A Town Without Apples (Open) [Completed]

Whether anything in Fellsgard is simple depends more on everyone else's point of view rather than your own.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

While this hadn't been how he'd planned to spend the day, Calem couldn't be happier. While it was strange to go to a university again - most of his education had been through the chantry and a constant amount of reading, though he had spent a short time in a university - he was actually quite excited by a lecture of herbalism. Hopefully he'd even manage to get a few new ideas - while his plant knowledge was reasonable, most of the herbs he found were those found in Tviyr - learning about some of the more distant ones would be nothing but a boon to his work!

Lost in his own thoughts, he took a minute to look back at Paladin Falwin, whom he couldn't help but wonder if Professor LaNore had somehow shanghaied into a lecture. He didn't think the Paladin really minded, but he certainly looked like he had his heart set on finding the dog. "I hope it's not too much of a distraction, Master Falwin. Once this lecture is done I'm happy to help you try and find this missing dog, but this is something that means a lot to me, I hope you understand..." Fortunately, it turned out that Falwin as well was quite interested in the topic, which brightened Calem's mood immensely. "Ah, you're interested in healing as well? It is indeed a wonderful path - though I must admit, I don't quite have the brawn to be able to defend quite as well as you can, I'm sure..." There was a slight troubled look over Calem's brow, but it passed quickly as the three stepped into the lecture theatre.

The thing that surprised Calem the most was just how many people were here - hadn't the professor claimed this would be a less popular lecture? Someone tried to pass him some wine, but Calem shook his head and politely refused - he was interested in what would be discussed and he didn't want to be under the influence of alcohol in case he forgot anything that was taught. Though he started to understand a bit when more of the lecturers started leaving with mugs in hand. 'What a strange teacher, letting her students drink here. But maybe that's what draws them here, the...less strict nature of things? Interesting...'

Calem took out a small notebook from his pockets, pen at the ready, and eager to hear more. It was a little while before he noticed that someone was nudging him in the side, another student with a glass in one hand and just the slightest look of pink on his face. "Come on, man, you'll miss out!" The student started tugging on his robes relentlessly. "The wine's gonna run out! And I know that cute maid is working there today, so there's no way I'm sticking around for another lecture on plants!"

Calem awkwardly laughed a little, and gently moved his arm away. "I'm sorry, sir, but honestly, this is a topic that I'm rather interested in, so I'll stay. Please enjoy your booze though!"

The student's eyes narrowed at him. Calem leant back, a little bit intimidated by the student getting a bit closer to his face. "Eh? You'd rather stay here then get some sweet booze?" A second passed before he clicked his fingers. "Ohhhh, I get it. You'd rather sleep with the professor, right?"

The immediate sputtering that followed could be heard throughout the room. Calem turned bright red as he nearly fell off his chair, half-choking as he tried to form words that just descended into incoherent sounds and spit-takes.

"Ha! That's the best reaction I've got from that since I started here!" The student laughed, before raising his glass towards the professor in a sort of friendly mocking. "Cheers for the lesson, professor! This one was a treat!" He quickly followed after some of his other friends, leaving the young doctor to try and climb back to his seat, suddenly looking very intently at his notebook.
Word count: 670
Arnim Falwin
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

As the students that were only there for the mulled wine departed they took the last of the fliers Arnim had. He felt that was a good sign as he set his eyes on a bench above where the doctor was sitting. This allowed him to still talk to Calem if he needed. Also, it gave him a more defensive position too watch his back.

The academic offered to help find the dog when the lecture was done. "Thank you doctor I'm sure Suzy will appreciate that. If your concerned about your strength, do not worry if everyone was a fighter war would be far more common. However, if you wish to learn I could teach you. That choice will be entirely yours."

With that he took the seat on the tier above the eager physician. While he waited for the lecture to begin a human woman sat down next to him. She had blonde hair and wore a flowing black dress of thick high quality wool. A fur coat was draped around her from the shoulders to her knees.

She stared at him for a few minutes with a slight gleam to her eyes. "Wow, how on earth can you move around in that metal coffin. You must be way stronger than you look and handsome to boot. Your a real heartbreaker that's for sure. Who are you?"

The paladin tried to follow her words, but they where a little fast. "I hope my presence isn't a bother. I am Paladin Arnim Falwin disciple of Esyrax. Who might you be miss?" He had seen enough nobles to know her style of dress was very high end.

The woman smiled at his words before pushing on. "Are you really the paladin Falwin. I heard you were fae but pictured you somewhat taller. I mean you have to be the shortest of that race I've ever seen. You saved the university heads son just a few days ago. Did you really fight off forty bandits single handedly?"

Arnim couldn't help laughing at that. "I realize by human years the boy is only twelve, but he needs to learn not to embellish the truth. It was only four thieves that thought they had a high ransom coming their way. Esyrax led me to the child I merely did my solemn duty."

"Humble aren't we noble paladin. Must be why you turned down the reward. You could've been very wealthy with that kind of coinage. I'm Natalie of house Sidrioh a pleasure to meet you Paladin Falwin. Have you considered working for us. I promise you'll find plenty of wrongs to write with us."

The noble woman's conversation caused Arnim to miss the other words spoken nearby. However, the sputtering of Calem caught his attention. "Are you in need of help Mister Sabathe?"

Then he returned his attention to the lady. "Sorry um, lady Sidrioh I'm not familiar with Fellsguard's nobility, should I know who you are." Arnim's words caused Natalie's jaw to drop, but before she could explain the lecture started.
Last edited by Arnim Falwin on February 7th, 2020, 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 509
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa was almost finished with her notes when a loud and clearly embarrassed sputtering echoed in the small alcove. She looked up, ready to admonish a drunk student for something likely irrelevant, but paused when she caught sight of Calem. He was clearly flush and couldn’t form a sentence. It only took her an instant to take the mocking thanks from one of the departing revelers to put things together.

“He’s more likely a chance than you ever will. He’s read my books after all, and there’s nothing more attractive than that to a researcher,” she said with a smirk and sultry wink at the furtive glance of the just recovering doctor. She immediately scanned the room for the paladin, feeling silly as she had to snap her attention back to so unique a visitor just behind the doctor.

He’d gathered the attention of one of the more industrious young women, House Sidrioh if Vanessa didn’t miss her guess from the faint touches of color scheme in her outfit. Vanessa turned back to her notes for a final adjustment and then knocked on the lectern. Silence fell almost instantly, with those still talking hushed by their more aware companions.

“We will begin now, I do hope you are all as excited as I am to learn about magical herbs found only in the dangerous deep wilds,” she said, her lilting voice, emotive expression and vibrant shining eyes carrying much of the work of drawing in her audience. Even still, there were several chuckles from the more sarcastic regulars.

“First, I must set the scene for you all, as I’m certain many of you haven’t even seen the West District, let alone the vibrant flora and fauna of Niraih,” she said with a knowing grin. She placed a palm-sized bronze device onto the lectern and tapped several delicate buttons.

There was a shuddering whir and a distinct crackling before the box whirred to life. An image flickered into existence on the wall behind her. First it was a brilliant white, but after a moment more of flickering it coalesced into an image of verdant greenery. “Now I’m sure some of you have seen this image before, as it’s the textbook example of the outskirts of the jungle,” she said with clear amusement.

“What you’ve not seen, is the vista just behind where this was taken.” She tapped a larger button on the device, there was a click and the image shuddered before becoming a riot of colors. It took several seconds for things to stabilize and Vanessa frowned at the device. It was a poor imitation of her magic, but it was all she could use in Fellsgard.

The scene was one of nature let loose, massive vibrantly colored stalks and flowers littered the landscape with hundreds of rainbows worth of color. “This is what they mean when they say Ixaziel lost track of nature unleashed in Ninraih,” she offered after the gasps and pointing died down.

“Now, an important piece of information, many of the plants here do not follow the regular rules of nature. There is dense magic in the jungles, even here on the edges, and the flora and fauna feed off of it are morphed or mutated far beyond what you might see elsewhere.” She pulled a thin pointing rod from beneath the lectern and moved it to the image with a flourish.

“This plant here,” she directed, indicating a brilliantly red and yellow flower with a bright blue pistil that seemed to resemble a bird in flight. “If you saw this elsewhere you would be wise to avoid it carefully. These are the colors of virulent toxins.” She looked around at the audience, being sure to draw them in.

“In the jungles though, this is camouflage. The Heliconia rostrata Ixalus, Sun and moon false bird of paradise, is a herbaceous perennial that uses natural coloration markers to avoid consumption by many herbivores while still attracting it’s main pollinators.” She tapped the button again, this time pleased the device cooperated. The image shifted to a much closer look at the flower beside what could only be described as a massive bee carrying many smaller bees.

“The hive mother, or Apis colossus, is the size of a small horse and carries thousands of its children, Apis florea, to areas of dense nectar while avoiding the dangers of other predators.” She grinned at the gasps of alarm at the size of both the insect and it’s horde of smaller companions.

“They are the primary pollinators of many of the more dangerous plants in the jungle as they appear to be unaffected by most magical and natural toxins.” She pointed back to the plant. “We are here today for the plant though, and it’s properties are just as fascinating.” She tapped the button again and the image shifted to a scene of the plant, partially dissected, laying on a broad table surrounded by various components.

“Heliconia rostrata Ixalus all share a common theme in their components.” She motioned to a pile of powder to the plants left. “When the seeds and pollen are ground together they produce a powder capable of heightening magical sensitivity. This effect varies from an increased sense or even the new faint sense of magic all the way to a deadly overflow of the nervous system with new awareness.”

“I do not recommend you use it for cooking,” she said to several chuckles before turning back to the projected image. “Next, the petals themselves are a wonderful sweetener and contain a low-level neurotoxin capable of inducing faint hallucinations in magically sensitive races that can last from minutes to hours depending on the concentration.”

“But this,” she snapped her pointer to what looked like a finely chopped pistil, “the central pistil of the flower when freshly chopped is the true wonder. Any guesses to what this particular component offers on consumption?” She looked around the alcove, getting a sense for her audience and pleased to find most were paying rapt attention. The Sidriohian beside Paladin Falwin seemed to be paying attention to him instead, but that was expected.
Word count: 1035
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Calem looked up, having finally recovered from the attack of his senses only to be greeted with a wink from Professor LaNore, which immediately made him blush furiously again before looking back down at his books again. If he was any redder, he was sure he'd have been glowing.

Fortunately, before anything else could happen that would have started the situation all over again, the professor apparently decided that rather than tease him more, it would be better to start the lecture. Calem took in a deep breath, trying to collect himself, and then looked back up at the screen, pen in hand and notebook on the table as the professor began to talk...

It started off in the forest of Ninraih - someone where Calem was particularly interested in travelling to once he left Fellsgard. 'With this information, now I'll finally know what to look for...!' Calem excitedly thought to himself as he scribbled 'Ninraih herbs' on the top of his notebook. He took a brief look behind him at the paladin who was now just talking with someone - some noble of some kind, the particular house escaped Calem's mind as he looked back at the screen now that the professor was talking again.

Looking at the jungle was such a strange experience, bringing back nostalgic days of growing up under the priests of Ixaziel. Such a wide variety of green, of tangling vines and colorful flowers. Calem had seen sketches and even a few pictures in the books that the priests had provided him for study, but it had been a long time since he'd seen such beautiful sights. It would be a dream to travel there someday - partially for his collection, but also because he wanted to see with his own two eyes such a wonderful green land and, not somebody's pictures. 'What kind of magic could be powerful enough to make something like this? Beautiful and yet...slightly frightening...' Calem suppressed a slight shudder as he saw the toxic flower, in such bright colors. He was just glad that he was forewarned of the danger...

Calem scribbled down notes relentlessly as the professor continued to discuss the various flowers. Of particular note were that some of the fauna were immune to toxins - perhaps warped by the magic of Ninraih, but still, if he could figure out how such a thing was possible, it could be possible to make a powerful anti-toxin. Surely someone would have thought of this before...? Still, while frightening, Calem's mind was already bubbling with potential ideas for when he traveled to this place - the lecture, if anything, was only fueling his desire to travel.

Though it came to a curious point when Calem was faced with the next picture - the pistil of a flower, chopped off. Though he'd written some notes on said flower, the 'Heliconia rostrata Ixalus', he wondered why she was pointing out this particular part. Looking around, nobody else seemed to be raising their hand, and Arnim seemed to be busy in the background talking with someone. Calem looked around, seeing nobody else was doing it...and awkwardly raised his hand. "...ah..." he started, feeling a little awkward now that the attention in the room was focused on him for speaking. "I would guess if the flower, as you say, is one that amplifies magic...it, uh, seems like each particular area focuses on a separate kind of magic, I think relevant to a similar purpose in other flowers. So I suppose...uh...taking into account that the pistil is...er..."

The good thing about growing up in a chantry of Ixaziel is that Calem knew quite a bit about flowers. The bad thing about growing up in a chantry of Ixaziel is Calem suddenly realised he knew quite a bit about flowers. "...well...if the pistil is the...ah...feminine reproductive organ...of the flower, would that..." Calem started to blush again. "Would...would that imply that it would...ah, work in tandem with...in relation to magic...increasing the...er..." Calem paused for a moment, trying to find the words.

'No, it's not like that! Strictly scientific! Strictly!'

"...the...er...fertility...of the consumer? By er, inducing magic...focused on reproductive processes...into...the...relevant...organs..."
The poor young doctor couldn't continue as he felt the stares of everyone on him burning into the back of his cloak. "...I think." he finally muttered, once again thoroughly embarrassed.
Word count: 748
Arnim Falwin
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

Arnim supposed the doctor was distracted by his own concerns too much to hear his offer of help. He was sensing a trend by this point that Calem needed someone confident to keep him focused. Reguardless, perhaps his quest that seemed simple at first had more layers than he knew. Had Esyrax sent him to aid one Calem Sabathe or perhaps Vanessa Lanore, time would tell. In his experience he thought it was likely both.

When the image picture of light sprang to life he was unable to contain a sound of awe at the device. Natalie who was watching him more closely than he realized whispered an explanation. "That's a projector one of Professor Lanore's signature devices. They are quite rare and expensive learning tools."

Arnim politely returned the quiet words. "Fellsguard is truly a technological marvel, in Ninraih we would just use magic to display scenes like this one. You should pay closer attention to the lecture knowledge is power."

The noble smiled brightly at that. She thought to herself that Arnim was more interesting than stupid plants. However, he appeared to be dense as a stone when it came to attraction. She lightly touched his green wings causing him to shudder in unexpected pleasure. "Okay Sir Falwin," she whispered in a breathy voice.

He realized at that point flattery was an ineffectual medium for showing interest. Lady Sidrioh however, was apparently aware of how sensitive fae wings were. He also figured out his general ignorance of romance was causing him problems again. Was dating a lost art in the bigger cities? He shook his head slightly then whispered more. "Please stop that, if you want to go out for tea or alcohol perhaps later. Right now I ask that you pay your teacher respect and listen! If you can do that you'll have your date when I've got down time to spare."

Natalie giggled in a seductive fashion and spoke. "A deal then Paladin, I'm sure you will keep your word." Finally the noble woman watched the presentation with commitment. Though she knew by now he wouldn't notice her glances when his attention was elsewhere.

The Apis Colossus was a creature he respected in the jungles. Some beekeepers in Ninraih raised a hive just so they could harvest the honey as a potent antitoxin. The dose had to be measured carfully based on the poison or the patient would receive a potentially lethal side effect.

Arnim was lost to his memories for a moment when he saw the Heliconia rostrata Ixalus. In his thirtieth summer he was at his father's deathbed. A terrible illness was inflicting the population of his village. Some Kerasoka rangers were visiting at the time. They seemed immune to the terrible wasting sickness. His father could no longer speak, but he kept a steady pressure on his son's hand. When he passed the grip slackened and Arnim began crying. His mother returned too late with the cure she discovered. The love of her life was gone, but no other Fae died that day.

Meanwhile, Natalie heard the properties of the magic plant. It sounded pretty dangerous to her. Why was this Sun and moon false bird of paradise important? Then she heard the silly jester in front of Arnim. Now her interest was peaked and she hoped the stuttering man was right.

The paladin visibly shook himself from his dark thoughts. Then he raised his hand with purpose and stood with strength in his voice. "While I’m not familiar with the pistil's other qualities I do know this. If stewed into a hot drink it is the proper treatment for the Magi plague! For those not familiar it wiped out a few fae villages about one hundred and fifty years ago. It only afflicted those with developed magical abilities. Sorry Professor Lanore if I overstepped my place." With that he seated himself once more prepared to be admonished for his outburst. He did hope he could keep listening to the lecture.
Word count: 669
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Vanessa LaNore
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa was prepared to forge ahead, though slightly disappointed that no one was willing to offer a guess. Then the doctor spoke up and she couldn’t keep a pleased smile from her face. He walked through his answer, sharing the basis for his theory, and expanded his thoughts until he came to a conclusion.

Vanessa felt a deep appreciation for the academically sound method and her eyes glowed with amusement by the time he devolved into embarrassed muttering. The students had divided themselves into three distinct groups as the doctor’s answer went on: those bashful and blushing much like the doctor, those snickering and grinning at the embarrassed man, and those snickering and grinning while looking at her.

She was about to continue when suddenly Paladin Falwin raised a hand and then stood. He offered another answer, one Vanessa had not expected to hear from her students, and it made her pleased grin broaden to a brilliant smile. Her eyes began to flicker softly, a warmth in her chest barely contained at such involved and knowledgeable attendees.

The arrangements of students had shifted, there was now muttering about the plague, and even speculation about the plant in furtive whispers. Vanessa nodded to Arnim and waited a moment before clapping her hands. Silence fell immediately and all eyes snapped to her with rapt attention.

"The true advantage of both the knowledge of books and the knowledge of experience," she said with a sweep of her hands. "Thank you both, Doctor Sabathe and Paladin Falwin, it is a true pleasure to have your insights." She bowed to them and then placed her hands on the lectern.

"You are both correct, and the reason is that the pistil of the Heliconia rostrata Ixalus has an effect on the nervous system of the magically inclined." She tapped the side of her head lightly and pressed a button on her projector. There was a flicker, and then an image of a brain appeared.

"The Magi Plague, a thing many of you should most certainly read about," Vanessa paused and levelled a disapproving stare at several students she knew neglected their studies. "-is a fast-acting but short-lived degenerative affliction of the nervous system. Those affected lose control of the body, and eventually succumb to suffocation or other terrible tragedy."

"The boiling of the pistil produces a counter effect, one that bolsters the body until the affliction passes. There is still terrible pain and disorientation, but those so medicated often survived with little to no lasting effect." She looked over the crowd, letting the gravity of her words, and the sickness they spoke of, sink in with the silence.

"Now," she said, turning her grave seriousness into the bright smile it had been before, "there are also several other less medically useful effects. The Doctor is very correct, or at least is most likely correct. Unfortunately, for some reason there are very few documented cases of research performed on a freshly chopped or powdered pistil."

She tilted her head down and raised her brow, offering a wink to Calem before returning to a completely neutral expression in an instant. Then she smiled brightly and turned her focus to Arnim. "Paladin Falwin, please do not feel as though you have overstepped. I only ask you to keep your insights for the right moments, as you just did."

She moved her eyes over a fraction and narrowed them as she frowned. "And if Miss Dubois chooses to act inappropriately again, please do not hesitate to say something. We do not allow harassment of any kind, no matter the House affiliation." The woman in question looked sufficiently cowed, but had touched the Fae’s wings, clearly without permission, and this caused the pleased warmth to shift to cold simmering fury in Vanessa’s gut.

"With that said," she continued, ignoring the looks that were now moving to the Paladin and House Sidrioh member. "We have several other plants to discuss, but seeing as none of the rest of you felt the need to participate, I will leave the choice to our esteemed guests."

She tapped the projector again, switching to an image of three very distinct, but equally vibrant, plants. "There is the Drowner’s Mint, the Marshcove Dandelion, and the Fae’s Delight," she said, indicating each plant as she named them. "Please, Doctor, Paladin, which would you like to hear about today?"
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

It took a few moments for Calem to recover from the snickering. Granted, he was probably older than most of these students, and yet the snickering bothered him so much. Probably it was just that he wasn't that used to a university theatre like this - he'd been to university, certainly, and he'd started younger than most. But he never was used to dealing with larger groups of people at once. It was why he preferred to try and make his appointments one-on-one - of course, that wasn't always possible.

At least one person in this place seemed to be taking him somewhat seriously - the professor herself, whom seemed rather happy that people were paying attention to her lecture. Despite some of the happenings around him, it really had been somewhat calming to the young doctor to just lose himself to the flow of information. Regardless of whatever these people thought, he was glad to be learning all of this. Knowing it would prove useful someday, he'd been continually taking note after note, sketch after sketch - as much as he could in a relatively quick time, anyway, and with fewer colors. As Calem looked up to confirm what he'd been sketching, he suddenly stopped in mid-scribble as he looked up at the professor. '...was that...no, I must have imagined it. I think?'

While the professor started to talking to the paladin, Calem took a moment to collect himself - the other students seemed to be focusing on other matters anyway, so at least he wouldn't have to worry about them just yet. As the professor tapped the screen, showing off a new set of plants, Calem quickly went back to scribbling them down while he had the time - despite his lack of having colours, the plants were distinct enough from each other that writing them down could hardly be of any harm. It wasn't until his title was mentioned that Calem looked up, caught a little off-guard. "Oh? M-me? The Fae's Delight looks very interesting, certainly! What does that one do?"
Last edited by Calem Sabathe on March 1st, 2020, 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa moved her attention between the two guests, they were both extremely interesting in their own right. The paladin for his earnest nature and clear wealth of experience. The Doctor for his eager approach to knowledge and obvious passion to learn and absorb. She couldn’t stop herself from practically beaming, and the gentle tug of her magic swirled in her chest, aching to be let loose.

She knew it wasn’t worth the risk, the danger of the questions that would be asked and time spent in a dark place, so instead she relied on her own little release valve. A faint shimmer began at the middle of her back, just beneath her shoulders. Glimmering orange gossamer threads seemed to materialize, flowing out of her back.

In moments the threads expanded and coalesced, forming into delicate looking wings of fiery orange that were near as tall as she was and cast a strong glow all around her. They fluttered for a moment, moving as if stretching, before beginning to beat a slow and even rhythm any Fae could recognize. Despite her wings being only a magical projection, they still showed her emotions plainly, and Vanessa was clearly excited and intrigued.

“An excellent choice Doctor Sabathe, and yes the Fae’s Delight is certainly an intriguing thing to witness. Especially up close,” she said with only a hint of teasing. Behind her, her wings twitched slightly before returning to their soft even beats. She tapped the projection button quickly twice, advancing the images to show a much larger and more detailed view of the Fae’s Delight.

The plant had a silvery grey body with long dagger-like leaves coming from a densely packed series of stalks. Around several of the stalks bunches of thousands of flowers were tightly clustered. In the first image they had appeared almost as large polen beds, but in this more detailed image it was clear each was an individual bloom.

If it weren’t for the measurement stick in the corner of the image one might think the flowers were miniscule, perhaps a thumbnail. Contrary to first impressions, the small tick marks and numbers indicated that each bloom was almost a meter from petaltip to petaltip.

Beyond their massive size, there was the obvious glisten of nectar on many of the blossoms, and there were even several small aphids that could be seen drinking from scattered flower centers. Vanessa let the image hang without commentary for several long beats, the only sound the soft wind and the faint scribbling of Calem and a handful of others.

Buddleja davidii lonicera is an intriguing plant known for not only its very large blooms, but also for other far more fascinating reasons,” Vanessa said, indicating the flowers when she felt the tension of the crowd was right. “Given what we’ve already seen, and my particular enjoyment of theme, can anyone give me a guess as to what those reasons might be?” she asked, giving them all a radiant smile as she scanned the crowd.
Word count: 507
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

It took a moment and some resumed snickering from behind him before Calem looked back at his books. Things like this were why he was so nervous around large crowds. He was smart, sure but sometimes in the midst of his own interest he'd miss small social cues like this. It wasn't a big deal - there had been plenty of people that had laughed at him before and in the long run he'd proved to come out on top. But despite everything, he couldn't help but feel a little timid.

He wonder if it would be better to be quiet, just blend into the background for the time being. He didn't particularly care about proving himself to anyone else. And yet...he wasn't quite sure if nobody else knew what she was asking or if they just didn't want to talk, but Calem had always wanted to help people, even if it was in a silly way as embarrassing himself slightly to help out those who hadn't clicked. Behind their snickering, he was sure there was more than a few who were taking notes just as diligently as he was. The thought brought a slight smile to his face. 'It's alright if they laugh a little. I can take that. Maybe it even helps...if I ask the embarrassing questions, they can be free to learn the facts without feeling embarrassed themselves.'

Calem took a look up over his shoulder at some of the students. Some of them were scribbling notes, like he'd been. There were a few that were chatting away - quietly, but not so loud as to distract anyone. There were a few, of course, spinning their pencils between their fingers or amusing themselves with some gadget they'd picked up at the store. Some of them looked bored out of their mind, but there were a few even now who were paying attention, just like Calem. 'Maybe one of these students will end up being a hero, or even an idol themselves. It would be nice to think that a relatively small thing like a lecture - like perhaps a silly young man making an embarrassing statement - maybe such a small thing they learn here will set them on a better path.' He took a moment to look up at the paladin, who'd just made another statement about the earlier plant, one that he'd probably learnt from some experience, as opposed to Calem's guesswork. 'I wonder...could it have been just a small thing that might have set you on your path to being a paladin, instead of staying at your home too?' He couldn't help but wonder where the paladin had gained the strength he heard in his voice.

It was just a silly little thought, but it reinvigorated him all the same, preparing him to go back to study. He looked back towards the screen and

The pen stopped scratching.

His breath caught in his throat. His eyes went wide. His mind went blank.

...for just a moment...

...he could have sworn...

...that she looked...


As she started talking, her voice served to shake the young doctor back into reality. Calem looked back down at the desk. 'I...what...was...?' The professor continued talking - fortunately, it seemed her back had been turned so he didn't think she'd noticed. He managed to resume his breathing, albeit a little shakily. He looked back up, looking again at her wings glowing bright orange. It wasn't particularly a surprise she was Fae, Calem had already known about that and she'd admitted as much. But then why did she...why was he...

It suddenly occurred to him that the professor had asked a question. Calem shook his head, trying to clear the strange cobwebs from his head. He went back over his notes - clearly the plant was magical in some nature, being one of the herbs of Ninraih that had been mentioned. The aphids seemed to be drawn towards the nectar - surely it was something to do with the properties of the nectar, but what exactly...? What was drawing them towards it? "The nectar..." Calem murmured - perhaps a little too loudly, as he was sure he felt eyes on him now. "I...I think it's something to do with the nectar, professor. I...don't understand fully, but it seems like bugs...maybe creatures...are drawn towards it for some reason. Some kind of...magically enhanced pheromone? Like some kind of...magically-enhancing drug?" Calem looked slightly bothered - there was something he was missing, but he felt he was on the right track. He hoped he wasn't still looking shaken - or at least that nobody had noticed.
Word count: 789
Arnim Falwin
Devotee of the shifter
24 / 24 HP
20 / 20 MP
0p / 0g / 0s / 50c
Race: Fae
Class: Paladin
Posts: 16
Joined: January 25th, 2020, 2:33 am

Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

The picture of the Fae's Delight brought back memories of Arnim's peaceful childhood. He always kept those times close to his heart. Some dark events may have helped make him who he was now. However, those peaceful moments kept his hope alive. The children of the village often played games where they would go find the sweet nectar Arnim was no exception. He even got his first kiss during one of his playful journeys seeking it. His musings only took a few seconds, but anyone paying attention to him would notice his face redden with embarrassment.

He sobered up quickly when he saw the teacher's wings of orange light manifest. He had to keep himself from applauding their beauty. Her joy about her work was something her fellow fae Arnim understood. He was certain if he clapped right now few would understand why.

Instead he raised his hand again and projected his voice. "The Fae's Delight can be used to treat both breathing problems and digestion issues."

He gestured an Calem before continuing his explanation. "Mister Sabathe is also correct being as the nectar strengthens charm and transmutation spells when used as a component. However, doses need to be monitored based on weight. Otherwise it has an alcohol like effect." He sat after that remembering how he found that out first hand.

Meanwhile Natalie along with several other students hand shot up. She really wanted to know why the paladin's face had colored with embarrassment. He was already so handsome, but that look on his face made her heart beat with desire. What kind of naughty thoughts went thru his mind. How she hoped it was about her.

She was able to beat ever other student to the question many had on their mind. "How readily available is the Buddleja davidii lonicera? For a purely academic reason of course."
Word count: 309
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