Updates 09.30.19

Want to get the scoop on all of the recent updates, news, and announcements that have made it into Khy'eras? This would be the place to check.
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Updates 09.30.19

Post by Memoria »

This is a small update that revolves around fixing theme bugs, updating the board and extensions, and adding a new custom profile field. If you find any errors or inconsistencies, please submit feedback as needed.

List of Updates

  • Updated phpBB version.
  • Updated installed extensions.
  • Added "Character List" custom profile field for writers to list out characters they play.
  • Fixed topic icon sizes.
  • Fixed incorrect language variable in navigation menu for "Subscribe forum" link.
  • Updated Discord footer widget logic for coloring moderator and admin names.
  • Fixed alignment with page jump styles.
  • Placed "Character List" on member page if visible. This will only show on the "Writer" tab.
  • Added affiliate (Thorns: Uprising) to footer.
  • Gameplay > Stats - Changed HP to MP under MP section.
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