Freshly Frozen

Divided by the Slyscera Mountains, the northern frostbitten territory of Khy'eras is where the Dwarven city Domrhask was founded. Naturally, this area is difficult to navigate to due to surrounding geographical obstacles and weather. Read more...
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Freshly Frozen

Post by Morgan Redding »

Irtuen Reaches/Frozen Middle of Nowhere
Late Afternoon/Light Snow

It was safe to say that a normal person would be wearing more than five layers of thick clothing right now... and likely still freeze to death. But the cold was meaningless to him. His affliction halted the cold and the warmth of Ristgir's grace ushered him onward. More importantly, the clouds and trees kept the sun at bay, allowing him to move freely. With his cloak wrapped around him and a large backpack slung over a shoulder, he walked along the narrow dirt road that snaked down south. He heard some stories that there was work for him in the jungles and forests. However, he had a more immediate concern.

He pulled his canteen out from under his cloak and took a sip. The blood inside was more like a syrup, the little bit that remained. It was his last emergency stash and he had been going without something to drink since the previous day. People didn't exactly travel in droves through the snow for fun. With a grumble under his breath he put the canteen away and pressed on through the cold forest. There had to be someone he could snack on.

His wish was granted when he heard voices in the wind coming his way. Quickly he got off the road and ventured into the woods to remain concealed. It was a couple on a wagon, likely heading somewhere for trade or to settle down. The horse was the problem. They had sharp instincts. He looked up to a nearby tall tree and in the blink of an eye he turned into a bat. He flew up into the branches and settled down to watch the couple talk between themselves. Between the cussing and arguing, he figured that they were freshly married... and very much hated the cold. They would do nicely.

He ventured back down and ahead of them, morphed back into human form, then stumbled towards them like a weak little peasant. A perfect act for simple folks. They didn't stand a chance. The two were dead before they could scream and the horse was quickly silenced. It would make a nice meal for nearby wolves or bears, the smell would see to that. The animals would also dispose of the bodies once he had his fill. He sucked them both dry and filled up his canteen then prayed a humble apology over their corpses. He was about to depart when he noticed a pouch of gold tied to the man's belt. A quick swipe quickly turned into a looting spree as he rummaged through their belongings for anything of value or use.

He didn't pay any attention at all to his surroundings... or who might be approaching.

Last edited by Morgan Redding on August 16th, 2021, 4:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Freshly Frozen

Post by Teowolf »

It had been months of travel as Teowolf and Hawk roamed through the world of Khy'eras. They had found themselves among the Irtuen Range. The terrain had been a bit different from what he was used to. The cold weather felt cool on his skin. It was refreshing for Teowolf as they walked deeper northward. He wanted to explore and learn from Ixaziel and the land he had created. There was so much to see and do. Every day was different and every day he found himself craving more. Some days, he found himself meeting new people, like Vent and his talking turtle. Teowolf saw a path that led him through the beautiful scenery of trees and snow. He could hear birds singing in the trees. "Okay boy, go on ahead. I know you are hungry. I'll be fine. You know Ixaziel will protect me." A hand brushed through Hawk's black fur. Teowolf's animal companion, Hawk, raised his head and brushed his head against Teowolf's face. The black wolf sniffed Teowolf while circling around him. Then seconds later, Hawk darted into the trees and he went to find his own food.

As Teowolf ventured further away from his village, he found himself staying in his aura form. There were people that still didn't like magic and seeing his true forms might get him into trouble. He continued walking down a road as he admired the trees. As an hour passed by, Teowolf had noticed something ahead of him. Two bodies were on the ground. A sense of dread flew into him. He picked up his pace to see what had happened. As he got closer, he noticed a man rummaging through their belongings. Looking at the bodies who seem lifeless, Teowolf's mood shifted from worried to suspicious. His body tightened as his face scowled at the man rummaging through the belongings of the dead humans."Did you do this?" Teowolf spoke with distaste in his mouth. His own body began to pulse with energy, ready to shift into one of his force forms the first sign of trouble. His body stood tall and confident as bits of electricity began to seep out from his hands.
Word count: 365
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Re: Freshly Frozen

Post by Morgan Redding »

Morgan stopped rummaging through the couple's stuff when a voice spoke up behind him. Turning around, glowing red eyes studied the new arrival as a wry grin spread along his pale features. "An unfortunate necessity, I have to admit." he quipped as a hand disappeared underneath his cloak and wrapped around the hilt of a longsword. He had been caught red-handed. He always tried to avoid situations like these, especially with humans. However this new individual didn't look like a human. He was going to have to be careful. "If it makes you feel better, they would probably have murdered each other down the line if their conversation was anything to go by." he continued calmly as he sat down on the wagon's step.

He glanced around then back to the figure. "If you were in my position, you wouldn't be so quick to judge." he spoke calmly. The korcai knight rose from his seat and calmly circled away from the wagon. "I got what I was looking for. So why don't you go on your way and we can avoid any unpleasant circumstances. I don't think it's Ristgir's wish for another life to be lost unnecessarily." he commented as he carefully watched the man. He was just trying to stall. This situation felt like it was deteriorating with each passing second. Someone was going to have to make the first move.

"Alright, good sir. I bid you farewell." he quipped before he vanished into a cloud of mist. The mist quickly grew and encompassed the area around the scene. Around the new arrival.

In an instant Morgan reappeared right in front of him with baring fangs and a vicious snarl as he grabbed hold of the man, attempting to yank his head aside to sink his teeth into his neck.

Word count: 302
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Re: Freshly Frozen

Post by Teowolf »

An unfortunate necessity? He thought to himself. Murder wasn't an unfortunate necessity. However they had fallen, there had to be a reason for this man to have killed these two individuals. Unmoving, his own body still stood still. His facial expressions continued to be suspicious of this man. "I'd doubt they would have murdered each other. It seems they were traveling somewhere. They had a purpose. And you have interrupted that plan." Teowolf tried to listen to the man but his anger exploded when the man brought up Ristgir. A look of disgust burst through his own face, "How dare you to bring Ristgir's name involved. I don't think Ristgir would enjoy seeing humans slaughtered as an unfortunate necessity.

Teowolf was growing tired and restless from this man. Soon a cloud of mist appeared which had encompassed the surrounding area. Turning his head left and right, he couldn't see the man. In an instant, the man had appeared right in front of him, with glaring red eyes. The man had grabbed Teowolf with such a force. The presence of this man gave Teowolf a sense of dread and foul energy. With Hawk out of sight, he had no choice but to change forms. His human aura form wasn't going to do much for him at the moment. He thought for a split second that changing into an animal could be beneficial. His teachings as a druid allowed him to harness the magic of his surroundings to transform into animals but this moment was life or death. A burst of wind flew from Teowolf's body. Currents of wind twirled around him pushing the red-eyed man away from him. Teowolf vanished within the currents of the wind and appeared several steps behind him from where he originally was standing. His eyes changed from green to a pale white, his hair grew longer. The brown hair from his aura had changed into a mixture of sky blue and green. His skin had turned light blue with symbols outline with white throughout his visible body. "You have disgraced yourself and the gods. May I be Ixaziel's witness. You shall be punished for your actions." The booming voice echoed through the area. Hoping that his animal companion would soon hear him and find his way back. Hawk would always stay close and never ventured away too long. Teowolf's body was covered with mist that seeped out from his skin. Electricity currents sparked through his fingertips itching to be released. Teowolf clenched both his fists threw them forward. Wind and electricity burst out from both of his hands. The two elements formed together as they twirled around creating chaos within. A mist of wind, filled with torrent electricity and gust formed into a wolf-like shape. It growled loudly, echoing through the trees within. Sparks flew from the element like-wolf. With a sudden leap, it raised its two claws attempting to thrash and claw with electrical energy. Teowolf used this moment of distraction to begin to concentrate on a wind spell. He closed his hands together as he gathered wind energy. Swirls of wind from his body and the air around him began to wrap around his hands. If the timing was enough, if this man would try to get closer to him, Teowolf would release the wind that would send him backward with violent force.

From deep within the trees, Hawk perked its ears as it heard a booming voice. Growling in concern, Hawk darted through the trees in hopes to find his friend. Hawk was a bit of distance away from Teowolf. With the amount of speed Hawk had, it would still take some time before he managed to get to his friend. Snarling with each passing, Hawk began sprinting for Teowolf.
Word count: 627
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Re: Freshly Frozen

Post by Morgan Redding »

Things escalated very quickly in a way that Morgan didn't predict at all. As soon as he was on the man, he was off again as an immense gust of wind hurled him off. He skidded through the snow and faced the man with a hiss as he changed form. He was an elemental. This wasn't going to be an easy fight.

"I have already been punished." he growled as he drew his longsword. The golden pommel glimmered in the little bit of sunlight that managed to get through the snow and canopy. His cloak dropped to the ground beneath him as he glared at the elemental. The stranger immediately started to cast a powerful spell and Morgan was forced to evade. No need to electrocute himself trying to fight a spell. With unnatural speed and reflexes he spun and evaded to avoid the magic creature that attempted to attack him. His target was the elemental as he darted towards him through the snow. That was a mistake.

In the blink of an eye he was off his feet again. He sailed through the air and it seemed that time slowed for a moment. His gaze fell back on the man as he soared further from him. Reality returned as he impacted a tree. The snapping of bone erupted as he wrapped around the tree, his armour caved in and his back arching unnaturally. Morgan crashed into the snow by the base of the tree, his back broken and his neck angled in a very disconcerting direction. Crimson eyes stared up at the elemental, seemingly lifeless as Morgan remained unmoving. By all accounts he should be dead.

Unfortunately, he wasn't granted that sweet release.

The first hint of life was the soft chuckle. It quickly grew into a hollow laugh as Morgan's body snapped back into its proper alignment. His hand wrapped around the hilt of his sword as he used it to push himself up to his knees. In a kneel, he looked up to the elemental. "You aren't the first to try and kill me. For more than a hundred years many have tried. People... monsters... animals... hunters. I don't die easily. It's not Ristgir's will for my suffering to end this easily." he spoke with a soft voice, yet it dripped with a deep hatred. A darkness filled with disdain. He pushed himself up to his feet and grasped his longsword with both hands, ready to fight.

"But please, do try. Give it everything you have. Do me a favour." he taunted him with a more relaxed voice. His head twitched a little as he heard something in the woods. Something headed towards them. This wasn't a coincidence. In an instant his second longswords was out and he turned to face the noise. His body was angled perfectly. To face the stranger... and to face whatever friends he brought along.

Word count: 484
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Re: Freshly Frozen

Post by Teowolf »

Punished? Teowolf thought. Why does he think he is being punished? Who has he been punished by? Questions began to ring in his head as the man continued to talk. The lightning elemental's attack was missed as the man easily avoided the attack. It hissed with a growl as lightning sparked from every part of its being. Teowolf was still concentrating on holding his spell in case this violent man charged at him. As the man leaped at Teowolf, it seemed the stranger had over-calculated the jump and smacked hard into a tree. If it was anyone else, the impact would have killed them. Needing to release the magic, Teowolf adjusted his spell and released a wind of gust that surrounded himself. The current of wind blew around him like a tornado and soon Teowolf's body seemed to blur. As his body had mirror images of himself. This spell was indeed a defensive spell that made it hard for others to make contact with him. Looking at the man, Teowolf figured he could indeed find a way to get through. His lightning elemental slowly walked toward the side of him as it eyed its prey. Teowolf tilted his head in confusion. Clearly, the man had impeccable healing capabilities but his words pierced Teowolf. Something wasn't right here. He wasn't understanding what this man was saying. Teowolf's body danced from side to side as the currents of the wind moved like a dance. His form shifted almost transparently through the wind. "You continue to use Ristgir's name as if you are connected to him. Why? You make it sound like you have been alive for hundreds of years."

He could feel the hatred coming off the man's words. It gave Teowolf chills down his spine. The longer this interaction lasted, the more Teowolf was curious to know his story but he also didn't like the fact he continued to talk in a way that made it sound it was Ristgir's interest for him to kill. Teowolf stood his ground and kept a distance. He knew if he got any closer, he wouldn't be able to keep up with the brute's strength. "So you want to die?" His own voice echoed through the trees. Teowolf looked directly at the man who showed disdain in his face. The man's eyes flashed with red as if his eyes were filled with blood. The elemental beside him crackled with electricity as he locked eyes with the man waiting for its chance to attack. Soon as his words landed toward the man, roots from the ground slowly began twirling around the creature. The branches snapped from the tree behind him, in a way to grapple the man. The roots looked like tendrils from the earth as they tried to squeeze tightly. More roots appeared from the ground aiming for the man's arms. The undead's weapons were a problem and Teowolf tried to find a way to disarm the man while talking to him.

Out of the distance, a loud snarl filled the trees from behind this man with two long swords armed and ready. A black wolf leaped into the air and landing in front of Teowolf. Hawk had arrived and he looked pissed. Teowolf smirked at the sight of his animal companion. The growling wouldn't stop. Hawk was furious at this man. Teowolf took a few steps forward to lay his hand on Hawk's head. "What is your name? I'd like to know the name of such a beast that so confidently says he can't be killed by people, monsters, or hunters alike." The elemental and Hawk didn't leave Teowolf's side and they never dropped their gaze off the man. All they needed was a movement that would provoke them to attack. Teowolf's mist that came off his body began to seep into the air. The air around them began to grow dense and harsh. Storm clouds began to slowly form above them. Loud rumbles of thunder could be heard from afar as the clouds grew bigger and wider through the Irtuen Range.
Word count: 678
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Re: Freshly Frozen

Post by Morgan Redding »

In an instant Morgan had all the odds stacked against him. The elemental's magic swirled around him, making it hard to spot him effectively. The magical wolf looked ready to attack in an instant and the roots of the tree behind him shot up to trap him. He didn't resist for a moment as he was trapped by the tree, merely smirking at his opponent. Finally the noise in the woods made itself known in the form of a black wolf, snarling and ready to pounce. The elemental continued to speak, still unable to figure out what he was. This boy was a terrible hunter.

"You aren't very smart, are you boy?" he quipped calmly. The clouds swirled above them and the mist thickened around them. This boy just gave Morgan every advantage in the book. In the blink of an eye, Morgan was gone. His form dissipated into the mist, nowhere to be seen. "I was once a man, a long time ago." his voice echoed around them. "A knight of Fellsgard, a beacon of hope and safety for the innocents. Loyal soldier for the Council. But greed, fear and lust for power can break even the greatest of men." he spoke, his voice rolling around them.

"I set out to be the greatest warrior in all the lands. I found a witch who promised me everything I wanted. When I awoke, she was gone... and I was no longer a man. And that's when I found Ristgir's grace. I might be a creature of the night, but I would pledge my life to his warmth." he continued to talk. It probably wasn't smart to talk so much in a fight, but he didn't mind. Talking about himself was something he enjoyed greatly. "My name is Morgan Redding. Former knight for Fellsgard and professional monster hunter!" he finally introduced himself with a passion as he finally appeared again... right on top of the stranger's back.

His legs were wrapped around the man's waist and an arm wrapped around his body, tightening with each passing second to squeeze any resistance out of him. His free hand held a dagger to his throat as he spoke into his ear. "Call off your dog and drop your attack, boy. I have no quarrel with you. Don't be a hero, I'm not worth wasting your blood on." he muttered coldly as the dagger pressed against the man's throat, ready to end him with a slight twitch. "Also read a bestiary, for fuck's sake. I've given you every single hint in the book, you want me to spell it out?" he continued, the offense thick in his voice.

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Re: Freshly Frozen

Post by Teowolf »

Teowolf guard broke as the man who was pinned evaporated into mist and was gone. The man talked as if he was all around Teowolf. Teowolf looked around trying to locate the creature but it was too late. His body was grasped tightly as the man had found a way around his defenses. Teowolf's body was getting squeezed by Morgan with his legs. As soon as his balance was off, Morgan placed a dagger up against his throat. The clouds grew darker in the sky as loud thunder began to echo through the air. Purple streaks of light exploded into the ground around them. Teowolf was angry but he knew he wasn't in the position to win. Teowolf looked at the lightning elemental and spoke in a language that fell off his tongue beautifully. The words were soothing to hear. The elemental buzzed with lightning and soon a lightning strike smacked into the elemental as it vanished into the air. "Fine. You win. Hawk...ease boy. It's fine. So you're really blessed by Ristgir? To what extent do you kill monsters? Creatures, that cause evil and chaos?

Teowolf waited patiently for Morgan to release him if he released him from his grasp. A breath of fresh air seep into Teowolf and his body calmed. He took this breath of fresh air as a sign from Ixaziel. If this man truly favored Ristgir then, Teowolf would trust his sense and his god to stand down. The storm that raged continued to strike down lightning and in minutes the lightning strike soon ceased. The clouds lighten and broke apart. "I'm a firm believer in the gods, specifically I connect to Ixaziel. If you truly say you mean to not kill me. Then I will believe you. I apologize for acting so harshly in the beginning. My anger and thoughts blinded me, I realize now that you're a Korcai." Teowolf spoke as his words began to sway with sincerity and calmness. His elemental form soon shifted to his humanoid form slowly as he waited to hear and see what Morgan would do.
Word count: 349
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