A Town Without Apples (Open) [Completed]

Whether anything in Fellsgard is simple depends more on everyone else's point of view rather than your own.

Fellsgard is the foundation of Khy'eras' history and through reconstruction, it is now a vibrant and lively city. People reside here due to mild climate, opportunities, and safety and stability. Adventures often start from Fellsgard. Read more...
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A Town Without Apples (Open) [Completed]

Post by Calem Sabathe »

There was only so much left to learn in the city of Fellsgard.

Assuming all went to plan, Dr. Calem Sabathe might not see Fellsgard again for a while. The city would live without him - there would be no shortage of medical staff, House Enlann would ensure that. But to Calem, it was a desire - a need - to learn what the outside world could offer. But despite his plans, Calem had always been nostalgic - perhaps it was from all the books that he read. He wasn't quite sure what exactly it was that drove him, but he decided that he would travel Fellsgard in the few days before he left. There was a lot of ground to cover, but maybe it would be good exercise, all things considering. By no means was Calem unfit, but it would take a while to get used to all the walking, especially if he planned to travel the Ordinuad River. How long would it be until he saw this city again?

In truth, Calem had left his home, with little more than a small bag and his spectacles, and picked a direction to walk in. He wasn't quite sure when he realised it, but apparently he'd been walking north after all, as he suddenly realised he was somewhere in the midst of the district of the rich and the...richer. The sight of the great and rich houses filled him with a sense of uncertainty - Calem had made house calls here a few times, though usually only as an assistant to whichever doctor the patient had actually wanted. At best, Calem could have described himself as 'comfortably middle-class' - being a doctor did offer some slight privileges, but he couldn't help when he was younger like he was allowed in mostly because of necessity. In any case, he'd never been asked for by name and never really asked to.

Calem shook off the dreadful thoughts. Surely that was just age-old nerves that he hadn't been able to shake. The upper-class wouldn't want much to do with him as long as he just kept to himself, right? Adjusting his spectacles - more for the comfort the motion provided rather than the actual need to - Calem strolled down the streets. He did want to at least remember what this place was like before he left, though the trick now would be to try and find landmarks to get out of here in case his exceeding averageness somehow frightened the locals.

If nothing else, at least admiring the buildings were interesting. He couldn't help but wonder if Cecilia had lived in one of these many houses, or maybe some other one of the many Idols, considering the absolute prestige in this area. Or did exciting things happen to ordinary folk? 'Maybe even...someone like me?'
Last edited by Calem Sabathe on March 16th, 2020, 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

The day was cool and bright with a gentle breeze drifting through the broad North District streets carrying many fall scents. There was the pleasing undertone of cinnamon and cardamom spiced ciders, the bright scent of spiced and roasting nuts, and the faint smoky tang of slow burning fires to ward off the coming cold.

Vanessa puffed her breath out and grinned as it swirled into a flowing cloud before disappearing. She was decked out in her ‘pleasant day’ Irtuen Reaches gear; a fur-lined parka wrapped in a dense scarf sat atop dense coveralls, heavy boots, and a set of thin fur-tipped gloves. The half-Fae had always found her adaptation to cold to be rather poor and she was not about to spend hours walking back and forth talking without furs to keep her comfortable.

She was on her usual end-of-year tour of lectures. House Nyshasa dictated a minimum number of presentations be given by all visitor professors, locally stationed or not, and Vanessa’s travels left her little time to ensure she met her quota. She’d gotten the idea for a tour of parks and smaller alcoves from her father. He’d had the epiphany just before he met his tenure and secluded himself deep into his lab so long ago.

There were always fewer students willing to brave the elements just to attend a lecture in the fall and winter. Even still, as long as a single student ducked in to listen and sign their name the lecture counted in full for the academies. Unfortunately for Vanessa, the young, cheery, and driven lecturer had managed to gather a sort of following that hunted down her semi-impromptu discussions on artifacts, magics, and beasts.

Today was going to be an interesting day, as she was going to be discussing something many of her usual attendees didn’t much care for - plants. A particularly gusty burst of wind sent several loose strands of hair fluttering wildly across her face only to stick to her cheeks from the damp warmth of her breath. She audibly grumped and used her mittens to carefully sweep the offending hair back beneath her hood.

Just as she finished her delicate task, she realized she was a half-step away from bowling over a young academic gentleman. Vanessa leaned on her years of acrobatics, and managed to just halt before making a mess of things. Her foot hung in the air for a moment before she dropped it sharply to the ground, her heavy boots making a solid and very audible thunk.

Not one to let a situation get the better of her, she engaged the distracted young man in conversation. “You look lost, were you looking for the lecture? I'm certain there's a seat left. It's on magical properties of herbs found in the deep jungles." Her voice came out muffled by her dense parka, but years of giving lectures in massive halls ensured she was still understandable.

She had to fight down a grin as she looked the young man over, he was clearly someone who worked elsewhere often enough that the North District was worth touring. Despite her efforts, her eyes - the only part of her face actually visible - sparkled with clear amusement, the vibrant orange giving away her Fae lineage immediately. “I can promise there will be cider, and afterwards we go for a nice round of drinks in a warm and student-friendly tavern.”
Word count: 574
Arnim Falwin
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

The champion wore armor of bright silver that covered both arms from the wrist to his shoulder. Also, he wore greaves of the same sheen that covered from the knee to his waist. On his feet were tall well worn boots of toughened leather. His chest was covered with a quilted jerkin that had leather straps crossing his back and chest. They attached to the metal parts of his armor. This allowed his wings to move freely while keeping him warm. His sword rested in a sheath on his hip while his shield currently hung from his back protecting his wings.

Arnim was a newcomer to the city that stood against Behelest In the end. He wandered the streets for a few days. The hospitality was very different than Ajteire here. He didn't even know how to find a mission worthy of his intervention. Of course he knew life wasn't all glory, but the downtrodden needed the bear's ability to face adversity as much as the eagle's hope. Thus he spent a lot of time in the east district.

The gap between the poor and the rich wasn't as wide as many thought. Today was one such example. As he wandered the slums he came across a little human girl as tall as him staring. "Greetings young one how may this warrior aid you?"

The child spoke then. "Are you really a warrior, your so small and cute?"

Arnim laughed jovialy at that. "Of course child I'm fae so my years of life are longer. Esyrax has chosen me to be a champion." The man bowed and placed his hand over his heart. "I swear on my honor young lady if you need help just ask."

"Okay thanks mister, could you please hand these around town." The girl handed him a stack of fliers that said as follows. Missing dog he answers to Spot. the paper included a description of the animal.

"Sure little lady where have you covered so far?" Arnim smiled as he waited.

"Um, mom is in the west district. While big bro is in the south. That just leaves the north district where the fancy people live." The child started crying and continued. "That place is scary everyone glares angry like if we go there. Hero, can you go there for me." She pointed to a nearby building. "I live there please come back if you find spot, I'm Suzy. The adress is also on the paper."

"It shall be done on my word." The child smiled at her paladin before going back to her work. Arnim reached the north district in a timely manner. He noticed the sour looks immediately, but continued his mission. Then he came across a pair that didn't fit in with the strutting nobility. So he approached them with a flier in each hand. "Escuse me sorry to interrupt, have either of you seen this dog."
Word count: 485
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

While he wouldn't really admit it, Calem had always had a sense of wanderlust. Ever since reading some of the more tawdry books in the collection of the chantry - nobody would own up to owning them strangely - he'd always wondered what it would be like to be a wanderer across the land. Of course, reality would usually kick in, and up until one particular moment he'd been quite happy to keep those as dreams. And yet, finally, the bricks were falling into place for him to at least try to start his own adventure. Fellsgard was a wonderful place, and he needed to keep it close to his heart - but to stay here forever? A horrifying perspective.

The problem with wanderlust though is that, so caught up in the dreams and possibilities and wonders of the world, one was almost always awkwardly brought back to reality. Such was the case when a sudden thunk of something against the road brought Calem back to reality in exactly the right way to realise he was about to walk straight into something. With a burst of surprise, Calem tried to bring himself to a stop at the same time as trying to move his body out of the way, which resulted in him crashing to the ground. "Ow, owowow..."

Well, this was a humiliating encounter. It certainly didn't help matters that he'd probably bothered one of the rich folk by walking straight into them. With their cold glares that he really didn't want to relive. "A-ah, my apologies, I..." It took a second for Calem to realise that someone was talking to him. He slowly got back to his feet, putting his glasses back on - thankfully they hadn't been broken - and looked towards the one whom was talking. "Madame, I assure you, I'm no student of any university around here and...wait, herbalism?"

Few people really asked him, but Calem had always been fond of herbalism - partially because herbs had some remarkable properties as he'd learned from his books, and partially because he'd grown a fondness of gardening. While the hobby was hardly exclusive, it was rare to find people in the city who were interested in similar matters, and the idea of an entire lecture on it seemed a bit alien at first. "Well...I have always had a fondness for learning about the subject. I've yet to import any herbs from such deep areas, I wonder if they have any kind of curative properties? One would think they have if the wildlife in the area is still active and..."

Something suddenly occurred to Calem as he looked again at the woman, standing tall over him (or so it seemed?) "Wait...do I know you from somewhere?" Yes...he didn't think he'd met this woman before but something about her seemed familiar. What was it...?

But even before he could figure that out, a sudden voice from behind him made him spin on his foot and stare right into the face of another person who had suddenly and silently approached - or at least so it seemed to the young doctor who was already on the back foot. It also didn't quite help that the character who had approached them was wearing a great big suit of armor and had giant wings spreading out. 'Is this what heroes look like...?' Of course, logically, this man was of the Fae, but for all intents and purposes Calem couldn't help but wonder if this was the kind of character that stepped out of one of his books and was on a quest of righteousness...at least, until he handed him the flier which made Calem think his assumptions were...half-correct?

"Um...I'm s-sorry, sir. This dog...?" Calem tried to remember, but honestly, he'd been barely paying attention where he was walking until he'd ended up in the middle of the north district. "I...don't think I saw a dog like this. At least not back from the way that I came..." He gestured down the road that he'd been walking (at least he was pretty sure that was the case - his wanderlust had been known to get the better of him before). He looked back at the fae paladin. "Missing dog...Spot...hmmm..." Calem looked at the address - it looked familiar, perhaps one that he'd been to before? Truth be told he was a little more comfortable with the slums, if only because more people there were glad to see a doctor. He'd have to make sure to go back there before he left Fellsgard - there might be at least a few people he could help, at least with a little more ease since the hospital wouldn't be looking over his shoulder quite as strongly. "Can you tell me who gave this to you, sir?" Calem asked the paladin. Maybe a name would remind him of who owned this dog and jog his memory...
Word count: 830
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa watched the young man tumble and winced as his glasses came off. She considering reaching down to help him up, but decided against it given her lowered mobility in her heavy clothing. He got to his feet and began to explain - something - before her words really set in and he distracted himself. He began rambling, and she immediately recognized the distant expression of a fellow researcher caught in a theory.

She fought off a frown, opting to keep the eager smile of excitement on her features instead. 'Perhaps I misjudged his age. I should be better at this given how often it causes me troubles,' she thought to herself as the academic voiced his conjectures. Then he truly caught her attention as he tried to place some faint tickling of his memories into the bundled visage of half-Fae that was currently looking at him.

Everything suddenly went sideways as an armored man, clearly Fae given his wings and features, asked about a dog. Vanessa's mind lept at the distraction, taking in the new man's expensive armor, stance, and weaponry as she formed a rough sense of him. He was a trained combatant, clearly well off, and also not out of his element helping with a random task. 'A new adventurer Paladin, or perhaps Cleric,' she decided before setting her mind to the Fae's question.

Exploring the memories of her walk and finding no canines, she shook her head briefly. She read over the academic's shoulder as he examined what was clearly a handmade missing poster with a sketch of a dog titled Spot. At the top of the paper was an address that Vanessa thought might be in the East District, though she didn't keep apprised of the shifting boundaries of the slums.

"I can't stay terribly long, but we could always ask the other students. Finding a missing pet is the sort of distraction many of them enjoy and you'd be surprised what a bunch of bored academics can do when they actually try," she offered, smiling at the pair of men and motioning down the street to her destination. "It's not terribly far this way, and perhaps you can figure out how you recognize me while we walk."
Word count: 375
Arnim Falwin
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

"Of course sir her name is Suzy. Unfortunately, I did not have time to discuss her family lineage. However, her relatives are out in force checking the other districts. So I'm sure they value Spot highly." He performed a quick bow to the pair that he considered neutral. In his thirty years adventuring he had found that nobility's opinion of status varied. As a result, he had adopted a few general rules that fit well enough. "I am Arnim Falwin paladin of Esyrax. The child has asked me to be her hero. So I shall be, because sometimes the smallest wish has the greatest effect."

He met eyes with the woman as she weighed in on his quest. A moment of recognition passed across his eyes. He was certain something in her features was familiar. Perhaps he had met her parents she did have fae eyes. "Lady, your suggestion has great merit. The eagle definitely has it's sight turned our way. Please, lead the way when your ready."

Suddenly, the warrior heard a distinctive whistling sound. His shield came up before he realized the source. A piece of stone about half the size of a adult human's fist struck with a dull metallic clang. He turned to face a small mob that had formed. On reflex his protective magic had extended to shield the two people he was talking with, if they so chose. A low roar that sounded like a bear accompanied his innate power.

"Get out of here you little magic freak. We don't want your kind here." It seems Arnim managed to agrivate the locals. He could smell the alcohol as the wind shifted. His cursory glance counted five people. Four wore servants clothes, but the ringleader had on a costly outfit.

"Go ahead you two their extremely drunk. They can not be blamed for their actions. A city like this can't help but persecute those that are known to be mystical." The paladin prayed for a solution that minimized violence.
Word count: 334
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa’s face went deathly pale and she placed a hand on the Paladin’s armor, wincing at the cold of the metal. "You must be new here. Please stop using magic, immediately. Every moment you do so endangers all of those around you. You should have been told this when you arrived," she said through gritted teeth. That said, she stepped away from the man and began a wide arc towards the crowd of harassing servants. As she neared them she lowered her scarf and projected her voice.

"You wouldn't happen to be attacking a visiting student of the university, a sitting professor, and a graduate would you?" she asked them, her tone one of disdain and dismissal. It was a voice she'd learned from her mother, one that demanded recognition if not recompense.

The servants stopped their jeers and shifted to move further behind their benefactor, clearly hoping he would shield them from her wrath. The man sneered and turned his attention to her, clearly looking over her well-made but uninspiring outer clothing.

“And if I was? What would someone like you ever be able to do about it?” he asked, his tone one of snide boredom she’d heard many times in her work in the North District. This was the scion of a family who believed he could face no consequence. Usually this only came up when she confronted them about failing to truly attend their mandatory lectures, or when they were harassing another student.

“Then you would find the pillory fits you very well. House Nyshasa accepts no harassment of students or staff regardless of your supposed station. Now, are you going to leave, or tell me your name?” she glared at the man, forcing him to lock eyes with her and see the fiery glow there. “Do I need to summon the guards to ask less politely?”

The man balked, clearly unfamiliar with being told no in such plain and aggressive terms. He opened his mouth several times before finally clearing his throat and breaking eye contact. “Thrice taken Fae, think they can act all high and mighty,” he muttered as he turned and strode away with over-affected motion, clearly attempting to walk off the wound to his pride.

Vanessa turned and moved away, letting her scarf hang loosely and taking the short time to recollect herself. She stopped a few steps away from the armor clad man and nodded to him. “Paladin Falwin, I am concerned you did not receive the appropriate orientation upon your arrival to Fellsgard. As one of Fae lineage myself, I will ask you to please remain with me. Any actions you take that violate laws or bring unneeded trouble will reflect on us all. I promise not to keep you unnecessarily, only until we can ensure you meet with an orienter. I will send one of the students for one promptly. Do not worry for the dog, if it has made its way this far north the free students will find it. They have a surprisingly quick form of message passing despite the lack of magics.”

Her intent voiced, Vanessa turned to the not-a-student. “I apologize for all of this, if you are still interested in attending the lecture I will be making my way there now.” She started to move along her original path, looking back to see if one or both of the others were following along. ‘If the paladin refuses I’ll need to alert the guards. Can’t have him causing a horrific scene just because he wants to save a dog,’ she thought to herself as she tried to get back into pre-lecture mode.
Word count: 611
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Calem Sabathe
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Calem Sabathe »

"Suzy, Suzy...I wonder if that would be young Susan Belessier...?" Calem scratched his chin, pieces slowly fitting in his head. "Yes, yes I do remember them having a dog last time I checked in on them. A terrible thing for such a pup to be lost, it was quite an excitable one ever since it was little. I hope Ezekiel is doing well, though last time I was there I recall..."

Calem flinched before he even fully realised what was happening, turning to see an upset mob having congregated on the area. 'What? Why is...' He soon enough realised that the threat wasn't himself but apparently the armored fae for...some reason that he had missed? The paladin seemed a bit out of place, certainly...were they just attacking him because he was a Fae? True, certain history didn't paint them particularly well, but then the fathers at the chantry had gotten along with them perfectly fine, as had Calem himself in the few times he met them. It was a moment that Calem realised that, despite himself, he hadn't met a lot of those with non-human lineage - something that, should he start his adventuring, he would need to change quickly...

Of course, that train of thought was cut off once the fae paladin brought magic to bear, and Calem went almost as pale as the woman he'd been talking to. True, it was a little more hypocritical of himself for thinking so, but there was a time and a place for magic and a few people throwing stones was hardly it. Fortunately, he didn't have to say anything about it as the woman suddenly defused the situation, with a voice that chilled Calem more than he'd like to admit, reminding him of the awkward times his own professors had caught him reading books about heroic knights when he should be studying.

'...professors...?' As the woman started talking to the paladin - one Arnim Falwin - gears started turning in Calem's head, until he suddenly looked up, snapping his fingers. "Ah, now I remember!" He turned to the woman. "You're...Professor Vanessa LaNore, yes?" He was sure of it now, from the pictures he'd seen. "I've been reading some of your work in my own studies - ah, I'm not a student with your university but I've been doing research on foreign lands. I especially enjoyed your dissertations on artifacts in distant lands, magical and otherwise. History is a hobby of mine, in addition to herbalism and...ah, forgive me, but I'm keeping you from your lecture. I would enjoy listening to more of your studies, if you have time."

He was about to fall in line with the professor when he turned to the paladin. "Why not come with us, Master Falwin? Whether the students or you find young Suzy's dog, it will more likely be along this way. That or the rascal will have raided one of the bakeries in the south district and be found fairly promptly, I assure you! And I'm planning on doing some travelling across Fellsgard anyway, so if you wish you're welcome to join me and I can show you around the city once Professor LaNore's lecture finishes. I'm a doctor, Doctor Calem Sabathe, a pleasure to meet you, Master Falwin. Herbalism is one of the more important parts of my own profession, haha." Calem scratched the back of his head before turning back to the professor who had already started to walk, and quickly followed after her. "Ah, coming, Professor!"
Word count: 593
Arnim Falwin
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Arnim Falwin »

Arnim let out a sigh of relief as words made violence unnecessary. He slung his shield after the rich man and his followers left. The magic had defused moments before when the teacher reminded him of the laws. "I'm sorry about that sometimes in battle hesitation was often the path to death. Last time I heard that sound, an ogre had just tried to hurl a boulder at a farmers barn. It had been raiding his cattle for a few days. If normal methods were used I likely would have been crushed."

He paused while listening to the professor of lore. "I assure you I was informed of how magic is viewed here. However, my training is as much practicality as it is instinct. Had I been alone no magic would have been performed."

At the healers introduction his mind wandered to the past. A doctor huh just like his mother though some would call her apothecary. Reguardless, knowledge of the healing arts was something he learned as a boy. If the bandits hadn't come in his fiftyith winter he would have chosen that career.

Goblin raiders were fierce enemies in large groups. Ajteire tried to protect all the outlying villages, but sadly Ninraih was a big place. They came late in the night stealthly. The first screams woke him from a solid sleep. He looked out his window and saw the fires shedding light on stouped figures cutting down the residents. The fae man flew down from the loft where he slept looking for his mother.

The cottage door was ajar. Arnim's heart jumped as he thought of all his friends and neighbors that fell to the goblin blades. He found his mother clutching to life in the ruins of the town square. His tears made it hard to see clearly, but he found a curved sword favored by the goblins. It rested near her unconcious body. He wanted revenge, and tried with all his might to lift the blood encrusted weapon. However he was too weak, tears of frustration flowed and mixed with his fear wrought ones. Then the kerasoka rangers finally came ending the threat.

One of them was a herbalist that was able to save his mother. His father had died years ago of a illness that swept the village. He was told under his mother's tutelage he would be a great healer.
Arnim had other ideas that he kept to himself. Why not be a healer and a warrior? It was then that his path to paladinhood truly began.

"Doctor Sabathe, Professor Lanore I shall acompany you to this lecture. Herbalism has long been part of my chosen path. I'm right behind you." As the pair turned a ghost of pain crossed his eyes. The warrior's internal thoughts turned to his past. Mother, I will never let such terrorism occur again. Esyrax I will always be grateful for your blessing. May this day take me in the right direction.
Word count: 494
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Vanessa LaNore
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Re: A Town Without Apples (Open)

Post by Vanessa LaNore »

Vanessa stared at the Paladin for a moment, her brow raised slightly in question as he offered a poor excuse, and then stood there silently and stoically for long seconds. She was starting to wonder if he’d gotten lost in memories, perhaps of said training, when he suddenly became animate again.

“Welcome back, Paladin Falwin. You seemed lost to us for a moment there,” Vanessa said, motioning with her hand towards the Fae. “Please understand, I appreciate your concern for my safety, but it is not necessary. There is almost no threat you can offer to protect me from that I cannot instead handle myself in this city.” She turned back to her destination, lifted her scarf to protect her face, and began walking.

“I hope that both of you enjoy the lecture, it is one of the less attended ones, given the subject matter is less exciting than many others. There should be plenty of time for questions or deeper examination of the specific plants and their properties.” She offered Calem a grin. “I find interested listeners can ask good questions and truly get to the heart of the matter. I might even need to pull out my notes if the pair of you do well enough.”

She guided them down another two blocks before turning and moving into a small alleyway. As soon as they were out of the wind she removed her hood and scarf, speaking over her shoulder. “If I don’t miss my guess there might be mulled wine, the students tend to bring it when we are a bit more tucked away. It does wonders to push away the chill and keep the questions going.”

She stepped out into a small alcove and was immediately greeted by a small round of cheers at varying volume levels. She stopped for the briefest of moments to offer the gathered students and their reveler companions a bow. “Lecture attendees, party-goers, and those who came simply to stare in longing, welcome,” she said with a small flourish as she moved behind a portable wooden lectern.

The area was perhaps twenty feet across, with several rows of wooden benches scattered in a rough semi-circle centered around the lectern. In the corners were several portable braziers, all crackling away with a pleasant dancing of flame that made the area comfortably warm. Along the back wall, a larger table sat covered in cups and several barrels, surrounded by several students actively collecting their share of mulled wine. Others sat on the benches, or stood nearby enjoying conversation on a variety of mundane and irrelevant topics.

“Please, gentlemen, have a seat wherever you like,” she offered to Calem and Arnim before turning her attention back to the many others. “Now then, I’m going to prepare my notes for several minutes. I expect those of you not actually here to listen to be gone before I finish or I will be forced to waste my time noting your ‘inappropriate conduct’.” A small cheer went around, many folks raising their cups and mugs before beginning their goodbyes.

Vanessa frowned for a moment, as if trying to capture something she'd forgotten. "Ah, anyone leaving please be on the lookout for a lost dog, Paladin Falwin has the missing poster," she motioned to the Fae and smiled at the eagerness of the students response. "Anyone who finds it, please make sure it's warm and return it here or track us down." Several of the departing groups were already discussing possible search patterns.

Vanessa shook her head and flipped back her hood. "And if at the end I find any names I don't recall seeing in the lecture log when I'm finished know I will find you and question you. You will be found wanting." She winked at several of the folks leaving with their mugs and they laughed and raised their drinks as they filed out.

Several more appreciative cheers and intensive whispers went around the room leaving her to roll her eyes before pulling a large leather bound packet from inside her coat. Many more of the attendees began to file out, already talking among themselves about the missing dog, the next event, or the afternoon’s best spots for food and drink. Vanessa ignored them all as she worked through her materials.
Last edited by Vanessa LaNore on February 1st, 2020, 1:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word count: 720
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