Rolling Down To Old Maui

Home to the wildest breeds of flora, Ninraih's entangled jungles cover southeastern Khy'eras. Ajteire, city of the Fae, is situated in the middle. Here, an overwhelming amount of magic and unexplained phenomenon has materialized. Read more...
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Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Ninriah/Cetnisadel Bay
Afternoon/Clear Skies


"You fucking imbecile!" Cirice's voice roared as she hurled a half-dressed man out of the tavern and proceeded to kick him into the sand of the beach. "When I give you money and a list, it's go go buy the shit on said list! Not to go dive between a bitch's legs and to drink yourself into a stupor!" she continued to berate the poor man, landing a solid kick into his gut as he attempted to get up.

"Sorry, cap'n! It was a stupid move, I'll make it up to ya!" the man whimpered as he tried to back away, but he didn't get all that far before a solid punch slammed his face into the sand. Cirice stood over him with rage written all over her face. "You fucking better! Be glad I don't use your corpse for kraken bait, you stupid fucking ingrate!" she barked, landing another kick to the back of his head. The man stayed down with a groan, too afraid to get up. The rest of the crew were gathered behind the captain, all watching with smirks and quiet snickers. Even her quartermaster, known for his near-constant frown and dry demeanour, was chuckling at the man's misfortune.

Breathing heavily, she turned to glare at the rest of her crew. "If you're done gawking, there's a ship to load." she growled, her fists still clenched and ready to beat more people up. Her crew quickly got the memo and scrambled to get everything back on the ship. An unfortunate job for them given how much bigger the Harpy was compared to the Hellion. "I shall go get that list sorted, captain." her quartermaster said, still smirking as he picked up the piece of paper that Cirice's victim dropped in the fight. "Take the coin from our reserve. We'll fix the difference with our next haul." she said with a much calmer tone.

She breathed a heavy sigh as she made her way to the tavern and ordered a pint of ale. "I'm waiting for the day you fuckers aren't selling watered down drinks around here." she grumbled to the bartender before taking a sip.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Most things when seen from high above looked far more picturesque than when you finally had to land and could see them up close. Cetnisadel Bay, Darius decided, probably looked just as nice from ground level as it did from the air. It was truly breathtaking, maybe even more than the Preldova Narrows, and that view had taken his breath away on his flight from home. Under normal circumstances he would have liked to spend a few hours up here, circling the bay and just watching it. But not today. Today he had an appointment to keep.

From high above it wasn't hard to spot the one point of 'civilization' on the edge of the bay. He angled his wings and dropped lower, gliding across until he was circling a tight spiral above the modest collection of buildings. He spiraled down slowly, observing as he did. There were a few ships tied to the docks, including a two masted one that seemed to stand out from the rest. He could see people moving various objects from the shore to the deck, and carrying them down into the belly of the ship. It certainly looked like what he imagined a pirate ship would look like, but that hardly meant anything. There was no sign of the hazelnut hair he was looking for among the crew.

He shifted his focus to the buildings along the beach. As Cirice had said, the inn was unmistakable. Even without the smell of alcohol he could almost detect from 20 meters up, he could see the bright lights and hear the sounds of people having a good time in their cups. It was easily the busiest building of all of them. Which meant if Cirice wasn't with her crew, odds were good she'd be in there. Darius pulled his wings in, allowing gravity to drag him towards the ground, flared them out again to slow his descent, and landed. Unstrapping the glaive from his back he folded his wings and looked around.

He'd been right. Cetnisadel Bay didn't look any less beautiful from the ground. He could smell the salty air, evoking memories of home. It was a strangely comforting feeling. There weren't many people around where he'd landed, though those who did gave him a strange look. Clearly his kind weren't common around here. Not that it mattered all that much. His kind weren't particularly common most places. Darius strode down the beach to the wooden plank walkway and made his way to the door of the inn. He couldn't help feeling a little trepidatious as he walked. He wasn't exactly sure what he would find when he walked through that door. Regardless, this was going to be very interesting. He pushed open the door of the inn, and stepped inside.

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

As Darius walked into the inn, several of the patrons fell quiet and eyed the odd creature for a long while before returning to their drinks. The momentary silence drew Cirice's attention. Turning on her seat to look to the door, the scowl on her face lightened up for a moment before returning. She waved him over and slid her empty mug to the bartender. "Refill. Now. And a pint for him too." she ordered and the man quickly scrambled to deliver.

She looked to him and then to the man seated next to her. "You are in his seat." she spoke coldly. The poor man looked as confused as one might expect. Before he could get a word in, he was shoved off his seat and Cirice gestured for Darius to sit. "You're a sight for sore fucking eyes, Darius." she muttered, taking a long swig of her fresh pint. "First the careening that took much longer than I would have liked... though it is a bigger ship so I guess I can't be too angry at them for that. But then the fuckers tip a rowboat carrying half of our powder charge... and then Jones decides to use our ration money on a whore and enough rum to last the crew a week." she vented with a simmering anger in her voice.

She looked at him for a moment, a smirk appearing on her lips as she raised her mug at him. "You might want to fetch a comb. The wind did a number on your hair." she quipped, downing her drink and placing a few coins on the bar counter. "Come on, Scales. I need to see if these imbeciles are making some headway for once." she said with a slap on his shoulder.

She walked outside and to the docks to watch as her crew were busy loading in the last of the items onto the ship. "It helps when you make an example of the twat who wastes the crew's money." she chuckled as she studied the ship.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius hadn't been sure how he would react to seeing Cirice in her usual grounds acting the way she usually did. In fact he'd been very prepared to be horrified and to hide it away. But to his surprise as she roughly shoved the man sitting next to her to the ground, he found that not only was it not horrifying, it was instantly familiar. He'd once spent a few months observing a pack of wolves back home, and had frequently visited their territory once he'd gained their trust. The alpha of that pack had snapped and growled if her pack hadn't done what she wanted. In fact he'd almost gotten a nasty bite once when he hadn't moved out of her way fast enough. The factors here were more complicated, as they always were with people, but the underlying dynamic was almost identical. Darius felt himself relax as he walked over to take the seat. He could understand this, and if he could understand something he could function with it.

He listened as she vented her aggression. "Sounds like you could use this more than me right now." he said, sliding his drink in her direction. At her comment about his hair he grinned, cocking an eyebrow. "I don't know. I think I look good like this." he teased, running a hand through his hair to make it look extra windswept.

He stood up and followed her out of the inn and back to the beach. "When the alpha grows, the pack goes belly up." he quipped. "By the way, when you say careening I'm assuming that means something different than loosing control of your flight and running into a tree or a rock."

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 287
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

Cirice slowly turned to look at him with a face riddled with confusion. It took her a moment to register that their definitions of careening were vastly different. Finally she chuckled and looked back to the ship. "Entirely different. No, in this case it's to pull the ship ashore for cleaning and repairs. The Harpy's hull might be thick and lined with steel, but it certainly isn't invincible... and barnacles still love to stick to it. Only difference is my previous ship was much smaller than this one. And what's left of the old crew is getting used to the new one just like me. So the time and effort it takes to drag it ashore and clean it is much more." she explained calmly.

Her quartermaster waved to her and gave a thumbs up. She returned his gesture with a thumb up as well. "About fucking time. The ship is loaded and ready." she commented, making her way towards the docks. "It's too late to set sail now. Come on. Time for you to see what home looks like." she quipped with a smile as she waved for her quartermaster to come fetch them.

Soon enough they were by the Harpy and, as any true sailor, Cirice made sure he didn't step onboard with his left foot first. "It's bad luck. Very bad luck. Trust me when I tell you that much." she muttered. "Ship is ready to cast off, captain." her quartermaster said as he came to a halt beside her. He studied Darius for a long moment before looking to his captain. "Who is our guest, captain?" he asked calmly. She looked to him and gave a smirk. "Friend of mine. Haven't seen each other in a while. Please make sure the crew knows to not act like animals around him. Also, tell them it's their last evening ashore so they better make it count." she ordered. Her quartermaster gave a nod and looked back to Darius. "Pleasure to have you Onboard. Mister Mercer, at your service." he introduced himself with an unsettling smile before heading off to carry out his captain's orders.

Cirice watched him leave and looked back to Darius. "Mercer has been my quartermaster for... ten years now. He used to be an officer on a warship before leaving to join my crew. Don't let his calm posture fool you. After me, he's likely the most dangerous person onboard. Magnificent navigator too." she explained as she led him to her cabin. Once inside, she closed the doors and turned to face him with a warm smile. "I'm glad you made it." she muttered, gesturing for him to take a seat by her desk as she dropped into the large and comfy chair behind it.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Darius Goldmane »

He'd been right, it was the big ship. As she led onto the deck, making sure he didn't step on with his left foot for some strange reason, he couldn't help staring around. It was an impressive construction, tons of wood and metal coming together to make a vessel that should have been far too heavy to float. It was intimidating, yet he could see the beauty in it. Then the quartermaster came up. He was another predator, Darius could see that easily. "Thank you for having me." he replied. That smile was unnerving, but that probably came with the job. If Cirice was anything to go by, probably everyone here had masks they put on around everyone else. It would be interesting to see if he could ever catch glimpses behind them.

She led him into a cabin, closed the door, and stepped out from behind the walls. It was a bit of a relief, that was for sure. "I'm glad you hadn't left yet." He started towards the chair she had indicated, then smirked, changed direction, leaned down and kissed her on the nose. "And I had the fantastic motivation of imagining you chasing me across Khy'eras with an axe if I didn't make it."

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

She scoffed at his comment, but watched as he walked around her desk to kiss her. She smiled and looked away for a moment as she held a laugh back. "Who knew you could be romantic." she muttered as she looked back to him, her grin unwavering. "I would have hunted you down, trust me on that one. But luckily I don't have to..." she rose from her seat with a dangerous look in her eyes. She closed the distance between them and stared into his eyes. "My prey came to me on his own accord." she muttered as her arms wrapped around his waist to hold him close, bearing her teeth like an animal.

She let go with a chuckle and dropped back into the wingback chair. She was about to say something when the decks started to rumble. Howling cheers echoed from outside as crewmates rushed to get to the rowboats. Cirice's mouth closed and she shook her head. "And tomorrow morning they will either be hung over or still dunk when it's time to set sail." she commented as she listened to Mercer trying to get them off the ship in an orderly fashion.

When the decks died down and silence fell over the ship, she glanced up to Darius. "Now then, where were we?" she quipped.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Darius Goldmane »

He wrapped his wings around her as she stepped close. "Careful," he brought his face to within an inch of hers. "This prey might be the kind that bites back." As she made her way back to the desk he undid the ties on his satchel straps and let it fall to the ground. He stretched his arms and wings, glad to no longer have to deal with the straps. At that moment the sound of many happy people began to drift in. He listened as the crew stampeded off the ship. "Wasn't that kind of the point though?" he asked. "If this is going to be their last night on dry land for a while they might as well make the most of it."

Once the deck was quiet, he sat on the edge of her desk. "You might have to clarify a bit." he grinned. "We left off on a couple of places, but if I remember correctly the last place we left was you telling me that you'd much rather drag me back to bed for another round. Which incidentally I feel like I should be mildly insulted that you think I could only go one more round."

@Cirice Vaisha
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Cirice Vaisha »

As his face came close to hers, she resisted the urge to give in. She kept the space with a menacing grin as she looked into his eyes. ”Good. I like a challenge.” she teased before they separated. As she took her seat, he went on to comment on the point of their night on land. She gave a shrug as she glanced at the door. ”Of course that is the point. It’s just a pain to round them all up in a timely fashion. Luckily I’m not in a rush. The crew, at least the old guard as far as I’m concerned, deserves it after they took this ship. Plus the new members need to learn a thing or two.” she admitted.

Her gaze drifted to him as he took a seat on the desk and proceeded to recall their last conversation. She laughed as she leaned back, resting her legs across his lap. She was glad that he didn’t jump straight into the actual thing they needed to discuss.

”I’m glad at least one of us has a healthy memory.” she quipped. ”Well be offended. You will have all night to prove me otherwise.” she said as she rose from her seat and leaned in close. Her hands took hold of collar as her face closed in on his. ”Clock is ticking, Scales.” she muttered before placing a kiss on his lips.

As she pulled away, she dragged him along towards the bed...


The music, shouting and laughter echoed from the shore, muffled from within the captain’s cabin. Cirice laid almost on top of Darius with the sheets barely covering the two of them. Her hair was loose and wild after their fun and a soft smile rested on her lips. ”I must be honest. I am very glad that the bed and drinks cabinet survived after we took this ship. Fixing a proper bed and an old hardwoord cabinet would have been ludicrously expensive... not to mention replacing the drinks in the cabinet.” she commented with a chuckle as she glanced up at him. ”Could we perhaps go for a flight tonight? When the town has settled down a little? It’s still too early now.” she asked softly as she rested her chin on his chest.

@Darius Goldmane
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Re: Rolling Down To Old Maui

Post by Darius Goldmane »

Darius chuckled at her mention of the expense of the drinks. "Considering the amount you drink, that might have cost more to restock than the bed and cabinet combined." He propped his head up on one arm. "I think that could be arranged. It's a nice open area and a clear sky, perfect conditions for night flying." He let the silence hang, listening to the sounds of raucous merriment drifting in from outside. He was stalling, not wanting to break the warm glow that had settled over them. It was peaceful, now that they had exhausted themselves, just laying here with her.

At last he sighed. "I guess we probably shouldn't put off the actual conversation anymore." He sat up, loosening his grip on her slightly. "I don't know if you've changed your mind about this, but I've given it a lot of thought over the past few days and I'm willing to give it a shot if you are."

@Cirice Vaisha
Word count: 162
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