Cost of defense

Domrhask, with eight magnificent towers, is Khy'eras' northernmost city governed by Dwarves. A cautious group due to past incidents, Dwarves do not easily invite adventurers inside and disapprove of magic in their city, no matter the type. Read more...
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Stress reliever and Trevor
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Posts: 23
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Cost of defense

Post by Vent »

Vent woke up in his modest home recovered from his fight with Baldur. The unusual thing about his apartment was that it had no running water. However, he had a large bathtub with a drain.
Also his bed was only big enough to accommodate one person. The furnishings were simple, but treated to be water resistant. He only had one chair and a small fireplace. His weapons and armor were kept in a chest at the foot of his bed.

The morning was brisk and cold like most in Domrhask. Trevor and his friend were highly resistant to cold thanks to the steam both produced naturally. Vent's home was on the highest level of the resident tower he lived in. He could float around between the towers if he wished, but usually preferred the stairs. His training could make the difference between life and death in his profession. Another thing that saved him was armor, and his needed serious repair.

He knew who to talk to for the work. However, the woman was very demanding and a hard bargainer. It would take him hours to get there since he had to go all the way down his tower. Then go about midway up hers. Once he got to his goal he noticed several dwarven customers glaring at him.

Behind the counter was a dwarf woman with well toned arms. She was a little older than vent appeared in his dwarven form. Not to mention she had a confident air about her that always made him nervous. "Well met Silva, how are you today?"

"Wishing you would quit letting your armor get messed up. What is this the ninth time this year. You need to stop letting my work get damaged. It will cost you a silver this time." The older beauty flashed a smile before frowning.

"A whole silver that's six months work. How about eighty copper not one coin more." The elemental knew this game well. So he waited for a counter offer.

"Fine, a silver and ten copper since I was being generous before." A few dwarf's left at that insane price.

Vent's jaw dropped as he continued to haggle. "Your crazy, sixty-five copper." Some of the patrons laughed openly at that.

"Yeah right learn respect, a silver and thirty copper." The remaining patrons left appalled at her increased price.

Finally, it was just him and Silva so the game was over. "Wow I understand your pride, how about forty copper."

The smith laughed openly at that. "You know what you have to do Vent, if you want a discount. Cute boy that you are, no one knows how to do it just right, but you." She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bedroom. She had it built connected to the shop. You never knew when a nap could be necessary. She stripped down to her shift with slow grace. Vent was mesmerized by the provacative dance. "You know what to do boy, come."

The ranger filled the tub in the corner with perfectly crafted hot water. Then Silva reached out and grabbed Trevor. "He stays, you go mind the shop. While we have a proper bath." The door slammed in his envious face.

"One day Silva, you’ll appreciate my other charms!" Vent shrugged his shoulders and locked the customer entrance. Then he started doing sword training while he waited.
Word count: 565
Stress reliever and Trevor
46 / 46 HP
38 / 38 MP
0p / 0g / 1s / 50c
Race: Elemental
Class: Ranger
Posts: 23
Joined: November 21st, 2019, 2:20 am
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Re: Cost of defense

Post by Vent »

After about an hour, Silva returned from her bath. She was flushed with warmth and seemed to sparkle. She handed Trevor back after giving the creature a little scratch of appreciation. "Your lucky to have such a lovely companion Vent. Not to mention the amazing baths you can make. I have a little surprise for you wait here."

Vent was shocked the smith normally just teased him. Silva returned from the attached bedroom with bundle that was wrapped in a blanket. A dull clink followed as her burden was delecately dropped on the counter. Vent was unable to hold back a question that was obvious. "What is it?"

The dwarven woman laughed at that in a surprisingly cute way. "Open it and find out."

The ranger’s awe was plane on his face as he saw the contents. It was a chain shirt that looked bronze covered in dwarven symbols for fire and water. "This is amazing Silva. What do I owe you?"

"Thirty copper like we agreed on. Also, I want your wrecked armor for scrap. This took me four months to complete so you better treat it better than your last one." She smiled with a touch of mischief to her eyes.

"Agreed you are withot a doubt the best smith in Domrhask. I'll make sure all my customers know it too." The Steam elemental practically hummed with excitement as he left the shop. He ran home as fast as he could. Once he got there he shifted into his cloud form and tested the armor's water resistance.

Unfortunately, he was oblivious to the kiss she almost gave him as he rushed out. She just shook her head that boy was at once charming and foolish at the same time. Silva often wondered why Vent was so bad at picking up on how attractive he was.
Word count: 308
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