I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Katarya and Dáire are contracted to retrieve a special item of great value to Aurae, Mistress of The White Hart tavern.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Katarya listened to the plan. With every word her anxiety grew, but also her determination. "It seems like a solid plan. Now let's hope Ny'tha smiles upon us when we actually get there." She said, then pulled a face. "The hardest part is going to be the inevitable 'kissing of backsides' when dealing with the nobility. I'd like to drop in every bit of magic I have and get rid of the lot! But I will behave accordingly," She reassured them ... reluctantly.
Word count: 82

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Ksenia »

“I have the livery for Katarya and Artemis,” Ksenia said, unrolling the bundle she’d brought. “I have a copy of the design sketch, and I’m afraid Lord Dirge is, ah, rather on the slimy side.” She slid the sketch over to the other three. “Katarya, I’m probably going to need to help you into your outfit to make it sit correctly. Sorry, we’re going to have to get up close and personal.”

Ksenia cleared her throat. “Mr. O’Dell and I did make some improvements to the design - both of you have a number of hidden pockets and dagger loops. Artemis, he took care of yours, but I think he’s showed me all the spots if you can’t find them all. Katarya, I put yours in, and I wasn’t sure what all you might need - not to mention the top is especially close-fitting - but you have several pockets and a dagger loop on each side of your skirt.”

“Once we’re done talking, please try on your outfits and let me know if there’s anything that needs to be fixed. After that, my part is pretty well done. I can hang around the North district if you think you might need me, or I can go back to the Goose or where ever.” Ksenia sat back in her chair. Her current plan was to stay at Mr. O'Dell's and work on the pocket for Marcy; she'd be in easy reach and her emergency plan would be ready.
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat groaned when she saw the outfits. "That man is horrid." She said. "You've done excellent work, Ksenia, but ... I don't even show that much skin in my small-clothes!" She glanced at Artemis' own uniform. "You're lucky you don't have to show off your intimate bits just to fit in."

She sighed and sat back. "What I would not give for a glass of strong wine ... but I best keep my head. Are you sure you don't want to swap, Ksenia?" She said with a small smile. "It could be quite the adventure!" It was all in jest, of course. She had to be involved this deep; she could hardly claim her reward if she just sat back and let the others do all the work. "At least we'll have the satisfaction of pulling this all off, right under their stuck up noses."
Word count: 143

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Artemis Black »

Artemis grunted and rubbed at his eyes. He'd seen the clothing before it was finished and knew it was going to be rather different than his usual fare.

"Is what it is," he shrugged at Katarya. He wanted to go to sleep, with her snuggled up to him. Maybe stroke her hair for a while. Instead he was getting ready to do something terribly dangerous in clothing that wouldn't hide much. He shook his head slightly, trying to clear all the excess thoughts that were rattling around.
Word count: 87
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Ksenia »

“Even if I had magic, it’d be no use. The clothes wouldn’t fit me right.” Ksenia said. “Plus having to be around all those nobles? Not on your life!” Noticing how tired Artemis seemed, she faked a yawn. “Do they have some good strong tea or something to wake you up here? I could use some...I bet we all could.” Artemis needed to come back from this 'adventure' or all my hard work toward having a shop and a reputation would be for naught, she thought.
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Dáire »

Waking with a groan, Dáire found himself still propped up on his desk, a neat pile of papers laid beside him and bloody rags on the floor. How he’d come to get back last night, was all but a blur to him. Faint recollections of himself stumbling through the streets, clutching the hole in his side flashed through his mind, like leaves on the wind. Artemis – he’d been the one to stitch him up, when he all but fell through the door in the early hours of the morning. Looking around the room, he saw no sign of the young thief, midday sun burst through the window, and he cursed colourfully. He was supposed to meet everyone today to finalise their plans.

Having hauled himself up and taken care of the wound to the best of his current ability, he set out to meet the others in looser fitting clothing that usual, hiddng the thick bandage he’d wrapped around himself to prevent too much flexing.


He was sure he looked as bad as he felt, as he joined the rest of the group that sat around the table. His head pounded, and his feet felt like lead with every step he shuffled along. Artemis didn’t look in much better shape than he as he plopped down beside the man. Catching his attention, he mouthed ‘Thank you, I owe you’, although the words felt pitiful in light of what would have happened, had Artemis not still be in his quarters when he’d returned. He would have to figure out a way to thank the man for his help last night, given the fact he couldn’t remember much, he doubted he’d have stayed conscious enough to fix himself up.

He forced himself to pay close attention as Kat and then Artemis laid out what they’d spend the last 4 days doing. Kats spells were quite genius, useful without being in your face and noticeable by the pomposity that would surround them. He absently stroked the silky ravens’ feathers as she sat upon his shoulder. He was happy he shouldn’t have need to use any of the magical items she’d worked so hard on, his job was to slip in and out of the shadows unnoticed, hastily carrying their very valuable item away to a safe house in the west district.
He was somewhat taken aback by the detail and thought that had gone into the thief’s plans with the aid of his maps. Every possible scenario that Dáire could think of had been covered in Artemis’ extensive considerations. The young man was really quite the extraordinary tactician. Following along with when and where he would have to place himself, in order for things to go as smoothly as possible, he nodded his agreement to the man, carefully studying all the possible routes to be taken, and where the other two would be should they require intervention. He hoped not though.

Ksenia stepped up to the plate next, unfurling the outfits two would have to don, unable to stop himself he burst out laughing, instantly regretting it as he wheezed at the pain in his side. He would have to see a healer after this and get some very strong pain tonics. Kat looked, what appeared to him, some-thing just short of horrified at her nights garb, while Artemis just looked tired and resigned. “It truly is excellent work given how little time we allowed you Ksenia, "He agreed with Kat, "so don’t take it the wrong way when I say, I’m very glad I don’t have to partake in the fruits of your labour.”

The talk of socialising with nobles drifted around the table as they continued to discuss the workings for within the party. Pulling out a much rougher map from his pocket, he drew the attention of the other three, “I have a safe house of sorts we can meet at afterwards to regroup,” Pointing down to the more northern section of the west district that lay not too far from the docks, “It’s a small ware-house that I and a few others have used from time to time. It has enough supplies that we can hold up there for a day or two should we need it.” He winced slightly as he shifted, hand reaching into the inner pockets of his cloak and withdrawing the slightly bloody bag from within, holding it out towards Kat and Artemis. “Here’s the bag, you may hadn’t to ensure it is what I think it is.” He said, looking directly at Artemis. “I was a bit preoccupied last night to be fully sure when I took it, and still wouldn't trust myself completely now.”

Leaning back in his chair, he resumed petting the Raven, the feel of her silky feathers beneath his calloused fingers soothing him.
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Ksenia »

Ksenia threw Dáire a smile. “After we make it out of all this, you could hire me to make you something if you like. I’d like to build up a business, and I’ll be looking for clients then.” She tilted her head. “I don’t think I’ve ever sewn for someone as tall as you before, though. It would be amusing - your trousers would probably be as long as I am tall!”
Word count: 77
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat listened as Ksenia made her offer.

The witch took a moment, wondering if this would go down well, but ... what could she lose by asking? She might get a biting response, but ...

"Ksenia, I wondered, she began. "Since I have started as a healer in the slums on behalf of the Kelbé, I was thinking of getting a blue cloak for time I am there, to show that I'm a healer. A black one doesn't automatically make one think 'healing'. What would you charge for such a thing? I don't know what materials would be appropriate, that's not my area of expertise. I can stitch a wound pretty well, but pub a fabric in front of me and I might as well have clubs for fingers!"
Word count: 127

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Ksenia »

Surprised that Katarya would ask, considering how much she seemed to dislike her, Ksenia took a moment to think. “Price would depend on a few factors...how large you want it, what details you want, like a hood or sleeves or pockets...if you want warm, you’ll probably want to go with wool.”

Biting her lip, she said, “The Discerning Maiden - Miss Turley’s shop - is probably going to be one of the best places to find relatively inexpensive fabric. I can look there when we’re done. Oh, and are there any appliques or symbols you’d want me to put on it, or is the blue enough to indicate a healer?”

Ksenia tapped her fingertips on the wood table. “I don’t want to take away your attention from tonight. We can arrange a time to talk about this afterward, but I don’t think it would be terribly expensive.”
Word count: 155
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Re: I'l Fana Kelbé (The White Hart) Contract: 'Retaking a Memory'

Post by Katarya Frost »

Kat considered her words. She had in mind a sleeveless cloak with a hood, and the head of a stag embroidered on it, to show her affiliation with the White Hart, but Ksenia was right; now was not exactly the time. "I'll come see you after all of this ... assuming I survive and don't end up in some magical prison until they decide to kill me or not." She gave a humourless laugh, and returned her attentions back to Artemis and Dáire.
Word count: 83

"Now is the Time, now is Hour, mine is the Magic, mine is the Power"
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