I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Katarya and Dáire are contracted to retrieve a special item of great value to Aurae, Mistress of The White Hart tavern.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat inclined her head as he spoke of 'normal relationships'. "You know, during my short time at the Goose, I think people assumed I looked down on anyone who wasn't in my former social class, when the truth was, I disliked my that particular aspect of my life. And just because I come from that background ... you shouldn't assume; I know nothing of a 'normal' or 'healthy' romantic relationship." She tried to explain herself the best she could. "I grew up as an educated person, with a trade, set to inherit a business ... so I got my fair share of suitors. I t was exceedingly tedious to deal with. But, I am also a witch, and so to protect myself, I didn't have any 'normal' relationships. I had to keep my distance from everyone. Just because I had nice clothes and a home, doesn't automatically make my life the best! I was lonely, and scared almost all of the time. What if I was found out? What if I told someone whom I cared for, and they turned me in? I couldn't take the chance, so I was alone, while the rest of the girls I knew were taking lovers who would one day be their husbands; going to parties, 'stepping out' ... I had none of that. I was a girl, alone, in a room with books, and that was my life."

She took a longer drink. "If you feel that you can't keep a hold of your needs in my absence, then ... I don't know!" She said, honestly. "What would you suggest? You speak of wanting all the trappings of a life with a loving companion, but if so, does that really point towards a situation where you have to seek out an alternative or substitute if I have to go on a contract for three months?" She shook her head. "I would wait for you, if the situation was reversed ... just so you know that."

When he stood, she raised a brow. "Artemis ... how do you expect me to act when you bring up the matter of 'debts owed'? She took his hand as he wavered a little. "Between people that love each other, there are no debts, not really." She sighed. "That is why I made my offer; if I could wipe the board clean with coin, then we could move on. You mentioned having a normal or healthy relationship, but Artemis; in those relationships, no one owes each other anything but love and support, and they don't hold people to emotional or monetary debt ... you have to choose if you want us to be business partners that fuck, or if you want something more real. Because I do; I want that which I never thought I would get; a loving, caring relationship. But if it comes with a cost ..." She shook her head. "Then I can't do it. I'm sorry."
Word count: 484

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Artemis Black »

He just stared at her, his mouth hanging open a little bit. He wasn't sure if he was that drunk or if he was really that angry. "I don't want your damn coin. It's always coin!" he shouted, feeling an unfamiliar fire burning in his chest. 'Drown the world in blood for what you need,' he felt the thought flit across his mind unbidden. It terrified him but fed the anger roiling with wine in his gut.

"Did you even listen to me? Hear a single word I even said?" he demanded, scrubbing at his face in frustration. "I wanted to ask some questions, get answers even if vague, and all you can think about is how you don't want to owe me. Then you sit there and preach about love, and how we shouldn't hold each other to things?"

He took a few steps in a circle, unable to completely contain his emotions without movement. His feelings were damp, sticking in his chest threatening to burn him to ash. He felt tears on his cheeks and realized he was breaking. "You come from a place I can't imagine, but you lost it, and live in this world now. I protected you, offered you safety, gave my life to get you things you wanted. And you can't even fucking answer some questions without trying to turn this all around."

'Does this get you what you want?' He stopped mid step and turned to face her, his eyes going cold as the thought hit him. "I'm going home, enjoy your comfortable bed, maybe we can try this again later," he said, turning towards the door and gripping the handle firmly. He had to concentrate to not yank the door open. This was not anything that he wanted.
Word count: 298
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat had risen to stand as he spoke, her face pale, though not through fear; she too was angry, it being echoed by a concerned croak from Nyx at the window. She had opened up to him, she had explained her difficult childhood, while trying to respect how hard it must have been for him, she had told him of her loneliness and that now, she wanted something of substance.

But he was angry.

If he were fire in this moment, then she was ice. Her tawny eyes narrowed, and unconsciously, her emotions had stirred up her powers, and the room's temperature dropped so suddenly, that their breath could be seen in the air, and Nyx squawked uncomfortably. "You may leave." Kat said.
Word count: 123

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Artemis Black
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Artemis Black »

He felt the change in the air and realized she was projecting magic into the room. 'So she couldn't hold her emotions in check either,' he thought, with a tinge of regret.

Then she dismissed him, and the fire burned away all pity he had. 'You never had the right or ability to stop me,' he hissed inside his head.

"You should give some thought to how you're making demands of the boy who grew up with less than nothing and gave his life for you," he said as he gently opened the door. "The one who wanted to hold and protect you, but all you could think about was owing him the money he didn't want."

He moved down the stairs in a mostly straight fashion, taking care to place his feet softly. He imagined to the elves it still sounded like a pile of boxes collapsing, but he found he didn't care. When he stepped into the common area, he halted, certain there would be a thousand knives waiting to gut him like a fish.
Word count: 179
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

As the door closed, Kat let out a long breath, the power fading the coldness slowly fading.

She turned and poured herself a large drink, which she downed in one. She was getting drunk ... and indeed, she planned on being a lot more so by the end of the night.

After a few moments, she stepped out of her room, and made her way down the hall to Dáire's own. She took a moment to consider how this might look, then shrugged and knocked on the door. "It's Kat." She said, through the wood, hoping he was in.
Word count: 99

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Raen Silver »

As Artemis stepped down into the main area of The White Hart, many eyes were turned to him ... none of them particularly friendly. An older Elven woman behind the bar folded her arms as her sharp eyes centred on him.

One pair of eyes, however, held no such animosity. From his table, where he sat with his legs up, came a small chuckle. "The Witch's Human seems to be somewhat of a vexed mood!" Raen Silver said, giving Artemis a wide grin. "I find that alcohol always help when dealing with witches." He swung his legs off the table, and motioned for Artemis to join him at his table. "Come; tell Raen of your woes, and mayhaps I shall enshrine them in song! Or sit and get horribly drunk with you; the choice is yours!"

The young Elf's invitation only seemed to darken the looks that Artemis was already getting, but no one spoke out. What Raen did was his business, as a member of the Kelbé family.
Word count: 168

"There is no greater gift than that of verse well given."
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis was actually surprised none of the Elves were actively pointing blades at him. He guessed they preferred their social pressures, and it did make some sort of sense to him. Then there was the mouthy one from earlier. He listened to the man, Raen apparently, and nodded to him, before moving to take a seat.

As he settled in, he looked around the room, making eye contact with several of the Elves. "If you're looking to take a portrait, do make sure to get the scar. It tells of my sordid past," he said, slamming down on the vestiges of fire in his gut. 'These people don't deserve my anger, they just want to be left alone,' he thought as he looked at the younger Elf.

"I don't think my story would make a very good song. It's mostly about how people don't listen and can't imagine someone not wanting their money," Artemis said, offering Raen an affected boyish grin.

Now that he actually looked at the Elf, he certainly was pleasing on the eye. He was also massive. Artemis started as he realized just how big the man was. "Ixaiel's Bounty, you're also made of several aren't you?" he asked, plainly looking Raen up and down. The thief offered a soft trill of birdsong. {Big. Fun. Friend?}

"What does it take to get a closer look at those," Artemis asked idly, motioning to Raen's tattoos as he sipped his new drink.
Word count: 244
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Raen Silver »

Raen laughed, loud and clear. Like his voice, it was full of the youthful beauty of Elves. He put a hand up, as if signalling to the rest of the room that the man's 'portrait' comment be left alone, and for him to deal with.

"You're delightful! I do enjoy a person who can flirt, even if you Humans do so with such rapidity! Not an ounce of caution or measure." Raen winked. "It makes for a refreshing change! But then, we don't get many Salquë bold enough to come in here and try!" He raised a cup and nodded his head. "I respect that. Your shouting will have everyone talking about the witch, of course. What did she do to make you stomp around like a Dwarf with a headache? I am here to listen, with my most exceptionally beautiful ears." He said, lounging back in his chair, lazily and cat-like in his movements.
Word count: 155

"There is no greater gift than that of verse well given."
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Dáire »

Kats sure knock on his door made him jump, the sounded echoing through his head like a bell. It shouldn’t have surprised him, he’d be lying there, trying not to eavesdrop, but his acute hearing picking up on several angry words spoken between she and Artemis. Rolling up, he roughly pulled some breeches onto his long legs, lest he feel the wrath of that little man. “Come in Kat.”

Someone resembling the witch he first laid eye on walked through his door, she looked cold and withdrawn once more. He felt out of his depth as he watched her spin into his room, and close the door quietly behind her. He held an arm out, offering her a seat beside him and comforting should that be what she needed in that moment.
Word count: 134
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat managed a smile as she stepped into Dáire's room; though it didn't reach her eyes. "Sorry to bother you so late," she said, then took the offered seat. "I needed a friendly face." She also held up the bottle she had brought with her. "And wine ... care for a drink?"

She slumped back in her chair and rubbed her head. "Have you ever been in a relationship that makes you want to pull your - and their's - hair out? She asked him. "Because that's what I'm in now ... or was .. I have no idea. I don't know if your superior Elven hearing picked anything up, but I just had a huge fight with Artemis and I swear ... I am an inch away from hexing him into Ny'tha's hell!"

She took a deep breath. "This is what it's like having a female friend, I'm told. We talk about things a lot ... I guess I'm not so different from all the other girls I used to mock when they whined about their lovers!" She looked up at him. "Please tell me your long years have some remarkable wisdom that will fix everything?!" She managed to smile at that.
Word count: 199

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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