Words can inspire.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Arnim Falwin
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Words can inspire.

Post by Arnim Falwin »

As Mary sipped her wine Arnim realized she had slightly pointed ears. She tried to hide them beneath her brown hair. However, her rush to grab her drink had revealed them for a moment. She must be older than she looked because of her mixed heritage. This inspired him to say something else positive for her sake. "You know miss Scald to be different isn't a bad thing. Look at me I'm bellow average height for my people. This hasn't stopped me in anyway from being a skilled warrior. Your ears are as attractive as the rest of you. So take heart in being yourself."

The student blushed even redder as this handsome man called her pretty. He even complimented her cursed ears. "Th tha thanks sir, I've never had anyone call my ears attractive before. If you like I can share one of my works with you?"

"I would be honored to hear it good bard to be." The fae paladin smiled since his encouragement landed true.

"I must speak quietly since this story hasn't received Fellsguard's approval." She smiled winningly at the kind man and opened her book. Once she got to the page she had in mind she whispered to Arnim her tale. Though she felt a little self concious since she was so close to him. It must have looked like a lovers tryst to others.

"Long ago in a previous age brightly colored birds traveled the skies. Each creatures plumage was unque. One day the great spirit of nature Ixaziel observed these proud sky dancers. It decided such grace and joy should be brought to Khy'eras, so others may share in their beauty. The bringer of life soon realized it's mistakes in the frail humanoids. So it returned their wings of rainbow hughes and delighted in its new fae race. Now they could inspire others with their combination of strength and weakness." Mary finished her short tale and closed her book. "What do you think sir Arnim?"

The paladin's wings fluttered happily showing his joy before he even spoke. "Absolutely wonderful miss Scald, you are truly gifted. I look foward to hearing more of your delightful stories. You have a bright future ahead of you." He reluctantly moved on to the main reason he sat at her table to begin with. "I'm sorry if this seems foward of me, but could you tell me what you know of Arn Farwon?"
Last edited by Arnim Falwin on July 31st, 2020, 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 405
Arnim Falwin
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Re: Words can inspire.

Post by Arnim Falwin »

"Let me think, tales of Arn have been circulating around Khy'eras for about twenty years now. It's believed that the first story was told in Ajteire. I'm sorry to tell you this Sir Falwin, but there is no account of anyone ever meeting Sir Farwon. In my past research on the subject the name first appeared in a bards tale. So more than likely, he is made up from several different stories of real heroes. I could be wrong of course, but I at least have no further information." Mary humbly lowered her eyes in regret that she couldn't help more. She wanted to keep talking to Arnim, but was at a loss how to keep such a pretty man's interest.

The paladin smiled at her apology and spoke in a positive tone. "It will be alright, have more faith in yourself. What you said matches the words of a well known researcher. Tell me, what made you decide to be a bard?"

The fourth year student blushed at being compared to a professional. "Please don't humor me sir I know amazing would never describe me." She looked down again, but could feel her heart pounding in her ears.

"Trust me Mary, when I say your wonderful. I speak the truth whenever possible." Arnim reached over and patted one of her hands. Strangely it felt really warm. "Are you Ill miss Scald, perhaps you drank too much?"

Mary suddenly felt a comforting warmth throughout her entire body. Was it from the paladin's touch, or was magic involved? She didn't know, but at the moment she felt truly great.
Word count: 268
Arnim Falwin
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Re: Words can inspire.

Post by Arnim Falwin »

"Sir Falwin, I chose the path of the story teller due to not knowing my own history. I was raised in an orphanage you see. My parents have been a mystery too me for as long as I could remember. I picked my last name when I was old enough to be responsible for myself. The people that raised me weren't fond of my mixed heritage." Mary blushed at her little rant to Arnim. The alcohol must be getting to her. She almost started talking about her abusive guardians in a far to public venue.

"Interesting Miss Scald, I personally lost my father at a young age. So while I couldn't possibly understand everything you went thru growing up. I just want you to know life isn't always pleasant, but hope never disappears." The way the bard was wobbling made him aware she was quite drunk and nearly done for the night.

"Thank you sweet paladin you certainly know how to boost a girls self esteem." Before she realized what she was doing Mary planted a kiss on Arnim's lips. She had never been so bold in her life. That cute face was just so kissable she couldn't help herself. It desperately lingered for a few minutes then she passed out with a brilliant smile on her face.

Arnim caught her before she could hit her head. Then he gently picked her up in a secure way. She was bigger than him, but anyone watching could see how easy her weight was for him. Then he addressed the room with no sense of embarrassment. "Excuse me folks, might one of you be able to tell me where Miss Scald resides?" Fortunately, she is a student so her peers were able to give him proper directions. He left the bar without any knowledge of the conversations that began about the display.
Word count: 310
Arnim Falwin
Devotee of the shifter
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Re: Words can inspire.

Post by Arnim Falwin »

A few wandering eyes folowed the fae paladin as he left the Vaulted Canticle. Such a small man easily lifting the girl was so surprising they couldn't help themselves. He followed the alley out and started heading south to the lower district where Mary resided. However, before he left the noble district he came across a most unusual incident.

Two men each wielding a rapier, faced each other at ten paces. They were both finely dressed and wore no armor Arnim could see. A small crowd of similarly dressed folk surrounded the display in a circle of bodies. The paladin paused momentarily in his journey to consider his options.

One of the men shouted angrily at the other. "How dare you break my brother's heart like that! Do you have any last words you fiend?"

The other man scoffed at the threat. "We agreed on a duel to first blood. So don't get cocky and think murder is how tonight ends." Then he laughed at the other man's ruffled feathers and continued. "As far as your brother goes. All I can say is his desire to remain a virgin until marriage bores me to tears. If he isn't going to put out he isn't worth my time."

Another angry shout rang out as a comforting hand patted a younger man's shoulder. "Swine, your no better than a brothel whore!" The man lifted his blade agressively and shouted a few more words before charging his enemy. "Now we settle this like gentlemen. Though your blood is all that gives you the right to claim it!"

Arnim felt bad at first for the man defending his brother. Until the darkness they both carried could not be hidden from his Esyrax gifted sight. The world's evils often devour themselves. He had a defenseless woman who carried a pure heart in his care now. She was the priority, these nobles could settle their differences without his mediation. So he continued south carfully avoiding the whole crowd. They wanted blood and cared little for outsiders. At least he knew the southern district was close.
Word count: 349
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