said as she watched him get dressed. She couldn't help but smirk as she looked him over. "I must say, it's rather easy to see the dragon's blood in you after last night." she teased softly.

When he was ready, she made her way to the door and waited for him to join her. "Alright, what is it you want to show me so urgently?" she asked him calmly as she opened the door for them and made her way outside.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

He grinned back at her as he pulled his tunic over his head. "I aim to please." He finished dressing, leaving his armor in the room. For what he had in mind it would only slow them down. He left the glaive in the room too, belting on his sword instead. "Come on." He grabbed her hand and led the way down the inn stairs and out into the early morning air. "Hang on, I need to find the right place for this..." He gazed around, before seeing a platform built up in the taller branches of one of the massive trees. It looked deserted. "Perfect, this way."

He led the way to the tree, and up the steps spiraling around the trunk to its top. They reached the platform just in time for the sun to begin peeking over the tops of the trees. Darius looked down, measuring the distance with his eyes. 30 meters, give or take. Perfect, plenty of room. He beckoned her to the edge. "Come look at this sunrise." he said, and waited, grinning inwardly, until she was next to him. Then he put an arm around her shoulders, leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Hold on tight." With that, he leaned forward, maintaining his grip on her, and sent them both toppling off the platform.

Down they fell, maybe 10 meters before he snapped open his wings and turned the fall into a swoop. They past within a few meters of the ground before they were rapidly ascending again. Darius flapped his wings quickly to regain altitude. It hadn't strictly been necessary to let them get that close to crashing, but he couldn't help showing off a little bit. Up over the rooftops they rose, over the treetops of all but the highest trees, before he stopped their climb and settled into a gentle circle around the city. The sun crept upwards, bathing the entirety of the forest canopy and the city below them in a beautiful golden light. He locked his wings in their sockets, and settled into the flight. The older Ue'drahc that he knew had long since taken this for granted, as did maybe one or two of the dragons. For himself, Darius had decided long ago that he would never get tired of it. For someone without wings, he hoped it was even more of a thrill. He glanced at Cirice, trying to gauge her reaction.

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 407
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice tensed up as he grabbed her hand, nearly ripping it away on impulse. Her experiences of people grabbing her wasn't pleasant, but she held herself back and let him lead her outside. She reminded herself that he wasn't going to hurt her. She did give him an unimpressed look, however, figuring that it was a better indicator compared to just yanking away.

Outside, he seemed to be looking for something but found it before she could even ask what he was looking for. They went up a stairway to the top of a tree just in time to see the sunrise over the trees. She watched it for a moment as he beckoned her over to the edge. "Nothing special about it here, you know." she commented with a smirk. He was planning something, she was very sure of that.

Her suspicions were confirmed when he wrapped his arms around her and told her to hold on. She stiffened up and tried to back away, but it was too late. "Fuck's sake, Darius!" she shouted as they plummeted to the earth. A bit of a scream escaped her as the ground drew closer and the images of crewmates falling off the main mast ran through her mind. Then they rose again with a strong jolt and he took them up into the sky. Safe to say, she was holding on for dear life as much as she could as she looked around with wide eyes. Finally he got them far above the canopy and settled there, circling the city like a vulture. It was only then that Cirice calmed down a bit and relaxed her death grip on him a little.

She looked around as a smile formed, followed soon by a laugh. "If you are trying to scare me, you need to do better than that!" she joked with a smirk as she glanced up at him. She couldn't deny that it was an exhilarating experience. It certainly made climbing the crow's nest a lot less intimidating.

She enjoyed the moment, being able to see what birds saw on a daily basis. It was beautiful. But eventually she had her fun. "Alright! We can go down again." she said with a tap on his arm. When they were settled back on solid ground, she shook her head with a smile. "Not a bad view, I must admit. I'm rather jealous of your wings now." she commented as she crossed her arms and tilted her head.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius flapped back to a different platform in the trees. He set her down gently, and folded his wings again. "I'm glad you're not scared of heights, that would have made it harder to show off for you a bit." He was grinning, but then he got more serious. "Some of my kind take flying for granted, especially the oldest of us. I don't. That freedom is the birthright of our kind, the birthright the dragons gave us when our race was first created. To take that away from us would be to take part of our souls away. It would be more painful than almost any physical injury."

He sighed as he gazed out over the roofs of the city. "I was born with my freedom. You had to fight to get yours. I physically can't blame you for fighting for your freedom, and if our positions were reversed, I might have done the same things you did. Who knows, maybe I would have done worse." He turned to look at her. "Maybe it's not a good idea for me to be on that ship, though if you want me there I'd be willing to at least give it a try. After all," he smiled as he flexed his wings slightly, "I can still leave whenever I want if it doesn't work. But if you ever need the safety to let your walls down and just be yourself, you can always come find me. I'll give you as much freedom to be yourself as I can."

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 259
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

A chuckle escaped Cirice at his comment on heights. "You get over it after having to climb a mast a few times in a storm." she quipped casually. He went on to tell her about how flying was their own slice of freedom. But he summed up their differences in the same sentence. They got it from the start. They didn't fight for it. She fought for her freedom. Luckily he admitted to that fact.

Then came the topic of the ship. She studied him, listened to his thoughts and pondered over them. This was the defining moment. Whether they would try to make it work or not. All of her thoughts and reasonings built up to this moment.

"Alright. I want you there, believe me. If you say you are fine to leave on your own, we can see how it will play out." she agreed, closing the distance between them to look directly into his eyes. "And I must voice my concern that entering each other's lives so deeply might not play out as smoothly as we would like. Leaving daily life behind for some respite? That might work. But please, Darius, don't try and interfere with my life. I'm still here after two hundred years, I know what I am doing. I do not expect you to turn into a cutthroat and plunge into my life, s please do not try and change mine." she stated with a very serious look in her eyes as she glared up at him.

She stepped back and looked over the city from the platform they were on. With a heavy sigh she looked back to him with a much softer look. "I really hope I'm not condemning whatever this is between us by letting you on my ship. I'm rather enjoying it too much." she quipped with a small smile.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

"I hope not either." Darius agreed. He moved over to stand next to her. "How about this? It's been under a day since we met, and this is definitely a big step. You have to get back to your ship, and I can cover ground quicker than you can in a straight line. You make your way back and take care of whatever you need to. I'll stay here for a few days. It'll give both of us time to think, and consider if we really want this and really think it can work. You said you were planning to leave in 5 days. I'll join you then, we can compare our thoughts and make a decision then." He moved until is shoulder was touching hers. He wanted to take her hand again, but he'd seen her reaction when he'd done so earlier in the inn. "I promise no matter what decision I come to I will meet you there. I won't run away from you."

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 167
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice gave a scoff and a light slap on his chest. "You are making it sound like we are two love-struck teenagers here." she teased. "Very well. Five days, by the tavern there. You can't miss it. We will be busy with careening so there's no chance of me running away." she smirked as she stood on her toes to get in close to his ear. "And I'll come looking for you if you do run away. from me" she muttered, her voice a mixture of threatening and joking.

She turned and started to walk away, ready to leave. But she stopped after a few steps and glanced back at him. Walking away was what she was used to, usually with an insult or cuss along the way. But it didn't seem appropriate here. She certainly wasn't going to wave farewell with a handkerchief in hand like some poor maiden watching her man leave to go to war. So she was left with one other option for a proper goodbye. "Fuck it." she muttered as she walked back to him, yanked him down by his collar and planted a deep kiss on his lips. "I would much rather drag you back to bed for one more round, just for the record." she stated, poking him on his chest as she turned away.

"See you around, Scales! Don't go falling for every girl throwing herself at you!" she called out as she walked down the stairway.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Way Back Home

Post by Darius Goldmane »

He laughed as she whispered in his ear. "Trust me, I've seen you angry. Mother bears aren't always as intimidating." He watched as she began to walk away, halfway tempted to throw some teasing comment after her. Then she stopped, turned, walked back, and kissed him. A final seal on the deal they had just made. He snickered a little. "I would hope more than just one round." he said as she turned. He shook his head at the reintroduction of the nickname. "Yeah, that's not going away any time soon." he muttered to himself. Crossing back to the edge of the platform, he lowered himself to a sitting position, one knee drawn up the other dangling over the edge.

He watched as the familiar hazelnut hair slowly faded from view among the streets and buildings of the city. Then his gaze shifted to take in the panoramic view he could see from the platform. The dawn light gleamed on the fresh dew that covered many of the roofs and trees, and lit up the stirrings of movement as the various denizens of Ajteire began their daytime cycles. The crowing of roosters could be heard, and from several chimneys fresh smoke began billowing. And even in the daylight, the fireflies could still plainly be seen, bobbing and wheeling, darting and dancing in their own private patterns. Darius watched it all from above, as he thought back to the sudden right angle turn his life might be about to take. A week ago his only plan had been to pick a direction and fly until he saw something interesting. Now, he might be about to embark on a ship to pursue some form of relationship with a pirate.

"None know what fate the winds may bring," he quoted the old rhyme to himself, "for fate and wind are fickle things." Still his goal had been to find something interesting, and he certainly had done that. It would be a good opportunity to see more of the world with people who knew what they were doing. Not to mention getting to spend more time with Cirice and see if this was something worth seriously pursuing. And even setting aside his personal feelings, this course of action would probably fulfill his secondary objective just as much as his various primary ones. No Ue'drahc in his flight, maybe no Ue'drahc period, had ever sailed with a pirate as far as he knew. It was a piece of the world that the flights presumably knew very little about.

He stood, and spread his wings. There was a lot to think about, that was certain. But regardless, one thing was certain. He was leaving Ajteire in four days. That meant he might only have four days to see as much of the city as he could. Which in turn meant that the sooner he got started, the more he'd be able to see.

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 489
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