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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Lanae Ofnowhere
Topic Link: Sleepwalker


"Mm," she hummed, her distracted tone verging on dismissive. Peering sidelong at her Lanae continued, adding more softly, "Hide while you can, but like calls to like; your fangs are not invisible either -- to those who know how to look."


Character: Dáire
Topic Link: Life lessons


Swearing colourfully in his mother tongue, Dáire tried to wriggle out from under the flailing limbs of the wizard, was the man drunk? After managing to scramble to his feet, he could detect no lingering scents of stale liquor on the man, who was still on the ground. No longer flailing, just sitting quietly, squinting up at Dáire as he watched him.


Character: Victor Sage
Topic Link: A Page Without a Book


I hate coming up with smart ass comments and not being able to use them, so instead, I made my way over to the fallen woman and said, "I believe the store is closed. You may want to try back during normal business hours." And I reached out a hand to offer her a hand up.

I really hoped this lady wasn't actually trying to rob the place, otherwise this could get awkward real fast.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

Character: Ksenia
Topic Link: [Mature] Joining the Family

“What do you want? Congratulations on your vocal performance last night? Gotta say, the soprano screams at about three in the morning knocked me right off my bedroll. And the fortissimo groaning set it off so nicely, I hardly have room to mention that really lovely aria that seemed to consist of Artemis’s name - and every idol and eidolon, ever.”
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Character: Arthur Claymore
Topic Link: I'm An Adventurer!


Maggie seemed kind and proud. A formidable old woman with a steely resolve and a warm heart. She might practice the Arts rather then wield a sword, but in his eyes she held every caliber of a knight.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

Character: Artemis Black
Topic Link: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Reputation was the only real currency that mattered when you dealt in the lawless and dangerous. Gold can be taken, forged, or simply never appear. Reputation took time to build, and could be destroyed in a moment. A man without it had less than the alleyways; they could be relied upon to stink.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Raen Silver
Topic Link: A Certain Flash of Inspiration


"Hey, no pushing now." He chided two kids as they tried to get closer. He stepped aside regardless; children should have fun; as much fun as is possible, especially since they were Human and would be dead soon anyway. Raen shrugged.


Character: Galynhun-Khan Tinnudir
Topic Link: Of Winters and Warm Fires


It was seldom the wolf was wrong in her assessments of threats, her extrasensory perceptions bordering on otherworldly. Khan had to wonder if she possessed the magic he had been robbed of, hundreds of years ago. It was a terrible thing to remember what was lost, particularly when it was intertwined with one’s literal being.
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Post by Memoria »

Character: Malcolm Rhodes
Topic: A Lamb in Wolf's Clothing


The wolf had started bouncing around excitedly by this point and he decided it was either a very lost companion to some sort of ranger, or had some terrible brain parasite. He’d heard of those once, they lived in the water. It’s why you always boiled it.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

Character: Artemis Black
Topic Link: A Stitch in Time

When the crafter started showing all the signs of a creator possessed, Artemis knew he'd chosen correctly. Most people who made things from thin air tended to have similar monologues when approached with an opportunity. It meant they weren't paying any attention at all to silly details like their own safety or getting paid a fair amount.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Memoria »

Character: Tika
Topic: The Arrival


The flying squirrel didn't respond. As usual. But it did happily take a few berries from her as she snacked on her way. Tika thought it was funny to feed berries to Tok, as the berries stained the creatures mouth and made her look carnivorous. Honestly, a carnivorous flying squirrel was a scary concept!
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Mahkasad »

Character: Roridula Lunatus
Topic Link: Seeing Magic in Simple Things

She picked up one that looked promising - “Pyromancy for Halfwits” was the title, blazoned across a bright yellow cover.
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Re: Submit Quotes!

Post by Nirdor »

Character: Calem Sabathe
Topic: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=275#p2217 A Town Without Apples.

If nothing else, at least admiring the buildings were interesting. He couldn't help but wonder if Cecilia had lived in one of these many houses, or maybe some other one of the many Idols, considering the absolute prestige in this area. Or did exciting things happen to ordinary folk? 'Maybe even...someone like me?'
Last edited by Nirdor on February 17th, 2020, 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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