A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Post by Sensha Saigen »

He seemed to sort through his things much longer then necessary, his thoughts calculating and wandering about his mind. First on the road, and now in the city. What could be going on? He shook his head and snapped his chest shut before sitting down on it and taking in the harbor. People were all about there day, the added bustle of the morning most likely stemming from the damaged building. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, at least not at that moment.

The next moment, however was different. First a scholarly woman walking with purpose with a frazzled guard in tow. Judging by her build and the way the guard was following he immagined her to be some kind of government worker of sorts. He could tell she had some kind of magical inclination though given the way her eyes flickered and the brief waft of magic again. Perhaps an investigator? He nodded in approval at his conclusion. Moments after his eyes met with a man who would of passed for a religious man if not for his build. Sen could recognize a warrior. Something about the way he moved with purpose but never bumped into anyone gave it away. Sensha also had noticed the way the man had even given himself a similar once over and probably came to the same conclusion about Sensha. He nodded in greeting before the man dissappeared in the crowd.

Moments later a yell came from the direction the three had disappeared in. "Help magic, Selara the swiftwind is too fast she's never been this quick before!"

Well that settled that. Sensha stood and made sure to pad a nearby guards palms to watch his horse and stock before briskly walking in the direction of all the commotion. It seemed there was a lot of hub bub coming from a tavern called the Black Sheep. As he got closer his nostrils burned with the smell of magic. Eyes alight with curiosity, Sen wriggled his way in.

The scene inside removed the curiosity in his eyes and replaced it with anger. A group of sailors was engaged a single woman in combat. The monk had joined in, but what had angered him was the boy that had very clearly been thrown across the tavern and was now off to the side. Children were meant to be off learning and playing, not getting beat on by adults.

One decisive step placed Sensha squared off with one of the pirates before he brought the full weight of his body to bare in the form of a fist planted squarely in the poor fellows jaw. He felt the fragile bones melt under his knuckles and the man crumbled away. His next movement swept another pirate off his feet. He used that man's forward momentum to catch and fling him into another two pirates before Sensha placed himself between the fight and the boy. One hand slowly drew his Falchion, it's blade glistening gleefully in the dim tavern light. His other reaching behind him to help the boy up.

Without moving his eyes from the crowd Sensha called down to the boy, "On your feet, Little Brother, lest these toothless sharks pray on you furhter." He did not worry about the other two, neither of them needed his help. His eyes annalyzed the frenzied pirates around them. With words cold enough to chill the most threatening of pirates he said, "Men of the sea do not know the dangers land beasts present. The next man who dare approach my ward and I will learn this for themselves. Pay your tabs and move along if you wish to sail once more." Sensha then held his Falchion forward and parallel to the floor. It had been a long time since his blade had taken a life and he hoped it would stay that way.
Word count: 645
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Re: A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa frowned in a faintly frantic annoyance as a woman came running out past her shouting about magic. The Inquisitors would certainly come now, and that meant whoever was using the magic either didn’t know they were, or didn’t care about collateral damage. ‘Just a contractor, trying to identify a dragon, and now I’m supposed to deal with this situation,’ she silently complained as she stood in the street.

A fighter of some sort near barreled past her into the Black Sheep and the ruckus within became significantly louder as he swung the door open and waded into what was likely a wild battle. Vanessa shook her head and followed the man in, deftly dodging a patron fleeing with his face covered. ‘Smart man or frightened fool, I should be going the same way.’

She shook her head and stepped into the tavern, immediately ducking to the side to avoid a group of brawlers crashing their way out into the street. The fight looked to be pure chaos, there were still several pockets of semi-organized combat, but most folks were either banged up, fled, or striking at everything nearby. Ignoring the scuffle she scanned the room quickly, not caring for the fight and only for isolating the dragon. She spotted a child, clearly tossed aside, behind the bar. Just as she moved towards him, the man from before finished his opponent and moved to shield the boy.

Vanessa strode towards them with confidence and surety. When she opened her mouth the words that spilled forth were of the dragons. ~“I have no quarrel with you dragon, I merely wish to know your purpose and reduce the loss of life,”~ she said softly, certain the dragon could hear her and ignoring the man glaring at her as she locked eyes with the boy. She continued in the common tongue, including the ‘protector’ in her sweeping gaze. “The Inquisitors will come soon, they will not be kind, they will chase you, people will die. Come with me now please, and we might escape their watchful gaze long enough to accomplish your purpose.”

She had a spell ready, one she was loathe to use even near the Inquisition for fear of being tracked, but magical items were difficult to trace and often worth the cost if constructed carefully. People always discounted the flashy spells of performers, but there was something to be said for blinding scintillating light.
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Re: A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Post by Kelwin »

Kelwin was glad to have another martial specialist to aid the boy. However, he felt he must be terrible with women since the lady ignored his words before he came in. The next opponent was more skilled than the norm. A flurry of cutlass strikes were barely deflected before the monk grappled his wrist twisting painfully causing the pirate to be disarmed. Kelwin used his other arm to elbow him in the sternum. Then he brought up a foot to the back of his skull droping his target to the ground unconcious.

Then he heard the swordsman issue a threat that made most of the pirates hesitate. Suddenly, the martial artist felt a cold terror coming from the direction of the boy. He was short of breath as he realized he was but an insect compared to a behemoth. Kelwin had never felt this way before he had to flee before the monster destroyed not just his body, but his soul as well.

No, he exerted within his mind. I am a stone in the rivers path unmoving yet a part of the flow. There is a child to save and foes to teach justice. However, he realized when he regained the will to continue the remaining pirates fled. The street was filled with more than his opponents from moments ago. Everyone within a hundred feet was fleeing except for the other three that aided the child.

The Elvin woman had suddenly dropped weapons and fell to her knees. She was crying and speaking a strange language. He didn't recognize it so he was sure it wasn't elvin. Selara had started glowing with a light that to his eyes was close to what led him to the western district originally. Come to think of it the smaller woman had spoken similarly before adressing the room in common.

Unfortunately, there were several armed soldiers making a beline for the tavern. They did not appear afraid yet the crowd slowed them dramatically. "Um, inquisitors incoming what should we do."
Word count: 337
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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Re: A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Post by Sensha Saigen »

A brief pang of a familiar sensation filled his heart and mind for a moment. Something he knew from battles long past in lands far away. This was fear he was feeling. The sensation of the hairs on his neck rising and the butterflies in his stomach threw him for a loop. The oddest thing is that it wasn't from the pirates that were now vacating the tavern, but from behind him. He shook his head as if shaking off something stuck in his hair as the woman addressed the room after speaking some strange gibberish. This day just kept getting more interesting as it went.

“The Inquisitors will come soon, they will not be kind, they will chase you, people will die. Come with me now please, and we might escape their watchful gaze long enough to accomplish your purpose.”

Sensha relaxed his stance and slowly sheethed his Falchion. He didn't sense any aggression from her, at least not towards him or the boy. Though the promise of an encounter with the cities best trained dogs did raise his interest a bit. "The Inquisition? Little Sister you do promise a good time don't you?" He could probably handle some guards and inquisitors in an enclosed and obstacle-strewn place like this, but not while protecting someone. Though he was beginning to think the boy probably didn't need any protection at all.

Sensha crossed his arms and held his chin in his hand, taking a moment to process what was going on."If we're leaving with the boy, then I shall heed your warning. I have spoken for him as my charge and until he is safe or he see's fit to dismiss me I will stay at his side." He then took a moment to look around the tavern, evaluating their options. "Though if we are leaving I recommend the front door. These places are too well known for their alley entrances, I wouldn't trust an escape route that everyone already knows of. Better to go the path of least expectation."

He then reached into what some would of thought to be his wallet, but was really a small vial pouch he kept on him for special occassions. "As for our pursuers, I have a couple of nasty presents for them after we leave." He held up two small vials, one with black powder and the other an angry red color.
Word count: 401
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Re: A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Post by Dessrexin »

Dez took the offered hand. "Thank you sir, it will be remembered." Soon a woman a little taller than him in his human form spoke draconic to him. So he answered in kind. "If you really want to prevent casualties help me with her." He pointed at Selara as she began glowing to magical sight. "Her form has become unstable."

Internally he was kicking himself. Dessrexin decided then and there he would never use draconic magic again. Unless, he was sure the target was a dragon or not. Of course she didn't know herself until moments ago.

Meanwhile, Selara had begun crying. What she thought was the echoes of her nightmares were in fact true memories. The combination of hearing draconic and having two dragon spells cast on her led to this conclusion. However, the final piece was the key words to reduce loss of life.

Then she could not hold back her draconic aura. Some called it a menacing aura, but most simply called it dragon fear. In draconic she spoke thru tears. " it's my fault she and her crew are dead. I didn't want to, but the mage he forced me."

50 years ago:

Selara nicknamed the Swiftwind was engaged in a naval battle versus two pirate vessels. After hours of catapult stones and arrow volleys she managed to sink the smaller ship. Sadly, the captain of the larger craft was a mage of great power. As he took a fatal arrow he wrought a terrible spell. A beam of red light struck the depths of the ocean from his outstretched palms.

Suddenly, the ships were pushed apart as a great sea serpent rose from the sea. The mage died with his magic incomplete. As a result the creature raged uncontrollably. Both vessels were smashed to pieces.. However, even as her ship sunk Selara never stopped begging for the creature to spare the lives of her crew without a thought for herself.

When the sea dragon regained her senses the waters were calm and she cried. She heard the pleas echo in her mind even though she was unable to stop. I will strive to make up for my carnage. Noble Kerasoka though you may be dead, your legacy will live on in me. With that the serpent banished her own memories and took Selara's shape. Though she could not take the sailor's thoughts, when she got to shore unconcious the doctors diagnosed amnesia.


288 AoN:

Dez rushed to his cousins side and hummed a soothing melody speaking in common. "All will be well Elder calm yourself."

Instantly her form stabilized and the glow ceased. "Thank you child, but I yearn to return home."

Dez took in the allies that remained. "Please, I humbly beg that you three get us out of here. I swear I will tell all when safety is assured."
Word count: 473
"My power is bound by three unbreakable rules.
1. I will not force love on the unwilling.
2. I am no assassin if it is murder you seek go elsewhere.

3. you can not wish for multiple wishes only one per visit."
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Re: A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa looked to the brown-skinned fighter and heard his confident bluster. He looked like he could probably deliver on his promises, but that changed little of her opinion. She leveled a look at him, her brow raised in question, that dripped with disdain and annoyance. She’d prepared a scathing comment about family lineage and foolishness, but held her tongue when the dragon she was chasing spoke to her in accented draconic.

The implication of the boy-dragon’s words struck Vanessa with a deep sense of dread. At the periphery of her thoughts excitement danced as well. She had come this way hoping to encounter and speak with a single dragon. Now there were two, and one was about to explode into their full glory and crush them all.

The boy moved suddenly, offering comfort to the Kerasokan-dragon-woman in the common tongue. Then he entreated assistance again, meaning he perhaps understood the true gravity of the situation. Vanessa straightened her shoulders, taking a soft breath to reorient her thoughts.

“Right then, I can get us to a place we won’t be bothered, at least for long enough. I can’t promise we won’t encounter what sounds like slavers and pirates when we step out front, but once we are away I’ll need you all to follow me without delay.” She turned her attention to the man with the falchion. “I’m assuming that’s some sort of smoke, we’ll need it, we’re going to have a bit of a ‘fire’ to flee. You can take up our rear, don’t stop moving.”

She shifted her focus to the man without obvious weapons but clear martial skill. “I’ll need you to look frightened and shoulder us a path, we’re fleeing a fire with the poor boy hurt in the confusion.” Finally, she focused on the pair of dragons. “I apologize for imposing, but can you carry your currently smaller companion, much like you would a child as he appears? It isn't much, but people often want to believe what is convenient.”

“As soon as we step out, I can get the watch after the slavers, but I can’t promise we’ll be able to get more information on them later. Is there anything you need from them? I assume that’s why you came here.” She let her eyes scan over everyone, wrinkling her nose as an astringent scent reached her. “We need to go now, the Inquisition has already deployed their gas. I do not want to see how it will affect your magics in such tight quarters. Please exert your presence to full effect, the confusion will be to our benefit and I believe these two should be able to resist if they steel themselves.”
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Re: A dragon in Fellsguard? (Open)

Post by Kelwin »

The way the lady took command amongst the confusion proved Kelwin's earlier theory. However, he prefered to only use deception in the direst of circumstances. As a result he made a decision on impulse. The socerer hoped he didn't regret so a reckless a choice. "You want fire that can be arranged."

Instantly his hair turned stark white and he began to glow a reddish color that moved around him as if alive. His increased speed allowed him to gather up the unconcious people near the front door. While the half-fae continued explaining to the others.

Then his awareness expanded to the kitchen where someone carelessly left the wood stove burning. He smiled at that, fear was effective in motivating others to be stupid. He poured his energy into the flames. A sound that few could mistake for an explosion followed. Kelwin fell down to one knee at that, as his hair became pale red again. "We need to move, l don't have the power to hold it back now."

Then he stood and pushed the door open then started running. "Help fire!" As he moved he added to the confusion by tripping and elbowing a path. Some unfortunate pirates that fled earlier were mixed in the crowd bearing chains. It seemed the inquisitors had more than rougue magic users to deal with. Kelwin found allies amongst the guard who could not allow blatant disregard for anti-slavery laws. The small group of black market traders foolishness defied logical sense. He was certain now that something must be pulling their strings. Whatever it was it had no regard for those it commanded.

He dropped low and snapped out a roundhouse kick taking a group of three to the ground. His elbow came up and struck the top of one's head. Then his other arm was balled in a fist striking another in the stomach. Finally, as the last regained their feet he head butted their nose. The pirate crumpled to the ground. Kelwin looked behind him to see the others progress.

While he was distracted more atempted kinappers surrounded him. A chain wrapped around him while a club aimed for his head. His warrior training saved him as he jumped over the chain wielder. This caused the enemy to lose his grip. A flying kick drooped him like a sack of potatoes. Kelwin took up a battle stance as he landed. "Wow you criminals never miss a beat. Come on this fighter isn't such easy prey."
Word count: 415
"Fire yearns to consume temper it."
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