A Town Without Apples (Open) [Completed]

Whether anything in Fellsgard is simple depends more on everyone else's point of view rather than your own.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Her smile brightened even more, something that a moment ago would have seemed impossible, as the Doctor spoke up again. Her eyes snapped to him, her wings fluttering intensely for a moment with her overflowing joy, before again falling into a clean smooth beat. She nodded faintly as he again went through his thoughts, building a theory from evidence.

She opened her mouth to cajole him just a touch further with some light teasing when she caught the movement of Paladin Falwin. Her eyes snapped to him instead and her wings twitched happily again though not as intensely. She nodded as he added more information, again seeming to draw from his own experience.

The flurry of sudden hands coming up made her laugh, the sound faintly musical and tinged with a hint of magic. She motioned to continue and Miss Dubois made a barely veiled inquiry for her personal interests. She nodded to her, shaking her head slightly.

“So, in order of simplest to most difficult,” Vanessa began once she’d calmed herself a touch and the other hands had gone down. “The Fae’s Delight nectar is readily available in Verdant Row but only rarely here in the city. The relation to magical effects makes it a regulated substance within city limits.” There were several grumbles and shakes of heads from the students at this revelation. Miss Dubois did not look deterred.

“As for your addition, Paladin Falwin, you are again correct and provide valuable insight. Though, from the sounds of it, perhaps from some less grave personal experiences,” she offered the other Fae a small wink, knowing very well the mischief the nectar could cause.

“And finally, the good Doctor, whose building of theory could perhaps teach all of you something terribly valuable,” she said, leveling another brilliant smile at him. “You have the right idea Doctor, in addition to its medicinal properties, the flower also produces a strong and alluring scent that easily attracts pollinators and other magically inclined creatures.”

She paused, biting her lip gently and winking at him, “And yes, the nectar is effectively a strong intoxicant and aphrodisiac to the magically inclined. Though it must be used with care as the good Paladin mentioned, it can be toxic in sufficient quantities.”

The sudden rumble of discussion this revelation caused broke the quiet lecture setting completely apart. Vanessa shook her head with a wry grin and waited several long moments before clapping her hands once. The sound was strange, and seemed to echo oddly around the space. Immediate silence fell and she cleared her throat softly into the sudden still.

“That will conclude our lecture for today, as I am just about out of time. As always you are welcome to join us afterwards for light drinks and conversation of the unsanctioned variety. Please make sure to fill out the attendance before you leave, and if you’re interested I imagine your compatriots are involved in finding the lost pup.” She said all this in her administrative tone, only mildly ruined by the slow beat of her shimmering wings behind her and their twitch as her vision passed over their guests.
Word count: 526
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Calem was honestly rather surprised that he was closer to the mark than he'd originally expected. Granted, the Paladin seemed to know more about it from prior experience - Calem would never have guessed it could be used for breathing and digestion woes, and eagerly wrote the knowledge down as Arnim described it. He might have to organise to meet this man again at some point and see if he wouldn't be willing to assist him more in his studies. Someone like Master Falwin would have been perfect to help him explore Ninraih...alas, he probably had plenty of things to already keep him busy, too many to play guide. But maybe, all the same, it would be worth asking him...

Though when he saw the mighty paladin start blushing - and the eagerness of the girl who'd been talking to him, he couldn't help but feel a bit of concern. The girl's eyes were almost like that of a wolf hunting her prey. Not that he'd ever met her - the doctor had little to do with House Sidrioh besides healing some of their members - but he'd heard well enough the stories that they had to share of facing impossible odds to get what they were looking for. He'd wondered if some of them had been stretching the truth, but now...

Then he heard the young lady's question. 'Oh dear...be strong, Master Falwin.' That probably wouldn't be a problem, in hindsight - somehow he had the feeling this wasn't the first time that Arnim had to face a situation like this. Being a champion of the Fae must have made him popular with many people, the ladies included. It must have been nice to be that brave...

Calem turned back towards Vanessa, and...she looked so happy. Her smile was as radiant as her wings, already fluttering happily. Her happiness was so infectious, and despite his inability to stop blushing he couldn't help but smile back. There was something incredible about her, her intense dedication and her intense knowledge. He couldn't help but look away for a moment - there was something so radiant about her, and he couldn't help but feel...warm, somehow. "O-oh, it's...it's no problem..." he murmured, gathering the strength to look back up at her, a silly but happy smile all the same. "I just..." Calem started, but suddenly stopped mid-sentence as he saw Vanessa's look at him, biting her lip as she explained the nectar's more...notorious properties.

'...wait. No. That was definitely a wink.' Calem felt his heart beating faster. 'Was she...winking at me?' He couldn't help but feel light-headed, as his brain struggled to process everything. 'I...what...that couldn't...why...why would she...' Calem felt a little dizzy. 'I can't...she wouldn't...I'm not...but...' There was noise around him, but he wasn't sure if it was in his head or not, as the world started to buzz and he put his hand to his face...everything felt so very warm. His heart beat rapidly in his chest. 'What's...happening...? I don't...but her eyes...Vanessa is...she's...she's so...I'm...I feel...'

And then, as if the sound of a clap penetrated through his brain, the real world suddenly shifted sharply back into focus. Calem shook his head a little, as if waking up from a dream. The noise seemed to have completely silenced. The only change was Calem's heart, still beating hard after...whatever it was that just happened to him, the only thing that remained from that strange dream. Vanessa was talking to everyone, reminding them of the events for after the lecture. 'Was all that...just a dream?' Calem wondered to himself.

But if it was just a dream...why did he feel so happy?
Word count: 640
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

Arnim was a little reluctant to leave Calem and Vanessa since something felt like he should stay. However, Suzy and her family were still missing a dog. He bowed to the professor and suggested to the doctor they shoud meet again soon. So he started to leave, but when he set foot outside the lecture hall fate took a hand again. The little girl he swore to be the champion of was hugging her pet Spot. A few nobles smiled happily at the scene proud of themselves. Also two adult humans that had features they shared with the little girl. Arnim was fairly certain they were her parents. The female tapped Suzy's shoulder and pointed at the paladin.

The child raised her head and smiled prettily. "Look my champion the important people found him. Guess what,Spot has a girlfriend around here. And even better we get to keep some of the puppies. I know lots of people in my neighborhood that want one already."

Arnim held back tears of joy at a quest completed in such a positive way. A dull thump occurred as his shield hit the ground. It seemed despite his best efforts he was hovering a couple feet off the ground as his wings buzzed a sound of happiness. The small crowd was mesmerized by the beauty of his forest green wings for a few seconds. "I am glad to hear it child, I wish you good luck ."

The assorted people offered to take the family home. They would of course make sure they weren't harassed. Arnim agreed since he could feel something pushing him to stay at least for now. The family and their escorts waved goodbye and headed out.

This left Natalie Dubois of house Sidrioh alone with her target fae paladin. "Well I better be going as well. I have some shopping to do. Here's my address for our date later." She handed over a slip of parchment. Suddenly she displayed surprising quickness, leaning in and giving him a deep kiss charged with desire. Arnim was stunned, and by the time he was clear headed again she was gone.

He shook his head wondering about the mystery of women. Then he headed back inside and found Calem and Vanessa. "It seems Esyrax has given me reason to return. Spot has been found and my quest for Suzy is complete. So where are we going for the after discussion?"
Word count: 405
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Vanessa LaNore
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa watched the rush of students and even heard what sounded like quite the crowd outside the small alcove. Normally she would have rushed to ensure there were no issues, but Paladin Falwin had given his word there would be no more magic and she had more interesting things to pursue at the moment.

“Doctor Sabathe,” she said, only just louder than necessary, but he seemed to be a bit lost in his thoughts. “Calem,” she added when he looked at her. “Would you care to join us for a bit of a chat? We’ll not be doing anything too wild, just a nearby tavern with a penchant for relaxed music and some singing.”

“I would love to talk to you some more about your experiences and perhaps the Fae’s delight,” she said, the sparkle in her eyes the only hint of anything behind the words. Her wings had begun to fade again, the release of magic no longer necessary. She continued to nod to students who passed her as they went, but her attention was clearly focused on the young doctor.
Word count: 184
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Thoughts crashed against each other in Calem's brain - happy and sad, scared and ecstatic, and so very confused. He was trying to concentrate on the notes that he'd written, but for once the words and pictures seemed to just be shimmering grey sketches, refusing to take coherent form and stay in his brain right now. 'Thank goodness I wrote them down...' Calem couldn't help but be disappointed in himself. Such a lecture should be one of the most exciting things that he could be part of, and yet he just couldn't focus properly. What would the professor have said if she'd noticed that his attention was wandering? She must have thought he was a complete fool. For some reason, that thought horrified him.

Somewhere in the middle of his confusion, he heard someone calling out to him. "Calem?" The words shook him out of his confused reverie and looking straight up into Vanessa's face. Despite his whirlwind thoughts, looking up at her - seeing the sparkle in her eyes - he started to feel just a little bit calmer. Thoughts were still racing in his head but he could deal with that, for now. "O-oh? I mean, I...I'd enjoy that Vane--Profess--Vanessa." he stammered. 'Come on, man, pull yourself together!' Calem shook his head, trying to stem the thoughts of her wings, her eyes, her smile, her...

With what felt like some serious mental effort, he managed to look up at her, with a small little smile. "But I, ah...I should mention, I'm...um, not terribly good at singing. I grew up, with, um...with hymns." Though after those words left his mouth, he mentally face-palmed. 'Dammit, why on earth would she want to know that?!'

The doctor slowly managed to stand himself up from his chair, pulling himself together with some effort as Vanessa invited him to the next tavern. "Could you...show the way? I...don't know the taverns in this area well. But I'd...I'd be happy to talk." he scratched his head. "But I don't really know much...I've never been outside Fellsgard yet. It's all just...what I've learned from books. But I'd...like to travel soon. Learn it all for myself. Maybe...travel to Ninraih, find all these plants you've mentioned. Maybe...write about their effects--I mean, treatments, myself!"
Word count: 390
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa watched the doctor fumble about and was grateful her wings had faded, they might have blinded them all with the frantic beat they would be keeping. She listened to him, watching the clear self-admonishments behind his eyes, and let her smile slowly grow broader and more radiant. Then he rose and continued talking, clearly feeling like he was making a mess of this all.

Vanessa held out her arm to him, snaking around him and taking his hand in hers. She curled her fingers to hold him to her side as though they were a lord and lady out for a stroll. “Of course, and do not worry, I’m sure your enthusiasm will more than make up for any inexperience,” she offered with a small wink.

“You’re looking to travel then Calem? I travel often and am always on the lookout for a reliable companion. Perhaps you could accompany me on some of my expeditions. I’ve one planned for the outer jungles in just a few weeks.” Vanessa’s tone was light and comfortable as she pulled the doctor along with her.

“And yes, we’d certainly want to investigate the effects of the various flora and fauna. No sense in wasting good research after all. So tell me, what is your favorite field of study?” When she got to the exit to the alcove she saw the gathered crowd, child, puppy, and Paladin and nodded to Arnim.

“The Vaulted Canticle,” Vanessa replied to Arnim. “It is two streets down, and then a short dip into the alley. Simply follow the mob of students and we’ll arrive.”
Word count: 272
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

It was the strangest feeling. It took a moment for Calem to realise what had happened, even as he was being slowly led out towards the tavern in the direction everyone else was going.

He felt her hand enclose around his. Her hand felt so soft. He swore that he could feel the tingle of magic on the ends of her fingers as they curled through his. Calem couldn't figure out what to say. But slowly, so very slowly, his fingers curled around her hand as the two walked towards the tavern, as a small smile spread across his face.

Of course, Calem was still blushing but by this point it seemed almost like he was alright with that. "I'll...try my best." he replied. His voice was still a little quieter, but he was feeling just a little more confident than before. He was, however, a bit stunned when Vanessa announced her own travel plans. "You'd...take me with you?" he asked. The surprise was clear on his face. "I'd..." he stopped, his heart beating in his chest. Somehow it all felt too wild. Not only had he met an already incredibly smart and skilled professor and adventurer, but she was considering taking him along? It was all so much, he still wasn't quite sure if it was real.

'But if it's a dream, I...I want to stay here just a little while longer.' Very gently, Calem held Vanessa's hand just a little bit tighter. "I'd really like that. If you could consider me travelling with you, I mean." Calem couldn't quite look Vanessa in the eye - but he couldn't help but sneak looks at her beaming face out of the corner of his eye. "I've always wanted to explore Khy'eras, ever since I was a little boy. Just...there's so many wonderful things out there. I've always wanted to go on an adventure, become a..." Calem stopped for a moment. "...to help people. I want to learn how the Fae and elves in Ajteire and the dwarves of the Irtuen Reaches treat their sick and wounded. Maybe...the people in Fellsguard, in the villages...maybe all over the world someday." He scratched the back of his head with his free hand. "I know it's silly, but...I want to make people smile, as many as I can. That's why I became a doctor."

He couldn't help but feel like he'd talked a little too much. But he felt comfortable. It was nice, even if it was just a silly thing, to tell someone all that. Someone who might actually want to hear it for once. But he was quiet for a little while, as Vanessa asked another question, mixed of course with a bit of teasing. She seemed to enjoy that, but Calem couldn't help but enjoy it, just a little bit. "Oh...my favourite subject is herbology, easily. I enjoy medical study - biology, anatomy, of course - though I've mostly treated humans, sometimes a few elves...it's something I've really got to study more." Something occurred to Calem, but he couldn't quite grasp what it was. "But, herbology was always my favourite. I always liked watching plants grow, seeing all their flowers. And Father Blackwell taught me a lot about how some herbs affect people in different...ah." Calem stopped speaking suddenly, and his grip slackened slightly. "I, um...I suppose you should know. You've been very kind. I was...um, I was raised by Archaicists...in the chantry in the East District. They raised me for as long as I can remember. I'm not one myself anymore, but..." Calem trailed off, his voice again becoming quiet as his shyness returned.

There were many who didn't care much for Archaicism, especially after the war with Bhelest, feeling the Eidolons had failed them. While it was an accepted religion, some didn't take too kindly to them. Though he was no longer an Archaicist, he still thought fondly of the monks and nuns who had raised him. He hoped Vanessa wasn't one of those who had a strong distaste for the old ways.

It wasn't long after that a noise from nearby broke through Calem's reverie as he saw Master Falwin standing around a small group of people. There was a puppy in the midst of the crowd, and a great deal of beaming happiness. "Ah, they must have found that lost puppy! Wonderful!" Calem beamed at the thought. He didn't hear all the details, but certainly Arnim seemed to be quite happy after all was said and done. "Congratulations, Master Falwin! I'm glad everything seems to have worked out for the best!"


The first thing Calem heard as the three entered the Vaulted Canticle was, surprisingly, not the chatter of a variety of students, but instead the strumming of a lute, and everyone quiet as the musician's notes danced throughout the bar. He looked like one of the students that Calem had briefly noticed in the lecture earlier - whether he'd been listening was anyone's guess, but his fingers were strumming across the lute surprisingly well for someone of relatively young age.

Calem took a brief look around at the bar as he walked in. There was a small stage on the other edge of the building where the musician played. Just to the left of the entrance there was a staircase leading upstairs where there seemed to be a bit more indistinct murmuring that he could barely hear. Off to the other side was a small group of tables, a few of them long and rectangular to fit a large group of about fourteen people, and a couple of smaller tables for four. But though it was a little dim in the tavern save for the stage, he could swear there was one table off in the back of the tavern that only had two chairs there. '...they couldn't have...'

The bartender behind the bar looked only slightly older, if not the same age as Calem himself. The bartender smiled, and Calem thought he heard him humming along with the music as he continued polishing a variety of glasswear. It looked like some of the female students were paying a bit of attention to him as well as the music, with the bartender looking back every so often and giving a sly wink. While it wasn't the finest bar in Fellsgard, it had a surprising collection of alcohols, and a couple that Calem hadn't seen anywhere else. Not that he went to bars often, though. There were a few more students leaning against the bar, and frothy beer seeming to appear in front of them almost as if by magic. The music slowly drew to a close, as the students cheered, taking a glass of beer that had been handed to him and drinking it before preparing his next act. 'I wonder what will be next...?' Calem silently wondered.
Last edited by Calem Sabathe on March 13th, 2020, 4:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Arnim Falwin
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

Arnim took Vanessa's advice and followed the students. Given the two educated professionals were arm and arm he decided it was best to increase his pace towards the tavern. When he got there it was well packed with students and other customers as well. There was a human bard performing a tale that sounded familiar to the disciple of the shifter.

They opened with a well known begining and a bow. "Welcome fans it's time again to regale you all with another tale of Arn Farwon paladin of Esyrax and his green sword Razor Leaf. The title on this one is simple Arn and the ogres. Without further ado I shall begin."


Arn's hair that is the orange of fall is kissed by the breeze of spring. As his silver armor caught the rays of dawn he heard a cry for help. He rushed boldly ahead without a thought to his own safety. He found a old farmer covered in bruses. "Please noble sir I beg you save my family for my days are almost done."

The paladin smiled and said only, "By Esyrax your wrong about that." Arn used his vast knowledge of the healing arts to make the injured man fit for travel. "Come sir take me to your home I shall carry you."

The old man pointed the way to a large farm that was currently being attacked by three brutish ogres. "They have thankfully taken shelter in the cellar. Please sir stop those beast before it's too late."

After setting the elder down safely he stood to his full near seven feet of height. He drew Razor Leaf from the sheath on his back and unslung his shield. Then he ran foward grabbing the attention of the creatures twice his size. "Halt your pillaging now before I'm forced to end it fatally."

The trio of ogres just laughed at him. "Foolish human you die now." Three boulders were hurled after those words.

The paladin nimbly dodged two and blocked the last with his shield. Then with a mighty throw of his sword the three enemies were cut down with deadly accuracy. Victory over the beasts allowed Arn to treat the injured farmers and move on. For his solemn duty will always be seeking out evil in its many forms.


When the bard finished their story the crowd applauded joyfuly. Arnim however, only weakly showed his appreciation since he was lost in thought. For awhile now he had heard numerous bards tell the tales of Arn Farwon. Arnim had fought a single ogre himself to protect one man. Only he defeated it by flying around it using all his sword skills to finally topple it. The fact that a human paladin took out three so easily made him want to learn from him.

So when he snapped out of his internal contemplation, he looked for Vanessa and Calem. When he found them he asked a question. "Do ether of you have an idea of how I can find Arn Forwon? His skill far exceeds mine so I wish to learn from him."
Word count: 515
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa felt a swell of interest as Calem began to speak of his own dreams. She found the unfiltered dreams of others to be one of the most interesting insights into the core of their character. As a bard who travelled, often she dealt with so many people and yet truly knew so few.

She knew she had dazzled the Doctor, but she didn't feel the slightest regret. Instead, she felt only a growing desire to see how far she could guide him. His dreams of bringing good into the far places was not entirely dissimilar to her own drive to catalogue the history and dangers though the means of spreading good varied.

When he talked about anatomy she had to resist the urge to suggest a course on the half-Fae, though she did curl her lips just a touch more. Then he mentioned religion and it took Vanessa a moment to understand why he was so concerned.

She was used to all manner of cultures and religions and her own constant immersion had left her without much ire towards anything but the drive of newer groups to attempt to wipe out the history of their predecessors. She opened her mouth to laugh but stopped, realizing Calem was truly worried she'd turn him away over past associations.

"Calem, what sort of studier of myth and legend would I be if I choose to pretend the Eidolons were not the creators of the realm. No, you'll only find ignorance and willful destruction to be my enemies," she reassured him, squeezing his hand more firmly in the ensuing silence.

The walk to the Canticle was comfortable, the students and Paladin having moved ahead. The place always brought a sense of indulgence despite its generally quieter setting. When she noticed the distinctly under-chaired table she almost rolled her eyes. She pulled the Doctor along instead, taking a seat and settling in to the barely suppressed glances of several of the lecture attendees.

The bard of the evening was one of the students, and his story one of the sanitized and sanctioned ones, meaning it had lost much of what would make it interesting. Though when Paladin Falwin came over she suddenly realized this would be a moment she could show more of her own insight.

"Paladin, are you familiar with the idea of importing a story?" she asked, not waiting for an answer. "That bard, he is in his second year. He will not be allowed officially to sing personal works for pay until his third year. He can only sing songs that have been approved."

"The song he's singing, is likely about a Fae or someone equally magically skilled or intriguing. The city takes the songs, trims and removes elements and you're left with a faint shadow of an exaggeration of the original story," she explained.

"You have stories of battle. Speak to the bard, and then also the woman over there," she indicated a tall and handsome woman with sharp grey eyes that darted about. "She is in her fourth year, and I promise the story you get back from them each will be best unrecognizable as the other."

"Now, Doctor, we should order some drinks. So I must ask you something very important," Vanessa said with a sudden grin. "When I kiss you later, do you want me to taste of honey or fruits?"
Word count: 564
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

Calem felt some relief wash over him as she reassured him. “Thank you, Vanessa.” He whispered, as she squeezed his hand. He was still nervous, of course, but she was very understanding at least. She seemed to enjoy teasing him, true, but even Calem had to admit it wasn’t exactly like he was difficult to tease. For all his intellect in a hospital, in a social setting he was rather awkward. But he was having fun. It was rare he went to a tavern, and Vanessa and Arnim really were making him feel welcome. Even the students seemed to be, for all their bluster, quite nice people. Albeit he had to admit that Vanessa was making him feel particularly glad to be here.

The bard’s song on one Arn Farwon was a little violent for Calem’s taste, if he was being honest with himself, though certainly well performed by the young bard. He looked over and noticed Arnim particularly intrigued by it though. Perhaps he’d experienced something like that before in his many quests? It must have been such an interesting life to be a hero. But the story itself frightened Calem just a little, knowing that in such a situation he’d have almost certainly been killed. ‘I wish I could be a hero, but… I don’t know if I ever could be one like that. Maybe I’ll always be…just a silly little doctor.’ Calem sadly thought to himself.

But even Calem was a bit surprised when Vanessa spoke up, explaining the finer details of importing stories. “Really?” Calem asked, the surprise in his voice evident. In hindsight, knowing that, he realized quite a few songs had sounded like they had similar themes, but the thought surprised him that there were…for lack of a better word, ‘templates’ for song. “Even so, he’s dedicated to his song. I hope he goes far.” Calem nodded as the bard sat down and went back to join some of his friends at another table, even as Vanessa pointed out another bard. She looked like she had a notebook in hand and…wait, had she been looking this way? No, it must have been his imagination.

Calem sighed, slowly starting to relax, enjoying the feeling of Vanessa’s hand in his. Just this was…nice.

Then Vanessa spoke to him. “When I kiss you later, do you want me to taste of honey or fruits?”

Calem’s brain froze solid in an instant. He couldn’t speak, he couldn’t even think after that. The shock was obvious on his face. Somewhere beyond the ice, he heard Vanessa sigh. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the brightness in her eyes dull as they narrowed just a little, her smile flatten just so slightly. He felt her hand, the fingers uncurl from his. For a brief moment, everything became so cold.

And in that moment, through everything – the teasing, the fear, the beauty, her, him, everyone, everything – a single realization suddenly broke through every other and burned its way into his consciousness.

‘If you do nothing now, you may never get the chance to tell her again.’

“W-wait!” Even as she stood, Calem’s hand shot out and latched onto her wrist. ‘It’s so obvious. How did I not realise it before?’

“Wait. Please.” The realization made him afraid. His hand shook terribly even as it gripped hers. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know how to…” There was no way that the students – no, anyone in this bar wouldn’t have noticed. ‘No. Let them laugh if they want. Even if the world ends right now, I just want her to know.’

And then, finally, Calem took a deep breath, mustered up every single ounce of courage he had, and looked straight into her burning orange eyes. His other hand gripped hers, shaking just as much, but held more loosely. “You… you’re the most incredible person I’ve ever met. You’re so smart, and so kind, and so fun. I like talking to you. I like listening to you, I like learning from you. I like that you’re so enthusiastic about the world, and that you’re so brave and you're so sweet... to everyone. To me. And…” Deep in the light of Calem’s own blue eyes, fear and hope danced. He was scared. Absolutely terrified. But if he didn’t put himself on the line, then none of this would mean anything.

“… you’re the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” Calem’s voice went quiet, but he refused to take his eyes off of hers. “Vanessa, I don’t want your lips to taste like honey or fruits. I want your lips to taste like you.”
Word count: 806
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