Time and Space

[Closed] Time and Space don't mesh well together.

From letters to journals to thoughts and everything in between, certain character story development requires free-form writing as it does not happen in a particular location. Thus, this little corner of Khy'eras can be used to jot down ideas and stories.
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Time and Space

Post by Wanderer »

Day 01

So this is a journal?

I'm not really a fan, but they said I should use it for

Day 02

Time is not fun. It's not exciting. It's hard.

They want me to spend thirty minutes each day writing? Fine.

Day 04

I missed a day. I miss my family, I miss the comforts of my home, I miss the fact that I could write without using this horrible pen----

Day 05

Thirty minutes? Hah! I'll write this with an hour to leave them to dance. Deverance wants to talk about this whole "tower" thing. He's obsessed with the war. He thinks I'll join? Well, I'll tell you what. I refuse. This isn't my war.

Day 06

Hahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaa 30 minutes?! HAHAHAAHAHAA

Day 09

What day is it? I'm losing my senses. This training is starting to affect me. I need a better system. Journal, you now have a name. Hello Kisma.

Day 10

Kisma, I need your help. I don't know what day it is. What day is it? It says "Day 10", but how long have I been practicing? Years? It's hard to tell. This is strange, but now I find myself missing Deverance. The wars that he screamed about happened. Did he see into the future? That's not possible!

Day 23

My dear Kisma,

It's hard to write in you. Look at my horrible handwriting! How far I've come! How far... The Almeddan Wars are over, and I missed it all. Accelerating time is easy, almost too easy. There is a soft-spot in this sorcery, a weakness that appeared seems obvious to me. A hole in the hidden mysteries that they refuse to share with me. I won't let them hold this against me. I won't let them hide this from me.

Kisma, don't let this be a mystery forever.

Day 50

My beloved,

I'm so alone. It feels bizarre, turning these pages into emotion, or is it my emotions that are finding themselves on the page? I'm not sure. I'm less sure what day it is, or what year. I've found myself capable of skipping entire generations. I've found myself fascinated in the simplest minutes. I have found lost myself in time. Where am I?

Who am I?

Day 58

They say that slowing down time won't hurt us. I will We will go through time, Kisma, and we will see who is blinded by the abyss. It won't be me. Deverance should be laughing. Don't worry, my dear. We won't speed slow down time. We will touch the gods themselves.

Word count: 414
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Re: Time and Space

Post by Wanderer »

Day 59

My true love, Kisma,

I don't have much to tell you. I don't have much left to tell anyone. This world is not the one I left, and there's no way back. They say time is linear. It only goes forwards. It's true. My beloved, it's so true. All I have is your pages, the scribbles I made on you, the words I turned into reality on the fragile parchment that is your soul.

I know, I'm talking to myself. You're not real. You're just a thing, an object. But ohh, how I adore the fact that I can hold you, when I see this world before me.

So, Xezvimhi won. The Almedda I once knew is now a wasteland. It seems they've found new worlds to invade, new frontiers to conquer, new failures that will define our 'pristine' home. It seems I'm alone, with you, Kisma, and no one else. My teachers are all dead, or perhaps, like me, they have lost themselves in time. No wonder that Chronomancy is banned.

I still have you, and the past isn't going anywhere soon. I will find the answers here. I will find a way home.

Day 108


I'm so sorry I haven't written in to you in so long. I miss our conversations. I miss the times we had together. There's a lot I'm missing, but maybe I should catch you up a little?

The world has changed. The Tower is rebuilding itself. They have attempted multiple conquests. The C'udiskan.. The Mystra-Amorians... The Alerians... It's a pattern of destruction and chaos. These people are evil, and I'm unfortunately one of them. They don't even see me anymore. My skills and sorceries and HOW OLD AM I ANYMORE?!


Day 115

To my only love,

Kisma, I miss the conversations we had. I miss the world we lived in. Remember when you were nothing more than a book? Remember when I was nothing more than a man?

I once thought that I could use you, I'm so sorry. I thought maybe you would be a way to tether me, a way to bind me in time. Reading through your precious pages, I see nothing but confusion. I thought that I knew what this magic would hold, but they never warned me that I could pass the world with a step of my left foot. "Where When am I" has become a joke. I'm in the future, somewhere. Time is a cruel beast, and I want to go back.

You'll help me, right? You love me, as much as you're a book can love a man. You love me. Right?

Day 116

It's cold. Kisma, I'm so sorry. I tried. Kisma. It's very cold out here, and this might be the last words I give you.

Please, forgive me. I tried.

Kisma, don't let me die on this mountain.
Word count: 477
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