Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

The day was oppressively hot, for Fellsgard at least, but despite the sun's finest efforts, Vanessa hardly noticed. Her mother had always said time spent in the jungles filled the body with a natural vibrance that acclimated one to the heat. Her father, with his coastal blood, had often countered that sweating from your very soul was no way to spend one's days and perhaps the heat had turned the Fae mad.

Comfortably of her mother's opinion, Vanessa moved about her uncle's antiques shop in an overlarge tunic she'd stolen from Calem and a ragged set of hardened leather pants. The look was one unique to adventurer's, and had become known to her student's in the past simply because she hadn't managed to handle her laundry in the days since her most recent expedition.

The half-fae moved around the shop dusting, tidying, and considering prices in a lazy circuit, content to simply enjoy the comforts of many items with storied history while completing the promised work her uncle requested in exchange for a cozy bedroom upstairs. Visitors weren't unusual, nor were they common, and so she kept only the barest sliver of attention on the silver bell above the doorway.
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Cirice Vaisha
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

The door to the quaint shop swung open and rang the bell, followed by an unnecessarily loud slam as it was closed again. Even Cirice winced from that one. The unfortunate habit of a lifetime of slamming old ship and bar doors shut. She glanced around a bit then went to the counter, her golden eyes settling on the fair girl managing the store. She placed a satchel on the counter but didn't say anything for a few long moments as she studied the girl. "You are a very odd fae." she commented finally with a smirk. "I'm hoping you can help me. Because nobody else in this blasted town seem able to." she continued, pulling a small pouch of coins from the satchel and emptying it on the counter.

The coins were gold, but their design was clearly ancient and battered. Cirice picked one up and rolled it between her fingers as she looked the rest over. "I am looking for archives, information, whatever. My crew and I... found these but I recognize the design. My issue with it is that this design of coins, if the stories are true, were lost on a very prominent ship in a storm." she explained herself as she set the coin down and looked down at the girl. "I'm hoping that you can help me, girl. Any information of very important ships and companies from more than a century ago. I will make it worth your while if you have any information that will help me." she asked... or pleaded, if Cirice had to be honest with herself. It might not have sounded like a plea, but to the Kerasoka's standards, this was the closest she had ever come to actually begging for someone's help.

@Vanessa LaNore
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa started, her hands reflexively anchoring her to the nearby wall and gripping the small clay pot she'd been dusting, as the soft ring of the door's bell was followed by the slam of wood that shook the shop like a tempest. In an instant, she assessed the seas had not brought their final end, and carefully released the pot and donned her visage of professional and polite annoyance.

"How can I help you today?" she asked easily, returning the intense silent stare of the Kerasoka woman. Then there was a needless comment, a smirk, and a decrying of troubles- none of this was remotely unusual for a purveyor of curios. Finally, cold coins were spilled onto the counter and Vanessa arched a single manicured brow in interest.

"May I?" she asked perfunctorily before removing a pair of thin cloth gloves and velvet-lined tray from under the counter to protect her hands and the items. She donned the gloves with practiced ease as she listened and looked, soaking in the coin's peculiarities and the woman's vague words with equal care. Finally, she lifted a coin gently and turned it beneath a bright white lantern, burning at a mineral instead of oil.

"I am not immediately familiar with the design, beyond a general range based on the stamping," Vanessa began, returning the coin to the tray and removing a glove to select and open a heavy leather-bound tome from the shelf beside the counter. "You said you have some inkling of it's source, story or otherwise?" she asked as she quickly scanned the contents list and turned to a section detailing similarly stamped coins of various metals.

"With this sort of work, any clue to origins can narrow the search, but I feel confident if this is insufficient there are other means to know the story of this coinage," Vanessa hedged, vaguely speaking of her abilities and magic was common enough in the shop, and it wasn't as though having such capability was in itself any more illegal than being half-fae.

She opened the tome to a page that held a large number of designs, equally spaced and smaller than the real article while being large enough to keep most detail. "Do any of these spark a memory?" she asked, finally returning a modicum of attention to the customer.
Word count: 388
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice was amused by the girl's careful handling of the coins. It wasn't a bad idea, given these coins were spending a lot of their time in the ocean. She didn't know where, but she knew the stories of the ship that carried them and its fate. Every pirate worth their salt likely knew of the story and tried to find it. Except nobody had any evidence of its existence. Nobody but her, and now she needed to play it safe otherwise the entire city would know what was going on. "Yes. I know vaguely what we are looking for." she admitted.

The half-fae handed her a book and the pirate didn't waste a second to start paging through it. She found the design of coin... but this was too broad. Too vague. It would only tell her what she knew already. She was going to have to let the girl in on her secret.

Closing the book she looked at the girl and leaned in closer. "The design is here, but I know the origins already. All I need is your word that you can keep those pretty lips of yours shut about it." she muttered. Picking up a coin, she fiddled with it as she glared at the girl. "The origins of these coins are rather sensitive. The royal treasure ship 'Silver Lining'. It served in the navy of the ruling council and was in charge of ferrying their riches around... or something like that, I'm not sure. I don't care about politics. All I know is that ship was a big fucking galleon carrying a lot of fucking treasure when it was sunk. Some say it was a storm, some say it was a kraken, some even claim Sirens which wouldn't surprise me. Either way, I need to know where it sailed and where it was headed when it sunk." she explained to the girl. She dropped the coin into the little velvet-covered tray and rose to her full height.

"So, girl? Any tomes or archives detailing the journeys of treasure ships more than a century ago?" she asked calmly as she crossed her arms.
Word count: 358
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

The Kerasokan's manner was anything but demure, and Vanessa found it drew her into the familiar mannerisms of her expeditions. "Do I know where to find likely illicit documents detailing the patterns and complement of a foreign nation's century old vessel carrying kingdom assets," she asked flatly, raising a single eyebrow. "Probably, but I'm not foolish enough to let that sort of thing past my pretty lips for someone I hardly know, regardless of the price."

She raised a manicured finger to briefly forestall a reply and continued, "However, as I said, there are other means to know the story. Understand though, if you are to contract for such means that magic will be involved, and as such any work wouldn't begin until we're out and away from Fellsgard. If you are looking for a more ongoing bit of guidance, know I've no interest in banditry, corsair work, or anything involving slaves."

"if you're only interested in a bit of parchment then I'll point you towards the College libraries and sages and not charge you for what you already know. If instead a ritual, ongoing or otherwise, interests you, then know I am Vanessa LaNore an expeditionary professor at the College here. I am a trained and tested summoner and historian, I require no additional guard, and my rates are standard for my expertise." Vanessa finished, extending her hand out in offering.

She let her eyes flick down to the coin briefly, considering it's glint in the lamplight. "They are lovely coins, and I imagine the loss of such a vessel was far more than an unfortunate happenstance," she added, more to herself than Cirice.
Word count: 275
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

A frown settled in on Cirice's face as the half-fae spoke. She was about to make a snarky comment on her delightfully rhetorical question when the girl beat her to it with a raised finger. The frown only deepened as she continued to speak.

Despite her mood, Cirice's features softened as a smirk crept in on her lips. The girl gave a lengthy introduction and even earned a chuckle from the pirate at the mention of banditry and corsair work. She glanced down at the girl's hand and accepted it with a firm, yet gentle, handshake. "Cirice Vaisha, captain of a ship ready for an expedition and in need of quite a bit more than a piece of paper... and don't worry, I won't expect you to dirty your soft, little hands in battle. Leave that to the professionals." she introduced herself with a menacing grin.

She let go of her hand and glanced down at the coins as Vanessa spoke. They were quickly swept up and tossed back into the pouch as the Kerasoka looked back to her. "You must be the most unenthusiastic historian I have met in my life. But it's fine, as long as you help me get that treasure and stay out of my crew's way, we'll get along nicely." she commented as she shoved the pouch into a pocket. "My ship is at dock eight. Ask for the Harpy if you can't find your way. We cast off at dawn." she explained as she turned around and made her way to the door. Luckily it was closed more gently this time around as she wandered back to her ship.

It was a bit of a walk, but she eventually reached the docks. As she stood on the quarterdeck, she looked up at one of the lighthouses overlooking the harbour. They were crucial for any sailor. They led them to safety in storms and helped them navigate. They were a good omen. A beacon of hope. Cirice could only hope that such a good light was shining on this trip of theirs. As the sun sank beyond the horizon, she decided to turn in for the night.

The next morning she was up before the sun was up. Eight bells rang and the morning routines started. Cirice stirred awake and got ready for the day while the crewmen got the ship up and running for the day. After a while, she was on the main deck and delegating the duties. She just hoped that the professor pitched up...

@Vanessa LaNore
Word count: 425
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa returned Cirice's handshake with an equally confident one of her own. "A pleasure to meet you, Captain, and I would hope I can remain entirely unbattled on this expedition," she said airily, giving a soft smirk to match the Kerasokan's dangerous grin. The contract established, Vanessa watched Cirice collect the coins, tilting her head as though confused at the admonishment for her excitement.

"And yet, I am alive and have returned from more expeditions than I have years. Strange that," she countered as the captain reached the door, pleased to hear it snik shut with ease this time. "She certainly acts like a captain," Vanessa added to herself before looking about the shop in a rapid assessment.

Having to be on a ship at dawn was far from unusual in her line of work, though usually she received quite a bit more warning for travel arrangements. Wasting no time, she moved to her small upstairs room and gathered what she would need, including a bundle of rations on the off chance.

When she was laden with all she could gather at the shop, she penned a quick note to her uncle. It detailed the captain's name, the vessel's name, and the page of the coin book that was likely most relevant. That complete, she offered a brief bow to the empty shop, a ritual of thanks she'd learned as a child, and then set out to the busy Fellsgard streets towards the university apartments.

Moving up the steps carrying all the usual accouterments was a lumberous affair, and yet her footing was sure and her spirits high as she crested the landing and moved to her apartment door. There she placed a simple note to one Doctor Sabathe espousing her regret she must depart, and conveying a desire to make his acquaintance vigorously immediately upon her return.

With that finished, she headed to the university administration to submit a temporary leave for professional travel. She got the usual smiles of excitement and requests for knick knacks from the office staff and gave her usual promises without guarantee in reply.

Finally, she headed towards a local drinking establishment to enjoy a fine bit of alcohol before heading off to an early bed at her apartment. The expanse of down and sheets felt rather colder than she preferred, even with the warmth of nerves coursing through her. Even still, she slept well and rose well before the sun.

Her carriage to the docks was pleasant enough, only a free quarterloaf of bread to bribe the driver to stop at her preferred bakery before she was deposited between dock eight and seven. She enjoyed an indulgent bite of the still-steaming bread with its slice of sharp cheese and bit of baked fish as she looked the parked vessels up and down with an appraising eye.

Soon, there would be adventure, but for now there was the cool breeze of morning and the comfortable warmth of delicious food to lessen the familiar weight of packs and tomes on her person. It was to be a good day.
Word count: 514
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Calem Sabathe »

"H-hello, Profess--I mean, Vanessa. I-I wanted to give you these, no. That's not right. Got to be more confident."

Calem had managed to negotiate time off of work. Granted, Dr. Lichthart had agreed to his terms surprisingly quickly, and Calem had a feeling the doctor was planning something, but Calem was determined to make the most of this opportunity anyways. To start with, he'd decided to get a gift for Vanessa, and damn the consequences. The initial part had been relatively easy - he'd determined to head to a florist, and buy a bouquet of flowers for Vanessa. It seemed like a good idea - and the florist he visited had certainly agreed.

"No, no, I insist! These are absolutely the perfect flowers for such an occasion. The lucky lady will be positively blooming--hehe, blooming--with delight when you give her these!" The florist showing off a very fancy bouquet with as many colors as he could fit in it. It was ridiculous, and so bright Calem had to shield his eyes. Negotiating something simpler was easier said than done - the florist took far too much pride in his work. When Calem had asked for 'something simple, with warmer colors', he'd presented what looked like an orange wedding bouquet, and Calem nearly went pale. He wanted to get Vanessa something nice, not propose marriage to her! (at least, not yet)

Unable to convince the florist to give him something less grandiose, he'd beaten a hasty retreat. With his time in the florist feeling like a bust, Calem had been forced to wander across the city to the only other option - asking one of the priests of the Archaicist chantry if he could take a few flowers from his garden.

"Is that so? Well, I have to say...this old garden is something quite dear to me, my boy. It's dear to me, Ixaziel has helped me care for it and I hope it helps me care for her. I don't know if I can just give you what belongs to her..."

"Not even just a few roses? It's not for me, it's for--" Calem hesitated, trying to think of the right words to say. "--someone special. Someone who's...I mean, I think..."

The old gardener had laughed at that. "Is that right? I think you mentioned something like that once a long, long time ago when you were playing here as a boy. Said you were going to marry a princess, if I recall?"

Calem looked away, scratching his cheek. "I can't remember anything like that..." Even if he didn't fully remember, it seemed something he would have done in those more carefree years. He might not have been the knight he imagined in all the old stories he'd read, but he helped people and that was enough.

"You's true I dedicate this garden to Ixaziel, who gives it life. But when I first started this garden, it was for my wife." The old man seemed to be looking at something far away. "She loves this garden too, I think. Perhaps in a way, Ixaziel brought us together. Perhaps Ixaziel is helping you too, just a little bit." There was a slight smile on his lips. "Well...not that I would presume to know Ixaziel's will, but I'm sure Ixaziel won't mind lending you just a few flowers. If you make sure to look after them." The old man smiled, and the two had gone across the garden. It had taken some time, and it was quite a bit smaller, consisting of only a few red and orange roses, and a few blue forget-me-nots - but it felt right, somehow, like it perfectly fitted Vanessa. All that was left now was to try and figure out the right words to say, but that had always been the hardest part.

"Vanessa, it's lovely to see you again. Do you like these? They look just as beautiful as you in the--by the idols, that just sounds stupid..." Calem muttered to himself as he walked down the streets towards her apartment, eyes cast towards the ground and bouquet in one hand. He took a deep breath in, walked up to her apartment and prepared to knock on her door, when his hand stopped mid-knock. A note was written underneath the door, and his name was on it. He bent down to pick it up, reading over it...a slight blush came over his face as he thought about what was on it. For a moment, Calem stood there, his mind blank and body frozen. And then, without hesitation, he dashed back down the stairs, burst out of the apartment, and ran through the streets of Fellsgard as fast as he could towards the docks. Perhaps there was still a chance to catch her before she left, if he managed to move fast enough...
Word count: 815
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

"Professor! Glad you could join us!" Cirice hollered as she hopped over the railing and landed on the dock. She walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her neck as she led her to the boarding plank. "Just keep in mind that this isn't an average navy ship. This crew is a bunch of animals. Don't get too comfortable around them." she muttered to her as they walked up the plank. "Right foot first. I don't need a stroke of bad luck on this voyage." she warned her as she watched her, wanting to make sure she followed the order.

They were almost ready to cast off. The crew was finishing up with stocking the hold while a few others were tending to personal matters on the dock. "A private room has been prepared for you. Now follow me, I want to introduce you to my... the fuck is that?" her attention was completely robbed by a little man running towards her ship with a bunch of flowers in hand.

Cirice looked absolutely mortified by the weasel of man as he came running up to the Harpy with his handful of roses. "I think that is for you." she commented stiffly as she watched him. Her gaze finally shifted to Vanessa and she gave her a nudge towards him. "Well go on, go take your boyfriend's flowers! Otherwise I'll use them in potions." she teased with a snicker as she made her way to the boarding plank.

@Vanessa LaNore @Calem Sabathe
Word count: 253
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Re: Curios, Curiosities, and Collector's Items

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

The casual pretense of camaraderie and welcome was a very thin veil for a display of control. Despite this, Vanessa found comforting for its commonality among naval captains and commanders. "I'm well familiar with the tales and beliefs of most vessels and crews, Captain," she answered instead, easily moving onto the ship with a comfortable stride. "I am also quite capable of defending myself in dives and harbor haunts, so I imagine your crew will be no more troublesome than sailors on pay day."

Vanessa listened intently to Cirice but turned her eyes to observing the crew. They were orderly in the fashion of sailors, set about securing the cargo and preparing the Harpy for cast-off. The captain's sudden expletive made her blink in surprise as she turned her focus to the docks. As soon as she caught sight of Calem she felt a warmth creep across her face.

"That is Doctor Sabathe-" she countered, already starting towards the gangplank. "-and he's likely to be one of the finest doctors you will find this side of Verdant Row, Captain." She spared a quick glance back to Cirice and gave a wry smirk. "He'll be joining us, at no expense to you, but we'll need a moment to collect some gear from the outfitter," she offered matter-of-factly as she turned her focus back to striding onto the docks.

"Doctor, you know you could have simply asked to join the expedition. You needn't try to bribe me with gifts," she called out as she neared the distracted Calem. She increased her speed rapidly before performing a near leap to catch him around the waist and turn him away from the ship before she leaned in and continued softly, "Though I must confess I do greatly enjoy flowers."

She kissed his cheek and pulled him into movement beside her, pointing them towards a House Nyshasa outfitter. "Come quickly, we've got to get you to the building over there and collect a standard bit of kit or you'll be without clothes within the week. And as much as I would enjoy that, it would make conversing with the Captain and crew difficult."
Word count: 358
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