Work Shifter

In the heart of Ninraih's jungles, the Fae created the city of Ajteire, protected from the undead by the magic of fireflies and a pact with the Kerasoka. The complex network of trees, vines, and plants helps to keep unwanted visitors out. Read more...
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Sedric Moonwhisper
Strength in numbers
24 / 24 HP
19 / 19 MP
0p / 0g / 0s / 70c
Race: Shapeshifter
Class: Fighter and Summoner
Posts: 19
Joined: November 26th, 2019, 3:11 am
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Work Shifter

Post by Sedric Moonwhisper »

Sedric decided the wonderful tale he just heard was reason enough to leave. He was behind schedule already for the militia. He usually had a specific route to follow, but today felt different. "Well Khana how do you feel about covering the jungle floor today?"

The tiger indicated a lack of strong opinion with her body language. So Sedric started down a winding path that gradually led to the outskirts of Ajteire. There were more direct ways, but he liked the view of the city as he passed. The late morning sun always made him smile as it cascaded thru the trees like a waterfall. He refered to it as the edge of noon. Such a sight was well worth the extra time.

The entire circuit of Ajteire took well after sunset to complete. However, near the end of his trek Khana suddenly crouched low and growled quietly as a warning. Sedric followed her example without hesitation. The pair slowly moved foward with their bellys on the ground. What they laid eyes upon was a shock. What looked to be a kerasoka elf that was slightly off directed about twelve zombies to cut down a old tree that was easily in its fifth century if not longer. Then the wind shifted and the tiger growled again as she caught the elf's scent. Her words rang in his mind unmistakably. That defiler of nature was a Korcai. Now the summoner was more worried for his lone companion so his next move had to count.

Summoning was not really hideable so he only had one shot before the foe was informed. The familiar hum began and the glowing script appeared above the enemy. The sudden change in light made the Korcai look up as an gorilla twice its size landed on it. the summoner whispered his new friends name, "Apos". Then Khana charged pouncing on two zombies at once tearing them apart. Sedric followed on her heals and began whirling his spear around blocking and stabbing every foe whithin reach.

Apos used his superior strength and weight to overwhelm the Korcai elf. It was like watching a doll being torn apart. The undead leader did cause several wounds that would take a lesser creature down. However, in the end the gorilla was the fiercer beast. Once the last walking corpse fell the trio caught their breath. "Thank you Apos the mighty return now so you may recover." Sedric bowed with his right arm raised above his head. The gorilla let out a goodbye hoot and became a word once more then reappeared on his arm of contract. By unsummoning his friend Apos received healing as part of the pact. Khana was only minorly injured so he kept her around. "Thank you as well queen of the jungle. I couldn't have done it without you let's find somewhere to sleep shall we." Rather than walk back into Ajteire the pair traveled deeper into the jungle.
Word count: 492
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