Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

May be open in future if we both agree

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

The small creature was fast Sedric could barely keep it in sight. It was worth it though since he had never seen its like in the jungle before. He was lucky though it could fly, but wasn't a bird. Such an amazing creature could surely be his next form if he was able to observe it long enough.

His one regret was he noticed it as he came across all that scattered metal. What mechanical wonder had he found. Some of the pieces were quite large. When he got back to Ajteire he needed to find a skilled alchemist willing to travel into the dark depths of the jungle. He knew that was a lot to hope for, but machines were way beyond him. No one he knew in the Arbor of Fireflies would be willing to brave such a dangerous place. However, while he was processing this dilemma he saw it a rare flying mammal of some kind. Then he took off after it after committing the spot to memory.

The cute little thing stopped when it came across a small pink woman. Sedric paused and waited wondering who might she be. A small monkey with black hair running from the top of his head to his back watched the woman. This was the only form the young Moonwhisper could take right now. The intelligence behind those small eyes was unmistakable to most. For now he chose to wait on a nearby low hanging branch. He was staying a monkey to see what the woman would do.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika was going through the woods, looking for ingredients or parts leftover from the war. The jungle in places was littered with the detritus of the fighting. In lieu of wings Tika had Tock, her flying squirrel who was rather large for her type.

Tock was very smart and well trained. The squirrel knew what to search for and ranged a bit looking for parts that might interest the little alchemist and would be artificer.

When Tock came flying back Tika was working on a small gadget she'd found in one of her many pockets. She had a small set of even smaller tools laid out on a stump, fiddling with clockwork. She looked up as Tock returned, landing heavily on her shoulder.

"I've almost got it!" She told her friend, the tiny woman practically vibrating with excitement. "What did you find?"

The smallish mammal reversed course, climbing the nearest tree to gain some elevation before sailing off into the perpetual dimness amongst the trees. Tika, with her slightly larger than normal eyes that let her see both small and Finn things very well, quickly picked up her gear and ran after Tock.
Word count: 193
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

Interesting the fur covered flyer seemed to be friends with the person before him. His little monkey arm did a very human gesture of disappointment. He wouldn't dare take the form of creature that had close friends. It would be like a form of mental attack. His honor wouldn't allow that. The monkey he took the shape of was a friend from his childhood.

The animal didn't waste much time in turning around and headed off again. However, it seems the small female had a good knowledge of machines. So this was going to be a fateful opportunity. He followed quickly jumping from tree to tree. The pink tinkerer was much easier to follow than her companion.

Suddenly, a shifting in the upper branches caused him to stop. Something big was coming from above. Sedric let out a hoot of warning to the small woman as he landed on a branch right above her head. He had no idea what was on it's way, but he was ready for what was coming.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika was running after Tok when a small creature jumped down practically on her head. It looked like a monkey, but the eyes were too different. The strange thing was hopping and squeaking in an alarmed manner. She wasn't sure why it was upset or what she would do about it.

Tok meanwhile had stopped a half dozen yards ahead and was waiting on a low branch, looking back at her. That was until he looked up and disappeared amidst the branches. Tika looked up too, but didn't see anything at first. Still, she decided to take cover until whatever it was had gone.

Judging by the animals reaction she decided up was better than down. It was a matter of moments for her to scale one of the big trees, her size making her much more nimble than you might expect. She tucked herself into the shadowy branches and watched.
Word count: 151
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

In the jungle fighting and hiding were key survival tools. The shifter was glad to see the woman he was following knew this. Living through an encounter focused on knowing the right time for each. So after she hid Sedric did the same and waited.

Just a few feet from the summoner's hiding spot the creature made itself known. It was a venomous tree frog. It was as big as a human child so it was fully grown. They typically eat the large jungle insects. However, they had a deadly tongue that had a sharp barb on it. This barb injected poison it whatever it pierced. They usually left bigger prey alone, but the fae sometimes had problems with them. At least when they were in mini form.

The trio was still in danger, because if the frog felt threatened it would use that tongue as a weapon. Its offensive tool moved faster than a arrow could fly. Several minutes passed as the creature investigated the area. Then it thankfully climbed a different tree and headed back into the higher branches. Sedric released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Then he looked around for the pink woman hoping he hadn't lost her.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

Tika had unusually large eyes. Part of her fae heritage coming forward, as well as her coloring. She didn't have wings though. As one of the flightless she was looked down on by her own people. But it did make some things easier. For example, being very small and quiet, without the clatter of wings to make herself more of a target to something as lethal as the frog.

She waited with baited breath for the thing to leave, then waited a bit longer to be sure. When the normal sounds of the jungle returned Tika let herself down out of her tree and looked around, first for Tok and then for the monkey.

Tok joined her first, sailing out of the gloom and landing heavily on her shoulder as was his wont. She looked around for the monkey.

"Hello?" She called softly in her high-pitched voice. "You can come out now."
Word count: 152
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

Sedric heard the call and hopped down. The few branches remaining of his hiding spot were easy to negotiate. Once he reached the forest floor he stood before the little woman. He went to say something, but only spoke in monkey. Realizing this he covered his furry face with his paw.

Then a silver mist encircled his tiny form. The fog grew in size until it was human shaped then disappeared. A muscular looking man now stood before the half-fae. "Sorry about that miss. Sometimes I stay in that form too long." He gave a bow of greeting before speaking. "I'm Sedric Moonwhisper at your service. I must say you have very good survival instincts. Might I know your name and your friend as well?"

The warrior raised his spear to his shoulders and laid it across his back. Then he rested his other hand on the end he wasn't already holding. The casualness of such a geasture showed a strong familiarity with the weapon. The fact that it appeared after his form change didn’t seem odd in the slightest to him. He now waited patiently for an answer from her.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

The monkey came down, looking at her with bright eyes. It opened its mouth then made a very human gesture of frustration. Clearly it was going to have trouble communicating, being as Tika did not speak monkey or really any other language that wasn't bipedal.

Then something extraordinary happened! There was mist, and a very large man stood in front of her where the monkey had been. She startled back for a moment, completely not expecting that to happen. Then she rushed forward, all hyper curiosity.

"Oh wow! How did you do that? Where did the weapon go when you were a monkey? Can you do that whenever you want?" She was rapid firing questions at him before she registered what he'd said. In the midst of all the babble he did hear an introduction.

"Oh, I'm Tika and this is Tok. Do your clothes go with you too? How long can you maintain the smaller form? Does your weight change?" She kept on with the questions, endlessly curious and seeming to have very little fear in front of the stranger. Suddenly she realized she was being exceedingly rude and changed tacks on a coin flip.

"I'm sorry Mr. Moonwhisper, my mouth gets ahead of my brain sometimes. It really is nice to meet you, and you don't have to explain anything about yourself if you don't want to."
Word count: 229
Sedric Moonwhisper
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

"Just call me Sedric please, I'm not a fan of formality, but it's nice to meet you both. Let's see as far as you questions go. I'm a shapeshifter so changing form is part of me. My spear and clothes all meld into the new form. My weight is the same as the monkey I learned it from. There is no limit to how long I can be in another shape. At least that I've found anyway, l am still young for my kind. I think that you should know also that others can use magic to take another form temporarily. However, it is a racial ability that requires no magic for my kind. I think I covered all your current questions." Tika reminded him of some of the children back in Ajteire.

They often barraged him with questions too, but he always had patience for them. They were the future after all, and in most cases would far outlive him. He was envious of Tika for maintaining her thirst for knowledge into adulthood. Such energy was a genuine boon to any that kept it.

Sedric cleared his throat and asked some questions of his own. "I couldn't help but notice you have a keen eye for machines. Would you be interested in helping me figure out some mechanical debris nearby? If not, I know Tok has already been there as well. Though I ask humbly to accompany you. There are many more dangers in the jungle than frogs." The shifter hoped she would take him up on his offer.
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Re: Expedition of worth(Closed) Tika

Post by Tika »

"Yes!" Tika replied enthusiastically. "I love machines. All kinds of machines. There isn't much technology here. Magic is a big thing, and it's not like i don't have my own abilities in that field, but I'm just fascinated. Especially flight without wings! I haven't ever seen an airship, but i know they exist, and I'm just so excited to figure out how they work!"

Tika was talking in her little piping voice, clearly quite enthusiastic about her chosen subject. She had started walking through the wood, letting Tok range ahead, knowing he wouldn't lead her astray. She asked Sedric what attracted him to machinery.

"I don't find many others who like mechanisms. Are you from somewhere that has a lot?"
Word count: 120
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