Under Wraps [COMPLETED]

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding when Kit said that he had at least seen a doctor. “I’m sorry that happened to you, truly.” She patted his arm softly, careful not to let her hand touch the bandages.

“Artemis is complicated, but he’s a better person than he thinks he is, sometimes.” She grinned. “One of these days you’ll hear the story of how he managed to get the Hall in the first place, bless his dear old nan.”

Kit mentioned he hadn’t drunk strong alcohol before, and she frowned. “The brandy’s painfully strong, so that might not be the best. I was thinking something that might take the edge off the pain enough to make it bearable. Maybe Artemis has something else that would work better.”

She tapped her lip. “I can go ask him by myself, or you can come with me. I - don’t really want to tell him your secrets myself, but I will if you’d prefer. You can put on your new shirt for now, or wrap that fabric over your shoulders.” Pointing to the dark blue wool piece in the corner, she crossed over to the door. “It’s up to you if you want to stay or come with me.”
Word count: 220
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Kit Heron »

The thought of seeing Artemis made Kit feel nervous, even with Ksenia's gentle reassurance. It made him feel as he would be a pest to the Master of the East Hall. An errand boy, not able to control his powers properly, good only for the menial tasks (which he happily undertook, though he wished he could do more), and now to ask this favour?

"I would very much like to hear it." He said, managing a smile despite his discomfort. Artemis Black was a very interesting man, and tales about him were often shared during late night meals, many of which some claimed too far fetched, while others adamantly stood by them. He was very enigmatic, even by simple reputation. To know how he became to have this place, would be interesting indeed!

"If I might stay here?" he asked. "I feel a little ... light-headed, from the pain." It was true that he felt he had run a marathon, feeling tired and terribly sore. "A few minutes of sitting should do the trick, if that is alright by you, Craftmistress."
Word count: 180
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Ksenia »

“Alright, you stay and I’ll go talk to Artemis,” Ksenia said, opening the door. She moved quietly, shutting the door behind her. At mid-afternoon, where was Artemis likely to be? She scanned the hall, settling on the tables where the sailors, neighbors, and crew off work tended to group.

Artemis’ reddish-brown hair identified him in the cluster of people sitting at the far table. She made her way over, returning the greetings and salutes with a polite but short nod.

He didn’t change anything about how he sat, not even a twitch of recognition, but his voice came out before she even came to a stop. “Can I help you, Craftmistress?” he asked, the smile clear in his words.

“So formal,” she replied with a small smirk. “I do need to talk to you for a moment, if you’re not busy.” She crossed her arms, feeling a little odd at his choice of address.

He lifted his legs and spun on the bench, hopping up suddenly and taking her up in a firm, but brief, embrace. “Of course, how can I help? I hope it’s something interesting.”

“You might call it that,” she said, returning his hug. Hugs still felt a bit awkward but at least Artemis and Deb let her try. “Can we go somewhere out of earshot of everyone? I don’t want other people to hear.”

“Course,” he replied softly, motioning with his hands and moving to walk beside her. “Everything okay? Something gone sideways?” He sounded vaguely concerned, but it was only the hint rather than any outright signs of worry.

“I’m fine, but the new lad, Kit - I - well, I need to ask for a bit of help on his behalf,” Ksenia said, biting her lip as she finished. “Namely, a private bath and a drink of strong liquor. I figured you would be the best to ask about the drink; he just needs something that would help with pain, but he said he’s never really had any alcohol before.”

“Wait, the pain? Something go wrong with his class? He take some bumps? You can’t just- Kessy come on,” Artemis half whispered as they got to the door of her room.

“I - maybe it’s better if he tells you. I think he’s a little afraid of you, honestly.” Ksenia tapped on the door and opened it a crack. “Kit, it’s Ksenia. I have Artemis with me. Do you mind if I bring him in?”

“Does he mind- in my own damn house- course he can’t mind,” Artemis grumbled in clear annoyance at Ksenia’s deflection. Ksenia shot him a look that could have rivaled one of Artemis’ daggers in sharpness. “Oh- you know I don’t mean-” he started.
Word count: 468
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Kit Heron »

While Ksenis went to get Artemis Kit paced nervously. He was caught between the fear of what Artemis might say or react to the both his back and the request for a private bath, and pain.

When Ksenia peeked through the door he instinctively took a step backwards. "Yes, Craftmistress. Of course, yes .. Pleas do. Thank you." He babbled.

When the two of them entered, Kit stood, still shirtless but wearing the material she had given hi across his back, loosely this time so as not to aggravate the wound. Despite it all, he gave a respectful nod to Artemis as the short Master of East Hall came inside. "Apologies for inconveniencing you like this, Mister Black." He said. "I don't know what the Craftmistress has told you but I wondered ... I mean, I know I am just an errand boy, and I only moved in a short while ago ..." He reached up to scratch his temple, but it pulled at his back, so with a wince he let his hand fall. "I'm sorry. I have a problem with something, and I wondered if you might grant me permission to use a private bath, just for a short time."

He opened his mouth to explain why, but then - not really knowing what to say - he dropped the material and turned, closing his eyes and swallowing as he did, revealing the hundreds of scars, pink, white and red, punctuated with one messy looking slash across with blood (and other fluids) oozing out. Kit took a long breath and remained still, almost as if he were waiting for the words 'He's too much trouble' or 'you ask too much'.
Word count: 279
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Ksenia »

“I said I’d help change his bandages, but as they are, I figured it’d be best to soak them and loosen them up before I started trying to remove them,” Ksenia said to Artemis, her voice quiet. “Kit’s asked that this doesn’t get noised about,” she explained, gesturing to his back.

“Whoever did this was brutal, and not very good at it. You’re in pain right? Wait here, be right back,” he said, and then without waiting at all moved off at a jog. Ksenia sighed and watched him go.

“Kit, you may as well sit until Artemis gets back,” she said. Artemis returned several minutes later with a vial of inky green liquid and a very large cloak.

“Here, drink this, do it quick or you’ll vomit. Then get this on, we can wash it. Then we take a bath.”

“Do I want to ask what’s in that vial?” Ksenia raised an eyebrow at Artemis. “Please tell me it’s not that stuff that left you hungover for more than a day.”

“If I told you, he wouldn’t drink it, now come on then,” he fired back, wiggling the vial. The contents didn’t move much; it was a very viscous liquid.

Ksenia put her hand on her hip. “That looks disgusting and I don’t want to poison the poor boy. Are you sure it’ll be okay?”

“Kess- Ksenia, I have had this at least seven times, and only vomited twice. Those are great odds.” Ksenia put her head against her fist, shaking her head.

“It’s up to you, Kit, if you want to take it,” she said. “Artemis, we may need to talk about what ‘good odds’ are. I’m not sure we agree.” She bonked him gently with her shoulder.

“More than seven in ten, or that’s what Cook says,” he offered with a shrug. “Works often enough it saves lives.” She raised her eyebrows but offered no further comment before looking over to Kit.
Word count: 340
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit listened at the back and forth between the two. It was clear that they had known each other and long time, and the familiarity between the two was undeniable with the way Ksenia talked to the Master of the East Hall.

When Artemis went to to fetch something to 'help with the pain', Kit took a sat, at Ksenia's suggestion, and waited anxiously. He would welcome anything that would prevent him from being in more pain than he already was, and his fear of losing control of his magic - as he had done when the doctor had first cleaned his wound with alcohol, thus causing him greater pain and leading him to inadvertently use his powers - was even greater now he was in the very place where he was under strict rules not to use his abilities.

Soon Artemis returned, bearing a vial of thick, green liquid. It did not look at all pleasant, but then, what effective medicines ever were pleasant?

"Thank you, Mister Black. I am truly grateful." He said, in rather a small voice. As Ksenia near prised an assurance that it wouldn't kill him, he took the vial. Since Artemis was sure that he wouldn't want to know what was in it, Kit relied on the trust and unplugged the top, trying not to pull a face at the very thought of imbibing it.

With a quick gulp, he drained the vial, unable to keep the grimace of distaste from his features as it went down. He looked to the pair, as he held out the vial to hand back to Artemis. "That was ... well, thank you, Mister Artemis. How long ..."

He didn't finish speaking as several things happened at once. First the pain. It blossomed in him and spread like wild-fire throughout his body. He felt his muscles tighten, like a severe cramp. He was unable to scream, but his wide eyes told of such. Also in those eyes, like a flicker of lightning, a yellow flash tinged his iris'. The pain ripped open any controls he had been taught to keep his power in check, and from his body, a wave of telekinetic energy burst forth spreading from him as fast as a strong wind. Object in the room were thrown from their resting places, the more delicate of them breaking as they hit the wall or the floor.

Also, his empathic and telepathic powers were kicked into action, and his power surged along the lines of those closest by him; Ksenia and Artemis.

Quick to appear and quick to vanish, he unconsciously let forth a stream of memories; they were all the same. A man, with a shadow for a face, standing over a young, half naked boy, swinging a long wooden switch down over the child's back. Again and again the man lashed and lashed at the whimpering and gasping youth, the pain of which Kit could not contain to just the memory, but sent out in a ripple, before the Kit who was stood rigid in front of them dropped to the floor and all that power dissipated like mist in a strong wind.

It was unclear how far his magic had reached, and who might have been affected. But the young mage was out cold, sprawled face down on the floor.
Word count: 554
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia watched as Kit dutifully threw back the contents of the vial and made a face of disgust. He began to speak, but stopped part way through, his body tensing. She saw his eyes widen and flash before something tried to turn the room upside down.

The vial he had held flung itself against the wall with the unmistakable sound of shattering glass. The fabric bundles they’d brought in tossed themselves around the room; Ksenia heard a thud which didn’t promise well for the bowls they’d wrapped inside.

Ksenia ducked to avoid a book flying in the air and was struck with scenes in her mind - a boy being beaten, different angles, but the same man loomed over every time. She felt the hot pain of the lash against her back and gasped before curling into a tight ball. ‘These aren’t my memories, this isn’t happening to me,’ she told herself repeatedly. Shaking, she scrambled back until she hit the wall and hid her face.

Hearing a thud, she chanced a glance at Kit. He was passed out on the floor, unmoving.

Artemis did not fare as luckily as Ksenia did. When the wave of magic hit his body he felt his blood turn to ice and his mind freeze up. He reacted on reflex, dropping down low to avoid the spray of objects trying to go in every direction at once. Then it was over, his body decided that was the moment to remind him of a rather salient fact.

The dense magic in the room was so terrifying that the sudden wave of memories and images was actually a short relief. While his mind was assailed it didn’t have time to think about the feeling of cold wrapping around his heart, or that he couldn’t breathe.

He shivered violently, parts of his body demanding to be heard as suddenly the contents of his stomach emptied. He was able to reflexively shift, aiming for the corner of the room, but only just.

Ksenia had been trying to uncurl enough to go over to Kit when she heard Artemis retching. “The magic did this to you?” She crawled over to Artemis and carefully put a hand on his shoulder.

He groaned before scrubbing at his face and spitting several times. Then he was up, moving deftly, albeit a bit wobbly, over to Kit. Artemis lightly smacked Kit's cheek. "Come on, no sleeping on the floor."
Word count: 413
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit came round to the soft slaps on his face, and immediately gasped as he regained consciousness. The pain he had felt had been terrible! His whole body had felt like it had been hit with a thunderbolt, and then he appeared to have past out. Now though, the pain had gone and he felt numb and hazy. Was this what it was like to be drunk?

The young mage's eyes looked up at Artemis, gaze a little hazy, then his head moved to look around him. The mess made it look like a bull had been let loose on the place! His mind was sluggish, but he knew he had done this. "Oh dear." he said, his speech slurring slightly. "Oh I am so sorry, sir. I had no idea I even did that ... what is ... what happened ... I mean, what did I just drink?"

Whatever it was, it had hit him like a hammer and left him dazed and even his vision was slightly off. It wasn't completely unpleasant, actually. The effect on him even dampened the fear at the consequences at what he had inadvertently done to Ksenia's room and poor Artemis!
Word count: 195
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Ksenia »

“That’s a question for Artemis, I think, since I haven’t the first idea. I didn’t know you were a - wizard? A mage? though,” Ksenia commented, crossing her arms over her chest after standing. “Be very careful with that in Fellsgard. Most of the people here like magic about as well as they like pointy ears.” She frowned and looked to the side.

“Artemis, did you know he had magic?” She stepped back from the two men toward the wall.

“Course-” he said, moving back suddenly to cough a few times rather raggedly. His hand came away with flecks of blood and he frowned. “You shouldn’t feel much for about a half day. Make sure you don’t bump into too much, you’ll bruise the ever-loving idols out of yourself.”

Ksenia looked over at Artemis, concerned. “Why don’t you go find Dáire and those petals from the doctor? I can draw a bath and shoo the crew out of the way.” Carefully, she put her arm around Artemis’ shoulders and squeezed lightly. “Please take care of yourself.”

“I- right- okay- fine. Because you asked so nicely,” he gave her a very weak side hug, and stumbled his way out of the room, starting to cough again, stopping just by the door to catch his breath. “You’re not in trouble- just get a handle on it?” he said a bit hoarsely.

She watched Artemis leave, biting her lip in worry. “And that’s another thing. Please don’t use magic in the hall. At all, if possible.” She turned to look at Kit. “Let’s get you taken care of. I’ll go clear the bath and start getting water drawn.” She held a hand out to Kit so that he could lever himself upright, or at least enough to sit up.
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Re: Under Wraps

Post by Kit Heron »

Kit took the offered hand and got to his feet, staggering slightly as the intoxicant spread through his system. He watched Artemis leave with slightly blurred vision. "I'm sorry, Craftmistress." he said. "I lose control when I experience a lot of pain, I wish I hadn't drunk that. I am so tired of being in pain."

The young mage swayed slightly on his feet, blinking as his vision was a little off. "What now?" He asked.

Was this what is what like to be drunk? He vowed right then never to get drunk in his life (a promise many make, but few keep).

Kit cocked his head at the Craftmistress, his eyes a little glazed. "Are you an Elf?" he asked, curiously. "I might be wrong, but I could have sworn I sensed Elven power coming from you." Normally he would never ask such bold questions. Must be the juice talking!
Word count: 151
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