If you find any errors or inconsistencies, please submit feedback as needed.
List of Updates
- Updated to latest version of forum software.
- Fixed an issue with avatar resizing and fit.
- "Back to Top" icon is in the bottom right corner of posts again.
- Adjusted styling of header text, especially to make quotes a bit more readable.
- Updated code for display of navigation and sitemap links.
- Updated breadcrumb code and styles.
- Changed copyright date in footer to current year.
- Adjusted spacing for elements when there is content displayed for no searches.
- Changed birthday list above site footer. Will not show birthdays for character accounts and will not show when there are no birthdays.
- Added toggle functionality on the following pages: forum list view, Half-breed, Leveling, and Achievements. Collapsed and expanded states will be saved by a browser cookie.
- Added the ability to filter content on the following pages: Achievements, Half-breed, Leveling, and Character Listing
- Added "quick links" on lots of pages.
- On the UCP Profile editor, if logged in as a character and you have a "Writer Name" filled out, many writer related fields will now be hidden. Removing your "Writer Name" and saving the changes will show these fields again.
- New Writer or Character Profile Fields - Plotters and Trackers, Alternate Avatar.
- New Character Profile Fields - Birthday, Languages, Profession, Religious History, Romantic Orientation, Sexual Orientation, Figure, Torso/Chest, Face, Ears, Voice, Armor, Weapons, Clothing and Accessories, Skills, Spellbook.
- Updated all extensions to their latest versions.
- Fixed an issue with Writer groups not getting group color after registration.
- Updated code for navigation links and breadcrumbs.
- Re-organized, cleaned up, and reformatted all custom Khy'eras code.
- With the "Linked Accounts" extension, there is now an option to select who you are posting as when you reply or start a topic. This feature is visible in the "Options" tab under the post editor. You must have linked accounts for this to work (obviously).
- Rules - Added rule #9 (under "General") and rule #7 (under "On Writing").
- Getting Started - Under "Creating a Character", created explanations for fields that were missing. Also added "BBCode Enabled" for each field type.
- Khy'eras FAQ - Added a new FAQ under "Getting Started" that provides details on where and how to begin.
- BBCode FAQ - New page to explain all BBCode including Khy'eras' custom BBCode.
- Glossary - Created new entries for settings and revised existing entries.
- Added a section for "Forms", "Relations", and "Life Stages".
- Kerasoka - In the history, added a paragraph about the Kerasoka loss of magic.
- Korcai - Added information on a Korcai's turning and added forms that were "missing".
- Ue'drahc - Revised history and relations so Ue'drahc are slightly easier to create and play.
- Setting - Created a more visible section for "Map".
- Map - Added "Tab Details" and "Layouts" tab. Also changed Cetnisadel Estuary to Cetnisadel Bay, added Prelodova Narrows and Res'lora Azure, and updated copyright to 2020.
- Major Cities - "Housing" has been removed in favor of a new section called "Layout" outlining how each city is divided. "Travel" (renamed from "Transportation") and "Leadership" information has been greatly expanded upon.
- Updated Images - Domrhask and Irtuen Reaches.
- New Pages - Farinyir's Basin, Varorthe Barrens, Cetnisadel Bay, Erair Manor, Lament of the Willow, Ninraih Station, The Serpent Kin, Slyscera Mountains, Baslehr Ridge, Elasokir Reservoir, Prelodova Narrows, Ordinuad River, and Res'lora Azure.
- Revised certain achievements to flow with the setting description updates. If something has drastically changed, there is no need to resubmit to get an achievement again. Previously obtained rewards will stay while new submissions should consider any description or requirement changes.
- Clarified wording on a few guidelines and added new rules (#3, #4, and #6).
- New Sections - Added Tviyr, Ninraih, Irtuen Reaches, and renamed Other to Khy'eras.
- New Achievements - Mind Your Manors (Erair Estate), Liquid Reserves (Elasokir Reservoir), Danger in the Water (Preldova Narrows), Fish in the Sea (Cetnisadel Bay), Heart of the Ocean (Cetnisadel Bay), and The Endless (Res'lora Azure).
- Character Census - Created character census, dividing pie charts up into race, class, and gender, details visible by either the last 180 days or of all time.
- Character Listing - Created page to show characters with filters.