The Cat That Got No Cream

Helo Tarran struggled with life on the streets of Fellsguard

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

Despite his tears, Helo mouth quirked in a small smile when Kit put his hand on his shoulder and quoted some fancy words from a probably-dead, probably-hermit like sage. "Little young to be so wise, aren't you?"

He dashed away the tears on his cheeks as Kit spoke. The lad was so sincere, so kind ... so quick to push away Helo's part in Katarya's plans and the ruin that it had caused. He was too trusting, too kind, especially for a place like Fellsguard. It was easy for Kit to say these things because to him, they were just the emotional words of a man on the street, and had not experienced any of it. Still, Helo felt something inside him shift; someone was forgiving him. Even if that someone had no real clue, Kit had listened to his story and forgiven him, without hesitation.

He rubbed his face, wincing at the pain there, knowing he'd be all colours of the rainbow by tomorrow. But the innocence of this strange young man had cracked his shell, and he felt himself actually giving a damn what happened to the lad. Was the best thing still to make him leave? To tell him to forget the name 'Helo' and to remember the name 'Katarya', so he might be well armed with knowledge that might save him.

Helo suddenly gave a short laugh. He was talking as if she were some kind of vengeful spirit who might come for the boy in the night! No, he wanted to make sure that if her name ever came up, Kit would not be inclined to be so curious as to start asking questions. Because this boy was many things, and curious was definitely near the top of the list. Underneath his kindness.

"I'd like to be friends too." He said, after a moment. "Though one or both of us may live to regret it." The Changeling sat up, coughed, and shook away the emotions that had swarmed him, and the memories that had come flooding to his mind. "You don't have to bring me food ... I mean, I'm not going to say 'no' next time you offer me a pie, but don't hungry on my account. You can have my friendship, and I will tell you all I can about what I am, how I do it ... I'll answer whatever bloody questions I can!" His smile slipped a little. "I do have a request, though." His voice grew serious, and he looked Kit in the eyes. "You say you're a Mind Mage, right? You can use magic on people's heads ... there emotions ... there memories ..."

Helo looked away, taking a moment before asking the question. "If you can master a person's memories, if you have or can find some spell to erase them. I would ask that you use it to remove all memories I have of Katarya Frost. All of them. I don't want to remember that Witch." He looked back to Kit with pleading eyes. "Because if I have to live with them, then I will be unhappy until the day I die. So, Kit Heron, I ask you ... I'll beg if need be. If you can do that, then you can have from me whatever you want."
Word count: 544
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit smiled too. "Written by a very old mage called Gublum Abra. Mostly he wrote nonsense, but he had some good lines."

He watched as Helo steadied himself, taking breaths. Kit was holding his, as he could feel that the man was deliberating, that he was actually considering Kit's offer and request. However, his brows raised when Helo let out a laugh, and offered no explanation for it. Kit decided to stay quiet.

He broke into a smile when Helo answered with a yes, though in a lot more words. But the smile slipped when the man made his request.

Kit stared at him, and then sighed, sitting back. "Helo ... what you ask, I just can't do!" He said. "My studies have been intense ... and I mean really intense." He could almost hear the swishing noise of the switch as he spoke. "I know hundreds of spells and charms, the vast majority of which I have no aptitude for, but was forced to study anyway. And yes, I know I said I was a Mind Mage ... I mean, I am a Mind Mage, but I am a novice at actually using magic! Worse than a novice. I can barely lift a nail an inch off the ground with my mind. And as for telepathy, the most I can do right now is kind of sense if someone is really angry or really sad, very strong emotions. And you don't even have to have magic to be able to see that, anyway! So it's pretty useless."

He sighed as Helo's shoulders slumped. Kit scratched his temple and thought for a moment on his next words. "However ..." He said, slowly, and Helo raised his head quickly. "I know the theory ... I know it quite well, actually. But you have to understand I am only 20 years old, and that kind of magic is very difficult to master! I'm not saying I can't do it, I am saying I can't do it now" His mind ran in many directions at that moment, as if he were skimming a book shelf. "With training and practice ... lots and lots of practice, I could maybe do that. One day. I don't know when, so it would be pointless asking me."

Kit looked at Helo with eyes full of sympathy. "I can't imagine how you must feel. If I were a better mage, then I might have gotten a sense of it ... but what I mean is ..." He sighed. "Is that really what you want? To remove the memory of someone you once loved? I know, I know she became some kind of super-evil, ice witch or something, and hurt you. But ... memories of your past, the good things, the bad, the mistakes you made. They're a record of trial and error. Failures and mistakes of the past will only empower you not to make them again in the future."

Kit realised he had taken Helo's hand as he had spoken. With a awkward cough, he let go.
Word count: 500
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

Helo listened to the lad speak, surprised at the maturity that seemed to have sprung from him, a stark contrast to the very nervous young man who had first walked down the alley.

He thought on Kit's words, but it was something that he had wished for before; to erase all knowledge of her. For Helo, it felt as if she had ... sullied him. He had arrived in Fellsguard for adventure and the women; Elves and Fae were beautiful of course, but there was something about Human women ...

But then he had met Katarya. She might have been a Human woman, but in a short time she had seemed more like a creature animated by a heart made of ice and stone. And she had violated him with her spell, left him to die, and never even bothered to apologise. He would even have accepted a simple "I'm sorry." note. Just those two words, and he might have believed that she had felt some remorse at what she had done. But she hadn't.

When Kit took his hand, and continued to talk, Helo was almost amused. "That's quite a speech, Kit." He said, but not unkindly. "You make some very good points, and you are right, I'm afraid; you don't know, nor can you imagine. The last part was really well said! You should be writing this stuff down ..."

He took a breath. "But yes. My mind is made up. If it takes time, it takes time. If I can help you in any way ... not just with the memory erasing thing, but whatever I can do to help you become a better mage, I mean. Because if you can, even if I have to wait a year, then I will be in your debt for my whole life."

The Changeling held out his hand. "Do we have a deal, Kit Heron? You help me with this task, and I will do what I can to help you achieve your goal of becoming a more powerful mage. He thought for a moment. "Just promise me one thing: don't seek power for power's sake. Use what you have for something constructive. I'm not saying 'go save the world' or 'feed the poor' or 'cure or illnesses'. Just make sure that when you taste power, remember that it's not as sweet as you might think it is."

Helo held his hand forward and looked at Kit.
Word count: 404
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit gave a shy smile. "Actually, that last part was from a wizard called ... well, it doesn't matter."

He took Helo's hand and shook it, nodding his head at the warning. "I'm pretty sure you just gave me the ultimate cautionary tale on the dangers of being power hungry." He said, then let go of the hand. "I promise that I won't hurt anyone. I could not imagine doing that to anyone, anyway. Hurting someone ..." He wanted to be the polar opposite of the sadistic master who had raised him from being a young teen. "Just the thought of it makes me uneasy. I will keep myself in check."

After a moment, he got to his feet. "I'm also pretty sure the cook will be wondering where I've gotten to! I will just have to say I got lost." Then he wondered at something himself. "If you can't come to the Hall, and you don't have a fixed home, how am I meant to find you? Also, I really think you should go to a healer. There's a place I went to ... but I suppose you will know better than I where to go. I hope you will. If you need anything ..." He shrugged, and left it there.

Kit hoisted the bag onto his shoulder, wincing slightly as the taut skin on his back pulled. "I'm very glad to have met you, Helo. And thank you for telling me your story. One day, I will tell you mine. Only fair. Stay safe ... and ... well, don't get beat up again, or anything, please?" He turned to go. "I look forward to seeing you again."

After Helo had said his own goodbye, Kit left the alley, and hurried back to the East Hall as fast as he could. He smelled like the alley! He's need to clean himself up as quick as he could, when he got back.


Approaching the cook, Kit gave an apologetic smile as he handed the bag over. "I'm so sorry I took so long. I got terribly lost. Got all turned around ... what with there being so many people and all ... and then I went down the wrong street and ..." He closed his mouth before it got him him into trouble. "Anyway, it is all there. And thank you for the copper; I had a meat pie and it was delicious. So thank you. Thanks." You'd think a person with the powers of mind magic would be a better liar and talked more smoothly.
Word count: 417
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Re: The Cat That Got No Cream

Post by Helo Tarran »

Helo nodded as Kit made his promise. It was very easy to say ... would Kit be able to resist once he realised just what he could do? The kid was smart; book clever, and no doubt had a thousand quotes in that head of his. He hoped that they would keep him in check, as would the people around him would. He had no idea what went on at the East Hall, or what kind of organisation Artemis Black was running.

Well, Helo would do his part in helping the young mage be the best person he could be. "Don't worry about me. This is nothing. Go on, now. You should be getting back, and I will see you soon. The next time you see me, I might be in my cat-form for safety; both of ours. And I am glad we met too. Be well, Kit Heron."

The Changeling watched the lad turn and leave, vanishing into the busy streets of Fellsguard. He let out a short laugh. What had he gotten himself into? Sure, the boy was all kinds of good and kind, but who knew the intentions of the people around him. Perhaps they were genuinely out to help him, probably seeing the same innocence and virtue that Helo had seen when he had looked into the boy's eyes? Perhaps they were using him for their own ends, nefarious or innocent?

'Which is exactly what I'm doing with my own request.' He reminded himself.

Helo had to drag himself to his feet, grunting at the pains all over his body from the beating. He did his best not to limp as he made his way off to the slums. He needed a place to lay his head tonight, and a hot meal. Perhaps Cora might ... if her husband was away, that was.

Moving out into the streets, he pulled his cloak around him against the cold as he bowed his head and moved into the crowd.
Word count: 330
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