[Invite Only] A Request to the Ridge

Verdant Row can be chaotic or peaceful to a fatigued adventurer. Managed by spirits, this town serves as a temporary stop for a person to rest and eat. If there is no trouble about, a stay here is lovely, due to the nearby picturesque scenery. Read more...
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Wish Star
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[Invite Only] A Request to the Ridge

Post by Wish Star »

The last few days had been difficult and felt like they had taken over a year. One would think that with natural appendages for flight, travelling for the Fae would be easy. Wish found that was not the case. Having recently left Ajteire after living there for 62 years, Wish was fast realizing that wings could only take a Fae so far, and after a while, exhaustion kicks in as it does for a person who walks rather than flies. Thus, to progress on her journey, Wish found rides on the back of carts carrying fruit, armor, etc. offering whatever copper she could spare to her fellow travelers. With this relay between using wings, feet, and strangers, Wish had finally made it to Verdant Row and hoped she was prepared enough.

What had brought her to this vagabond town of chance and freedom?

Her father's death. She wasn't on a quest of vengeance. To her knowledge, Serynthe (her father) died of "natural" sickness; nothing like poison or murder. However, not long after his departure from Khy'eras, someone began tainting his name. Serynthe was a cartographer but specialized in nautical or star maps. They were quite good and were commonly used by sailors, though people traveling on foot could use them as well. The maps Serynthe created were published in many of Khy'eras cities and recently, a version of Serynthe's maps had been republished with inaccurate markings. These markings were reported to lead people to areas where they were robbed and murdered. Wish had heard rumor of this, investigated the maps, and did indeed notice that the new versions had been tampered with.

But why would anyone do this?

Wish and her father had never been emotionally close. They didn't argue or fight really, but they both had different life paths which led Wish to avenues her father was not involved in. Still, Wish felt and knew that Serynthe was a respectable man and that he deserved a clean name. Now there were whispers floating around Ajteire and possibly other cities that Serynthe had purposely changed the maps and was working with a source to get rich, that is, until he died. Wish thought the idea was absurd, but she needed proof.

So, like most naive travelers, Wish found herself in Verdant Row on a quest. The area in question on her father's map was on the northeast part of Baslehr Ridge, a location she couldn't get to, not without help. She needed a ship of sorts and figured journey by air would be best. Wish's feet were already carrying her in the direction to the quaint airship port, navigating through the crowd of spirits and varied races. When she got to the port, Wish asked the man behind the ticket booth if there were any mercenary ships seeking jobs. The man just grunted and pointed his thumb in the direction of a particularly banged up craft.

"Check with Sage," he grumbled. "While you're over there, tell him he owes Timothy 10 silver."

Wish nodded and then headed in the direction towards the airship. Although the dock was not far away, Wish stopped and checked her pouches. Not much money left. How the hell was she going to convince this Sage fellow to take her to Baslehr Ridge? Ideas of payment swirled in her head and Wish placed her hands over her stomach. Gosh, she heard things about Verdant Row and hoped she wasn't going to have to sleep with this man. Wish was a mess anyway; covered in dirt and sweat from days of travel. She assumed it was enough to ward a man off.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, mostly at herself, Wish continued her trek to the airship. When she got there, Wish didn't see the man's full figure; just a long pair of legs poking out from under the airship. He was rummaging around under the belly of it, singing loudly and occasionally cursing. Wish's brow furrowed in thought, her wings twitched lightly behind her back, before she resolved to raise her typically quiet voice over the man's voice.

"Mister Sage?" she said. "I need your help if you have a moment. Also, Timothy says he would like his 10 silver."
Word count: 701
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