Baby Steps

Only a few months after his departure, Balthezar stumbles back into busy centre of Khy'eras a little worse for wear.

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Baby Steps

Post by Balthezar »

He heard several gasps for passersby whose voices and silhouettes were becoming more and more distorted as he lost all control over his leg muscles and collapsed, in place, almost in slow motion, to the ground.

It had been one whole season since Balthezar has left his hometown behind for the great adventure that awaited him. Since birth he had been heralded and praised by his kin as the great defender, but he never allowed himself to forget the fact that he was far less experienced, and far less capable than the title of “Great Defender” expected of him. There would be much to come before he could honestly and proudly hold that title with any true credence, and he knew it.

Despite that, he still somewhat enjoyed allowing his ego to be fed by those who wanted to feed it. Always one to please his friends and family and the community around him, that even, to a degree counted on him, Bal decided that it was time. For as long as he could remember, he had been adventuring from his parent. They were well versed in the ways of survival and magic, and had vowed to guide, teach and prepare him for anything he might face. Which was difficult, considering that in the vast expanse of this realm, he could face anything…

Dawning a simple black cloth cloak, with nought but his simple gearing to protect him, and his staff to keep him walking, Balthezar stood at the very edge of the forest perimeters, pausing to take one last glance back at the woods trees he called home, before reading scrunched up piece of parchment hastily stashed into the pocket of his shin length breeches. The message inside was simple, yet elegant in style, and read…

'My Dearest boy Balthezar…

You are what every parent dreams their child to be, Loyal, Caring, Humble… You strike pride into both your Father’s heart and mine. But now this is your time, and you must forge your own path. You know what is expected of you.

I love you Son.

P.S. Here’s a list of your goals, because I know my little Burny Boy!

Find teachers who can aid you on your Journey of the Elements we told you of as a child
Eat well, and always change your clothes, Sweat rash is an adventurer’s worst enemy
Please, my son, take care of yourself…'

The contradiction of her words hadn’t escaped him. 'You must forge your own path…' clashed in his mind with her 'You know what is expected of you…'. He didn’t care. He knew her loves were laced with love and his blood was fuelled his father’s blaze.

Yet here he was. Laying face in the dirt, clothes torn and bloodied and bruised, struggling to retain and essence of consciousness. He prayed to the Divine ones. Those who had set him on the journey, which had defeated him so steadily.

He clung, barely, to any strand of life he could...
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Loxiel »

Quite unsure of who this person was, Loxiel sat perched on a branch in his hawk form, sharp eyes watching the shuffling figure leaning on his staff, heading towards Ajteire. He was comforted somewhat by the fact the fireflies that lit the city limits had not reacted to this strange new person, heading towards Loxiel's home.

When he fell, Loxiel could hardly ignore it. He spread his wings and dropped from the tree, bring his wings up and forward to slow his momentum, as his form was enveloped in a deep blue mist. When it faded, a young Changeling stood where the hawk had been.

Stepping forward slowly, keeping a hand on the bone dagger at his belt, the young man, in a form that was very much Human (even though he was very much not Human), crouched down a few feet away; he wasn't taking any chances. "Hey," he called out, not too loudly. "Are you alright?" A stupid question; the Fae (he made the assumption based on the young man's red tinted wings) was clearly not 'alright'. "Do you need help? Can you talk?"

The militia would not be far off, should he need assistance of that nature. A healer might be harder to find, but Loxiel could cover ground fast in either his cat or hawk forms. He waited for a response ... if he didn't get one soon, then he'd have to go and find help. He had no skill at healing, and no magic of his own.
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Balthezar »

Balthezar’s very force was draining from him fast. He could barely feel his arms or legs. He was certain he was done for. Fodder for the forest floor to assist in the growth of its fauna. Light completely escaped him now, and his breather were short, rapid and painful. He lay, clutching his stomach as if to stop it from spilling out from some imaginary gash.

“One Last Breath” he thought…

Air filled his lungs. It was fresh, yet sharp. It tore his throat as he inhaled. He could sense Life. familiar life. Life that reminded him of home. “Home” He wondered why he even called it that. He had spent so little of his life there between adventures with his parents. And not to mention, that he had experienced some form of memory disruption. Something he was yet to understand. But This, This feeling … it was … home?

Bal attempted to prise apart his eyelids and pushed at a flutter or beat from his wings, which had dulled round the edges, appearing less fiery and resembling more the fall leaves on the trees. Light flooded through his still tightly shut eyes before adjusting and allowing him to take in his surroundings, barely…

Just ahead, he saw the slight figure of what looked to him to be a human. He could barely make out a feature on the boy except his dark-blonde hair and inquisitive, yet preemptive shark, black eyes.

“Who…” He could barely make another sound
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Loxiel »

Loxiel knew someone in need of aid, even if he didn't know much else. "Hold on," he said. "Please." With that, he turned and started to run in the direction of the city; he knew exactly where to go ...

In a haze of smoke, the human vanished and a hawk erupted from the rapidly diminishing mist. The kestrel-like form flew straight and true, zipping through the trees with expert precision (long practised, of course), before he came to where he knew he could find help.

With an urgency, Loxiel flew rapidly through, under and over the walkways and buildings of the Ajteire among the trees, his destination wasn't far, but he hoped the stranger could hold on until he could make it back with help. Soon, the practice groves came into view. It took a few wide circles, but his hawk eyes found (admittedly with a little difficulty, a black leopard stalking through one of the replica villages). Harroc must be in the middle of a training exercise! But this was urgent ... he hoped Harroc felt it worth the interruption. He dipped his wings and shifted before he hit the ground. He did so slightly too early, and winced as his ankles made it clear they weren't happy with his landing.

But he turned to face the huge cat-form that Harroc wore; it was intimidating. "There's a stranger ... at the city limits ... he's hurt or something." Loxiel panted as he spoke. "He needs help, master." Resting his hands on his knees, he tried to catch his breath. He had not flown so fast and in such a winding manner before; the shifting so quickly had really taken it out of him. "Sorry." He added, lamely.
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc was stalking a rather skilled militia member, one who continued to get the best of him every time he got close enough to pounce. He'd finally managed to get a bead on them, upwind even, when his apprentice came crashing out of the sky. The boy's words tumbled out in a rush between heavy gasps of air, and the Shifter knew things were more serious than first listen might hint.

He lept from the platform with a growl, dark green smoke roiling as he landed, back in human form. "Get on, and hold tight," he said to Loxiel, before bounding again and bursting forth into his great wolf form. With a shake of his head, he lowered his body to let his apprentice slid onto his broad back.

Before the boy had a chance to settle, Harroc was off in a rapid bound across the jungle floor. The trees whipped past in a blur as he ran, letting the sense of the beast drive his paws rather than trying to navigate on thought alone. Then, as quickly as they'd started, the pair burst through light undergrowth and into the cleared roadway.

With no regard for Loxiel, Harroc took another leap, shifting back to his human form and moving to the collapsed man's side. He pulled on his connection to his essence, and immediately it was clear this man was an elemental, and his wounds were grave. With a mighty tug at his own power, Harroc pushed a thread of essence deep into the earth before threading it back into the fallen man's chest. The magic that suffused Ajteire obliged, pulling life-giving essence into the fallen elemental.

"He'll come around with this, enough to be carried to a true healer at least. His light is so faint, and yet it rages," the Shifter said as he leaned over to catch his breath.
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Loxiel »

While he might be used to travelling at high speeds as a hawk, holding on for dear life as Harroc's wolf-form streaked through the city was something else entirely. He gripped his master's fur tight and held on for dear life!

When they reached the mysterious and, seemingly unconscious stranger, Loxiel found himself unceremoniously dropped to the floor. He winced, but was grateful at least for the moss or he would ended up with a much bigger bruise than he would no doubt be sporting on his backside the next day.

He got to his feet, his hair wild after the intense ride, and moved in closer to his master and the stranger. "Will be be okay?" He asked, his eyes wide as he watched Harroc perform whatever magic he was doing. He asked no more questions; there was a time to be inquisitive, and it wasn't at this moment.
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Balthezar »

Balthezar’s terminal moment was interrupted by a strong gust of wind, cutting through his spirit and soul, though it didn’t seem to have any physical effect, or even seem like it happened in the physical world around him. Bal found himself in a white space, though he could sense this wasn’t his corporeal form, given he could stand and breathe and see without difficulty. The Gale was sharply followed by a tidal wave which left him feeling battered and soaked on the inside. Next came A roaring inferno engulfed his force, “Finally…” he thought, something he was familiar with, “A bit of heat would be nice right now.”

Once the flames and subsided and completely vanished, and only the white space remained, Balthezar felt the ground, "If there is such a thing in this place..." he thought, tremor and rumble beneath his feet. He struggled to keep is balance and struggled to lift his leather boots from whatever he stood on and felt pain in his spirit as if suffering from the same wounds as his body as he prayed for it to stop… or, if nothing else, a swift end…

As if by request, the ground settled and the “Earth” quake stopped. Balthezar felt a release on his soul and clambered back to his feet. He was surprised by the view before him, some form of plant? A flower? But how? In here? He approached the small violet pansy, and reached out his hand to touch it, but before he could, he noticed a strong flow of magic emanating from it. He knew that whatever the source of it was, it had to be strong. He cautiously opened his fingers and, pausing for a moment, gently enclosed the stem in his fingers.

Just as is gloves made contact with the flower, a roar of energy flowed through Bal, rendering him unable to fight the pure force of energy being hurled through him, throwing his spirit from the white space and into his own physical body. Opening his eyes, with relative eyes, at least in comparison to before these strange events, Balthezar send a spasm of motion through his body, briefly animating his shoulders, arms and chest, then his fingers and torso, his hips and down his legs to his feet and toes. The feeling of freedom over his own body was miraculous.

Feeling energetic and raring to go, Balthezar hopped to his feet aided by a quick hover of his wings and gave a few punches into the air in front of him, each being encased in a small fist-sized ball of intense hot flame with a tail that followed up his arm and tapered at his elbows. Bending down to stretch his leg muscles out, he noticed the form of two being before him.

One resembled the figure he could vaguely remember from his barely conscious state not one hour prior. The dark-blonde hair sat atop a petite head on a similarly petite frame. The dark eyes, more focused now, peered at him in pure focus, perhaps studying him?

The other being present was a towering figure, sandy in skin tone and clad in firm Leather and wood armour. He seemed to be less focused on, yet still aware of Balthezar’s presence. This man gave off a strong magical Aura that peaked his Bal’s interest, and just as curious, he hadn’t felt a presence of magic in the younger boy. The older of the two seemed tired as if he had just exerted himself.

Balthezar froze, how hasn't he noticed them there before? He asked “Erm...Wh...Who are you both?”
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Loxiel »

The young changeling watched in awe as Harroc used his magic to revive the stranger. He had no idea what was going on, of course. Magic was alien to him, despite spending his entire young life surrounded by it. Whatever his master had done, it had worked, though. The young Fae seemed invigilated and restored, as he beat his translucent wings and got to his feet.

"I'm glad you feel better," He said. He didn't feel quite so wary of the stranger now that his master was around. "I'm Loxiel, it was me who found you. And this is Mast ... erm, this is Harroc. He was the one who helped you." He looked to the Druid as he spoke, then back to Balthezar. "Do you need anything? Food, water?" He might not be able to perform magic but he could get the young Fae something to eat and drink, at least.
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Re: Baby Steps

Post by Harroc Crownegrove »

Harroc watched the essence flow into the Fae with intense scrutiny. This man was clearly an elemental of some kind, and he was uncertain how he would take the sudden influx of life. When the magic reached the man's heart, it seemed almost to catch fire, rapidly shrinking and spreading through channels that spread deep into his limbs.

Then the Fae was up, and far more lively than the Druid expected. Harroc continued to stare at the man intently, watching his body consume the essence. When the fires started to burn back along the thread to the earth, he cut it. "As the eyas says, you will need to recover your body's strength with time and food," he said, stepping forward and offering a hand to the Fae. "Your channels are impressive, you've spent a great deal of time molding them to be weapons." This man would be someone to watch, of that Harroc was certain.
Word count: 156
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